Advanced Calculus: The John Kasich Math & Saving the GOP Brand.

Save the GOP brand?

Whatever for?

Time to burn the GOP down to the ground and start over.

With the bar pushed so far to the left by nothing short of sedition and fascist coups with the help of activist judges and political careers being assassinated, your "solution" is to double down? Study ancient history and get back to me.
Newsflash... what's left of the GOP is not the solution to the problems you describe... you can't cure cancer with an aspirin.
But the difference between now and then is nobody had any votes or delegates then- and now Trump has them- and Kasich has hardly any.

After the 1st ballot nobody will have any delegates.

And you think they are going to go for kasich?


Each candidate will have to make their case. The question you should be asking yourself is this: In a room full of establishment Republicans, who is more likely to give a convincing argument that he's best qualified to represent the party and have a chance of beating Clinton?

You think that's kasich? He can't even convince establishment Republicans to support him now
Save the GOP brand?

Whatever for?

Time to burn the GOP down to the ground and start over.

With the bar pushed so far to the left by nothing short of sedition and fascist coups with the help of activist judges and political careers being assassinated, your "solution" is to double down? Study ancient history and get back to me.
Newsflash... what's left of the GOP is not the solution to the problems you describe... you can't cure cancer with an aspirin.

You can't cure cancer by drinking antifreeze either
You think that's kasich? He can't even convince establishment Republicans to support him now

The only thing establishment Republicans are supporting is not-Trump. Some are floating to Cruz as their way of pulling a not-Trump. They're all scared and panicked and running like cockroaches, and that's about the extent of the depth of their actions right now. I think that there are probably alot of establishment Republicans who prefer Kasich, but they're sympathetic nervous system has the by the jewels.
The only thing establishment Republicans are supporting is not-Trump. Some are floating to Cruz as their way of pulling a not-Trump. They're all scared and panicked and running like cockroaches, and that's about the extent of the depth of their actions right now. I think that there are probably alot of establishment Republicans who prefer Kasich, but they're sympathetic nervous system has the by the jewels.

So eliminate the man with the Canadian birth certificate, cuz that's gonna happen anyway..Better now than embarrassing and costly scoop on MSNBC in September...and potentially an "emergency decision getting even with the GOP not confirming a leftie Justice" veiled as "a legitimate fast-tracked hearing to decide this urgent national constitutional matter" in early October...

Cruz out of the way as will happen later anyway, those "not Trump" conservative votes will HANDILY go to Kasich who will sweep the rest of the primaries with an easy legitimate win at the convention because of all the abandoned delegates Cruz (& Rubio & Carson) left behind going to him, naturally. That wouldn't surprise a single voter actually. And, Trump will continue to disintegrate emotionally because people with NPD cannot handle second place or any type of losses at all. And his inner squirming affect will scare off even his most devout followers by then.
About the only thing we can feel confident about is with Silhouette convinced that Kasich will be the GOP candidate, there is no chance he will be.

Her record of predictions is one of perfect failure.
Save the GOP brand?

Whatever for?

Time to burn the GOP down to the ground and start over.

Time to restore the G(rand) O(ld) P(arty) to what it was before the Corporatists got their hands on it a hundred years ago... the Party of the Common Man.
Got a match...................
About the only thing we can feel confident about is with Silhouette convinced that Kasich will be the GOP candidate, there is no chance he will be.

Her record of predictions is one of perfect failure.
Except the Pope coming to the US and discussing the gay marriage issue vs traditional family marriage. I NAILED that what was it...a year ahead of the announcement he was coming? :popcorn:
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Every year in Football.........we rag each other in state rivalries...........In my State it's Auburn versus Alabama...............

Of course I'm an Alabama Fan...........ROLL TIDE................At the end of the is the Score Board that counts........everything else is just BS..............

We thought about giving Auburn ALMOST TROPHIES.............They ALMOST won the game.......................

To the elections.....................Look at the Score Board.................Nuff said.

We thought about giving Auburn ALMOST TROPHIES.............They ALMOST won the game.......................

