Adverse Inference

"Someone alert CNN! Some jailhouse lawyer on an internet discussion board thinks he finally has a way to unseat President Trump once and fer all. Dis gonna be good!!!!!"

Actually there is no jailhouse lawyer here and the adverse inference citation comes from a lawyer who made Nixon quit.

Trump will never quit. But you'll have another chance to lynch him during his second term.
trump is not being lynched. Unless you call this a self lynching. You really don't want trump to have a second term.

Of course he's being lynched. The truth is, you racist Democrats haven't changed all that much since your days of the Klan and Jim Crow laws. Ask any black conservative about that, hillbilly. They'll set your peckerwood ass straight for you.

I'm black. And I know black conservatives that can't stand trump. The sellouts you are referring to are black right wing extremists. trump is not being lynched because he's guilty as hell.

Shuffle off, already.
Schiff has not lied. But Nunes has. And you don't have to listen to anything I say. But your not listening changes nothing. I am right and I know it.
Whatever became of that "direct evidence" of Trump-RUSSIA! collusion that Shiff repeatedly claimed to have, Rochester?

It's up your ass Jethro.

I'll score that a big THERE IS NONE!...SCHIFF LIED TO YOU!

sap. :laugh2:
You'll score that as a stick it up your ass Jethro.


Because I do not answer to Rochester white boy.
Tough shit, punk....Schiff lied and you are a fucking sap to keep carrying his water.

Might as well get to shining his shoes too.

I'll shine his shoes as soon as you pull trumps dick out your mouth white boy, because Schiff hasn't lied.
Whatever became of that "direct evidence" of Trump-RUSSIA! collusion that Shiff repeatedly claimed to have, Rochester?

It's up your ass Jethro.

I'll score that a big THERE IS NONE!...SCHIFF LIED TO YOU!

sap. :laugh2:
You'll score that as a stick it up your ass Jethro.


Because I do not answer to Rochester white boy.
Tough shit, punk....Schiff lied and you are a fucking sap to keep carrying his water.

Might as well get to shining his shoes too.

I'll shine his shoes as soon as you pull trumps dick out your mouth white boy, because Schiff hasn't lied.

Hell, you'll shine everyone's shoes
It's what y'all do.
Actually there is no jailhouse lawyer here and the adverse inference citation comes from a lawyer who made Nixon quit.

Trump will never quit. But you'll have another chance to lynch him during his second term.
trump is not being lynched. Unless you call this a self lynching. You really don't want trump to have a second term.

Of course he's being lynched. The truth is, you racist Democrats haven't changed all that much since your days of the Klan and Jim Crow laws. Ask any black conservative about that, hillbilly. They'll set your peckerwood ass straight for you.

I'm black. And I know black conservatives that can't stand trump. The sellouts you are referring to are black right wing extremists. trump is not being lynched because he's guilty as hell.

Shuffle off, already.

Nah. I ain't goin nowhere. Your boy trump is guilty. And everyday we see more corruption.
Adverse Inference is why we can say that trump is guilty and should be removed from office. There is no excuse for the obstruction by trump.

The adverse inference is based upon the presumption that the party who controls the evidence would have produced it, if it had been supportive. Adverse inference can also apply to a witness known to exist but the party refuses to identify or produce.

Adverse inference - Wikipedia

According to Lawvibe, "the 'adverse inference' can be quite damning at trial. Essentially, when plaintiffs try to present evidence on a point essential to their case and can't because the document has been destroyed (by the defendant), the jury can infer that the evidence would have been adverse to (the defendant), and adopt the plaintiff’s reasonable interpretation of what the document would have said...."

Adverse inference - Wikipedia


An adverse inference generally is a legal inference, adverse to the concerned party, made from a party's silence or the absence of requested evidence. For example, as a sanction for spoliation of evidence, a court may instruct the jury it could draw an inference that the evidence contained in the destroyed documents would have been unfavorable.

Adverse Inference Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

The courts decide that someone like the Pres is required to testify or turn over evidence. It's not the whims of political enemies in Congress who decide this, and until then the separation of powers exists for this very reason.
Members of the Senate have these same protections from the Executive branch as well. Right now all we are seeing is the shell game by the leftist Democrats, moving around the goal posts of impeachment..... looking for any reason to remove him, since day one, always changing their story, always finding someone and something new, that is never quite verified but always gets a big news story to sway public opinion.
This is all about the election. The Dems know they cant impeach him but they will keep it up right to the election to satisfy their base. It would be political death for anyone of them to back down now.
"Someone alert CNN! Some jailhouse lawyer on an internet discussion board thinks he finally has a way to unseat President Trump once and fer all. Dis gonna be good!!!!!"

