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Affirmative Theory of 9/11 attacks


Gold Member
Jun 8, 2009
Northern Virginia
Is there one? All I see is people pointing out individual "flaws" in the official version, saying it must have been demolitions or a missle or aliens etc.

But those are all negative theories: "it couldn't have been X because of Y.' I

I have never seen a full theory of "This is what really happned." Can anyone show me such a theory? Especially one that explains why things were done in such a way.

My prediciton is that several people will respond with more negative theories especially youtube clips, but no real coherent story.
Those who accepted or have quasi acceptance of the official story or those who don't care have moved on. Those who didn't are the ones still rehashing conspiracy stories from an incident over a decade ago. That is why you see all the those kinds of stories.
911 was a secret deal result between D.O.D. (Pentagon) and D.O.J. (FBI and DEA). Pentagon got the war it wanted. Justice Department got the power it wanted. (the Patriot Act) Here is the start of the story:

693. Eric Holder and Operation “Fast and Furious” (11/14/2011)

In last article, I said, “The nuclear disaster hadn’t developed further because their main case failed to go through.” The main plot is to kill Kat Hak Sung in a framed case. In recent years, the Feds prepared so many times to create war on Iran with false flag terror attacks. All failed to go through because the main plot went soured. So in June, when they were creating two nuclear disasters in US, they also authorized themselves with extended illegal power.
FBI expands agents' reach
By Charlie Savage New York Times

WASHIGNGTO - The FBI is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents - allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention.
(June 13, 2011 Mercury News)

The tactic is to authorize the Feds with power of unreasonable arrest and search. When they want to wrong someone they disliked, they only need to plant something illegal in his trash then they can make an arrest. It bypasses the Fourth Amendment. That rule is issued particularly on Kat Hak Sung. That’s obvious. Of course, the rule is against law. It doesn’t matter. They have convenient way. Let a political assigned official to take the responsibility. In August 2007 plot, (signaled by a B-52 loaded with nuclear missiles flying over US Continental on 8/30) President advisor Carl Rove and A.G. Gonzales both resigned on that day. Gonzales stayed a little longer later because the main plot (framed case) hadn’t been carried out. Now it’s A.G. Holder’s turn.

In recent weeks, there is a strong voice to demand the resignation of A.G. Eric Holder for his authorization of “Operation Fast and Furious”. He neglects the demand.

“ Rep. Joe Walsh to Eric Holder: You better resign immediately, buddy
October 26, 2011 by Tina Korbe
Congressional Hearings - "Operation Gunrunner" and "Operation Fast and Furious" in Geopolitics Forum “

“As a victim’s family speaks, 38 congressmen demand Eric Holder’s resignation
Published: 12:43 AM 11/10/2011

Eric Holder | Brian Terry | Resignation | Fast and Furious | The Daily Caller “

Why Eric Holder clings to his office not to resign? He is waiting for a big case. When the FBI, DEA in Department of Justice commit a crime – killing people in a framed case, he’ll step down to take the responsibility. That’s the way how the Feds play the politics.

Public Forum Forum
All theories of how, why and who are speculation usually based on assumptions about why.

Explain why the nation that put men on the Moon can't explain how airliner impacts and their resultant fires could totally destroy skyscrapers 2000 times the mass of the planes without providing data on the distributions of steel and concrete down the buildings?

If 14-year-olds could understand why airliners couldn't have done it if the grade school Newtonian Physics was properly explained then the US and all of Western Culture has a problem. At least the physics should have been resolved in 2002.

Since people complain about videos I'll have to give you one. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT4BXIpdIdo]WTC Modeling Instruction & Testing in the Real World - YouTube[/ame]

After this much time I don't give a damn who did it or why. The Physics Profession is to blame for this not being resolved at least on the mechanistic level. But if planes could not have done if then that opens a REALLY BIG CAN OF WORMS.

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Is there one? All I see is people pointing out individual "flaws" in the official version, saying it must have been demolitions or a missle or aliens etc.

