Africans in India and the Influence of White Supremacy


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2013
I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

Nobody was racist until whitey?
I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

Nobody was racist until whitey?

Thats correct. Whites are the ones that made up the races and racism. Worse than that they claimed to be the best. Before that people practiced nationalism or tribalism
I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

Did you think black African were the bottom of the barrel only in the US?

I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

Nobody was racist until whitey?

Thats correct. Whites are the ones that made up the races and racism. Worse than that they claimed to be the best. Before that people practiced nationalism or tribalism

I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

You do realize that Hindus killed and brutalized many many many Muslims. In India castes and family bloodlines determine status and child labor is prevalent. You should probably use a different country as an example.
I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

You do realize that Hindus killed and brutalized many many many Muslims. In India castes and family bloodlines determine status and child labor is prevalent. You should probably use a different country as an example.

Not sure what your comment has to do with my OP? I used India for a reason. It points out how Africans were recruited and given positions of high esteem but in the after math of white supremacy they are now considered bottom of the barrel. Their society originally worshiped Black gods and preferred darker skin at least during the time Marco Polo visited the area.
I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

Nobody was racist until whitey?

Race was a concept created in Europe. That is where racism began.
I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

You do realize that Hindus killed and brutalized many many many Muslims. In India castes and family bloodlines determine status and child labor is prevalent. You should probably use a different country as an example.

No, he's doing quite fine.
Brother Shashi Tharoor has some insights on this matter.

Mind you he is speaking to the English about their racism at Oxford. This is a bold man.

Much respect.
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I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

So you’re blaming whites because Asians don’t like bottom-feeding negroes in their countries?

I know it’s difficult, but you may want to consider the fact that negroes have a reputation for being lazy, poor, uneducated, drug users, and being violent. They don’t have that reputation because of how whites feel about them, they have the reputation because that’s how so many of them are.
I was doing research on the Siddhi/Siddi community in India and Pakistan and came across this video. Its amazing how the influence of white supremacy plays a role even in a land of melinated people. Obviously India forgot how the Siddis got there in the first place.

Nobody was racist until whitey?

Race was a concept created in Europe. That is where racism began.

Yea sure. That’s why the Japanese refused to allow any foreigners on their lands for hundreds of years.
actual indian history professor, in a university, without like, the slightest bias I could imagine, maybe a dot on his head, I don't know. All I heard about is asia is full of Syncretic religious traditions, british like to write histories of india For Indians, Abrahamic religious warfare is responsible for Pakistan and indian division along religious lines.

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