Depends on how the delegates at the convention vote. If they want Kasich by majority, then Kasich it is. Kasich names Christie as his VP, the Trumpsters will see a bridge they can walk across. Kasich is like Tiny-Hands in that he is NOT wanted by the establishment republicans because he thinks for himself. The Trumpsters will easily see Kasich as an acceptable replacement. They certainly will NOT see Hillary as an acceptable one..
We thought about giving Auburn ALMOST TROPHIES.............They ALMOST won the game.......................

Depends on how the delegates at the convention vote. If they want Kasich by majority, then Kasich it is. Kasich names Christie as his VP, the Trumpsters will see a bridge they can walk across. Kasich is like Tiny-Hands in that he is NOT wanted by the establishment republicans because he thinks for himself. The Trumpsters will easily see Kasich as an acceptable replacement. They certainly will NOT see Hillary as an acceptable one..
Same football game..........

Great Game.........Auburn versus Alabama have great games......

But in this game.......the ref blows the whistle............grabs the ball.........takes it into the end zone..........Put's up his hands and says............TOUCHDOWN TENNESSEE...............

I do believe that ref would be hung from the goal posts....

Sorry......I like football................the election and how the referees pick the winner............I guess no one should show up to play anymore............Why vote..............just stay home because they no longer matter.........

If you don't get that..........I feel sorry for you.............

Now you can kick and scream you hate Alabama and Auburn.........Tennessee is you guys lose.........and pat your self on the back and say HOW DEMOCRATIC IT IS....................

But you go on telling everyone how this is how Democracy works...........I know you will............

If you have to cheat to are a matter the game.........Enjoy the game.
But in this game.......the ref blows the whistle............grabs the ball.........takes it into the end zone..........Put's up his hands and says............TOUCHDOWN TENNESSEE...............

I do believe that ref would be hung from the goal posts....

If you have to cheat to are a matter the game.........Enjoy the game.

Cheating is when you break the rules. Since the RNC rules are in no way like football, then you cannot talk about the two as the same thing. If the rules say, for example, that an RNC candidate may not have broken the law or displayed an organic incompetence for the nomination (like if they had downs syndrome, or severe epilepsy, or bipolar disorder, or malignant narcissistic personality disorder), or, if that candidate does not possess an American birth certificate...rules of that nature... then the candidate, no matter how long the charade went on in the primaries, could not and cannot run as an RNC candidate: ACCORDING TO THE RULES.

To carry your football analogy to what I'm saying...It would be like if there was a linebacker who kept rushing his team mates and knocking them over, breaking bones as he stepped on top of them trying to get at the other teams' quarterbacks...and then the manager of the team found out he was under heavy steroid influence while this was going on. The coach and manager would have no choice but to expel that player from the team. That's how the rules of football work. See?

Tiny Hands can be expelled for NPD. Cruz for his Canadian birth certificate. That leaves John Kasich and as such we would be in GREAT hands as a nation. Just do this mental test for the "ends justify the means" scenario we're discussing. How would you sleep at night knowing a person with such a highly immature and volatile self-absorbed and vindictive personality like Tiny Hands was in charge of not "accidentally" detonating conditions to escalate into WWIII? Versus sleeping at night knowing no-bullshit, thoughtful and wise John Kasich was burning the midnight oil to use all the tools at his disposal to work towards calming world tensions and bringing in strategic diplomacy while still standing tough?

Unstable personalities cannot go near the Oval Office. And that, if it is not a rule at the RNC, must be quickly added for the good of that party, and the nation. The DNC would do well to add that rule as well. You add an unstable immature mind to an unstable world stage and you simply can't act surprised when he unleashes the worst upon everyone.
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About the only thing we can feel confident about is with Silhouette convinced that Kasich will be the GOP candidate, there is no chance he will be.

Her record of predictions is one of perfect failure.
Except the Pope coming to the US and discussing the gay marriage issue vs traditional family marriage. I NAILED that what was it...a year ahead of the announcement he was coming? :popcorn:

Yeah.....just like you nailed the former Pope being blackmailed to resign....
The solution to the perfect storm of democrats winning this Fall by GOP foolishness is to seed the clouds early and control the time of the rains. The GOP could rightly declare "the last man standing" after serious violations of requirements of candidates have been done by Tiny Hands and his current nemesis "The Waxen Puppet". There have to be rules of conduct of which if a candidate sinks below, the party has a right and a duty to save its brand by disqualifying said candidate(s). Who would be left standing of course is the sober, experienced and qualified candidate John Kasich.

