Advanced Calculus: The John Kasich Math & Saving the GOP Brand.

pfft..............when you disavow the voters their choice disavow what this country is about.

My point and opinion stands.

They chose their delegates and so they will vote at the RNC convention if nobody makes the minimum number to qualify. Them's the rules.
I think the GOP rules go something like list.
  • There is a first ballot even if one candidate has won a majority of the delegates. So the head of each state delegation can stand up on the convention floor casting it's votes for the great state of xxxxx, the land of this that and the other, the home of nothingness, the land of blah blah blah for the next president, a man that has blah blah.
  • If a candidate has a majority of the delegates on the first ballot, the convention proceeds with countless speeches while half the delegates slip away to nearest bar.
  • If no candidate has a majority on the first ballot, the convention is considered brokered and what proceeds is often referred to as horse trading in which delegates are released from their pledge according state party rules. Deals are made, promises exchanged, and appointments handed out for votes There can be many re-votes as candidates shift back and forth. There may even be new nominations made. IMHO, brokered conventions are the only ones worth watching. The rest are as boring as watching paint dry.
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The solution to the perfect storm of democrats winning this Fall by GOP foolishness is to seed the clouds early and control the time of the rains. The GOP could rightly declare "the last man standing" after serious violations of requirements of candidates have been done by Tiny Hands and his current nemesis "The Waxen Puppet". There have to be rules of conduct of which if a candidate sinks below, the party has a right and a duty to save its brand by disqualifying said candidate(s). Who would be left standing of course is the sober, experienced and qualified candidate John Kasich.

The GOP needs to stop saying "Kasich just can't win, the math isn't on his side" and start talking about Ted Cruz's Canadian birth certificate and how those who used to support Cruz (with their "anyone but Trump vote) should now go to Kasich. THEN there would be enough abandoned delegates and amassed delegates for the RNC to force a vote at the convention for the best man to beat Hillary in the Fall.

And the polls show clearly and consistently that this man is John Kasich. Anything less would tarnish the GOP brand so harshly that it would cease to exist. John Kasich would re-establish and strengthen the brand in everyone's eyes and re-adjust the political equilibrium so vital between the two sides of the aisle.

Of course John Kasich is NOT the Cheney/Rove pick. Because anyone with eyes can see he'd tell them to fuck off if their nefarious plans might hurt the US as a whole. So this, and no other thing, is the cause of "the obvious angst in the GOP". There really is no angst. 99.999999999% of the establishment know that Kasich would save the party and win this Fall. it's just that .000000001% named "Dick Cheney and homies" that there seems to be this big uproar on the right.

But how much more will the entire republican party sacrafice for this evil .000000001% of their ranks? (Assuming a 5-time draft-dodger, gay marriage promoter, raised by democrats, Obama-praiser can be considered "GOP establishment"..). Want to talk about hurting the brand and where all the Trumpsters came from? There you go.. If the GOP could scrape off that one, huge festering barnacle off its collective butt, they'd find that all their dreams would come true..
Kasich is for amnesty, which is a non-starter.
Kasich - RINO alert
RINO- Republican in Name Only- That certainly fits Trump better than Kasich. If Trump isn't nominated, I doubt he will support the nominee. He may even endorse Hillary. The Clintons and Trump have had a long term political and personal relationship. Trump was a big supporter of Hillary in 2008 and has been a long term supporter of the Clinton Foundation.
Kasich - RINO alert
RINO- Republican in Name Only- That certainly fits Trump better than Kasich. If Trump isn't nominated, I doubt he will support the nominee. He may even endorse Hillary. The Clintons and Trump have had a long term political and personal relationship. Trump was a big supporter of Hillary in 2008 and has been a long term supporter of the Clinton Foundation.

Oh I think if Trump is not nominated he will go third party- his followers are only nominally Republican anyway.
Kasich is for amnesty, which is a non-starter.

Kasich is for not rounding up people and deporting them in the millions because he operates in the real world, unlike Tiny Hands and Lyin' Ted. Tiny Hands and Lyin Ted will tell you it's physically possible to deport this many people without upsetting vital equilibrium. Kasich will tell you the truth. Either you like being lied to if it suits your fantasy land, or you want a leader that works within the parameters of the truth.

