Africa the Cesspool of the World

If not for Africa you wouldn't know the date or how to do advanced math or sciences. Before Europe had a legit country Africa had already established the foundations of the worlds current knowledge base.

Which part of Africa? Or was all of Africa the Atlantis of your imagination.

What difference does it make what part? You do realize Atlantis is a fable right?

So then you don't know which parts of Africa fit your generic that right?

Central Africa 1500's


Europe from same time period.
So true. Africa peaked around 1950 and then the demands for black independence started and the continent has collapsed since then. Blacks can't do technology and need whites to take care of them.

Africa peaked during the Egyptian and Nubian empires you moron.

They peaked again during the Mali, Songhai, and Ghanaian empires as well. Timbuktu was the world wide center of higher learning.

The Pyramids are an example of African knowledge in several fields, of course.
Geometry, health, including open heart surgery, and ecologically sound construction. I can list much more but those who failed world history in high school are unlikely to learn now.

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