African-Americans at Public Schools


Nov 19, 2013
I am a student in college and am doing a paper on Racism and African-Americans at Public Schools. I have some questions that I need answered and wondered about peoples opinions from all over the country. You can answer any of these questions as you like or just post your own opinion.

Do you think racism still exists at public schools? (Yes/No)
If so, how close is the gap between blacks and whites?
How long before everyone is treated equal at public schools?

Why does racism exist at public schools?
What can African-Americans do to change/eliminate racism? What about Whites?

Do you think having a black president has changed anything in education among minorities?

What do you see in the future?

Thanks for your opinions!
I am a student in college and am doing a paper on Racism and African-Americans at Public Schools. I have some questions that I need answered and wondered about peoples opinions from all over the country. You can answer any of these questions as you like or just post your own opinion.

Do you think racism still exists at public schools? (Yes/No)
If so, how close is the gap between blacks and whites?
How long before everyone is treated equal at public schools?

Why does racism exist at public schools?
What can African-Americans do to change/eliminate racism? What about Whites?

Do you think having a black president has changed anything in education among minorities?

What do you see in the future?

Thanks for your opinions!

Do you think racism still exists at public schools? (Yes/No)...YES

If so, how close is the gap between blacks and whites?...Don't understand the question.

How long before everyone is treated equal at public schools? NEVER.

Why does racism exist at public schools? Because it's a natural part of the human condition, to separate (apartheid) into like groups.

What can African-Americans do to change/eliminate racism? Stop acting like asshole thugs. What about Whites? Cower to blacks, or act ghetto.

Do you think having a black president has changed anything in education among minorities? Yes, it has made them more bold to practice their own brand of racism.

What do you see in the future? More of the same.
Do you think racism still exists at public schools? (Yes/No)...Yes. Pretty sure there are some racist teachers still but the problem is really ignorance of history and lack of understanding on the teachers part.

If so, how close is the gap between blacks and whites? Gap in what?

How long before everyone is treated equal at public schools? Unknown. Depends on what teachers are allowed to teach.

Why does racism exist at public schools? Old stereotypes die hard and its a vicious circle. Racist teachers use Black students lack of interest as a confirmation that they are inferior. Black students let the subject matter cause them to lose interest.

What can African-Americans do to change/eliminate racism? What about Whites? Black people can educate their children on their history and their place in it and demand higher standards. White people can attempt to understand what needs to proceed formal education for Black students and the environment that Black students deal with.

Do you think having a black president has changed anything in education among minorities? Pretty sure it has slightly and for the good. We probably will see better results in the next 10 years or so as a result of being able to have the image of a Black president.

What do you see in the future? Its progressively getting better.
I am a student in college and am doing a paper on Racism and African-Americans at Public Schools. I have some questions that I need answered and wondered about peoples opinions from all over the country. You can answer any of these questions as you like or just post your own opinion.
Do you think racism still exists at public schools? (Yes/No)

If so, how close is the gap between blacks and whites?
What gap?

How long before everyone is treated equal at public schools?
Never. Public schools are funded by taxpayers. With the majority coming from local property taxes. Schools in more affluent areas typically are better funded .

Why does racism exist at public schools?
The same reason it exists everywhere. Misinformed ignorance and fear. Apathetic instructors and administration, parents not being as involved as they should be.

What can African-Americans do to change/eliminate racism? What about Whites?

Blacks. Focus on self reliance, and self improvement and recognize that change can only come about through unified community based action. Cannot speak for the white population.

Do you think having a black president has changed anything in education among minorities?
No, because the public school system has not been one of his priorities.

What do you see in the future?

More of the same, just a shift in demographic distribution due to a changing population. 50 years from now, there will not be a "black and white" issue. People who are different shades of "brown" will be at odds. It is an instinctive trait in humans to assign a status of inferiority to other humans, based on color, religion, or whatever makes them different than the "majority".

Thanks for your opinions!
Who do you think is most commonly faced with racism, the black students, or their white teachers? I mean lets be real here.
Why does racism exist at public schools?
What can African-Americans do to change/eliminate racism? What about Whites?

Are they teaching you at school that all of humanity is either black or white?
Thanks to affirmative action, racism is everywhere in our public schools. Whites and asians are told you must do well on tests to graduate, while negros and hispos are told you get to automatically graduate even if completely illiterate.
Thanks to affirmative action, racism is everywhere in our public schools. Whites and asians [sic] are told you must do well on tests to graduate, while negros [sic] and hispos [sic] are told you get to automatically graduate even if completely illiterate.

You STILL haven't told us about your advanced degrees, shitforbrains.
People need good parents and a culture that allows for advancement.....

Black culture will never allow for scholastic advancement. Blacks know they are mentally inferior and that's why they refuse to even try at school. You can't lose if you don't play the game.
I am a student in college and am doing a paper on Racism and African-Americans at Public Schools. I have some questions that I need answered and wondered about peoples opinions from all over the country. You can answer any of these questions as you like or just post your own opinion.

Do you think racism still exists at public schools? (Yes/No)
If so, how close is the gap between blacks and whites?
How long before everyone is treated equal at public schools?

Why does racism exist at public schools?
What can African-Americans do to change/eliminate racism? What about Whites?

Do you think having a black president has changed anything in education among minorities?

What do you see in the future?

Thanks for your opinions!

I think there is institutional forms of racism in public schools that reflects the economic disparity of neighborhoods because of the more overt racism of the past.

This will sound strange, given nthe past history, but perhaps we need to rethink bussing. The reason it failed, particularly in Boston, was that poor Irish kids were being bussed into poor black neighborhoods and poor black kids were being bussed into poor Irish neighborhoods and the rich folk just shook their heads and said "it's their nature". They had no "buy in". And then, there is the "white flight" threat.

It just gets so discouraging to see poor kids, white, black and all the colors in between, get screwed by the system.

LOL...the whole thing is a mess. Burn it down (figuratively of course) and built it back better and treat all students equally.

(And dude, mind those adverbs on your paper.)

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