Africa the Cesspool of the World

The average IQ in black africa is under 70. They are mentally inferior and that explains everything.
Under European imperialism Africa had law, order, medical care, and education. Look at it now.

So true. Africa peaked around 1950 and then the demands for black independence started and the continent has collapsed since then. Blacks can't do technology and need whites to take care of them.
Under European imperialism Africa had law, order, medical care, and education. Look at it now.
All of the above was generally reserved for Whites only. Africans had survived thousands of years before White men and Arabs invaded .The rape of African by colonialism
has devastated her. Western exploitation continues this very day; draining resources and dumping inferior goods or pharmaceuticals is standard fare.
If not for Africa you wouldn't know the date or how to do advanced math or sciences. Before Europe had a legit country Africa had already established the foundations of the worlds current knowledge base.
The average IQ in black africa is under 70. They are mentally inferior and that explains everything.

IQ based on verbal/math isn't valid anymore; add in spatial, pattern recogniton, see "Third World" countries IQ averages soar. The Ethopians managed to take out quite few Italian tanks in WWII, along with some trains, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Boahen, raised in Ghana, developed silicon imagery, now teaches at Stanford.
Immigrants are now
The average IQ in black africa is under 70. They are mentally inferior and that explains everything.

Says who? Murray and Herrnstein have been thoroughly debunked as has Shockley,
What sources, other than theirs do you cite? But, even if your notion is true, and I doubt if it is, an average of 70 means that a helluva lot of Africans have IQs above 100. It doesn't end there. IQ comparisons between educated and uneducated groups is going to be lopsided.
Given similar education opportunities as whites at an early age,Black Africans have risen to the task. African immigrants are now the most educated group in America and Britain..
Are you blaming the people of Africa or the environment? Surely you aren't suggesting that an idiopathic
disease like Ebola is due to some mysterious native behavior. The disease first appeared in 1976 in a few short years before HIV made it's debut; which, by the way, originated in the USA among gay white males.

No, it did not (for whatever the hell that is supposed to signify anyway).

As I said earlier, there are many theories surrounding the origin of AIDS; most posited by reputable scientists or investigators. IMHO, the one I addressed seems most credible to me.

It doesn't matter what "seems most credible" to you. Real scientists have identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV that eventually made the leap to humans.
If not for Africa you wouldn't know the date or how to do advanced math or sciences. Before Europe had a legit country Africa had already established the foundations of the worlds current knowledge base.

Imperialism costs, yes. As do military dictators, I had a classmate in undergrad from Liberia....before Samuel Doe.
Under European imperialism Africa had law, order, medical care, and education. Look at it now.

So true. Africa peaked around 1950 and then the demands for black independence started and the continent has collapsed since then. Blacks can't do technology and need whites to take care of them.

Africa peaked during the Egyptian and Nubian empires you moron.

They peaked again during the Mali, Songhai, and Ghanaian empires as well. Timbuktu was the world wide center of higher learning.
Under European imperialism Africa had law, order, medical care, and education. Look at it now.

So true. Africa peaked around 1950 and then the demands for black independence started and the continent has collapsed since then. Blacks can't do technology and need whites to take care of them.

Africa peaked during the Egyptian and Nubian empires you moron.

Oh yes. Europe had a Renaissance...what did Africa have?
So true. Africa peaked around 1950 and then the demands for black independence started and the continent has collapsed since then. Blacks can't do technology and need whites to take care of them.

Africa peaked during the Egyptian and Nubian empires you moron.

They peaked again during the Mali, Songhai, and Ghanaian empires as well. Timbuktu was the world wide center of higher learning.

So true. Africa peaked around 1950 and then the demands for black independence started and the continent has collapsed since then. Blacks can't do technology and need whites to take care of them.

Africa peaked during the Egyptian and Nubian empires you moron.

Oh yes. Europe had a Renaissance...what did Africa have?

They had one too. Matter of fact some of Europe's artists were inspired by Africa. Its fun to drop these tidbits on morons. :lol:

The African sculptures mistaken for remains of Atlantis -

A hundred years ago when German explorer Leo Frobenius visited West Africa and came across some sculpted bronze heads and terracotta figures, he was sure he had discovered remains of the mythical lost city of Atlantis.

He refused to believe that the sophisticated and ornately carved bronze sculptures were made in Africa.
If not for Africa you wouldn't know the date or how to do advanced math or sciences. Before Europe had a legit country Africa had already established the foundations of the worlds current knowledge base.

Which part of Africa? Or was all of Africa the Atlantis of your imagination.

What difference does it make what part? You do realize Atlantis is a fable right?
So true. Africa peaked around 1950 and then the demands for black independence started and the continent has collapsed since then. Blacks can't do technology and need whites to take care of them.

Africa peaked during the Egyptian and Nubian empires you moron.

They peaked again during the Mali, Songhai, and Ghanaian empires as well. Timbuktu was the world wide center of higher learning.

Not quite Athens or Rome though is it.

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