Africa the Cesspool of the World

My original contention was that Africa is a drag on the world and is always wanting handouts from nations like United States. Especially Central Africa. Political turmoil, crime, piracy, disease. A cesspool.
Geometry, health, including open heart surgery, and ecologically sound construction. I can list much more but those who failed world history in high school are unlikely to learn now.

Fortunately for Egyptians their civilization wasn't based on any sub saharan cultures.

Did first humans come out of Middle East and not Africa? Scientists forced to re-write evolution of modern man | Mail Online
DNA tends to do that to people. Stop stalling. Show me some ancient white Egyptian DNA. :lol:

Show us the images of all the ancient Egyptians who weren't Caucasian. Nubian servants and mercenaries don't count.

Provide your DNA evidence first. I'll provide both images and DNA if you can provide anything at all.

DNA evidence of what? There is no controversy, ancient Egyptians were not black. End of story. If your looking for DNA you can find African DNA in virtually every person on earth. But what does that prove about the origins of civilization? Absolutely nothing.
DNA tends to do that to people. Stop stalling. Show me some ancient white Egyptian DNA. :lol:

Did first humans come out of Middle East and not Africa? Scientists forced to re-write evolution of modern man | Mail Online
Guess that theory is being shot down.

Not really. DNA has a way of erasing all doubts.

Just a few FACTS:

"Copper smelting had been going on in the West African Sahara and Sahel since at least 2,000 B.C. That could have been the precursor to an independent African discovery of iron metallurgy. Strengthening that hypothesis, the iron-smelting techniques of smiths in Sub-Saharan Africa were so different from those of the Mediterranean as to suggest independent development: African smiths discovered how to produce high temperatures in their village furnaces over 2,000 years before the Bessemer furnaces of 19th-century Europe and - 2 -America". (Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, 1997).

A subsequent UNESCO scientific study confirmed Diamond's hypothesis. The study concluded that iron technology did not reach Africa from western Asia but that Africa had independently invented its own iron technology 5,000 years ago. Tests conducted on iron residues, excavated in the 1980s, show that iron was worked at least as long ago as 1500 BC at Termit, in eastern Niger. Material excavated at Egaro, west of Termit, has been dated to 3000-2500 BC (Christopher Ehret, "The Civilizations of Africa", 2002). It would suggest that African iron technology is as ancient as that of the Middle East, the region from which Europe acquired its iron technology much later -circa 1000 B.C. Moreover, indigenous African iron technology is not only very ancient but its inventiveness and the
range of metallurgical practices displayed are unequalled anywhere in the world. "In fact, only in Africa do you find such a range of practices in the process of direct reduction [a method in which metal is obtained in a single operation without smelting], and metal workers who were so inventive that they could extract iron in furnaces made out of the trunks of banana trees." (Unesco, "Iron in Africa: Revisiting History", 2002).
My original contention was that Africa is a drag on the world and is always wanting handouts from nations like United States. Especially Central Africa. Political turmoil, crime, piracy, disease. A cesspool.

No, Africa has contributed both knowledge & resources, though the last CENTURIES.
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Show us the images of all the ancient Egyptians who weren't Caucasian. Nubian servants and mercenaries don't count.

Provide your DNA evidence first. I'll provide both images and DNA if you can provide anything at all.

DNA evidence of what? There is no controversy, ancient Egyptians were not black. End of story. If your looking for DNA you can find African DNA in virtually every person on earth. But what does that prove about the origins of civilization? Absolutely nothing.

I know there is no controversy. The Egyptians were Black. I'm looking for DNA evidence any of the Egyptians were white boys. Yes you can find African DNA evidence in everyone but that percentage is higher in Black people. Find me someone that has more than 50% white Eurasian DNA.

It proves you dont know what you are talking about regarding the origins of civilization. Keep up.

Just a few FACTS:

"Copper smelting had been going on in the West African Sahara and Sahel since at least 2,000 B.C. That could have been the precursor to an independent African discovery of iron metallurgy. Strengthening that hypothesis, the iron-smelting techniques of smiths in Sub-Saharan Africa were so different from those of the Mediterranean as to suggest independent development: African smiths discovered how to produce high temperatures in their village furnaces over 2,000 years before the Bessemer furnaces of 19th-century Europe and - 2 -America". (Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, 1997).