The GOP needs to stop saying "Kasich just can't win, the math isn't on his side" and start talking about Ted Cruz's Canadian birth certificate and how those who used to support Cruz (with their "anyone but Trump vote) should now go to Kasich. THEN there would be enough abandoned delegates and amassed delegates for the RNC to force a vote at the convention for the best man to beat Hillary in the Fall.

And the polls show clearly and consistently that this man is John Kasich. Anything less would tarnish the GOP brand so harshly that it would cease to exist. John Kasich would re-establish and strengthen the brand in everyone's eyes and re-adjust the political equilibrium so vital between the two sides of the aisle.

Of course John Kasich is NOT the Cheney/Rove pick. Because anyone with eyes can see he'd tell them to fuck off if their nefarious plans might hurt the US as a whole. So this, and no other thing, is the cause of "the obvious angst in the GOP". There really is no angst. 99.999999999% of the establishment know that Kasich would save the party and win this Fall. it's just that .000000001% named "Dick Cheney and homies" that there seems to be this big uproar on the right.

But how much more will the entire republican party sacrafice for this evil .000000001% of their ranks? (Assuming a 5-time draft-dodger, gay marriage promoter, raised by democrats, Obama-praiser can be considered "GOP establishment"..). Want to talk about hurting the brand and where all the Trumpsters came from? There you go.. If the GOP could scrape off that one, huge festering barnacle off its collective butt, they'd find that all their dreams would come true..
Kasich can't win because too many Republicans aren't interested in realist solutions that never seem to work. They want someone that has fast, easy, simple solutions that they can understand for all America's problem and Kasich doesn't have that. In fact, no one does because those solutions can only work in a totalitarian government where there is no legislature to force compromises, no courts to say it's illegal, and no media to raise public opinion against them.
But in this game.......the ref blows the whistle............grabs the ball.........takes it into the end zone..........Put's up his hands and says............TOUCHDOWN TENNESSEE...............

I do believe that ref would be hung from the goal posts....

If you have to cheat to are a matter the game.........Enjoy the game.

Cheating is when you break the rules. Since the RNC rules are in no way like football, then you cannot talk about the two as the same thing. If the rules say, for example, that an RNC candidate may not have broken the law or displayed an organic incompetence for the nomination (like if they had downs syndrome, or severe epilepsy, or bipolar disorder, or malignant narcissistic personality disorder), or, if that candidate does not possess an American birth certificate...rules of that nature... then the candidate, no matter how long the charade went on in the primaries, could not and cannot run as an RNC candidate: ACCORDING TO THE RULES.

To carry your football analogy to what I'm saying...It would be like if there was a linebacker who kept rushing his team mates and knocking them over, breaking bones as he stepped on top of them trying to get at the other teams' quarterbacks...and then the manager of the team found out he was under heavy steroid influence while this was going on. The coach and manager would have no choice but to expel that player from the team. That's how the rules of football work. See?

Tiny Hands can be expelled for NPD. Cruz for his Canadian birth certificate. That leaves John Kasich and as such we would be in GREAT hands as a nation. Just do this mental test for the "ends justify the means" scenario we're discussing. How would you sleep at night knowing a person with such a highly immature and volatile self-absorbed and vindictive personality like Tiny Hands was in charge of not "accidentally" detonating conditions to escalate into WWIII? Versus sleeping at night knowing no-bullshit, thoughtful and wise John Kasich was burning the midnight oil to use all the tools at his disposal to work towards calming world tensions and bringing in strategic diplomacy while still standing tough?

Unstable personalities cannot go near the Oval Office. And that, if it is not a rule at the RNC, must be quickly added for the good of that party, and the nation. The DNC would do well to add that rule as well. You add an unstable immature mind to an unstable world stage and you simply can't act surprised when he unleashes the worst upon everyone.
pfft..............when you disavow the voters their choice disavow what this country is about.

My point and opinion stands.
pfft..............when you disavow the voters their choice disavow what this country is about.

My point and opinion stands.

They chose their delegates and so they will vote at the RNC convention if nobody makes the minimum number to qualify. Them's the rules.

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