Actually there is no jailhouse lawyer here and the adverse inference citation comes from a lawyer who made Nixon quit.

Trump will never quit. But you'll have another chance to lynch him during his second term.
trump is not being lynched. Unless you call this a self lynching. You really don't want trump to have a second term.

Of course he's being lynched. The truth is, you racist Democrats haven't changed all that much since your days of the Klan and Jim Crow laws. Ask any black conservative about that, hillbilly. They'll set your peckerwood ass straight for you.

I'm black. And I know black conservatives that can't stand trump. The sellouts you are referring to are black right wing extremists. trump is not being lynched because he's guilty as hell.

Maybe black on the outside, but as white on the inside as those lilly-white liberal pukes pulling your puppet strings and making you dance, Rufus.

It doesn't bother you that you're the liberal white Democrat Party's step 'n fetchit? Those Democrats are sitting up in their walled castles getting fat off your sweat and blood, while all you're getting from them is chump change, while they watch you do a softshoe dance for their entertainment.

Adverse Inference is why we can say that trump is guilty and should be removed from office. There is no excuse for the obstruction by trump.

The adverse inference is based upon the presumption that the party who controls the evidence would have produced it, if it had been supportive. Adverse inference can also apply to a witness known to exist but the party refuses to identify or produce.

Adverse inference - Wikipedia

According to Lawvibe, "the 'adverse inference' can be quite damning at trial. Essentially, when plaintiffs try to present evidence on a point essential to their case and can't because the document has been destroyed (by the defendant), the jury can infer that the evidence would have been adverse to (the defendant), and adopt the plaintiff’s reasonable interpretation of what the document would have said...."

Adverse inference - Wikipedia


An adverse inference generally is a legal inference, adverse to the concerned party, made from a party's silence or the absence of requested evidence. For example, as a sanction for spoliation of evidence, a court may instruct the jury it could draw an inference that the evidence contained in the destroyed documents would have been unfavorable.

Adverse Inference Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

The courts decide that someone like the Pres is required to testify or turn over evidence. It's not the whims of political enemies in Congress who decide this, and until then the separation of powers exists for this very reason.
Members of the Senate have these same protections from the Executive branch as well. Right now all we are seeing is the shell game by the leftist Democrats, moving around the goal posts of impeachment..... looking for any reason to remove him, since day one, always changing their story, always finding someone and something new, that is never quite verified but always gets a big news story to sway public opinion.
This is all about the election. The Dems know they cant impeach him but they will keep it up right to the election to satisfy their base. It would be political death for anyone of them to back down now.

Luckily it's also political death to continue.
I love a win/win.
It's up your ass Jethro.

I'll score that a big THERE IS NONE!...SCHIFF LIED TO YOU!

sap. :laugh2:
You'll score that as a stick it up your ass Jethro.


Because I do not answer to Rochester white boy.
Tough shit, punk....Schiff lied and you are a fucking sap to keep carrying his water.

Might as well get to shining his shoes too.

I'll shine his shoes as soon as you pull trumps dick out your mouth white boy, because Schiff hasn't lied.

Hell, you'll shine everyone's shoes
It's what y'all do.

Actually there is no jailhouse lawyer here and the adverse inference citation comes from a lawyer who made Nixon quit.

Trump will never quit. But you'll have another chance to lynch him during his second term.
trump is not being lynched. Unless you call this a self lynching. You really don't want trump to have a second term.

Of course he's being lynched. The truth is, you racist Democrats haven't changed all that much since your days of the Klan and Jim Crow laws. Ask any black conservative about that, hillbilly. They'll set your peckerwood ass straight for you.

I'm black. And I know black conservatives that can't stand trump. The sellouts you are referring to are black right wing extremists. trump is not being lynched because he's guilty as hell.

Maybe black on the outside, but as white on the inside as those lilly-white liberal pukes pulling your puppet strings and making you dance, Rufus.

It doesn't bother you that you're the liberal white Democrat Party's step 'n fetchit? Those Democrats are sitting up in their walled castles getting fat off your sweat and blood, while all you're getting from them is chump change, while they watch you do a softshoe dance for their entertainment.