A subsequent UNESCO scientific study confirmed Diamond's hypothesis. The study concluded that iron technology did not reach Africa from western Asia but that Africa had independently invented its own iron technology 5,000 years ago. Tests conducted on iron residues, excavated in the 1980s, show that iron was worked at least as long ago as 1500 BC at Termit, in eastern Niger. Material excavated at Egaro, west of Termit, has been dated to 3000-2500 BC (Christopher Ehret, "The Civilizations of Africa", 2002). It would suggest that African iron technology is as ancient as that of the Middle East, the region from which Europe acquired its iron technology much later -circa 1000 B.C. Moreover, indigenous African iron technology is not only very ancient but its inventiveness and the
range of metallurgical practices displayed are unequalled anywhere in the world. "In fact, only in Africa do you find such a range of practices in the process of direct reduction [a method in which metal is obtained in a single operation without smelting], and metal workers who were so inventive that they could extract iron in furnaces made out of the trunks of banana trees." (Unesco, "Iron in Africa: Revisiting History", 2002).

The oldest know copper artifacts were found in the Nile Valley in Egypt, dated to 3600 B.C.

Just a few FACTS:

"Copper smelting had been going on in the West African Sahara and Sahel since at least 2,000 B.C. That could have been the precursor to an independent African discovery of iron metallurgy. Strengthening that hypothesis, the iron-smelting techniques of smiths in Sub-Saharan Africa were so different from those of the Mediterranean as to suggest independent development: African smiths discovered how to produce high temperatures in their village furnaces over 2,000 years before the Bessemer furnaces of 19th-century Europe and - 2 -America". (Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, 1997).

A subsequent UNESCO scientific study confirmed Diamond's hypothesis. The study concluded that iron technology did not reach Africa from western Asia but that Africa had independently invented its own iron technology 5,000 years ago. Tests conducted on iron residues, excavated in the 1980s, show that iron was worked at least as long ago as 1500 BC at Termit, in eastern Niger. Material excavated at Egaro, west of Termit, has been dated to 3000-2500 BC (Christopher Ehret, "The Civilizations of Africa", 2002). It would suggest that African iron technology is as ancient as that of the Middle East, the region from which Europe acquired its iron technology much later -circa 1000 B.C. Moreover, indigenous African iron technology is not only very ancient but its inventiveness and the
range of metallurgical practices displayed are unequalled anywhere in the world. "In fact, only in Africa do you find such a range of practices in the process of direct reduction [a method in which metal is obtained in a single operation without smelting], and metal workers who were so inventive that they could extract iron in furnaces made out of the trunks of banana trees." (Unesco, "Iron in Africa: Revisiting History", 2002).

Even better. Africans developed steel centuries before Europe did.
DNA tends to do that to people. Stop stalling. Show me some ancient white Egyptian DNA. :lol:

Did first humans come out of Middle East and not Africa? Scientists forced to re-write evolution of modern man | Mail Online
Guess that theory is being shot down.

Not really. DNA has a way of erasing all doubts.

Almost 99% of all human DNA is the same. Therefore, any peoples from any portion of the world could have originated in nearly any portion of the world. Stop being obtuse.
Not really. DNA has a way of erasing all doubts.

Just a few FACTS:

"Copper smelting had been going on in the West African Sahara and Sahel since at least 2,000 B.C. That could have been the precursor to an independent African discovery of iron metallurgy. Strengthening that hypothesis, the iron-smelting techniques of smiths in Sub-Saharan Africa were so different from those of the Mediterranean as to suggest independent development: African smiths discovered how to produce high temperatures in their village furnaces over 2,000 years before the Bessemer furnaces of 19th-century Europe and - 2 -America". (Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, 1997).

