Afraid of the rain!

Trump cancels WW1 memorial at U.S. cemetery in France due to rain

Sorry is there is a thread about this ,but I looked and did not see one.

Just unbelievable! He could not bring himself to go to Belleau, the very place that the US Marines earned their nickname Devil Dog, because of a light rain!

Way to honor the troops!

What a way to celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday!

He was scheduled to go in the helicopter. Obviously the flight was cancelled due to the bad weather.

Going by car from Paris would had required a small army to mobilize with him without it being planned.

So the other leaders took automobiles. And there are things called umbrellas. Oh that's right, he doesn't know use one.
Your president is such a pussy and he displayed that those who died for freedom aren't important to him. Our fighting men are only important to Trump, when it works for him politically He clearly demonstrated, today.
'Umbrellas Are Hard:' Trump Shamed Over Skipping WWI Cemetery Visit in FranceView attachment 228070
This is how liberals support our troops.
Trump cancels WW1 memorial at U.S. cemetery in France due to rain

Sorry is there is a thread about this ,but I looked and did not see one.

Just unbelievable! He could not bring himself to go to Belleau, the very place that the US Marines earned their nickname Devil Dog, because of a light rain!

Way to honor the troops!

What a way to celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday!

He was scheduled to go in the helicopter. Obviously the flight was cancelled due to the bad weather.

Going by car from Paris would had required a small army to mobilize with him without it being planned.

So the other leaders took automobiles. And there are things called umbrellas. Oh that's right, he doesn't know use one.
Your president is such a pussy and he displayed that those who died for freedom aren't important to him. Our fighting men are only important to Trump, when it works for him politically He clearly demonstrated, today.
'Umbrellas Are Hard:' Trump Shamed Over Skipping WWI Cemetery Visit in FranceView attachment 228070
This is how liberals support our troops.View attachment 228163

He kneeled fighting againest police brutality not disrespecting the flag
So, you would have questioned the White House if it occurred under Obama? No, you wouldn’t.
“But light steady rain and a low cloud ceiling prevented his helicopter from traveling to the site.”
Trump cancels WW1 memorial at U.S. cemetery in France due to rain | Reuters

Reuters is reporting what the White House said, nothing more.

We already know what the White House story is
And, of course, because the White House said so, it must be wrong!
Geeesh, you guys are so pathetic, you don’t even hear yourselves.

Let's reverse that...

And, of course, because the White House said so, it must be right!

Geeesh, you guys are so pathetic, you don’t even hear yourselves worship Trump

Sure would, and.would.think it is just as cowardly and despicable!
Yet he attended the ceremonies today. The weather is good.
So, you would have questioned the White House if it occurred under Obama? No, you wouldn’t.
“But light steady rain and a low cloud ceiling prevented his helicopter from traveling to the site.”
Trump cancels WW1 memorial at U.S. cemetery in France due to rain | Reuters

Reuters is reporting what the White House said, nothing more.

We already know what the White House story is
And, of course, because the White House said so, it must be wrong!
Geeesh, you guys are so pathetic, you don’t even hear yourselves.

Let's reverse that...

And, of course, because the White House said so, it must be right!

Geeesh, you guys are so pathetic, you don’t even hear yourselves worship Trump

Sure would, and.would.think it is just as cowardly and despicable!
Yet he attended the ceremonies today. The weather is good.
So, you would have questioned the White House if it occurred under Obama? No, you wouldn’t.
Reuters is reporting what the White House said, nothing more.

We already know what the White House story is
And, of course, because the White House said so, it must be wrong!
Geeesh, you guys are so pathetic, you don’t even hear yourselves.

Let's reverse that...

And, of course, because the White House said so, it must be right!

Geeesh, you guys are so pathetic, you don’t even hear yourselves worship Trump

Sure would, and.would.think it is just as cowardly and despicable!

So it was about her hair, good to know!
Left winger who cares about the troops.

That sure is unbelievable.

Yes, it is unbelievable that a leftwinger like you would care about the troops, which is why you do not.