What else do he gots?
Actually there is no jailhouse lawyer here and the adverse inference citation comes from a lawyer who made Nixon quit.

Trump will never quit. But you'll have another chance to lynch him during his second term.
trump is not being lynched. Unless you call this a self lynching. You really don't want trump to have a second term.

Of course he's being lynched. The truth is, you racist Democrats haven't changed all that much since your days of the Klan and Jim Crow laws. Ask any black conservative about that, hillbilly. They'll set your peckerwood ass straight for you.

I'm black. And I know black conservatives that can't stand trump. The sellouts you are referring to are black right wing extremists. trump is not being lynched because he's guilty as hell.

Maybe black on the outside, but as white on the inside as those lilly-white liberal pukes pulling your puppet strings and making you dance, Rufus.

It doesn't bother you that you're the liberal white Democrat Party's step 'n fetchit? Those Democrats are sitting up in their walled castles getting fat off your sweat and blood, while all you're getting from them is chump change, while they watch you do a softshoe dance for their entertainment.


It's funny how you guys show your racism then talk about liberals. Your words show me why I should remain a democrat.
I'll score that a big THERE IS NONE!...SCHIFF LIED TO YOU!

sap. :laugh2:
You'll score that as a stick it up your ass Jethro.


Because I do not answer to Rochester white boy.
Tough shit, punk....Schiff lied and you are a fucking sap to keep carrying his water.

Might as well get to shining his shoes too.

I'll shine his shoes as soon as you pull trumps dick out your mouth white boy, because Schiff hasn't lied.

Hell, you'll shine everyone's shoes
It's what y'all do.


Well, thanks to planned parenthood and gang violence, there aints enough of yas to do all da shoes.
Trump will never quit. But you'll have another chance to lynch him during his second term.
trump is not being lynched. Unless you call this a self lynching. You really don't want trump to have a second term.

Of course he's being lynched. The truth is, you racist Democrats haven't changed all that much since your days of the Klan and Jim Crow laws. Ask any black conservative about that, hillbilly. They'll set your peckerwood ass straight for you.

I'm black. And I know black conservatives that can't stand trump. The sellouts you are referring to are black right wing extremists. trump is not being lynched because he's guilty as hell.

Maybe black on the outside, but as white on the inside as those lilly-white liberal pukes pulling your puppet strings and making you dance, Rufus.

It doesn't bother you that you're the liberal white Democrat Party's step 'n fetchit? Those Democrats are sitting up in their walled castles getting fat off your sweat and blood, while all you're getting from them is chump change, while they watch you do a softshoe dance for their entertainment.


It's funny how you guys show your racism then talk about liberals. Your words show me why I should remain a democrat.

You ain't bright enough to be a Republican.
Trump will never quit. But you'll have another chance to lynch him during his second term.
trump is not being lynched. Unless you call this a self lynching. You really don't want trump to have a second term.

Of course he's being lynched. The truth is, you racist Democrats haven't changed all that much since your days of the Klan and Jim Crow laws. Ask any black conservative about that, hillbilly. They'll set your peckerwood ass straight for you.

I'm black. And I know black conservatives that can't stand trump. The sellouts you are referring to are black right wing extremists. trump is not being lynched because he's guilty as hell.

Maybe black on the outside, but as white on the inside as those lilly-white liberal pukes pulling your puppet strings and making you dance, Rufus.

It doesn't bother you that you're the liberal white Democrat Party's step 'n fetchit? Those Democrats are sitting up in their walled castles getting fat off your sweat and blood, while all you're getting from them is chump change, while they watch you do a softshoe dance for their entertainment.


What else do he gots?

Well let's see: Some crazy white old guy who used to work for a black guy in 2008?

A crusty old white curmudgeon socialist who dreams about Russia every night?

A dried up old post-menopausal white ratbag who used to claim she was an "Indian"?

A gay ex-mayor?? Oh that's nice. Let's bring more homosexuality, AIDS, and cross-dressing to the black community. Black folks, dey likes dat, ah knows.

Oh wait: I got it: A rich white New York Mayor? Nevermind.

Who else doe we have?
Trump will never quit. But you'll have another chance to lynch him during his second term.
trump is not being lynched. Unless you call this a self lynching. You really don't want trump to have a second term.

