Adulting Is Hard! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs A Vacation From Work

Can someone translate that into Human?

Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Why would Conservatives be so outraged that she would want a few days off before she reports to Congress?

They're not. They're laughing that she went public with such a concern. There's no problem taking a break before you start a new job if you can afford to miss the income, but we wonder how she's doing that if she can't yet afford housing in DC.

Apparently, you cannot distinguish between outrage and mocking, or simply pretend you can't.

That’s a tough one

The time for a newly elected Congressperson is pretty hectic. A lot needs to be done before you take office. Establish an office, hire staff, arrange living quarters, learn new rules and regulations

Conservatives are puzzled how someone who is not being paid yet would want to take a few days off

Shows what simpletons they are
Link to a newly elected Congressman in history proclaiming he/she needed time off.

She’s just a dumbass drama queen.
and i need a vacation from the freaking posts saying what a bitch she is.
Don't click on them then? Seems the obvious solution to me but I could be wrong....
yea, and i can keep ignoring people who create them but at times i already come into a forum with only 6 threads on the front page. turn off ignore and i see why. usual NO YOU SUCK BULLSHIT YOU SUCK DOPE MORON FUCKFACE.

after awhile you just gotta vent back, i suppose. you can also bypass my venting and ignore it - seems easy enough.

She needs medical treatment. She needs an eye reduction and somehow fix that over bite.

I would also suggest a lobotomy but I doubt it would change her in any way.
Why are Conservatives so obsessed with looks?

Seen Huckabee Sanders lately?
Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Why would Conservatives be so outraged that she would want a few days off before she reports to Congress?

They're not. They're laughing that she went public with such a concern. There's no problem taking a break before you start a new job if you can afford to miss the income, but we wonder how she's doing that if she can't yet afford housing in DC.

Apparently, you cannot distinguish between outrage and mocking, or simply pretend you can't.

That’s a tough one

The time for a newly elected Congressperson is pretty hectic. A lot needs to be done before you take office. Establish an office, hire staff, arrange living quarters, learn new rules and regulations

Conservatives are puzzled how someone who is not being paid yet would want to take a few days off

Shows what simpletons they are
Link to a newly elected Congressman in history proclaiming he/she needed time off.

She’s just a dumbass drama queen.

Just stating her plans for the holiday. Every member of Congress is on vacation and Conservatives obsess over a newly elected Congresswoman taking a few days
Can someone translate that into Human?

Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Why would Conservatives be so outraged that she would want a few days off before she reports to Congress?

They're not. They're laughing that she went public with such a concern. There's no problem taking a break before you start a new job if you can afford to miss the income, but we wonder how she's doing that if she can't yet afford housing in DC.

Apparently, you cannot distinguish between outrage and mocking, or simply pretend you can't.

Actually she says nothing about "days off" in the first place.

And you're not "missing income" before it starts.

I think it's a safe bet to assume that she means days off when she talks about taking a few days to take care of herself. And if you're taking days off from a previous job before starting a new one, you're missing income. Now, maybe she has no job now and won't be missing any more than she already is. I don't really care, it's just amusing that she thinks it's significant enough to tell the press she's taking time for herself. I'm sure she'll get the full-blown "how to maximize your income and stay off the wrong kind of radar as a democrat" training course soon enough, but until then she's comedy gold. I do think it will be a rude shock to discover that she's really not important at all to the powers in place.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

The Democrats are trying to turn the United States into Saturday Night Live. The fundamental change they promised.

I don't care if she takes time off, because we are not yet paying her.

The way she frames it is ludicrous.
This from a Trumpette?

Trump has fueled SNL for years.
Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Why would Conservatives be so outraged that she would want a few days off before she reports to Congress?

They're not. They're laughing that she went public with such a concern. There's no problem taking a break before you start a new job if you can afford to miss the income, but we wonder how she's doing that if she can't yet afford housing in DC.

Apparently, you cannot distinguish between outrage and mocking, or simply pretend you can't.

Actually she says nothing about "days off" in the first place.

And you're not "missing income" before it starts.

I think it's a safe bet to assume that she means days off when she talks about taking a few days to take care of herself. And if you're taking days off from a previous job before starting a new one, you're missing income. Now, maybe she has no job now and won't be missing any more than she already is. I don't really care, it's just amusing that she thinks it's significant enough to tell the press she's taking time for herself. I'm sure she'll get the full-blown "how to maximize your income and stay off the wrong kind of radar as a democrat" training course soon enough, but until then she's comedy gold. I do think it will be a rude shock to discover that she's really not important at all to the powers in place.
Why do you care if someone takes a few days off?