A subsequent UNESCO scientific study confirmed Diamond's hypothesis. The study concluded that iron technology did not reach Africa from western Asia but that Africa had independently invented its own iron technology 5,000 years ago. Tests conducted on iron residues, excavated in the 1980s, show that iron was worked at least as long ago as 1500 BC at Termit, in eastern Niger. Material excavated at Egaro, west of Termit, has been dated to 3000-2500 BC (Christopher Ehret, "The Civilizations of Africa", 2002). It would suggest that African iron technology is as ancient as that of the Middle East, the region from which Europe acquired its iron technology much later -circa 1000 B.C. Moreover, indigenous African iron technology is not only very ancient but its inventiveness and the
range of metallurgical practices displayed are unequalled anywhere in the world. "In fact, only in Africa do you find such a range of practices in the process of direct reduction [a method in which metal is obtained in a single operation without smelting], and metal workers who were so inventive that they could extract iron in furnaces made out of the trunks of banana trees." (Unesco, "Iron in Africa: Revisiting History", 2002).

The oldest know copper artifacts were found in the Nile Valley in Egypt, dated to 3600 B.C.

Gee whiz, an islolated, disputed statment: Subsaharan Africans no doubt shared the technology; read the document, Africa was far ahead of Western civilization in technology CENTURIES ago

African art also demonstrates extraordinary levels of technical skill. The bronze castings
discovered in a tenth-century burial site at Igbo-Ukwu (eastern Nigeria) are considered to be among “the most technically accomplished and daring castings ever undertaken”. (P. T. Craddock, “Man and Metal in Ancient Nigeria”, British Museum Magazine, Vol.6, 1991). Because of their astonishing technical sophistication, Western experts initially doubted the accuracy of such anearly dating for the Igbo-Ukwu bronzes. Those doubts were dispelled when the mines that supplied the metal ore used in the castings revealed that they were worked between A.D. 895-1000.

(Those who skipped World History to get ready for pep rallies missed a LOT.)
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Provide your DNA evidence first. I'll provide both images and DNA if you can provide anything at all.

DNA evidence of what? There is no controversy, ancient Egyptians were not black. End of story. If your looking for DNA you can find African DNA in virtually every person on earth. But what does that prove about the origins of civilization? Absolutely nothing.

I know there is no controversy. The Egyptians were Black. I'm looking for DNA evidence any of the Egyptians were white boys. Yes you can find African DNA evidence in everyone but that percentage is higher in Black people. Find me someone that has more than 50% white Eurasian DNA.

It proves you dont know what you are talking about regarding the origins of civilization. Keep up.

Yes, just look as those classic negro features.

Just a few FACTS:

"Copper smelting had been going on in the West African Sahara and Sahel since at least 2,000 B.C. That could have been the precursor to an independent African discovery of iron metallurgy. Strengthening that hypothesis, the iron-smelting techniques of smiths in Sub-Saharan Africa were so different from those of the Mediterranean as to suggest independent development: African smiths discovered how to produce high temperatures in their village furnaces over 2,000 years before the Bessemer furnaces of 19th-century Europe and - 2 -America". (Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, 1997).

A subsequent UNESCO scientific study confirmed Diamond's hypothesis. The study concluded that iron technology did not reach Africa from western Asia but that Africa had independently invented its own iron technology 5,000 years ago. Tests conducted on iron residues, excavated in the 1980s, show that iron was worked at least as long ago as 1500 BC at Termit, in eastern Niger. Material excavated at Egaro, west of Termit, has been dated to 3000-2500 BC (Christopher Ehret, "The Civilizations of Africa", 2002). It would suggest that African iron technology is as ancient as that of the Middle East, the region from which Europe acquired its iron technology much later -circa 1000 B.C. Moreover, indigenous African iron technology is not only very ancient but its inventiveness and the
range of metallurgical practices displayed are unequalled anywhere in the world. "In fact, only in Africa do you find such a range of practices in the process of direct reduction [a method in which metal is obtained in a single operation without smelting], and metal workers who were so inventive that they could extract iron in furnaces made out of the trunks of banana trees." (Unesco, "Iron in Africa: Revisiting History", 2002).

The oldest know copper artifacts were found in the Nile Valley in Egypt, dated to 3600 B.C.