Of course he's being lynched. The truth is, you racist Democrats haven't changed all that much since your days of the Klan and Jim Crow laws. Ask any black conservative about that, hillbilly. They'll set your peckerwood ass straight for you.

I'm black. And I know black conservatives that can't stand trump. The sellouts you are referring to are black right wing extremists. trump is not being lynched because he's guilty as hell.

Maybe black on the outside, but as white on the inside as those lilly-white liberal pukes pulling your puppet strings and making you dance, Rufus.

It doesn't bother you that you're the liberal white Democrat Party's step 'n fetchit? Those Democrats are sitting up in their walled castles getting fat off your sweat and blood, while all you're getting from them is chump change, while they watch you do a softshoe dance for their entertainment.


It's funny how you guys show your racism then talk about liberals. Your words show me why I should remain a democrat.

The only "racism" is that which your rich white commie liberals have filled your head full of. Dude, you're ate up with it.
Adverse Inference is why we can say that trump is guilty and should be removed from office. There is no excuse for the obstruction by trump.

The adverse inference is based upon the presumption that the party who controls the evidence would have produced it, if it had been supportive. Adverse inference can also apply to a witness known to exist but the party refuses to identify or produce.

Adverse inference - Wikipedia

According to Lawvibe, "the 'adverse inference' can be quite damning at trial. Essentially, when plaintiffs try to present evidence on a point essential to their case and can't because the document has been destroyed (by the defendant), the jury can infer that the evidence would have been adverse to (the defendant), and adopt the plaintiff’s reasonable interpretation of what the document would have said...."

Adverse inference - Wikipedia


An adverse inference generally is a legal inference, adverse to the concerned party, made from a party's silence or the absence of requested evidence. For example, as a sanction for spoliation of evidence, a court may instruct the jury it could draw an inference that the evidence contained in the destroyed documents would have been unfavorable.

Adverse Inference Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

The courts decide that someone like the Pres is required to testify or turn over evidence. It's not the whims of political enemies in Congress who decide this, and until then the separation of powers exists for this very reason.
Members of the Senate have these same protections from the Executive branch as well. Right now all we are seeing is the shell game by the leftist Democrats, moving around the goal posts of impeachment..... looking for any reason to remove him, since day one, always changing their story, always finding someone and something new, that is never quite verified but always gets a big news story to sway public opinion.
This is all about the election. The Dems know they cant impeach him but they will keep it up right to the election to satisfy their base. It would be political death for anyone of them to back down now.

No. The president has obstructed every phase of these investigations. The story hasn't changed and people haven't been looking for reasons to remove him. The congress can impeach him and it will be up to the senate to convict him. Do not continue to be a sucker for trumps con.

Trump has hidden evidence and blocked witnesses. If he was innocent, if this was a hoax or witch hunt, he'd produce all the evidence necessary to prove it. You guys have chosen to believe a lie and when you look at all the evidence, you can easily see the lie and the fact that trumps story doesn't make sense.

You don't have over 140 meeting with Russians and members of your campaign by accident and trump is a micromanager. But you WANT to believe trump so you ignore the obvious.
trump is not being lynched. Unless you call this a self lynching. You really don't want trump to have a second term.

Of course he's being lynched. The truth is, you racist Democrats haven't changed all that much since your days of the Klan and Jim Crow laws. Ask any black conservative about that, hillbilly. They'll set your peckerwood ass straight for you.

I'm black. And I know black conservatives that can't stand trump. The sellouts you are referring to are black right wing extremists. trump is not being lynched because he's guilty as hell.

Maybe black on the outside, but as white on the inside as those lilly-white liberal pukes pulling your puppet strings and making you dance, Rufus.

It doesn't bother you that you're the liberal white Democrat Party's step 'n fetchit? Those Democrats are sitting up in their walled castles getting fat off your sweat and blood, while all you're getting from them is chump change, while they watch you do a softshoe dance for their entertainment.


It's funny how you guys show your racism then talk about liberals. Your words show me why I should remain a democrat.

The only "racism" is that which your rich white commie liberals have filled your head full of. Dude, you're ate up with it.

Wrong answer Cletus. You seems to believe that blacks can't think for ourselves so white liberals are telling us what to believe. That's racist you stupid motherfucker.
Adverse Inference is why we can say that trump is guilty and should be removed from office. There is no excuse for the obstruction by trump.

