Afghans plunge to their deaths after trying to cling to US military plane taking off from Kabul

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
It's a heck of a thing.

You have to zoom in to see the poor saps falling to their deaths.

It wasn't immediately clear if these were people but they ended up recovering the bodies.

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Video shows several people climbing onto United States Air Force planes as they take off while continuing to hang on...

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Time to pray!
Pray like you have never prayed before.... for the Afghan people.

What I don't understand is why the Afghan people who are afraid of the Taliban, never stood on their own, to fight them?

Because there weren't ever that many of them.

The fact is, whenever you have a foreign invasion, you have those who resist, those who sell out and those just try to get on with their lives.

The problem is, no one really likes the sell outs when the invaders go home.

This whole thing is a clusterf**k.

However, whenever we would have withdrew, there would have been chaos. It was inevitable.
Doesn't seem like a very good idea to hang onto an airplane as it takes off.

Strikingly similar scenario to that which is reflected in those old Fall of Saigon photos, though...


Time to pray!
Pray like you have never prayed before.... for the Afghan people.

What I don't understand is why the Afghan people who are afraid of the Taliban, never stood on their own, to fight them?
I`ve looked at several sources for the answer to your question and I`m getting the same info from several sites. Most Afghans distrust their current weak and corrupt govt. and they resent having NATO forces in their country.
Time to pray!
Pray like you have never prayed before.... for the Afghan people.

What I don't understand is why the Afghan people who are afraid of the Taliban, never stood on their own, to fight them?
Islam is a culture and selective breeding of bullies.................for generations they either kill or are the cowards living in fear of the others killing them... Any who have stood up were killed off thusly removed from the genepool.
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It started and ends with people falling out of the sky.

Does it?

You think maybe they'll stop molestering us at the airport now?

Because I gotta tell ya, I'm not too sure about that whole fighting for our freedoms gag any more. Seems like every time the central government gets into another war to fight for our freedom that our freedom ends up being the very first thing on the chopping block.


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Because there weren't ever that many of them.

The fact is, whenever you have a foreign invasion, you have those who resist, those who sell out and those just try to get on with their lives.

The problem is, no one really likes the sell outs when the invaders go home.

View attachment 526457
Biden was around as Senator for the fall of Saigon also. We can put that in the Biden Memorial with this. He was proud to serve us for 55 years. He helped to oversee our decline as the greatest nation in history.
A bit too late to give a damn NOW Afghanies!!
According to all these other posts you had 20 years to get your shit together and learn some sort of collective resistance, or even modernize your litterbox of a country.
You weren't interested, so we left. NOW you think grabbing onto our plane as we finally leave is going to make us come back??

You dug your own graves.
A bit too late to give a damn NOW Afghanies!!
According to all these other posts you had 20 years to get your shit together and learn some sort of collective resistance, or even modernize your litterbox of a country.
You weren't interested, so we left. NOW you think grabbing onto our plane as we finally leave is going to make us come back??

You dug your own graves.
The Taliban has more support from the Afghan citizens than the corrupt government ever had. Their economic and social conditions are no better today than they were 20 years ago. How about we mind our own effin business for a change?
The Taliban has more support from the Afghan citizens than the corrupt government ever had. Their economic and social conditions are no better today than they were 20 years ago. How about we mind our own effin business for a change?
Yeah, we can see that as the people in area are getting themselves killed trying to escape the taliban.
It's a heck of a thing.

You have to zoom in to see the poor saps falling to their deaths.

It wasn't immediately clear if these were people but they ended up recovering the bodies.

Are they dancing in the streets of Gaza and New Jersey in celebration? Are the islamonazis on the yard at Guantanamo Bay and at the Florence ADX pulling out their hooch to celebrate the ascendancy of Evil?
The Taliban has more support from the Afghan citizens than the corrupt government ever had. Their economic and social conditions are no better today than they were 20 years ago. How about we mind our own effin business for a change?
This from Pat Buchanan. It’s time to stop US imperialism and terminate all involved in the debacle that is Afghanistan.

Alas I’m dreaming. Watch as our media and military twist this debacle into a need for more war spending and more imperialism. CRAZY!!!

Who is responsible for the colossal U.S. failure in Afghanistan? Who is responsible for America’s impending defeat in her longest war?

Over the last 20 years, the U.S. lost 2,500 troops with 20,000 wounded and invested $1 trillion to create an Afghan army, only to see that army crumble and disintegrate as soon as we departed.

Wednesday, Biden conceded that truth:

“Look, we spent over $1 trillion over 20 years; we trained and equipped … over 300,000 Afghan forces. Afghan leaders have to come together. They’ve got to fight for themselves.”

We are facing in Afghanistan a wipeout of the investment of a generation to convert Afghanistan into a democracy with the ability to hold the allegiance of its people and to defend itself.

Why did we fail?

Did the U.S. generals, statesmen, politicians and journalists who went to Afghanistan during these last two decades, and came back to testify to our steady progress, delude themselves? Or did they deceive us?

How many U.S. generals knew what was going on but declined to risk their careers by telling Congress or the country that the Afghan army and regime we had stood up would likely collapse like a house of cards once the Americans departed and they had to face the Taliban alone?
Give credit where credit is due........also thank the Clinton mafia, the turncoat Bushes, and the Muslim Obozo!!!
After discharging from the military in the 1970's, I was disillusioned that the Affirmative Action, Quotas, Political Correctness and Diversity was still making it difficult as a Caucasian male for getting half decent jobs without going to college as when I graduated from high school some years earlier. I then started to read a lot of Conservative Books from Religion to Political ways of out nation including making a best of our financial system forced on us by our political system with the fiat currency we have. Anyway, the books gave names of some people that were globalist or new world order people. The Bush family was one of them as I remember. And a few year later, it is believed that Reagan was forced to take Bush as V.P. Reagan was also pushed out of winning the 1976 Repub Nomination to let Ford run for President. The enemy has gotten much smarter and thought they won in 2016 for total domination. Many are the same as they promote themselves different. It is just the speed to globalism that is affected. They corrected their mistakes in 2020.
Biden was around as Senator for the fall of Saigon also. We can put that in the Biden Memorial with this. He was proud to serve us for 55 years. He helped to oversee our decline as the greatest nation in history.
He helped? Anyone else involved in this? Reaganomics is what trashed us into the 2nd world. Most Democrats went along with it, so I'm not giving Biden or anyone a pass for their extensive sellout to corporate interests.

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