African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.
/——/ Thank DemocRAT Woodrow Wilson for segregating the military.
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

……… if black folks treated you in the manner that we have been treated would you have some hate for the oppressor?
Agreed, but making a point to kneel for the national anthem IS shitting on our country.

No it is not! Wearing a flag pin in a lapel, does not make a patriot. A patriot speaks out when the government - local, state or federal - infringes on the life, liberty and happiness of our citizens.
Agree, protest against injustice is as patriotic as you can get. Our nation was founded on it. A citizen has an obligation to point out where our society is wrong

Wearing a flag pin and literally hugging a flag like Trump does is not patriotism. Neither is excusing what our government does, just because they are our government

My country right or wrong is the most unpatriotic thing you can say

Lol....that's all
Our country was built on it

Every significant societal change was built on protest
Yep, and the country protested against his bad behavior, which is why he lost his job. The NFL also made sure no one else would do it anymore. We changed society!
You squashed a protest

Not the first time it has been done, or the last
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.
/——/ Thank DemocRAT Woodrow Wilson for segregating the military.
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

……… if black folks treated you in the manner that we have been treated would you have some hate for the oppressor?
/——/ As a Catholic living in the Bible Belt, I’ve had my share but not as bad as Blacks. Moving to NY eliminated that problem but then a new one popped up. My last name sounds Jewish and NY liberals let me know I wasn’t welcome.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.
/——/ Thank DemocRAT Woodrow Wilson for segregating the military.
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

……… if black folks treated you in the manner that we have been treated would you have some hate for the oppressor?
I would move if i felt oppressed.
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

Nice trolling
I will just ignore

Me too. Racism is built on a foundation of fear, hate and ignorance.
He is using racist taunts to elicit outrage
Best to ignore
yes--ignore the facts--hahahahhahahah
you ignore when you know you don't have a reply/you know your are wrong
Take it elsewhere
you're finished - lost-loser
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.
/——/ Thank DemocRAT Woodrow Wilson for segregating the military.
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation
Wilson was a bigot from Georgia

But 1916 America was bigoted
and blacks were and are bigoted/racist/etc also
please try to tell us they are not human

……… if black folks treated you in the manner that we have been treated would you have some hate for the oppressor?
.....ALL races/groups/etc hate, are bigoted,etc
doesn't matter how/when/why /IF/whites treated blacks
blacks hate at twice the rate of whites
they murder at four times the rate--and they murder mostly blacks!!
the BLACK Hutus massacred the BLACK Tutsis --HATE/'''RACISM'''/tribalism/

Learn to pronounce
  1. having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.
No it is not! Wearing a flag pin in a lapel, does not make a patriot. A patriot speaks out when the government - local, state or federal - infringes on the life, liberty and happiness of our citizens.
Agree, protest against injustice is as patriotic as you can get. Our nation was founded on it. A citizen has an obligation to point out where our society is wrong

Wearing a flag pin and literally hugging a flag like Trump does is not patriotism. Neither is excusing what our government does, just because they are our government

My country right or wrong is the most unpatriotic thing you can say

Lol....that's all
Our country was built on it

Every significant societal change was built on protest
Yep, and the country protested against his bad behavior, which is why he lost his job. The NFL also made sure no one else would do it anymore. We changed society!
You squashed a protest

Not the first time it has been done, or the last
No, our protest worked. Its not the first time, or the last.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.
/——/ Thank DemocRAT Woodrow Wilson for segregating the military.
/----/ Hey Rightwinger, read this about your hero W Wilson: Progressive Segregation

LOL, you needed to go back 100 years? I can go back to the election of 1948 when Truman integrated the military, and Strom Thurman in protest of Civil Rigths led the racists in the Democratic Party to vote against Truman.

Yep and your point is what exactly?

It's pretty GD obvious, read the posts above.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).
dems supported slavery ! dems enforced jim crow ! and the majority of dems in congress were against the civil rights act !
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).
/——/ You rewrite history with the best of them.
the republican party freed the slaves !
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).
dems supported slavery ! dems enforced jim crow ! and the majority of dems in congress were against the civil rights act !
/——/ This is when democRATs chime in that all the Republicans who freed the slaves became democRATs over night. Wait for it.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee MOFO. Dey tole us what dat Hitla muffukka was doin and we saids. "We all in with whitey USA !"
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).
dems supported slavery ! dems enforced jim crow ! and the majority of dems in congress were against the civil rights act !
The south supported slavery
The south enforced Jim Crow both Democrats and Republicans

A Democrat signed the civil rights act
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).
dems supported slavery ! dems enforced jim crow ! and the majority of dems in congress were against the civil rights act !
The south supported slavery
The south enforced Jim Crow both Democrats and Republicans

A Democrat signed the civil rights act
/——/ You forgot this part. DemocRATs filibustered the CRA and VRA led by Al Gore Sr. Republicans broke the stalemate to get them passed.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).
dems supported slavery ! dems enforced jim crow ! and the majority of dems in congress were against the civil rights act !
The south supported slavery
The south enforced Jim Crow both Democrats and Republicans

A Democrat signed the civil rights act
/——/ You forgot this part. DemocRATs filibustered the CRA and VRA led by Al Gore Sr. Republicans broke the stalemate to get them passed.
You forgot

The KKK is indistinguishable from the RepubliKlan Party today
yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).
dems supported slavery ! dems enforced jim crow ! and the majority of dems in congress were against the civil rights act !
The south supported slavery
The south enforced Jim Crow both Democrats and Republicans

A Democrat signed the civil rights act
/——/ You forgot this part. DemocRATs filibustered the CRA and VRA led by Al Gore Sr. Republicans broke the stalemate to get them passed.
You forgot

The KKK is indistinguishable from the RepubliKlan Party today
/——/ Hyperbole and nothing more. I can prove my points but you can’t prove yours.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).

dems supported slavery ! dems enforced jim crow ! and the majority of dems in congress were against the civil rights act !

Whatever, go away and keep pretending.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

yep ! the democrats have a long history of mistreating blacks !

Why lie? Unless your head is so far up your ass you know that the Democratic Party, beginning with Truman/s integration with our military, followed by LBJ's Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and recent effort to provide gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry (but not to have their wedding cake made, or their flag posted in US Embassy's - all the result of the new attacks on blacks, gays and women, gay and straight, Muslims, Mexican and Central Americans by the Republican Party).

dems supported slavery ! dems enforced jim crow ! and the majority of dems in congress were against the civil rights act !

Whatever, go away and keep pretending.
/——/ You need to embrace democRATs racist heritage.

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