Meanwhile, the real soldiers are practically worshiping Trump and the way he stops invasions. These formalities mean nothing to them.

If you think these things do not matter to the Marine Corps you clearly have never been to a Marine Corps Birthday Ball.

You are clueless.
France does not represent Marines
Trump cancels WW1 memorial at U.S. cemetery in France due to rain

Sorry is there is a thread about this ,but I looked and did not see one.

Just unbelievable! He could not bring himself to go to Belleau, the very place that the US Marines earned their nickname Devil Dog, because of a light rain!

Way to honor the troops!

What a way to celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday!

Maybe he didn't have a Marine to hold his umbrella

The Marines were waiting on Marine One to take him there, that is their job.

Wooosh right over your left tard noodle

Oh do not worry my little liberal buddy, I got your dig at the Marines, I just choose to ignore it. Marines are proud to serve the POTUS in the manner they do.
And still they would vote for him over any progressive nominee
Are you denying that Trump choose not to go?

Are you saying that Yahoo made up the whole story and none of it happened?

The clouds were below minimums for safe air ops, would a last minute ground convoy been any safer? If you can't answer that then you just need to shut the fuck up about it. His secret service detail probably made the call.


Good point. Can't fly a helicopter in unsafe conditions. And it's not like they load the presidential limo on Air Force One for overseas flights.

Oh wait, they do.

Eh. The light rain probably made it unsafe to drive.

Actually no, they don't load the presidential limo on AF-1, it travels on cargo aircraft, just like Marine-1. But while you're being a smart ass why don't you tell the class what roads they would have had to travel to get to the site and how wide they were. Come on know it all, clue us in.


Every other world leader managed to make it there and show respect for those who died. But hey, people who gave their lives for principles are dead, right so that makes them losers, and Trump has no time for soldiers, living or dead.

The White House Chief of Staff and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff made it, I guess the roads were wide enough for them

Donald Trump is weak. Any pretending otherwise is suspect.

Then there is this….

Screen Shot 2018-11-11 at 11.13.45 AM.png

I recall hearing a story that the Army didn’t meet it’s recruitment quota recently. I wonder how well it will do if/when these troops are told to chase down some 4 year old girl or worse yet, open fire. I won’t pretend to know what motivates these brave souls to risk their lives for total strangers, a nation that has historically treated them lukewarmly (sp?), and serve under draft dodgers like Bush and Clinton and abject cowards like Trump but I can’t imagine that what we’re seeing now is, in any way or proceeding from any tangent, is what they signed up for.
He was supposed to travel by helicopter, but the weather was too bad, and if you followed Frances news, there was a high gas price protest that blocked the freeways.

And yet somehow General John Kelly and General Joe Dunford were able to make it there.
Don’t you think it’s more fitting for them to show up for the Marines to the Marines...
Progressives have never been a friend to military folk
Trump cancels WW1 memorial at U.S. cemetery in France due to rain

Sorry is there is a thread about this ,but I looked and did not see one.

Just unbelievable! He could not bring himself to go to Belleau, the very place that the US Marines earned their nickname Devil Dog, because of a light rain!

Way to honor the troops!

What a way to celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday!

Left winger who cares about the troops.

That sure is unbelievable.

Meanwhile, the real soldiers are practically worshiping Trump and the way he stops invasions. These formalities mean nothing to them.

The REAL soldiers know he's a total asshole for sending them to the border to do nothing when they could be spending Thanksgiving with their families. And then there's his constant deferrence to Putin.
There’s a reason why military folk in this country always vote for someone other than the progressive...
Progressives have zero respect for our military folk
Nice to see you citing an unbiased real news organization, ROFLMFAO. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Are you denying that Trump choose not to go?

Are you saying that Yahoo made up the whole story and none of it happened?

The clouds were below minimums for safe air ops, would a last minute ground convoy been any safer? If you can't answer that then you just need to shut the fuck up about it. His secret service detail probably made the call.


