Advanced Calculus: The John Kasich Math & Saving the GOP Brand.

Kasich would face off with Putin steely eye to steely eye.
LOL...The MAN who WINS ONE STATE...............

And who beats Hillary by more than the other two in the GOP...double digits consistently..

Ha ha ha

Kasich is an appeaser

Yeah, I hear he's currently "appeasing" the fracking industry by taxing them to mitigate much of the damage that Ohio is going to have to deal with...forever... I get why the establishment boys don't want him..
Kasich would face off with Putin steely eye to steely eye.
LOL...The MAN who WINS ONE STATE...............

And who beats Hillary by more than the other two in the GOP...double digits consistently..

Ha ha ha
Yet he can't even get more than one State in the Primaries................perhaps the Dems want him to run against because the only way he is the one is via the IMPLOSION OF THE GOP.............via Brokered.
Kasich would face off with Putin steely eye to steely eye.
LOL...The MAN who WINS ONE STATE...............

And who beats Hillary by more than the other two in the GOP...double digits consistently..

Ha ha ha
Yet he can't even get more than one State in the Primaries.............
But what's funny is, he would've if the other yahoos weren't running on the anti trump bandwidth at the time.

And what's funny is, the primaries aren't the general election. Who wins that is all that matters from the standpoint of the RNC..
Kasich would face off with Putin steely eye to steely eye.
LOL...The MAN who WINS ONE STATE...............

And who beats Hillary by more than the other two in the GOP...double digits consistently..

Ha ha ha
Yet he can't even get more than one State in the Primaries.............
But what's funny is, he would've if the other yahoos weren't running on the anti trump bandwidth at the time.

And what's funny is, the primaries aren't the general election. Who wins that is all that matters from the standpoint of the RNC..
That's a me the election results in an actual vote............

We are 7 months out.............spare me.
That's a me the election results in an actual vote............

We are 7 months out.............spare me.

Ongoing polls for months now show Kasich and Kasich only consistently beating Hillary by over 10 points. The borderline personality and the Canadian are well behind.. Flick the pathological personality and the Kanuck off the bandwidth and watch Kasich soar. The Canadian for sure will be forcibly removed from running by the USSC at the last minute anyway. Terrible to put all one's eggs in that basket. And also terrible to put all one's eggs in a basket case..
That's a me the election results in an actual vote............

We are 7 months out.............spare me.

Ongoing polls for months now show Kasich and Kasich only consistently beating Hillary by over 10 points. The borderline personality and the Canadian are well behind.. Flick the pathological personality and the Kanuck off the bandwidth and watch Kasich soar. The Canadian for sure will be forcibly removed from running by the USSC at the last minute anyway. Terrible to put all one's eggs in that basket. And also terrible to put all one's eggs in a basket case..
Actual votes many does he have in reality instead of predictions...............seems that the hypothetical polls don't mean jack squat.
Actual votes many does he have in reality instead of predictions...............seems that the hypothetical polls don't mean jack squat.

When Cruz drops out for the Canadian birth certificate, Kasich has 2/3s of the GOP vote vs 1/3 for Tiny Hands...and would've all along if the non-starters would've dropped out sooner. And, when facing off finally with Hillary in the Fall, Kasich will handily win the 2016 election.
Actual votes many does he have in reality instead of predictions...............seems that the hypothetical polls don't mean jack squat.

When Cruz drops out for the Canadian birth certificate, Kasich has 2/3s of the GOP vote vs 1/3 for Tiny Hands...and would've all along if the non-starters would've dropped out sooner.
Back to stealing the election again.........Yeah I already knew that...........
Actual votes many does he have in reality instead of predictions...............seems that the hypothetical polls don't mean jack squat.

When Cruz drops out for the Canadian birth certificate, Kasich has 2/3s of the GOP vote vs 1/3 for Tiny Hands...and would've all along if the non-starters would've dropped out sooner.
Back to stealing the election again.........Yeah I already knew that...........

Call it what you like. A winning candidate is a winning candidate. Trump will lose to Hillary. I myself will vote for Hillary if Tiny Hands steals the GOP nomination with only 1/3 GOP support in fact. I refuse to vote for someone who suffers with NPD. I cannot do it out of sheer principle. I'll vote for Hillary with a clothespin over my nose instead.
Actual votes many does he have in reality instead of predictions...............seems that the hypothetical polls don't mean jack squat.

When Cruz drops out for the Canadian birth certificate, Kasich has 2/3s of the GOP vote vs 1/3 for Tiny Hands...and would've all along if the non-starters would've dropped out sooner.
Back to stealing the election again.........Yeah I already knew that...........