I know where I'm casting my vote between the three men..
Kasich is for amnesty, which is a non-starter.

Kasich is for not rounding up people and deporting them in the millions because he operates in the real world, unlike Tiny Hands and Lyin' Ted. Tiny Hands and Lyin Ted will tell you it's physically possible to deport this many people without upsetting vital equilibrium. Kasich will tell you the truth. Either you like being lied to if it suits your fantasy land, or you want a leader that works within the parameters of the truth.

I know where I'm casting my vote between the three men..
Kasich wants amnesty.

Trump is jobs for illegals unless they get documentation. That means no jumping the shortcuts to citizenship......just seasonal guest worker programs that work.

If you let these people're encouraging more of them to cheat the system. We already know how that worked the last time. 3 million illegals were granted amnesty in the 80s and now we have 11-30 million more illegals to deal with costing us $160 billion a year.
Kasich wants amnesty.

Trump is jobs for illegals unless they get documentation.

Please point me to a quote where John Kasich said he didn't want illegals to get documentation. Thanks!
He wants comprehensive immigration reform which means amnesty.

What do you think it means?

You were trying to create a contrast between Trump and Kasich by saying "Trump ..(is for) no jobs for illegals unless they get documentation". I asked you to point me to where, in "contrast" John Kasich said he was OK with illegals not having documentation. Amnesty means a path to citizenship, not just a carte blanche.

Amnesty: Kasich supports amnesty for the 12 million illegal aliens in the country. In October 2015 he called illegal aliens “a critical part of our society” who “should have a path to legalization.”

Look, I'll let out a dirty little secret OK? Illegals are what makes all you folks without jobs able to buy food. Without them, your loaf of bread would cost around $20....for the cheap white kind..

I've always said politicians should get honest about this little secret. Illegals should be allowed ONLY to work in agriculture and no mechanics or trade jobs at all. Whites, blacks and other larger, weaker Americans just don't go for the shit-jobs in agriculture and frankly it isn't PC to say but I don't care, mexicans and other hispanics are physically-superior for these jobs. They are typically short, muscular and hardy as hell. This comes from their indian blood. They can beat the crap out of their bodies, bending and stooping all day and it doesn't seem to affect them. But all other jobs in the US, they need to become citizens to have. I think this is a fair compromise and a realistic, honest outlook. If they want to be here illegally or without becoming citizens proper, they need to realize that only the very bottom level jobs are theirs with conditions.

Our food is our oil. It is our #1 resource for world trade where others just don't have the arable lands like we do. Illegals play a crucial part in this domestic product. But what we need to do is secure the border and allow illegals to work only under very strict visas and only in ag. If they are caught anywhere else, the employer is fined up the wazoo. And this is so easy to enforce because you could have a whistleblower service online for other people or employees who suspect illegals are working at a shop.

Give the fine revenues to the states the incident happened in. This would help keep people locally vigilant and be a source of economic boon to the state where the crime was happening.
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Kasich wants amnesty.

Trump is jobs for illegals unless they get documentation.

Please point me to a quote where John Kasich said he didn't want illegals to get documentation. Thanks!
He wants comprehensive immigration reform which means amnesty.

What do you think it means?

You were trying to create a contrast between Trump and Kasich by saying "Trump ..(is for) no jobs for illegals unless they get documentation". I asked you to point me to where, in "contrast" John Kasich said he was OK with illegals not having documentation. Amnesty means a path to citizenship, not just a carte blanche.

Amnesty: Kasich supports amnesty for the 12 million illegal aliens in the country. In October 2015 he called illegal aliens “a critical part of our society” who “should have a path to legalization.”
Kasich claims he's not for a path, but he is. The difference is Trump thinks illegals should have to leave and apply for work permits. Citizenship isn't even a consideration. With Kasich, once you allow them to stay they establish residency and next comes citizenship without going through the normal process. An illegal should never qualify for citizenship under any circumstance.
70% do not like what Kasich represents. Cruzers and Trumpkins don't like each other, but kacich unites them in loathing.

That's weird, because Kasich keeps beating (middle-favorite) Hillary in the polls by 11 points, while Tiny Hands and Lyin' Ted do not.

(that's the "advanced calculus" part of the Kasich math..)
That is...if anyone is concerned with the GOP nominee actually winning this Fall?....
Kasich is for amnesty, which is a non-starter.