But those are all negative theories: "it couldn't have been X because of Y.' I

I have never seen a full theory of "This is what really happned." Can anyone show me such a theory? Especially one that explains why things were done in such a way.

My prediciton is that several people will respond with more negative theories especially youtube clips, but no real coherent story.

Well, I fully believe the 9/11 Commission Report myself on the major points. Conspiracy whackos try to wither away at the edges of the Report by pointing out what ISN'T in the report as some sort of proof that the Report is wrong--by omission. I'm less concerned with the explanations they offer than I am concerned about why mental health officials have not diagnosed this schism more robustly.

If you're asking for alternative theories; you've got to find one that fits the known facts; 19 men hijacked 4 planes and crashed them into 3 structures and a field in Pennsylvania. I haven't seen any that fit but I will offer one that does.

Forget US government involvement. There was none. Otherwise the body count would have been much lower. The idea that buildings were taken down to kill a few people or hinder an investigation is batshit crazy on it's surface. So there is no conspiracy inside the government. It would have been much easier to simply steal the files of the investigation or kill the targeted people without the collateral damage and increasing difficulty of hijacking planes.


The undisputed "winner" of the war on terror is big oil. Record profits have been posted by many (if not most) oil companies and the records they break were ones set during the post 9/11 era. So if you want a smoking gun; point to oil.

Do I think the CEO of Chevron did it? No. But mid-sized players who operate refineries shouldn't be overlooked.

Well, In my scenario, the CEO may have experience in the Middle East as perhaps one who negotiated agreements before, one who traveled extensively, or perhaps one who has dealt with the Saudis in the past. Somewhere he either met or met someone who can get in touch with Bin Laden.

Well, through this contact he funds Bin Laden's network Al Queda and tells him that he wants them to do something to cause instability in the Middle East since that equals higher gasoline prices at the pump. So payments are made in the mid 1990's. Likely 5-8 large payments that show up as R&D on the company's books stateside. During that time nothing happens outside of a few attacks in Nairobi and Tanzania. Kobar towers. The USS Cole. So the relationship continues. More payments are made.

Then 9/11 happens.

Likely our oil man is shocked that it happened stateside. But what is he going to do? Tell on himself?

See, Bin Laden found out that he can goose the US into action by doing this. From the book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree:

Osama bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire with his own global network, declared war on the United States in the late 1990s, and the U.S. Air Force had to launch a cruise missile attack on him as though he were another nation-state. We fired cruise missiles at an individual!

One has to remember, we didn't use to do that--fire missiles at people. During the relationship with the oilman, Bin Laden's motives changed from being a two-bit thug to wanting Islam to become a superpower.

So out of this relationship; the oilman got the price of his commodity to increase and Osama got his war in the Middle East and got Islam riled up. The conspiracy is between 2 or 3 men. Two of which are dead (more than likely)--Osama and his intermediary. More on the third later on.

Enrico Fermi is credited with making the first sustainable chain reaction. Osama may be our generation's Fermi. In some village somewhere over there, our demise is being plotted. Blowback is coming. Watch. But it will ultimately fail because Islam is self-defeating as a geopolitical force; you can't go anywhere without the women.

Who was the 3rd man? Well, I don't mean to personify him but if I had to guess; it would be someone like Oscar Wyatt. Maybe not him per-say but he fits the profile.

Then there's this:

Legendary Texas oilman Wyatt indicted in scam - Houston Chronicle

Oscar bought Saddam's oil during the embargo.


Again, I fully believe the 9/11 Commission Report. None of the above happened. BUT...if you want to play the parlor game of HOW something like this could happen; you need to build the ship in the bottle that the Commission Report created.
Is there one? All I see is people pointing out individual "flaws" in the official version, saying it must have been demolitions or a missle or aliens etc.

But those are all negative theories: "it couldn't have been X because of Y.' I

I have never seen a full theory of "This is what really happned." Can anyone show me such a theory? Especially one that explains why things were done in such a way.

