African American Award - Doesn't matter if your from Africa WHITE DEVIL


Apr 22, 2007
First, what crap having an award for only Blacks students. Imagine if we did the George Washington award for only White students? Imagine the outcry. But we have an overt discriminatory award, which is accepted as fine.

Second, this award doesn't honor MLK it insults him. He would be embarrassed of this award. "Content of my character not the color of my skin!" MLK is very important to all AMERICANS not just blacks. He would hate this award!

Third, a South African is from African no? Technically he is more from Africa, then Blacks who have been Americans for generations.

Fourth, can we stop with the subset fucking labels. When someone asks where I am from or what I am, I say America and I'm an American. I never say Russian/Polish or Jewish American. I am sick any tired of labels in America like, African-, Latino-, Mexican-, Polish-, Italian-, German-, Chinese-, Asian-, Israeli-, Arab- etc. American. Your either American or not! If you accept American citizenship, then you should be labeled as an American. You never hear people call themselves a Italian Brit or Italian Canadian. I digress!

White African-American boy not 'black' enough for award
White African-American boy not 'black' enough for award
National debate sparked after Caucasian student seeking 'race-based honor' booted out of school

The Omaha suspension of a white high-school student originally from South Africa is sending shock waves across America as debate rages over who can claim rights to the term "African-American."

South African native Trevor Richards suspended over African-American campaign

The case centers on Trevor Richards, a junior at Westside High School, who moved from Johannesburg to Nebraska six years ago.

Richards and his classmates, 16-year-old twins Paul and Scott Rambo, were booted from classes last week after distributing posters touting Trevor as a candidate for Westside High's "Distinguished African-American Student" award on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

"The posters were intended to be satire on the term African-American," Scott Rambo told the Omaha World-Herald.

Principal John Crook says the posters were disruptive.

"It was offensive to the individual being honored, to people who work here and to some students," Crook told the paper. "My role is to make sure we have a safe environment, physically and psychologically. We can't allow that kind of thing to be hung up on our walls."

Records from 2002-2003 indicate only 56 of Westside's 1,632 students were black, and some in this year's student body were reportedly upset by Richards' poster.

Ironically, the first two recipients of the student award were white.

"It was not intended at the beginning to be one race only," Clidie Cook, who helps organize the annual event, told the World-Herald.

But Westside officials pushed to change that, feeling the spirit of the honor meant giving it to a black student, and by 2001, the ministerial alliance in charge specified it was for blacks only.

The ABC television affiliate in Omaha, KETV, has been swamped with comments on its Internet messageboard.

Among the postings:

I attend Westside and I am in support for Trevor. Trevor is one of only maybe one or two other people that are actually from Africa. Trevor is more of an African-American than any other "African-American" at Westside. It is also wrong that there is an award for only black students when every other award at Westside is for everyone and everyone has an equal chance to receive those awards if they try.

If you mean black award, say black award. If you must be racist, that is.

Why are white Americans constantly hounded, ridiculed and stripped of any racial identity? Why is it OK for everyone to be racist, except white Americans? ... Can you imagine black students getting suspended for joining the "black student union" or any other black group on any campus, or workplace in America? This racism against white Americans must stop.

I think the administrators should be fired. This is going too far. Let's get a grip people! God this makes me sick. Fire those people!

As a Canadian white male, I have worked with and befriended a few black people. I never once heard them refer themselves as African-Canadians.

Pretty funny. He knew he'd get the reaction he got, and all it did was expose the hypocrisy of "diversity" in America.

That is to say, it doesn't include whites.
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Pretty funny. He knew he'd get the reaction he got, and all it did was expose the hypocrisy of "diversity" in America.

That is to say, it doesn't include whites.

An award in MLK honor that discriminates based on race doesn't honor MLK. In fact it insults him and is ignorant of his message!
If he is South African where does he get the nerve to pretend he is American?
If he is South African where does he get the nerve to pretend he is American?

Nice dodge.

But it is possible for people from other countries to become Americans.

The point should have been obvious to you.

It is racism to exclude anyone because of their race.

That is the point of the article.

Miss Black America pageants are racist. Imagine a Miss "White" America pageant. What do you think would happen if that was announced. Al Sharpton would be all over it.
If he is South African where does he get the nerve to pretend he is American?

Nice dodge.

But it is possible for people from other countries to become Americans.

The point should have been obvious to you.

It is racism to exclude anyone because of their race.

That is the point of the article.

Miss Black America pageants are racist. Imagine a Miss "White" America pageant. What do you think would happen if that was announced. Al Sharpton would be all over it.
So? It's not illegal. Why let your fear of what other people say tie your hands?
If he is South African where does he get the nerve to pretend he is American?

Nice dodge.

But it is possible for people from other countries to become Americans.

The point should have been obvious to you.

It is racism to exclude anyone because of their race.

That is the point of the article.

Miss Black America pageants are racist. Imagine a Miss "White" America pageant. What do you think would happen if that was announced. Al Sharpton would be all over it.
So? It's not illegal. Why let your fear of what other people say tie your hands?

I don't fear it.....I just don't think it's fair. Just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean it's right....nor is something that is legal. Smoking pot is harmless but for some crazy reason it's still illegal.

How can you expect true equality when you insist on being set apart or favored over others?
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"I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of black former NBA millionaires and the sons of former white service sector workers will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood and say, we are both fucked as we now live in a new state of Mexico."
If he is South African where does he get the nerve to pretend he is American?

Nice dodge.