Is it something people are not allowed to talk about?

You guys need something more significant to bitch about
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

The Democrats are trying to turn the United States into Saturday Night Live. The fundamental change they promised.

I don't care if she takes time off, because we are not yet paying her.

The way she frames it is ludicrous.
This from a Trumpette?

Trump has fueled SNL for years.

I haven't watched since 1980, but the concept fits Democrat behavior..
Can someone translate that into Human?

Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Why would Conservatives be so outraged that she would want a few days off before she reports to Congress?

They're not. They're laughing that she went public with such a concern. There's no problem taking a break before you start a new job if you can afford to miss the income, but we wonder how she's doing that if she can't yet afford housing in DC.

Apparently, you cannot distinguish between outrage and mocking, or simply pretend you can't.

That’s a tough one

The time for a newly elected Congressperson is pretty hectic. A lot needs to be done before you take office. Establish an office, hire staff, arrange living quarters, learn new rules and regulations

Conservatives are puzzled how someone who is not being paid yet would want to take a few days off

Shows what simpletons they are

This is where you get confused. Nobody cares if she wants to take time off before she starts a new job. If you can afford it, lots of people do. What is amusing to many is that she thought it significant enough to broadcast to the world that she was doing it. Also wondering how she can afford to do that when she can't afford housing for her new job.
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and i need a vacation from the freaking posts saying what a bitch she is.
Don't click on them then? Seems the obvious solution to me but I could be wrong....
yea, and i can keep ignoring people who create them but at times i already come into a forum with only 6 threads on the front page. turn off ignore and i see why. usual NO YOU SUCK BULLSHIT YOU SUCK DOPE MORON FUCKFACE.

after awhile you just gotta vent back, i suppose. you can also bypass my venting and ignore it - seems easy enough.

She needs medical treatment. She needs an eye reduction and somehow fix that over bite.

I would also suggest a lobotomy but I doubt it would change her in any way.
Why are Conservatives so obsessed with looks?

Seen Huckabee Sanders lately?

That sounds an awful lot like a value judgement on a woman's appearance. Why would you do that?
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Why would Conservatives be so outraged that she would want a few days off before she reports to Congress?

They're not. They're laughing that she went public with such a concern. There's no problem taking a break before you start a new job if you can afford to miss the income, but we wonder how she's doing that if she can't yet afford housing in DC.

Apparently, you cannot distinguish between outrage and mocking, or simply pretend you can't.

Actually she says nothing about "days off" in the first place.

And you're not "missing income" before it starts.

I think it's a safe bet to assume that she means days off when she talks about taking a few days to take care of herself. And if you're taking days off from a previous job before starting a new one, you're missing income. Now, maybe she has no job now and won't be missing any more than she already is. I don't really care, it's just amusing that she thinks it's significant enough to tell the press she's taking time for herself. I'm sure she'll get the full-blown "how to maximize your income and stay off the wrong kind of radar as a democrat" training course soon enough, but until then she's comedy gold. I do think it will be a rude shock to discover that she's really not important at all to the powers in place.
Why do you care if someone takes a few days off?

Is it something people are not allowed to talk about?

You guys need something more significant to bitch about

What is with you and being completely unable to comprehend what someone writes? Being amused by someone's actions =/= obsession. Are you incapable of discerning the difference?
did you read my last sentence?
Opinion on your part

Many countries have single payer and it works

name them.
Canada and UK

LOL, ask any brit or Canadian, they say it sucks. Long waits for routine procedures, limits on what you can have done, too few doctors so you end up seeing a nurse, high taxes to support the govt health bureaucracy. It doesn't work for the average person. The rich have private co-ops or go to the US for treatment. It sucks, and it would suck here.

I have talked to them. Haven’t found one that would prefer our system of haves and have nots

Met a guy from Britain once and we started talking about healthcare. He told me he had heart bypass surgery the previous year and never even received a bill. Just show your card at admittance and it is taken care of

In this country you spend months arguing over medical bills and copays and in network vs out of network

I have been to London many times, have many friends and business associates there. they all hate the NHS. Its not free, they pay a very high tax rate for mediocre care. there aint no free lunch, winger. Someone has to pay the doctors and hospitals and drug companies, Scandinavians have "free" medicine too, and a 65% income tax rate on everyone, very few can afford to buy a house or a car---------but medical care is free free free free. Careful what you wish for.
she beat a guy based on her sex and ethnicity, not due to any draining of any swamp. She has accomplished nothing, but maybe she can make a good martini, since her only qualification for office is tending bar.

uh HUH. So you're going to sit there in New Orleans and hold forth on what the people of Queens were thinking. Again with the collective crutch.