My prediciton is that several people will respond with more negative theories especially youtube clips, but no real coherent story.

Well, I fully believe the 9/11 Commission Report myself on the major points. Conspiracy whackos try to wither away at the edges of the Report by pointing out what ISN'T in the report as some sort of proof that the Report is wrong--by omission. I'm less concerned with the explanations they offer than I am concerned about why mental health officials have not diagnosed this schism more robustly.

If you're asking for alternative theories; you've got to find one that fits the known facts; 19 men hijacked 4 planes and crashed them into 3 structures and a field in Pennsylvania. I haven't seen any that fit but I will offer one that does.

Forget US government involvement. There was none. Otherwise the body count would have been much lower. The idea that buildings were taken down to kill a few people or hinder an investigation is batshit crazy on it's surface. So there is no conspiracy inside the government. It would have been much easier to simply steal the files of the investigation or kill the targeted people without the collateral damage and increasing difficulty of hijacking planes.


The undisputed "winner" of the war on terror is big oil. Record profits have been posted by many (if not most) oil companies and the records they break were ones set during the post 9/11 era. So if you want a smoking gun; point to oil.

Do I think the CEO of Chevron did it? No. But mid-sized players who operate refineries shouldn't be overlooked.

Well, In my scenario, the CEO may have experience in the Middle East as perhaps one who negotiated agreements before, one who traveled extensively, or perhaps one who has dealt with the Saudis in the past. Somewhere he either met or met someone who can get in touch with Bin Laden.

Well, through this contact he funds Bin Laden's network Al Queda and tells him that he wants them to do something to cause instability in the Middle East since that equals higher gasoline prices at the pump. So payments are made in the mid 1990's. Likely 5-8 large payments that show up as R&D on the company's books stateside. During that time nothing happens outside of a few attacks in Nairobi and Tanzania. Kobar towers. The USS Cole. So the relationship continues. More payments are made.

Then 9/11 happens.

Likely our oil man is shocked that it happened stateside. But what is he going to do? Tell on himself?

See, Bin Laden found out that he can goose the US into action by doing this. From the book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree:

Osama bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire with his own global network, declared war on the United States in the late 1990s, and the U.S. Air Force had to launch a cruise missile attack on him as though he were another nation-state. We fired cruise missiles at an individual!

One has to remember, we didn't use to do that--fire missiles at people. During the relationship with the oilman, Bin Laden's motives changed from being a two-bit thug to wanting Islam to become a superpower.

So out of this relationship; the oilman got the price of his commodity to increase and Osama got his war in the Middle East and got Islam riled up. The conspiracy is between 2 or 3 men. Two of which are dead (more than likely)--Osama and his intermediary. More on the third later on.

Enrico Fermi is credited with making the first sustainable chain reaction. Osama may be our generation's Fermi. In some village somewhere over there, our demise is being plotted. Blowback is coming. Watch. But it will ultimately fail because Islam is self-defeating as a geopolitical force; you can't go anywhere without the women.

Who was the 3rd man? Well, I don't mean to personify him but if I had to guess; it would be someone like Oscar Wyatt. Maybe not him per-say but he fits the profile.

Then there's this:

Legendary Texas oilman Wyatt indicted in scam - Houston Chronicle

Oscar bought Saddam's oil during the embargo.


Again, I fully believe the 9/11 Commission Report. None of the above happened. BUT...if you want to play the parlor game of HOW something like this could happen; you need to build the ship in the bottle that the Commission Report created.

:cuckoo: P.N.A.C Is a good place to start your research. Consider the major players involved with that and the offices in presidential administrations they held, before, during and after..19 Islamic terrorists were patsies. Your display of ignorance and a shill is astounding, as always.
The 9-11 attacks are not beyond the planning and direction of some rogue elements within certain US government agencies, and personnel. Something similar was planned in the '60's, and it wasn't conceived by some wealthy oilmen, or 3rd world fanatics.
Besides if OBL was responsible in anyway, why not capture him and "interrogate" him to find out, and finally answer all the questions surrounding all the dubious things about the attack?
Or in your mind, there aren't any?
Did Alqaeda get "lucky" and do the attacks the same day as the military drills and exercises, just like the 7-7 London bombings?