But it is possible for people from other countries to become Americans.

The point should have been obvious to you.

It is racism to exclude anyone because of their race.

That is the point of the article.

Miss Black America pageants are racist. Imagine a Miss "White" America pageant. What do you think would happen if that was announced. Al Sharpton would be all over it.
So? It's not illegal. Why let your fear of what other people say tie your hands?

Please you would be crying all the way to the bank, if this was the George Washington award for only White People! Don't be a hypocrite, because Blacks blindly devote everything to winning your party elections!
This complaint never goes anywhere because the white Liberals are the biggest racists in America. Their entire plan has been to enslave blacks and poor whites with Government hand outs so they would have a loyal slave population to keep them elected. Equality has NEVER been the issue with them. They no more want a Black neighbor then they want to vote Republican. They do not want any more then a token black presence at any of their events or clubs.

Just last week we had one of those white Liberals announce on this board that blacks are genetically inferior and when called on the liberals all rallied round her and made fun of the person that provided the DIRECT quote.

Once again the Republicans enacted Civil Rights not the Democrats and not the Liberals. The Republicans want a colorless America, the Democrats want us reminded day in and day out that people of different colors live amongst us.
Nice dodge.

But it is possible for people from other countries to become Americans.

The point should have been obvious to you.

It is racism to exclude anyone because of their race.

That is the point of the article.

Miss Black America pageants are racist. Imagine a Miss "White" America pageant. What do you think would happen if that was announced. Al Sharpton would be all over it.
So? It's not illegal. Why let your fear of what other people say tie your hands?

Please you would be crying all the way to the bank, if this was the George Washington award for only White People! Don't be a hypocrite, because Blacks blindly devote everything to winning your party elections!
I don't care if someone has a scholarship for white people. Go for it. In the meantime, if you need a scholarship, check out this link.

Scholarships for Jewish Students: How to Find Grant, Scholarship, and Financial Aid Opportunities

btw, your article is six years old and from world nut daily. :lol:
First, what crap having an award for only Blacks students. Imagine if we did the George Washington award for only White students? Imagine the outcry. But we have an overt discriminatory award, which is accepted as fine.

Second, this award doesn't honor MLK it insults him. He would be embarrassed of this award. "Content of my character not the color of my skin!" MLK is very important to all AMERICANS not just blacks. He would hate this award!

Third, a South African is from African no? Technically he is more from Africa, then Blacks who have been Americans for generations.

Fourth, can we stop with the subset fucking labels. When someone asks where I am from or what I am, I say America and I'm an American. I never say Russian/Polish or Jewish American. I am sick any tired of labels in America like, African-, Latino-, Mexican-, Polish-, Italian-, German-, Chinese-, Asian-, Israeli-, Arab- etc. American. Your either American or not! If you accept American citizenship, then you should be labeled as an American. You never hear people call themselves a Italian Brit or Italian Canadian. I digress!

White African-American boy not 'black' enough for award
White African-American boy not 'black' enough for award
National debate sparked after Caucasian student seeking 'race-based honor' booted out of school

The Omaha suspension of a white high-school student originally from South Africa is sending shock waves across America as debate rages over who can claim rights to the term "African-American."

South African native Trevor Richards suspended over African-American campaign

The case centers on Trevor Richards, a junior at Westside High School, who moved from Johannesburg to Nebraska six years ago.

Richards and his classmates, 16-year-old twins Paul and Scott Rambo, were booted from classes last week after distributing posters touting Trevor as a candidate for Westside High's "Distinguished African-American Student" award on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

"The posters were intended to be satire on the term African-American," Scott Rambo told the Omaha World-Herald.

Principal John Crook says the posters were disruptive.

"It was offensive to the individual being honored, to people who work here and to some students," Crook told the paper. "My role is to make sure we have a safe environment, physically and psychologically. We can't allow that kind of thing to be hung up on our walls."

Records from 2002-2003 indicate only 56 of Westside's 1,632 students were black, and some in this year's student body were reportedly upset by Richards' poster.

Ironically, the first two recipients of the student award were white.

"It was not intended at the beginning to be one race only," Clidie Cook, who helps organize the annual event, told the World-Herald.

But Westside officials pushed to change that, feeling the spirit of the honor meant giving it to a black student, and by 2001, the ministerial alliance in charge specified it was for blacks only.

The ABC television affiliate in Omaha, KETV, has been swamped with comments on its Internet messageboard.

Among the postings:

I attend Westside and I am in support for Trevor. Trevor is one of only maybe one or two other people that are actually from Africa. Trevor is more of an African-American than any other "African-American" at Westside. It is also wrong that there is an award for only black students when every other award at Westside is for everyone and everyone has an equal chance to receive those awards if they try.

If you mean black award, say black award. If you must be racist, that is.

Why are white Americans constantly hounded, ridiculed and stripped of any racial identity? Why is it OK for everyone to be racist, except white Americans? ... Can you imagine black students getting suspended for joining the "black student union" or any other black group on any campus, or workplace in America? This racism against white Americans must stop.

I think the administrators should be fired. This is going too far. Let's get a grip people! God this makes me sick. Fire those people!

As a Canadian white male, I have worked with and befriended a few black people. I never once heard them refer themselves as African-Canadians.

Your personal experiences not withstanding, this is just wrong. The kid is an 'African-American'. And if the award is for African-Americans he qualifies!! Why can't I ever live where people do this sort of stupid chit. I only get to comment from a distance and after the fact.....darn!

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