African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).
/——/ You rewrite history with the best of them.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.
/——/ Thank DemocRAT Woodrow Wilson for segregating the military.
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

Nice trolling
I will just ignore

Me too. Racism is built on a foundation of fear, hate and ignorance.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).
/——/ You rewrite history with the best of them.

Q. Have you been brainwashed, or are you a damn liar
/——/ Thank DemocRAT Woodrow Wilson for segregating the military.
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

Nice trolling
I will just ignore

Me too. Racism is built on a foundation of fear, hate and ignorance.
the blacks hate more than the whites
it's right here in the FBI stats:
this is also crosschecked in that blacks commit:
rape at twice the rate
murder 4 times the rate
.....blacks are more ignorant-and this does not count private schools which are mostly white and have higher rates:


remember--these are all facts --NOT hate
/——/ Thank DemocRAT Woodrow Wilson for segregating the military.
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human
Nice trolling
I will just ignore
because you know you - they are racist and bigoted
More trolling
/——/ Thank DemocRAT Woodrow Wilson for segregating the military.
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

Nice trolling
I will just ignore

Me too. Racism is built on a foundation of fear, hate and ignorance.
He is using racist taunts to elicit outrage
Best to ignore
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

Nice trolling
I will just ignore

Me too. Racism is built on a foundation of fear, hate and ignorance.
He is using racist taunts to elicit outrage
Best to ignore

Each time I read a post by him, I feel the need to shower.
there were hundreds of thousands of white men that were not recognised
lot's of whites were not honored/remembered/etc
they did their duty--some died...some maimed for life
do you hear them complaining?

what you are yakking about IS whining
you are a racist
Those whites came home as heroes with good paying jobs and benefits

Black soldiers came home and were reminded to go to the back of the bus
bullshit !!!!!!!!! WRONG
.....thousands of whites came home from WW2 and were not given a parade/etc .....they went home and got on with life
good jobs/etc has nothing to do with it
....thousands committed acts of bravery that deserved the MOH/etc, that they never received [ I guess because they were white????!!!?? ]
.....thousands died saving their comrades and were never honored/etc

and then we have the WHITE Vietnam vets

No 'Welcome Home' parades for Vietnam vets.
and they were WHITE

Whites returning home were treated like heroes. They were given first shot at jobs, housing, education

Blacks came back to Jim Crow
My mother told me things did not get better for related families for them until approximately early/mid 1950's. For my parents it was approximately 1960/1961 when things improved and their employment was not the top of the line blue collar jobs. We are white. Also in the late 1940's, the blue bloods, dem power holders in older cities started a movment to bring African Americans up North with promise of employment from manufacturing at the time. They got the jobs but the world retooled and the factories started to close down. That embittered some Black people. Anyway the Dems back then are the Progs of now. Nancy Pelosi's family was part of that back then in Baltimore and her family also has some mob connections. She really has lived a privileged life. Also, there were tensions between different white ethnic groups at that time period and it was not as rosy as you spout. I supported most of the agendas for African Americans. I do not support corruption and stealing and abusing the system. By anyone. Decade after decade of what we see in those neighborhoods need to address personal irresponsible actions. And this is me saying this who has screwed up also. If you are white, you seem to be a self hater. One that can not be trusted if the times become bad. Somehow I see a person like you ratting out another person over a slice of bread if it ever gets that far. To you it is White people bad and purveyors of evil....Black people good and innocent. And our nation pushes this insanity in everything.
Are you capable of maintaining a train of thought for more than one sentence?
You should also Google the word......Paragraphs
A common thread of Prog Socialist Communists with Saul Alinsky leanings is the Rhodes Scholar speaking and writing agenda. It deflects from the real misery they cause. The result of getting rid of apartheid in South Africa was Mandela. A good thing. He spoke and wrote eloquently. But now thw real affects are taking hold. Foundation is falling apart. White people are being slaughtered. White farmers there for generations are being assaulted also. The Black people who were never there until after the white people are not learning the modern farming ways and the nation is in decline. Like Rhodesia decades ago, they are on their way to eating tree bark to survive. But Mandela spoke and wrote eloquently. He used paragraphs. A lesson in all this is to not let pride interfere with reality. Paragraphs....bwhahhaa1 The public school system....bwhahaaa!
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