Good point. Can't fly a helicopter in unsafe conditions. And it's not like they load the presidential limo on Air Force One for overseas flights.

Oh wait, they do.

Eh. The light rain probably made it unsafe to drive.

Actually no, they don't load the presidential limo on AF-1, it travels on cargo aircraft, just like Marine-1. But while you're being a smart ass why don't you tell the class what roads they would have had to travel to get to the site and how wide they were. Come on know it all, clue us in.


Every other world leader managed to make it there and show respect for those who died. But hey, people who gave their lives for principles are dead, right so that makes them losers, and Trump has no time for soldiers, living or dead.
Says a foreigner
bush jr and trumpikins dodged the draft, but republicans managed to make John Kerry the bad guy instead, even though he did do his time in the service as well as in combat.
Never heard of low ceilings, have you.
Yet he attended the ceremonies today. The weather is good.
So, you would have questioned the White House if it occurred under Obama? No, you wouldn’t.
And, of course, because the White House said so, it must be wrong!
Geeesh, you guys are so pathetic, you don’t even hear yourselves.

Let's reverse that...

And, of course, because the White House said so, it must be right!

Geeesh, you guys are so pathetic, you don’t even hear yourselves worship Trump

Sure would, and.would.think it is just as cowardly and despicable!

So it was about her hair, good to know!
bush jr and trumpikins dodged the draft, but republicans managed to make John Kerry the bad guy instead, even though he did do his time in the service as well as in combat.
John Kerry was a cancer to his own fellow troops... There’s a reason why military Folk did not vote for him
Trump cancels WW1 memorial at U.S. cemetery in France due to rain

Sorry is there is a thread about this ,but I looked and did not see one.

Just unbelievable! He could not bring himself to go to Belleau, the very place that the US Marines earned their nickname Devil Dog, because of a light rain!

Way to honor the troops!

What a way to celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday!

He was scheduled to go in the helicopter. Obviously the flight was cancelled due to the bad weather.

Going by car from Paris would had required a small army to mobilize with him without it being planned.

So the other leaders took automobiles. And there are things called umbrellas. Oh that's right, he doesn't know use one.
Your president is such a pussy and he displayed that those who died for freedom aren't important to him. Our fighting men are only important to Trump, when it works for him politically He clearly demonstrated, today.
'Umbrellas Are Hard:' Trump Shamed Over Skipping WWI Cemetery Visit in FranceView attachment 228070
This is how liberals support our troops.View attachment 228163

He kneeled fighting againest police brutality not disrespecting the flag
Trump cancels WW1 memorial at U.S. cemetery in France due to rain

Sorry is there is a thread about this ,but I looked and did not see one.

Just unbelievable! He could not bring himself to go to Belleau, the very place that the US Marines earned their nickname Devil Dog, because of a light rain!

Way to honor the troops!

What a way to celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday!

He was scheduled to go in the helicopter. Obviously the flight was cancelled due to the bad weather.

Going by car from Paris would had required a small army to mobilize with him without it being planned.

So the other leaders took automobiles. And there are things called umbrellas. Oh that's right, he doesn't know use one.
Your president is such a pussy and he displayed that those who died for freedom aren't important to him. Our fighting men are only important to Trump, when it works for him politically He clearly demonstrated, today.
'Umbrellas Are Hard:' Trump Shamed Over Skipping WWI Cemetery Visit in FranceView attachment 228070
This is how liberals support our troops.View attachment 228163

He kneeled fighting againest police brutality not disrespecting the flag
View attachment 228188 View attachment 228188
Islam is the violent cult the world has ever known... Only a delusional retard would think there’s anything honorable about it...
He was supposed to travel by helicopter, but the weather was too bad, and if you followed Frances news, there was a high gas price protest that blocked the freeways.

And yet somehow General John Kelly and General Joe Dunford were able to make it there.
Don’t you think it’s more fitting for them to show up for the Marines to the Marines...
Progressives have never been a friend to military folk

Well yeah, it is not like Trump is the Commander in Chief or anything! :290968001256257790-final:

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