I'd like to know how 3 massive WTC towers were demolished using only 2 planes, or how kerosene transformed itself into such a highly flammable force that the CD industry should be using instead of all the fancy detonators and logistics planning they employed for decades.

It's true that one could go on about the official conspiracy theory and go off in different directions, but like you say that the 9-11 Omission Report is solid on the "major" points :lol:
The same can be said about the major points that show the OCT is flawed and wrong, and a conspiracy of outright lies.
All one has to do is start at the PNAC, and go to the science and physics parts to learn the OCT doesn't make sense, who you blame or for what reasons are irrelevant, as an objective mind will soon discover the truly major points that encompass physics, the drills politics and PNAC, and WTC 7 and NIST don't add up.
Toss in the shameful Iraq WMDs war and this-

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdDp_jlgC9M]Bush jokes about Weapons of Mass Destruction - YouTube[/ame]

And there should be no question of the extent to which psychopaths will go to deceive you.

My prediciton is that several people will respond with more negative theories especially youtube clips, but no real coherent story.
9-11 and how it was and still is explained to a dumbed down and terrified public, is most assuredly false on many points, and the OP will be hard pressed to find any discussion on the topic anything other then negative.

Osama may be our generation's Fermi.
:lol::lol::lol: Is this your attempt to explain how OBL and his fanatics suspended the laws of physics? :eusa_liar: You outdid yourself with this statement!
Such an important genius of our generation and he isn't even captured and questioned? Do you realize how much valuable information the US gained from captured Nazis "Fermis"? :eek: :lol:

You insult the OP, and anyone with any common sense. The USMB IQ just dropped with your post.
Is there one? All I see is people pointing out individual "flaws" in the official version, saying it must have been demolitions or a missle or aliens etc.

But those are all negative theories: "it couldn't have been X because of Y.' I

I have never seen a full theory of "This is what really happned." Can anyone show me such a theory? Especially one that explains why things were done in such a way.

My prediciton is that several people will respond with more negative theories especially youtube clips, but no real coherent story.

Well, I fully believe the 9/11 Commission Report myself on the major points. Conspiracy whackos try to wither away at the edges of the Report by pointing out what ISN'T in the report as some sort of proof that the Report is wrong--by omission. I'm less concerned with the explanations they offer than I am concerned about why mental health officials have not diagnosed this schism more robustly.

If you're asking for alternative theories; you've got to find one that fits the known facts; 19 men hijacked 4 planes and crashed them into 3 structures and a field in Pennsylvania. I haven't seen any that fit but I will offer one that does.

Forget US government involvement. There was none. Otherwise the body count would have been much lower. The idea that buildings were taken down to kill a few people or hinder an investigation is batshit crazy on it's surface. So there is no conspiracy inside the government. It would have been much easier to simply steal the files of the investigation or kill the targeted people without the collateral damage and increasing difficulty of hijacking planes.


The undisputed "winner" of the war on terror is big oil. Record profits have been posted by many (if not most) oil companies and the records they break were ones set during the post 9/11 era. So if you want a smoking gun; point to oil.

Do I think the CEO of Chevron did it? No. But mid-sized players who operate refineries shouldn't be overlooked.

Well, In my scenario, the CEO may have experience in the Middle East as perhaps one who negotiated agreements before, one who traveled extensively, or perhaps one who has dealt with the Saudis in the past. Somewhere he either met or met someone who can get in touch with Bin Laden.

Well, through this contact he funds Bin Laden's network Al Queda and tells him that he wants them to do something to cause instability in the Middle East since that equals higher gasoline prices at the pump. So payments are made in the mid 1990's. Likely 5-8 large payments that show up as R&D on the company's books stateside. During that time nothing happens outside of a few attacks in Nairobi and Tanzania. Kobar towers. The USS Cole. So the relationship continues. More payments are made.