Nice trolling
I will just ignore

Me too. Racism is built on a foundation of fear, hate and ignorance.
He is using racist taunts to elicit outrage
Best to ignore
yes--ignore the facts--hahahahhahahah
you ignore when you know you don't have a reply/you know your are wrong
Those whites came home as heroes with good paying jobs and benefits

Black soldiers came home and were reminded to go to the back of the bus
bullshit !!!!!!!!! WRONG
.....thousands of whites came home from WW2 and were not given a parade/etc .....they went home and got on with life
good jobs/etc has nothing to do with it
....thousands committed acts of bravery that deserved the MOH/etc, that they never received [ I guess because they were white????!!!?? ]
.....thousands died saving their comrades and were never honored/etc

and then we have the WHITE Vietnam vets

No 'Welcome Home' parades for Vietnam vets.
and they were WHITE

Whites returning home were treated like heroes. They were given first shot at jobs, housing, education

Blacks came back to Jim Crow
My mother told me things did not get better for related families for them until approximately early/mid 1950's. For my parents it was approximately 1960/1961 when things improved and their employment was not the top of the line blue collar jobs. We are white. Also in the late 1940's, the blue bloods, dem power holders in older cities started a movment to bring African Americans up North with promise of employment from manufacturing at the time. They got the jobs but the world retooled and the factories started to close down. That embittered some Black people. Anyway the Dems back then are the Progs of now. Nancy Pelosi's family was part of that back then in Baltimore and her family also has some mob connections. She really has lived a privileged life. Also, there were tensions between different white ethnic groups at that time period and it was not as rosy as you spout. I supported most of the agendas for African Americans. I do not support corruption and stealing and abusing the system. By anyone. Decade after decade of what we see in those neighborhoods need to address personal irresponsible actions. And this is me saying this who has screwed up also. If you are white, you seem to be a self hater. One that can not be trusted if the times become bad. Somehow I see a person like you ratting out another person over a slice of bread if it ever gets that far. To you it is White people bad and purveyors of evil....Black people good and innocent. And our nation pushes this insanity in everything.
Are you capable of maintaining a train of thought for more than one sentence?
You should also Google the word......Paragraphs
A common thread of Prog Socialist Communists with Saul Alinsky leanings is the Rhodes Scholar speaking and writing agenda. It deflects from the real misery they cause. The result of getting rid of apartheid in South Africa was Mandela. A good thing. He spoke and wrote eloquently. But now thw real affects are taking hold. Foundation is falling apart. White people are being slaughtered. White farmers there for generations are being assaulted also. The Black people who were never there until after the white people are not learning the modern farming ways and the nation is in decline. Like Rhodesia decades ago, they are on their way to eating tree bark to survive. But Mandela spoke and wrote eloquently. He used paragraphs. A lesson in all this is to not let pride interfere with reality. Paragraphs....bwhahhaa1 The public school system....bwhahaaa!
What did Saul Alinsky ever do that was illegal?

Advocating for the poor is not against the law
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

Nice trolling
I will just ignore

Me too. Racism is built on a foundation of fear, hate and ignorance.
He is using racist taunts to elicit outrage
Best to ignore
yes--ignore the facts--hahahahhahahah
you ignore when you know you don't have a reply/you know your are wrong
Take it elsewhere
Rightly so. Shitting on our country isnt a smart business move.
He didn’t shit on our country

He stood up for blacks who were being killed whose life didn’t matter
Yeah, and for some odd reason he thought shitting on our country would help. Maybe next he will try slapping kids or starting forest fires.
Pointing out what is wrong with our country is not shitting on it
Agreed, but making a point to kneel for the national anthem IS shitting on our country.

No it is not! Wearing a flag pin in a lapel, does not make a patriot. A patriot speaks out when the government - local, state or federal - infringes on the life, liberty and happiness of our citizens.
...and douchebags kneel for the national anthem.
kap hes a loser ,a failure, and a cop out
the oppressed millionaire ball player of the national felon league :21:

View attachment 264279
big nike contract for the useful idiot masses
worse than the leftwing activist fags
View attachment 264278
Kap fought for what he believed in

Cost him his career
Rightly so. Shitting on our country isnt a smart business move.
He didn’t shit on our country

He stood up for blacks who were being killed whose life didn’t matter
Yeah, and for some odd reason he thought shitting on our country would help. Maybe next he will try slapping kids or starting forest fires.