Call it what you like. A winning candidate is a winning candidate. Trump will lose to Hillary. I myself will vote for Hillary if Tiny Hands steals the GOP nomination with only 1/3 GOP support in fact. I refuse to vote for someone who suffers with NPD. I cannot do it out of sheer principle. I'll vote for Hillary with a clothespin over my nose instead.
And like the others you'll claim your vote is my fault...............LOL

They did it when you vote for Hillary............

If you steal the election I will not vote for Hillary...........but I will not vote for the establishment either..........

I see "KasicK' is STRONG on Common Core Math!

Wrong. Kasich is a Catholic who sent his kids to Christian school. Hardly the "common core" supporter..
And on foreign policy, he says South Korea should be armed with nuclear weapons. As president that statement could well be interpreted as a prelude to war by North Korea. You just can't have a president running off at the mouth and treating the presidency as a soapbox to express his opinion.

If Tiny Hands suffers from malignant narcissistic personality disorder, as many suspect he does, classically in fact, then he will be incapable of thinking before nasty and combative words come out of his mouth. Look up the disorder sometime. If you think he is scary now, wait until you learn that he has absolutely no control over what he does and he will get worse as he ages. The recovery rate for people with NPD is 0%. None of them ever become truly healed because it is a permanent wiring of the brain and personality from the very earliest of ages to form a perspective that only they matter in the world and nothing, and nobody else does...ever. This is their default programming. And they fly into calculating vindictive vendettas against even the slightest affront to their gigantic fragile egos..all while simultaneously "walking it back" to preserve their image and also simultaneously blaming their attack on their victim as justified. It takes way too much time to get into the many games a person with NPD plays, and how they all do the same games with the same predictability. Suffice to say that none of them would be wise or safe to have sitting in the Oval Office.

It might actually spell the end of the world.
Yes, this fits Trump quite well. Political leaders in Moscow and Washington have always studied the psychological makeup of their opposition. I wonder what they would think of Trump, predicable or unpredictable?

Malignant Narcissism -
Predictably narcissistic for sure. And that means walk on eggshells around them, and even if you do and you seem to shine more than they do, they will systematically spare no effort butchering you to shreds. God help us if a world leader attracts attention for being a better businessman than T. Rump, or makes a comment about his Tiny Hands. The asteroid belt #2 in our solar system won't be far behind.. When a person who is afflicted with malignant narcissistic personality disorder says "nukes won't be off the table", that's not just him whistlin' Dixie. You should sit straight up in your chair and have all the blood draining out of your face.

All that being said, what do you think Putin thinks of Kasich, a fellow slavic boy? I think Putin fears him or at least respects him the most of all the candidates out there. With Kasich they know there isn't going to be any manipulating fragile or calcified egos. With Kasich you'd better talk logic or go home. And that's not a position of advantage for Putin. IMHO.
I would think such a personality disorder would make him very unpredictable and erratic. Yes, I know Trump considers that his secret weapon, the opposition can never figure out how he might respond. Now that may work in business negotiations where money talks, but in high stakes political negotiation where the lives of million of people and possibly the fate each nation hangs in the balance, each leader must be able to anticipate the reactions of the other as well as the reactions of political forces driving the other leader. When those actions become unpredictable and erratic, the outcome can be disastrous for both sides.

In dealing with Congress and the media, the one thing a president has to be is consistent and predictable. He can't make statements today and correct them tomorrow. He can't be ambiguous and he can never brainstorm or speak off the top of his head.. In other words, he can't be Trump.
I would think such a personality disorder would make him very unpredictable and erratic. Yes, I know Trump considers that his secret weapon, the opposition can never figure out how he might respond. Now that may work in business negotiations where money talks, but in high stakes political negotiation where the lives of million of people and possibly the fate each nation hangs in the balance, each leader must be able to anticipate the reactions of the other as well as the reactions of political forces driving the other leader...

You bring up a good point. If Tiny Hands suffers from NPD (actually it's always the people around them who suffer), he can't anticipate the reactions or feelings or drives or motivations, indeed any marker at all of another person that makes them separate or unique from him. That's one of the hallmarks of the disease. NPDers see the world and the people in it as all extensions of his own will or as potential admirers. It doesn't matter what admirers think when their only function as far as an NPDer is concerned is to bask in his greatness. So armed with a complete vacuum of being able to put himself in other people's shoes (since other people really don't exist in the mind of an NPD), it is impossible for them to anticipate any unique state of mind another person might possess. And even if they could, it's highly offensive to them that they would be asked to acknowledge another at all as mattering.