Then 9/11 happens.

Likely our oil man is shocked that it happened stateside. But what is he going to do? Tell on himself?

See, Bin Laden found out that he can goose the US into action by doing this. From the book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree:

One has to remember, we didn't use to do that--fire missiles at people. During the relationship with the oilman, Bin Laden's motives changed from being a two-bit thug to wanting Islam to become a superpower.

So out of this relationship; the oilman got the price of his commodity to increase and Osama got his war in the Middle East and got Islam riled up. The conspiracy is between 2 or 3 men. Two of which are dead (more than likely)--Osama and his intermediary. More on the third later on.

Enrico Fermi is credited with making the first sustainable chain reaction. Osama may be our generation's Fermi. In some village somewhere over there, our demise is being plotted. Blowback is coming. Watch. But it will ultimately fail because Islam is self-defeating as a geopolitical force; you can't go anywhere without the women.

Who was the 3rd man? Well, I don't mean to personify him but if I had to guess; it would be someone like Oscar Wyatt. Maybe not him per-say but he fits the profile.

Then there's this:

Legendary Texas oilman Wyatt indicted in scam - Houston Chronicle

Oscar bought Saddam's oil during the embargo.


Again, I fully believe the 9/11 Commission Report. None of the above happened. BUT...if you want to play the parlor game of HOW something like this could happen; you need to build the ship in the bottle that the Commission Report created.

:cuckoo: P.N.A.C Is a good place to start your research. Consider the major players involved with that and the offices in presidential administrations they held, before, during and after..19 Islamic terrorists were patsies. Your display of ignorance and a shill is astounding, as always.
The 9-11 attacks are not beyond the planning and direction of some rogue elements within certain US government agencies, and personnel. Something similar was planned in the '60's, and it wasn't conceived by some wealthy oilmen, or 3rd world fanatics.
Besides if OBL was responsible in anyway, why not capture him and "interrogate" him to find out, and finally answer all the questions surrounding all the dubious things about the attack?
Or in your mind, there aren't any?
Did Alqaeda get "lucky" and do the attacks the same day as the military drills and exercises, just like the 7-7 London bombings?

I'd like to know how 3 massive WTC towers were demolished using only 2 planes, or how kerosene transformed itself into such a highly flammable force that the CD industry should be using instead of all the fancy detonators and logistics planning they employed for decades.

It's true that one could go on about the official conspiracy theory and go off in different directions, but like you say that the 9-11 Omission Report is solid on the "major" points :lol:
The same can be said about the major points that show the OCT is flawed and wrong, and a conspiracy of outright lies.
All one has to do is start at the PNAC, and go to the science and physics parts to learn the OCT doesn't make sense, who you blame or for what reasons are irrelevant, as an objective mind will soon discover the truly major points that encompass physics, the drills politics and PNAC, and WTC 7 and NIST don't add up.
Toss in the shameful Iraq WMDs war and this-

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdDp_jlgC9M]Bush jokes about Weapons of Mass Destruction - YouTube[/ame]

And there should be no question of the extent to which psychopaths will go to deceive you.

My prediciton is that several people will respond with more negative theories especially youtube clips, but no real coherent story.
9-11 and how it was and still is explained to a dumbed down and terrified public, is most assuredly false on many points, and the OP will be hard pressed to find any discussion on the topic anything other then negative.