How did he shit on his country?
Didnt you see the news? He kneeled during the anthem like an asshole.
He didn’t shit on our country

He stood up for blacks who were being killed whose life didn’t matter
Yeah, and for some odd reason he thought shitting on our country would help. Maybe next he will try slapping kids or starting forest fires.
Pointing out what is wrong with our country is not shitting on it
Agreed, but making a point to kneel for the national anthem IS shitting on our country.

No it is not! Wearing a flag pin in a lapel, does not make a patriot. A patriot speaks out when the government - local, state or federal - infringes on the life, liberty and happiness of our citizens.
...and douchebags kneel for the national anthem.
Hell I don't kneel but I don't stand either..
Yeah, and for some odd reason he thought shitting on our country would help. Maybe next he will try slapping kids or starting forest fires.
Pointing out what is wrong with our country is not shitting on it
Agreed, but making a point to kneel for the national anthem IS shitting on our country.
No it isn’t

It is a form of protest. This nation was built on protest
Its a form of protest that shits on our nation. Once we let him know how much we despised the kneeling shit, thats when everyone else jumped on board. They LOVED shitting on the nation. They werent protesting, they were trolling, but in the end we won. Hopefully you all learned your lesson and wont do it ever again.
No it isn’t

Kneeling is a form of silent protest
It does not prevent anyone else from showing their respect

It is not a declaration of anarchy or violence
It is a silent reminder of injustice
It was a shitbag move, but in the end justice was served. We put a stop to that nonsense.
Once upon a time, in a land far far away, on a dark night, a mob of people spent Nov. 9-10 in 1938 relishing hate and bigotry which overwhelmed a peaceful people.

Those who do not study history are doomed to relive it.

First he came for Muslims, then he went after the Mexicans and then he came to you.

Kristallnacht | Definition, Date, Facts, & Significance
Pointing out what is wrong with our country is not shitting on it
Agreed, but making a point to kneel for the national anthem IS shitting on our country.

No it is not! Wearing a flag pin in a lapel, does not make a patriot. A patriot speaks out when the government - local, state or federal - infringes on the life, liberty and happiness of our citizens.
Agree, protest against injustice is as patriotic as you can get. Our nation was founded on it. A citizen has an obligation to point out where our society is wrong

Wearing a flag pin and literally hugging a flag like Trump does is not patriotism. Neither is excusing what our government does, just because they are our government

My country right or wrong is the most unpatriotic thing you can say

Lol....that's all
Our country was built on it

Every significant societal change was built on protest
Yep, and the country protested against his bad behavior, which is why he lost his job. The NFL also made sure no one else would do it anymore. We changed society!
Agreed, but making a point to kneel for the national anthem IS shitting on our country.

No it is not! Wearing a flag pin in a lapel, does not make a patriot. A patriot speaks out when the government - local, state or federal - infringes on the life, liberty and happiness of our citizens.
Agree, protest against injustice is as patriotic as you can get. Our nation was founded on it. A citizen has an obligation to point out where our society is wrong

Wearing a flag pin and literally hugging a flag like Trump does is not patriotism. Neither is excusing what our government does, just because they are our government

My country right or wrong is the most unpatriotic thing you can say

Lol....that's all
Our country was built on it

Every significant societal change was built on protest

Yep, and the country protested against his bad behavior, which is why he lost his job. The NFL also made sure no one else would do it anymore. We changed society!

Concrete thinking ^^^. You've proved by bringing up this theme that you are biddable (easily led, like a sheep) and are one of the few, who would excuse trump if he shot an unarmed child on 5th Ave.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.
/——/ Thank DemocRAT Woodrow Wilson for segregating the military.
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation

LOL, you needed to go back 100 years? I can go back to the election of 1948 when Truman integrated the military, and Strom Thurman in protest of Civil Rigths led the racists in the Democratic Party to vote against Truman.

Yep and your point is what exactly?

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