But to the last and more important point ---- inasmuch as a Congressional Rep's job is to represent her constituents, what the fuck is supposed to "qualify" them beyond getting elected to that position?

See what I mean? Again the addiction to stereotypes. You think an elected official is only "qualified" by already being an elected official, by being an attorney, or by being connected ---- all of which define "swamp".

*ZERO* of that is required to sit as a Congressional Rep.

If you missed that number it was *ZERO*.

A Rep can (and should) be a bartender, a plumber, a taxi driver, a factory worker, a waitress, a store clerk. You know --- REAL PEOPLE like those they represent. Now you want to whine because a Congresscritter a thousand miles away from you got elected from the real world, and you don't even see the irony.

Apparently in your little bubble Congresscritters are supposed to be representatives of lawyers and politicians and political parties and lobbyists. It would seem I understand the Swamp far better than you do.

you don't understand me at all. I agree that the people should elect who they want to represent them, and in her case that's what they did. But you cannot ignore her ignorant, uneducated, foolish public pronouncements and positions. That, is what this thread is about. HER, not the right of the people to choose their representatives, the people of her district did that, we shall see how that works out for them.

I didn't bring up anybody's "rights". Neither did you. You brought up "qualifications". I axed you what are supposed to be these "qualifications". I'll wait for an answer while I drive to New Orleans.

Probably won't be enough time.

truly the only qualifications anyone needs to be elected to a public office is the votes of a majority of the people they represent.

Edwin Edwards and Ray Nagin and Bill Jefferson come to mind. elected but served jail time for actions while in office. I guess they were qualified----------------------------------------------------------

They were elected, so yeah.

You seem to be unable to answer a simple point that YOU brought up.

Why is that?

my point is that the people don't always elect the best to represent them, and the people get what they vote for. Obama almost destroyed this country in 8 years, but the people voted for him. did they vote to double the national debt, or did they vote for the "first black guy"? I think we both know the answer.
and i need a vacation from the freaking posts saying what a bitch she is.
Don't click on them then? Seems the obvious solution to me but I could be wrong....
yea, and i can keep ignoring people who create them but at times i already come into a forum with only 6 threads on the front page. turn off ignore and i see why. usual NO YOU SUCK BULLSHIT YOU SUCK DOPE MORON FUCKFACE.

after awhile you just gotta vent back, i suppose. you can also bypass my venting and ignore it - seems easy enough.

She needs medical treatment. She needs an eye reduction and somehow fix that over bite.

I would also suggest a lobotomy but I doubt it would change her in any way.
Why are Conservatives so obsessed with looks?

Seen Huckabee Sanders lately?

That sounds an awful lot like a value judgement on a woman's appearance. Why would you do that?

because liberals are hypocrites, every one of them.
she beat a guy based on her sex and ethnicity, not due to any draining of any swamp. She has accomplished nothing, but maybe she can make a good martini, since her only qualification for office is tending bar.

uh HUH. So you're going to sit there in New Orleans and hold forth on what the people of Queens were thinking. Again with the collective crutch.

But to the last and more important point ---- inasmuch as a Congressional Rep's job is to represent her constituents, what the fuck is supposed to "qualify" them beyond getting elected to that position?

See what I mean? Again the addiction to stereotypes. You think an elected official is only "qualified" by already being an elected official, by being an attorney, or by being connected ---- all of which define "swamp".

*ZERO* of that is required to sit as a Congressional Rep.

If you missed that number it was *ZERO*.

A Rep can (and should) be a bartender, a plumber, a taxi driver, a factory worker, a waitress, a store clerk. You know --- REAL PEOPLE like those they represent. Now you want to whine because a Congresscritter a thousand miles away from you got elected from the real world, and you don't even see the irony.

Apparently in your little bubble Congresscritters are supposed to be representatives of lawyers and politicians and political parties and lobbyists. It would seem I understand the Swamp far better than you do.

you don't understand me at all. I agree that the people should elect who they want to represent them, and in her case that's what they did. But you cannot ignore her ignorant, uneducated, foolish public pronouncements and positions. That, is what this thread is about. HER, not the right of the people to choose their representatives, the people of her district did that, we shall see how that works out for them.

I didn't bring up anybody's "rights". Neither did you. You brought up "qualifications". I axed you what are supposed to be these "qualifications". I'll wait for an answer while I drive to New Orleans.

Probably won't be enough time.

truly the only qualifications anyone needs to be elected to a public office is the votes of a majority of the people they represent.