Osama may be our generation's Fermi.
:lol::lol::lol: Is this your attempt to explain how OBL and his fanatics suspended the laws of physics? :eusa_liar: You outdid yourself with this statement!
Such an important genius of our generation and he isn't even captured and questioned? Do you realize how much valuable information the US gained from captured Nazis "Fermis"? :eek: :lol:

You insult the OP, and anyone with any common sense. The USMB IQ just dropped with your post.
which laws? no need to answer...as you've proven many times over that you don't know shit about the laws of physics
A New Standard for Deception: The NIST WTC Report

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuGI82tOhEI&feature=related]A New Standard for Deception: The NIST WTC Report - YouTube[/ame]

9/11: Blueprint for Truth

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vb7o-OOe20&feature=relmfu]9/11: Blueprint for Truth - YouTube[/ame]

Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WATCH!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhdppHwUJ9k&feature=related]Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WATCH! - YouTube[/ame]
A New Standard for Deception: The NIST WTC Report

A New Standard for Deception: The NIST WTC Report - YouTube

9/11: Blueprint for Truth

9/11: Blueprint for Truth - YouTube

Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WATCH!
Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WATCH! - YouTube

Hey, it's Krazy Kevin, Pope Dickie G, and Bobby (can't fly a simulator) Balsamo.

The batshit crazy trio of Twooferdom today. :lol:

Come back when you have something from people who aren't insane.
A New Standard for Deception: The NIST WTC Report

A New Standard for Deception: The NIST WTC Report - YouTube

9/11: Blueprint for Truth

9/11: Blueprint for Truth - YouTube

Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WATCH!
Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WATCH! - YouTube
so much for objective evidence.....:lol::lol:

dick gage...fuuuuuuuuck me!

As always you can't point to any specific thing that you disagree with and turn it into an interesting debate/discussion. You offer nothing, nada, about ANY part of the 9-11 attacks.
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A New Standard for Deception: The NIST WTC Report

A New Standard for Deception: The NIST WTC Report - YouTube

9/11: Blueprint for Truth

9/11: Blueprint for Truth - YouTube

Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WATCH!
Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WATCH! - YouTube

Hey, it's Krazy Kevin, Pope Dickie G, and Bobby (can't fly a simulator) Balsamo.

The batshit crazy trio of Twooferdom today. :lol:

Come back when you have something from people who aren't insane.

What in the fuck could be more batshit crazy then this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98]9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube[/ame]

But it's easier and more comforting to willfully misunderstand physics, and let slide clear misrepresentation of facts that border on outright lies, while believing outright far fetched, highly improbable story lines and scenarios and call it a day.
Oh well we were attacked because of our freedoms, so we'll just have to incrementally give them up :cuckoo::lol:
Lies are truth, war is good, and now OBL is being compared to Fermi! :lol::lol::lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdDp_jlgC9M]Bush jokes about Weapons of Mass Destruction - YouTube[/ame]

Those WMDs? Those brave troops you claim to support who died, and lost limbs? Fuck it they don't mean shit to you or the assholes who laughed along I guess.
It is you and people like you that are batshit crazy for going along with this ludicrous 9-11 OCT ,Iraq WMD war, and the OBL "raid".
How much additional BS are you capable of deep throating?
A New Standard for Deception: The NIST WTC Report

A New Standard for Deception: The NIST WTC Report - YouTube

9/11: Blueprint for Truth

9/11: Blueprint for Truth - YouTube

Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WATCH!
Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WATCH! - YouTube
so much for objective evidence.....:lol::lol:

dick gage...fuuuuuuuuck me!

As always you can't point to any specific thing that you disagree with and turn it into an interesting debate/discussion. You offer nothing, nada, about ANY part of the 9-11 attacks.
wrong as always or DO you memory problems?I've been all through the attacks and you ass hats are ALWAYS WRONG. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE.
Finally, SLackjawed Rothschild here to save the day and present a affirmative theory about 911.

No youtubes

no wild claims about boooooosh

just indisputable facts laid out in a coherent theory about what happened on 911, and an indication of whats in store for the future.

I have presented this before, but for the new folks, here it is again, the indisputable truth about 911...