Kasich is for not rounding up people and deporting them in the millions because he operates in the real world, unlike Tiny Hands and Lyin' Ted. Tiny Hands and Lyin Ted will tell you it's physically possible to deport this many people without upsetting vital equilibrium. Kasich will tell you the truth. Either you like being lied to if it suits your fantasy land, or you want a leader that works within the parameters of the truth.

I know where I'm casting my vote between the three men..
Kasich wants amnesty.

Trump is jobs for illegals unless they get documentation. That means no jumping the shortcuts to citizenship......just seasonal guest worker programs that work.

If you let these people're encouraging more of them to cheat the system. We already know how that worked the last time. 3 million illegals were granted amnesty in the 80s and now we have 11-30 million more illegals to deal with costing us $160 billion a year.
So you're going to be picking the crops when he deports a million undocumented farm workers.
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70% do not like what Kasich represents. Cruzers and Trumpkins don't like each other, but kacich unites them in loathing.

That's weird, because Kasich keeps beating (middle-favorite) Hillary in the polls by 11 points, while Tiny Hands and Lyin' Ted do not.

(that's the "advanced calculus" part of the Kasich math..)

The problem for Kasich is that he isn't running against Hillary, but rather Trump & Cruz.

These are the same polls that show Sanders beating everyone on the board. The big problem for him is the same as Kasich. It's nice to know he polls well against Trump for example. But, it is irrelevant because he can't win his own nomination.

Both Kasich and Sanders have zero chance for the nomination.

The GOP will nominate Jeb! or Mitt before they would run Kasich.

The Dems will run Hillary from prison if necessary to avoid a Sanders nomination.
Umm, yeah. John Kasich ate pizza with a knife and fork in front of the cameras. In New York.

Certainly This Is What Will Bring Down the Republican Party

Can a huge asteroid please just end all this now. WTF is going on!? The end times must be near, trump and Cruz trash each other's wives, and now Kasich is eating New York pizza with a knife and fork.

Even the pizza rat would see that and say out loud WHAT THE F#@K!!
That is...if anyone is concerned with the GOP nominee actually winning this Fall?....
Silly rabbit

Republicans are not going with rational in 2016
Nor did they in 2008, nor 2012...which makes you wonder why the Rove component (Cheney) of the GOP seems to hand-select a candidate sure to lose in the election while one that will win, but thinks independently, like Kasich, gets flushed.

They do it every time. And when I was researching Dick Cheney's bio, that he is a CIA operative (known for their shady undermining), was raised by democrats, is for gay marriage because of his lesbian daughter, was a 5-time draft dodger, and praised Obama for the Bin Laden theater)...kinda makes you wonder what's REALLY going on with the GOP and the advice they're getting...

Kasich's the man. And yet all you hear on Fox is "the math isn't behind him...he should get out of the race...". This has a measurable effect on how many people vote for him. People don't get behind candidates they think the silverbacks are going to flush. And so, Fox News is influencing, on behalf of their masters with very questionable motive, the killing of the one single candidate they can put their feet up and relax with winning the general election.

You watch. They're going to do it again. And this time Megan Kelly might strangle Carl Rove instead of just yell at him.. Kasich may not be who Rove and company want, but he can save the GOP where any other pick, including a dark horse at a contested convention that feels like a good old boy pick, is going to KILL for good, for final this time, never to be resurrected, the GOP. So for their very life and survival they're going to have to swallow hard and pick Kasich, even though he won't walk lockstep with their every wish and whim, or else they're going to go down and go down hard.

Cheney...for gay marriage....raised by democrats....CIA mole....5-time draft dodger....praised Obama....... THINK about it...
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Umm, yeah. John Kasich ate pizza with a knife and fork in front of the cameras. In New York.

Certainly This Is What Will Bring Down the Republican Party

Can a huge asteroid please just end all this now. WTF is going on!? The end times must be near, trump and Cruz trash each other's wives, and now Kasich is eating New York pizza with a knife and fork.

Even the pizza rat would see that and say out loud WHAT THE F#@K!!

I thought it was bad enough that candidates are debating penis size. But now eating pizza with utensils is supposed to matter too? Shake my damn head.

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