The adverse inference is based upon the presumption that the party who controls the evidence would have produced it, if it had been supportive. Adverse inference can also apply to a witness known to exist but the party refuses to identify or produce.

Adverse inference - Wikipedia

According to Lawvibe, "the 'adverse inference' can be quite damning at trial. Essentially, when plaintiffs try to present evidence on a point essential to their case and can't because the document has been destroyed (by the defendant), the jury can infer that the evidence would have been adverse to (the defendant), and adopt the plaintiff’s reasonable interpretation of what the document would have said...."

Adverse inference - Wikipedia


An adverse inference generally is a legal inference, adverse to the concerned party, made from a party's silence or the absence of requested evidence. For example, as a sanction for spoliation of evidence, a court may instruct the jury it could draw an inference that the evidence contained in the destroyed documents would have been unfavorable.

Adverse Inference Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Is this like Hillary destroying 33,000 emails, cellphones and server?
No. The president has obstructed every phase of these investigations. The story hasn't changed and people haven't been looking for reasons to remove him. The congress can impeach him and it will be up to the senate to convict him. Do not continue to be a sucker for trumps con.

Trump has hidden evidence and blocked witnesses. If he was innocent, if this was a hoax or witch hunt, he'd produce all the evidence necessary to prove it. You guys have chosen to believe a lie and when you look at all the evidence, you can easily see the lie and the fact that trumps story doesn't make sense.

You don't have over 140 meeting with Russians and members of your campaign by accident and trump is a micromanager. But you WANT to believe trump so you ignore the obvious.
Centuries of legal precedent dictate that the accused is under no obligation to prove negatives.

If you want to live under a backward-assed banana republic, where you are required to prove your innocence, move your ass back to Zimbabwe, Rochester.
Of course he's being lynched. The truth is, you racist Democrats haven't changed all that much since your days of the Klan and Jim Crow laws. Ask any black conservative about that, hillbilly. They'll set your peckerwood ass straight for you.

I'm black. And I know black conservatives that can't stand trump. The sellouts you are referring to are black right wing extremists. trump is not being lynched because he's guilty as hell.

Maybe black on the outside, but as white on the inside as those lilly-white liberal pukes pulling your puppet strings and making you dance, Rufus.

It doesn't bother you that you're the liberal white Democrat Party's step 'n fetchit? Those Democrats are sitting up in their walled castles getting fat off your sweat and blood, while all you're getting from them is chump change, while they watch you do a softshoe dance for their entertainment.


It's funny how you guys show your racism then talk about liberals. Your words show me why I should remain a democrat.

The only "racism" is that which your rich white commie liberals have filled your head full of. Dude, you're ate up with it.

Wrong answer Cletus. You seems to believe that blacks can't think for ourselves so white liberals are telling us what to believe. That's racist you stupid motherfucker.

Let's see, who else do we have?

Aha!! Kamala Harris! Now there's a choice for President!! Yowsa yowsa!

Ooops, nevermind. She done got a good ol' fashioned white liberal Democrat lynching, sho she done did.

Ahh guesses dem rich white Democrat donors jus don't wanna put dey's money on de dark horse, no sah!

Adverse Inference is why we can say that trump is guilty and should be removed from office. There is no excuse for the obstruction by trump.

The adverse inference is based upon the presumption that the party who controls the evidence would have produced it, if it had been supportive. Adverse inference can also apply to a witness known to exist but the party refuses to identify or produce.

Adverse inference - Wikipedia

According to Lawvibe, "the 'adverse inference' can be quite damning at trial. Essentially, when plaintiffs try to present evidence on a point essential to their case and can't because the document has been destroyed (by the defendant), the jury can infer that the evidence would have been adverse to (the defendant), and adopt the plaintiff’s reasonable interpretation of what the document would have said...."

Adverse inference - Wikipedia


An adverse inference generally is a legal inference, adverse to the concerned party, made from a party's silence or the absence of requested evidence. For example, as a sanction for spoliation of evidence, a court may instruct the jury it could draw an inference that the evidence contained in the destroyed documents would have been unfavorable.

Adverse Inference Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Poor little commie, you seem to be forgetting they refused to go to court to enforce their subpoenas. So you little theory falls apart when you commies have no court ruling to verify you were entitled to the information and witnesses in the first place. Carry on commie. LMAO

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