Edwin Edwards and Ray Nagin and Bill Jefferson come to mind. elected but served jail time for actions while in office. I guess they were qualified----------------------------------------------------------
Trump is next

UH, nope, Hillary is next, then Comey, then Lynch, then McCabe, then Waters, then Schumer, then Pelosi, then Biden, and finally the great obozo the Kenyan messiah and savior of the entire world (in your tiny mind only).
Opinion on your part

Many countries have single payer and it works

name them.
Canada and UK

LOL, ask any brit or Canadian, they say it sucks. Long waits for routine procedures, limits on what you can have done, too few doctors so you end up seeing a nurse, high taxes to support the govt health bureaucracy. It doesn't work for the average person. The rich have private co-ops or go to the US for treatment. It sucks, and it would suck here.

I have talked to them. Haven’t found one that would prefer our system of haves and have nots

Met a guy from Britain once and we started talking about healthcare. He told me he had heart bypass surgery the previous year and never even received a bill. Just show your card at admittance and it is taken care of

In this country you spend months arguing over medical bills and copays and in network vs out of network

I have been to London many times, have many friends and business associates there. they all hate the NHS. Its not free, they pay a very high tax rate for mediocre care. there aint no free lunch, winger. Someone has to pay the doctors and hospitals and drug companies, Scandinavians have "free" medicine too, and a 65% income tax rate on everyone, very few can afford to buy a house or a car---------but medical care is free free free free. Careful what you wish for.

All depends on what pocket it comes from. You spend either way
Does it matter if you pay $3000 a year into your employers healthcare plan or $3000 more in taxes?

What matters is what you get for your money.
They get free treatment and may have to wait for nonemergency treatment
We have huge copays and deductibles and may get in a little quicker
uh HUH. So you're going to sit there in New Orleans and hold forth on what the people of Queens were thinking. Again with the collective crutch.

But to the last and more important point ---- inasmuch as a Congressional Rep's job is to represent her constituents, what the fuck is supposed to "qualify" them beyond getting elected to that position?

See what I mean? Again the addiction to stereotypes. You think an elected official is only "qualified" by already being an elected official, by being an attorney, or by being connected ---- all of which define "swamp".

*ZERO* of that is required to sit as a Congressional Rep.

If you missed that number it was *ZERO*.

A Rep can (and should) be a bartender, a plumber, a taxi driver, a factory worker, a waitress, a store clerk. You know --- REAL PEOPLE like those they represent. Now you want to whine because a Congresscritter a thousand miles away from you got elected from the real world, and you don't even see the irony.

Apparently in your little bubble Congresscritters are supposed to be representatives of lawyers and politicians and political parties and lobbyists. It would seem I understand the Swamp far better than you do.

you don't understand me at all. I agree that the people should elect who they want to represent them, and in her case that's what they did. But you cannot ignore her ignorant, uneducated, foolish public pronouncements and positions. That, is what this thread is about. HER, not the right of the people to choose their representatives, the people of her district did that, we shall see how that works out for them.

I didn't bring up anybody's "rights". Neither did you. You brought up "qualifications". I axed you what are supposed to be these "qualifications". I'll wait for an answer while I drive to New Orleans.

Probably won't be enough time.

truly the only qualifications anyone needs to be elected to a public office is the votes of a majority of the people they represent.

Edwin Edwards and Ray Nagin and Bill Jefferson come to mind. elected but served jail time for actions while in office. I guess they were qualified----------------------------------------------------------
Trump is next

UH, nope, Hillary is next, then Comey, then Lynch, then McCabe, then Waters, then Schumer, then Pelosi, then Biden, and finally the great obozo the Kenyan messiah and savior of the entire world (in your tiny mind only).
You guys keep saying that and never get any indictments. You see, wild conspiracy theories are not accepted in a court of law
you don't understand me at all. I agree that the people should elect who they want to represent them, and in her case that's what they did. But you cannot ignore her ignorant, uneducated, foolish public pronouncements and positions. That, is what this thread is about. HER, not the right of the people to choose their representatives, the people of her district did that, we shall see how that works out for them.

I didn't bring up anybody's "rights". Neither did you. You brought up "qualifications". I axed you what are supposed to be these "qualifications". I'll wait for an answer while I drive to New Orleans.

Probably won't be enough time.

truly the only qualifications anyone needs to be elected to a public office is the votes of a majority of the people they represent.

Edwin Edwards and Ray Nagin and Bill Jefferson come to mind. elected but served jail time for actions while in office. I guess they were qualified----------------------------------------------------------
Trump is next

UH, nope, Hillary is next, then Comey, then Lynch, then McCabe, then Waters, then Schumer, then Pelosi, then Biden, and finally the great obozo the Kenyan messiah and savior of the entire world (in your tiny mind only).
You guys keep saying that and never get any indictments. You see, wild conspiracy theories are not accepted in a court of law

It's very difficult to get protected species off the list.