Evil aliens abducted the planes, and all the passengers on 911. They had abducted humans before, to breed a super race of humans. Unfortunately they abducted a midget, thus they were only able to breed a race of evil midgets. They had also abducted Elvis, but he was impotent and his dna was damaged by drugs, so all he was good for was training the evil midgets. The evil midgets were the ones that cleaned up the mess on the ground, killed a few people to make it look real and likely planted the explosives that actually took down the buildings since when they abducted the planes they could not have hit the buildings. (yes, that exactly why you don't see any wreckage in PA, it was all staged by the midgets.) Now that was just the beginning, the abducted plane passengers are being used to breed a race of normal sized super humans to take over the world.
Now all we need to figure out is how long it takes to breed, raise and train a race of normal sized super humans.
Now doesn't that just make much more sense than either the official story or the wired together theories that are casually tossed around by the conspiracy theorists?
Yes there is a conspiracy, but our government simply isn't smart enough or skilled enough to pull it off.
Therefore, it must be evil midgets, its the only thing that makes sense.

Some of the midgets were surgically altered to look like normal size humans,(which they are not), and left behind to engage in a constant disinformation campaign.
Creativedreams, terral, 911insidejob, all the twoofers---all midgets left here to create a cover until the evil superhuman race is strong enough to attack.
EOTS is a real human, just a little misguided.

Evil space midgets is simply the only story that is credible enough to be true.
694. The term of FBI Chief (11/21/2011)

Two years ago, I talked about the other story of the resignation of the chief of the FBI and DEA.
Re: “610. The road of persecution (9/23/09)
7. In early April, 2001, Feds (DOD and DOJ) created EP-3 spy plane incident. In negotiation to release the spy plane crew, FBI and DEA signed a secret deal with Chinese government. In the secret deal, China would frame a drug case. The payment was huge. China was granted to host 2008 Olympic Game and to be a member of WTO. China was greatly benefitted by this deal. As a result, China now becomes the second economic power in the world. Because of that deal, both the director of FBI and DEA resigned in April 2001 and left their posts three months later.

to see the secret deal about spy-plane at:

Sherman Skolnick's Report “

The term for FBI chief is ten years. Louis Freeh headed the office from 1993 to 2001, two years short for a full term. He and the Chief of DEA both resigned in April (when their representatives signed the secret deal with China to frame a drug case) and left their post in later June. June 11, 2001 was the action date of the framed drug case. They left their post after their plot ended (though it failed to go through).

I learned the action date from an intimidation from FBI.

Author:FBI <mailto:[email protected]> (
Subject:Your Time Is UP, Kat Hak Sung !Sat, Jun 9 2001 at 8:25 am[
Email Msg </cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?c=emailmsgform&fid=1937-truth&mid=27> | Invite </cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?c=inviteform&fid=1937-truth>

Message:Kat Hak Sung! Your time is up! We are giving you 3x24 hours to surrender. Turn yourself in to the local authority where you are residing now. You have been sentenced to DEATH in absentia. ..... Within 3x24 hours you should surrender and turn yourself in, to serve your death sentence under the gallows. The state of California has restored this kind of death sentence just for you. ....

3x24 hours after posting time was 6/12/2001, the date of the execution of McVeigh was 6/11. Since then I learned that when the Feds planned an illegal case, they used to arrange big event(s) to distract public attention from the plot. The criminal style was proved many times later in my experience.

I also realized so said &#8220;democracy&#8221; is a cheating mask. It is a covert totalitarian. They manipulate the judicial system. The Feds executed McVeigh just because they needed a cover up. They had secret court to sentence victim&#8217;s death. Now when they failed to frame innocent people in case, they bypassed the Constitution to issue rule for themselves. See &#8220;FBI expands agents' reach&#8221; in last article. (#693)

September should be the last month for Robert Mueller in his FBI office. (Sep. 2001 &#8211; Sep. 2011) His term has been extended for two more years. He has to finish Kat Sung before he leaves the office. The next FBI Chief doesn&#8217;t want to take any responsibility to a criminal action. Louis Freeh left office in later June 2001 after his plot finished. (signaled with the execution of McVeigh). Robert Mueller took over the office in early September. There was a three months open period there. Why? Because they knew there would be a big plot to come &#8211; 911 attack. The new selected Robert Mueller then didn&#8217;t want to take any responsibility of the 911. They didn&#8217;t want a new Chief stepping down just after him taking the office. So be it this time.