Gee whiz, an islolated, disputed statment: Subsaharan Africans no doubt shared the technology; read the document, Africa was far ahead of Western civilization in technology CENTURIES ago.

No, there's no dispute about historic facts.
Just a few FACTS:

"Copper smelting had been going on in the West African Sahara and Sahel since at least 2,000 B.C. That could have been the precursor to an independent African discovery of iron metallurgy. Strengthening that hypothesis, the iron-smelting techniques of smiths in Sub-Saharan Africa were so different from those of the Mediterranean as to suggest independent development: African smiths discovered how to produce high temperatures in their village furnaces over 2,000 years before the Bessemer furnaces of 19th-century Europe and - 2 -America". (Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, 1997).

A subsequent UNESCO scientific study confirmed Diamond's hypothesis. The study concluded that iron technology did not reach Africa from western Asia but that Africa had independently invented its own iron technology 5,000 years ago. Tests conducted on iron residues, excavated in the 1980s, show that iron was worked at least as long ago as 1500 BC at Termit, in eastern Niger. Material excavated at Egaro, west of Termit, has been dated to 3000-2500 BC (Christopher Ehret, "The Civilizations of Africa", 2002). It would suggest that African iron technology is as ancient as that of the Middle East, the region from which Europe acquired its iron technology much later -circa 1000 B.C. Moreover, indigenous African iron technology is not only very ancient but its inventiveness and the
range of metallurgical practices displayed are unequalled anywhere in the world. "In fact, only in Africa do you find such a range of practices in the process of direct reduction [a method in which metal is obtained in a single operation without smelting], and metal workers who were so inventive that they could extract iron in furnaces made out of the trunks of banana trees." (Unesco, "Iron in Africa: Revisiting History", 2002).

The oldest know copper artifacts were found in the Nile Valley in Egypt, dated to 3600 B.C.

Gee whiz, an islolated, disputed statment: Subsaharan Africans no doubt shared the technology; read the document, Africa was far ahead of Western civilization in technology CENTURIES ago.

Then fell behind? Why?
The oldest know copper artifacts were found in the Nile Valley in Egypt, dated to 3600 B.C.

Gee whiz, an islolated, disputed statment: Subsaharan Africans no doubt shared the technology; read the document, Africa was far ahead of Western civilization in technology CENTURIES ago.

Then fell behind? Why?

Conquest, and the theft of resources by "explorers"; again this is taught in World History in high school.
Gee whiz, an islolated, disputed statment: Subsaharan Africans no doubt shared the technology; read the document, Africa was far ahead of Western civilization in technology CENTURIES ago.

Then fell behind? Why?

Conquest, and the theft of resources by "explorers"; again this is taught in World History in high school.

Timbuktu was already well past it's prime when the first Europeans came to explore and colonize. There was no civilization for them to overthrow.

Almost 99% of all human DNA is the same. Therefore, any peoples from any portion of the world could have originated in nearly any portion of the world. Stop being obtuse.

I know that. However there are these things called haplogroups. They can determine where a gene developed and where. Thats why DNA is used to establish paternity and used as evidence in crimes.
DNA evidence of what? There is no controversy, ancient Egyptians were not black. End of story. If your looking for DNA you can find African DNA in virtually every person on earth. But what does that prove about the origins of civilization? Absolutely nothing.

I know there is no controversy. The Egyptians were Black. I'm looking for DNA evidence any of the Egyptians were white boys. Yes you can find African DNA evidence in everyone but that percentage is higher in Black people. Find me someone that has more than 50% white Eurasian DNA.

It proves you dont know what you are talking about regarding the origins of civilization. Keep up.

Yes, just look as those classic negro features.

View attachment 30916

That doesnt look like DNA to me.
I know there is no controversy. The Egyptians were Black. I'm looking for DNA evidence any of the Egyptians were white boys. Yes you can find African DNA evidence in everyone but that percentage is higher in Black people. Find me someone that has more than 50% white Eurasian DNA.

It proves you dont know what you are talking about regarding the origins of civilization. Keep up.

Yes, just look as those classic negro features.

View attachment 30916

That doesnt look like DNA to me.

Doesn't look like it to me either. Why don't you show me some?

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