LOL, ask any brit or Canadian, they say it sucks. Long waits for routine procedures, limits on what you can have done, too few doctors so you end up seeing a nurse, high taxes to support the govt health bureaucracy. It doesn't work for the average person. The rich have private co-ops or go to the US for treatment. It sucks, and it would suck here.

I have talked to them. Haven’t found one that would prefer our system of haves and have nots

Met a guy from Britain once and we started talking about healthcare. He told me he had heart bypass surgery the previous year and never even received a bill. Just show your card at admittance and it is taken care of

In this country you spend months arguing over medical bills and copays and in network vs out of network

I have been to London many times, have many friends and business associates there. they all hate the NHS. Its not free, they pay a very high tax rate for mediocre care. there aint no free lunch, winger. Someone has to pay the doctors and hospitals and drug companies, Scandinavians have "free" medicine too, and a 65% income tax rate on everyone, very few can afford to buy a house or a car---------but medical care is free free free free. Careful what you wish for.

All depends on what pocket it comes from. You spend either way
Does it matter if you pay $3000 a year into your employers healthcare plan or $3000 more in taxes?

What matters is what you get for your money.
They get free treatment and may have to wait for nonemergency treatment
We have huge copays and deductibles and may get in a little quicker

the huge copays and deductibles came about because of obozocare. and the difference is that under socialized medicine you also have to pay for a huge government bureaucracy to administer it.

there was no healthcare crisis in the USA before ACA, it was an attempt of fix a non existent problem, and an attempt to federalize 1/6 of the economy-------------a government takeover of the free market.

LOL, ask any brit or Canadian, they say it sucks. Long waits for routine procedures, limits on what you can have done, too few doctors so you end up seeing a nurse, high taxes to support the govt health bureaucracy. It doesn't work for the average person. The rich have private co-ops or go to the US for treatment. It sucks, and it would suck here.

I have talked to them. Haven’t found one that would prefer our system of haves and have nots

Met a guy from Britain once and we started talking about healthcare. He told me he had heart bypass surgery the previous year and never even received a bill. Just show your card at admittance and it is taken care of

In this country you spend months arguing over medical bills and copays and in network vs out of network

I have been to London many times, have many friends and business associates there. they all hate the NHS. Its not free, they pay a very high tax rate for mediocre care. there aint no free lunch, winger. Someone has to pay the doctors and hospitals and drug companies, Scandinavians have "free" medicine too, and a 65% income tax rate on everyone, very few can afford to buy a house or a car---------but medical care is free free free free. Careful what you wish for.

All depends on what pocket it comes from. You spend either way
Does it matter if you pay $3000 a year into your employers healthcare plan or $3000 more in taxes?

What matters is what you get for your money.
They get free treatment and may have to wait for nonemergency treatment
We have huge copays and deductibles and may get in a little quicker

Could you quantify "wait" and "a little quicker"?

I've noticed that those terms are typically used to blur the particulars. "A little quicker" could mean the difference between getting back to a productive, happy life and six months of agony and disability.
you don't understand me at all. I agree that the people should elect who they want to represent them, and in her case that's what they did. But you cannot ignore her ignorant, uneducated, foolish public pronouncements and positions. That, is what this thread is about. HER, not the right of the people to choose their representatives, the people of her district did that, we shall see how that works out for them.

I didn't bring up anybody's "rights". Neither did you. You brought up "qualifications". I axed you what are supposed to be these "qualifications". I'll wait for an answer while I drive to New Orleans.

Probably won't be enough time.

truly the only qualifications anyone needs to be elected to a public office is the votes of a majority of the people they represent.

Edwin Edwards and Ray Nagin and Bill Jefferson come to mind. elected but served jail time for actions while in office. I guess they were qualified----------------------------------------------------------
Trump is next

UH, nope, Hillary is next, then Comey, then Lynch, then McCabe, then Waters, then Schumer, then Pelosi, then Biden, and finally the great obozo the Kenyan messiah and savior of the entire world (in your tiny mind only).
You guys keep saying that and never get any indictments. You see, wild conspiracy theories are not accepted in a court of law

comey laid out Hillary's guilt and then exonerated her for political reasons, everyone knows that. Are you happy with a two tier justice system? one for us and one for the political elites? you want Trump to be held to account but want all dems to be given a pass, why is that?

Do you care what kind of deal Bill Clinton and Lynch made on the runway in Arizona?

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