I forget where I read it but I found something funny that an NPD researcher said. He said that if you want to cause smoke to come out of an NPDer's ears, ask them a simple question. Ask them while you're discussing a topic, "how do you think I feel about that?". It sends them reeling because they CAN'T answer the question.

Another great psychological trick is to ask them to discard their perennial need to be admired. Once I asked a person with NPD who professed themselves sympathetic to the poor (needed to be admired in contrast to their miserable lives) to do an exercise. I said for them to walk up to a complete stranger, someone in a public spot that looked absolutely on the down and outs, who needed cash and was hurting. The task was for the narso to hand the stranger a $20, without looking into their eyes or having any facial expression at all (no recognition for the act on any level), and then turn briskly on her heels and walk away without looking back. The narso woman fought hard against the task. She went on and on about "why would I do such a thing without at least getting some type of acknowledgment?!" "That's "sick!" she exclaimed. On and on and on. I calmly retorted that it wasn't the end of the world and if she could succeed she could show me that she didn't have the need to be admired. She refused on the spot and not without a great addition of emotional spew, finally hurling insults at me, predictably, and demanding an audience we were having the conversation in front of do a version of verbally stoning me to

The point being that they all seem to function with the same hard and fast symptoms. Remember when Tiny Hands had the gal come to the podium and then he offered her a job on the spot? It was theater. At once he would be admired for being generous and in contrast to her poor miserable little life, he would seem even grander. They all function the same. And you're right, the prospect of one running the country makes Obama look like a success story on par with Abraham Lincoln. I'm not joking when I say that the earth might become the 2nd asteroid belt in our solar system if Tiny Hands isn't properly admired or appears to be second fiddle in substance to another world leader. Remember, he's not taking nukes off the table!..
The solution to the perfect storm of democrats winning this Fall by GOP foolishness is to seed the clouds early and control the time of the rains. The GOP could rightly declare "the last man standing" after serious violations of requirements of candidates have been done by Tiny Hands and his current nemesis "The Waxen Puppet". There have to be rules of conduct of which if a candidate sinks below, the party has a right and a duty to save its brand by disqualifying said candidate(s). Who would be left standing of course is the sober, experienced and qualified candidate John Kasich.

The GOP needs to stop saying "Kasich just can't win, the math isn't on his side" and start talking about Ted Cruz's Canadian birth certificate and how those who used to support Cruz (with their "anyone but Trump vote) should now go to Kasich. THEN there would be enough abandoned delegates and amassed delegates for the RNC to force a vote at the convention for the best man to beat Hillary in the Fall.

And the polls show clearly and consistently that this man is John Kasich. Anything less would tarnish the GOP brand so harshly that it would cease to exist. John Kasich would re-establish and strengthen the brand in everyone's eyes and re-adjust the political equilibrium so vital between the two sides of the aisle.

Of course John Kasich is NOT the Cheney/Rove pick. Because anyone with eyes can see he'd tell them to fuck off if their nefarious plans might hurt the US as a whole. So this, and no other thing, is the cause of "the obvious angst in the GOP". There really is no angst. 99.999999999% of the establishment know that Kasich would save the party and win this Fall. it's just that .000000001% named "Dick Cheney and homies" that there seems to be this big uproar on the right.

But how much more will the entire republican party sacrafice for this evil .000000001% of their ranks? (Assuming a 5-time draft-dodger, gay marriage promoter, raised by democrats, Obama-praiser can be considered "GOP establishment"..). Want to talk about hurting the brand and where all the Trumpsters came from? There you go.. If the GOP could scrape off that one, huge festering barnacle off its collective butt, they'd find that all their dreams would come true..

Too late.

Cruz and Trump will never stand still for that -- they'd both run as a third and fourth party.
John Kasich is more of the same... the ultimate DC insider.
A RINO by any description. The man is delusional

The RINO's are the extremists and "conservative" Christians.

Get the fuck out of lincoln's party and start your own party.
Too late.

Cruz and Trump will never stand still for that -- they'd both run as a third and fourth party.

Carl Rove himself would file a lawsuit against Ted Cruz for the Canadian birth certificate he has. That knocks one out. And the second could be taken down by a panel of psychological experts appearing regularly on Fox News discussing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder. That leaves John Kasich and thank goodness he's ever-qualified for the job and always beats Hillary in polling by more than 10 points in the general..
The RINO's are the extremists and "conservative" Christians.

Get the fuck out of lincoln's party and start your own party.

You're a far left activist, why should anyone listen to your definition of "conservative"? That's like listening to Hitler on how to define the Jewish culture..

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