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695. The collusion of D.O.D. and D.O.J. (11/28/2011)

In July 2000, I returned to the States from the drift in South-east Asia. With bitter experience there, I started to write in the Internet to reveal the dark side of the Feds (FBI and DEA). The mole scare of light, the Feds were in panic. On November 12, 2000, there was a big article in San Jose Mercury News &#8211; &#8220;Killing Pablo&#8221;. It said "Pentagon officials were concerned that US forces were possibly violating a presidential directive that prohibited American involvement in assassinations of foreign citizens. " To kill Columbia drug lord Pablo Escoba, US government spent millions in a covert operation in which a secret group assassinated about 300 people. No one was ever prosecuted. US ambassador, DEA, special force of pentagon were involved. The full extent of the US role has never been made public.

Then why did they make it public this time? The article was more of extortion then news. D.O.J. to other department of the government: &#8220;You did something illegal abroad, so when I do same thing domestically, keep your mouth shut up. &#8220;

But Pablo Escoba was a drug lord, Kat Sung and his family is innocent. That&#8217;s totally different. The Feds had to frame a case against him. They found a collaborator- Chinese secret police. China is a big country. The price they asked for was big too: To host the 2008 Olympic and to be the member of WTO. (Chinese merchandise now can bypass the tax barrier to all members of the World Trade Organization.)Both were important to boost Chinese economy. For the Feds, nothing was more important than to cover up their crime. The interest of the USA was thrown behind. China got what they wanted.

How could they let US government make such a big concession to a potential rival country? Then we saw the April 2001 EP-3 spy plane incident. US paid a huge ransom to release the crew of the spy plane in a secret deal. However, it was a big strategy loss for the US. Both heads of the FBI and the DEA had to leave their office for that secret deal.

The D.O.D. and the D.O.J. had a collusion in April 2001. In that month, D.O.D. had its spy plane collided with a Chinese fighter and landed in Hainan Island of Chna. With the help of the Pentagon, the D.O.J. got a secret deal from China to frame a drug case they wanted. (however, the framed drug case went soured and failed again and again under my revelation until now)

In same month, under the influence of the D.O.J. (I say so because it&#8217;s FBI who controls domestic society) Silverstein got the lease of the Twin Towers. WTC were under control, prepared for the collapse in coming September. Pentagon got what they wanted: the war in Middle East.

Ownership, Control, and Insurance of The World Trade Center
On April 26 of 2001 the Board of Commissioners for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey awarded Silverstein Properties and mall-owner Westfield America a 99-year-lease on the following assets: The Twin Towers, World Trade Center Buildings 4 and 5, two 9-story office buildings, and 400,000 square feet of retail space.

9-11 Research: Controlling Interests

The 2001 April ended with these two events &#8211; spy plane incident and new lease of WTC, a cross deal between the D.O.D. and the D.O.J..A false flag terror attack was ready. On first day next month, ABC news let out the news of &#8220;Operation Northwoods&#8221;.

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
By David Ruppe N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001

In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - ABC News

If you think you have this news because of the Information freedom Act, then you are wrong. It was a pre-psychological propaganda &#8211; part of the 911 plot. It was used to justify the coming 911 attack. It told other government officials: &#8220;See, we didn&#8217;t start it. It was created by former military leaders. We just copy it.&#8221;
I wish I was more surprised that I got the answers, or rather lack of answers, that I expected.

No one is willing to address why anyone would think that crashing planes AND using explosives was a good idea. Why anyone would use a missle on the Pentagon and call it a passenger plane. Or why fake the Flight 73 crash at all.

I don't know whether to feel dissappointed no one has an answer or to feel satisfied that I was right that no one would try to answer.

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