After Betraying His Country, Brennan Threatening To Sue Over Security Clearance Priviledge


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former FBI Brennan betrayed his country, lied to the nation, punished Benghazi heroes by stripping them of their security clearances for telling the truth, and committed perjury before Congress TWICE...

Brennan has now been stripped of his security clearance. Brennan has ONLY been stripped of his security clearance. He should have been indicted and charged for his crimes.

The traitor, however, has ridiculously claimed that stripping him of his security clearance equates to stripping him of his Right if Freedom of Speech.

Brennan is a professional liar. He is also an idiot. A security clearance is a privilege bestowed on those who have proven to be honest and trustworthy, who will dutifully and loyalty serve this country. Brennan has proven he is anything but those things.

Now the traitor is publicly declaring he is considering suing to get his security clearance back and to strip the President of the ability to strip criminals and traitors like him of their security clearances once they have proven they are a threat to this country.

Rudy Giuliani taunts John Brennan over security clearance lawsuit threat

“Then we take his deposition right away. As the plaintiff he’d have to go first. I’d volunteer to do that case for the president. I’d love to have Brennan under oath for I don’t know, how many days, two, three days? We’ll find about Brennan,” Mr. Giuliani told Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”

He cited
Mr. Brennan’s role as CIA station chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, when the Khobar Towers were bombed in 1996, killing 19 U.S. service members, and his support for Communist Party presidential candidate Gus Hall in 1980.

“How do you become CIA director if in the midst of the Cold War, you vote for a Communist? Only Obama would pick you.”
You KNOW you are a traitorous lying POS when ... EX NIA CHIEF JAMES CLAPPER criticizes you!

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Sunday criticized Mr. Brennan’s overheated rhetoric, specifically his description last month of Mr. Trump’s behavior at Helsinki as “nothing short of treasonous.”

John and his rhetoric have become I think an issue in and of itself,” said Mr. Clapper on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Criticism by his fellow Secret Society member and multiple repeat Perjury offender caused Brennan to come to the conclusion that he had crossed a line by calling the President a traitor, so Brennan tried to back down 'off the ledge' he had placed himself upon by saying it:

"Mr. Brennan walked back his comment Friday, telling MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, “I didn’t mean that he committed treason, but it was a term that I used, nothing short of treasonous.”

"I didn't really mean the President committed treason - it was just a term I threw out there to trigger the Anti-Trump rubes..." LOL!

James Clapper criticizes John Brennan for anti-Trump rhetoric
This guy is now even MORE famous, and will now make much MORE money, so I don't feel sorry for him.
Fucking Rudy - LoL!! :D


Brennan has acknowledged voting for a communist presidential candidate in 1976.

Brennan hid the truth about Benghazi terrorist attack and punished the Heroes of Benghazi who fought on the ground trying to save lives because they stepped up and told the truth.

- John Brennan, CIA ‘Kool-Aid drinkers’ blasted by Benghazi terror survivor Kris Paronto

Brennan is guilty of Espionage and Perjury - He illegally spied on U.S. Senators, lied about it under oath, and then as part of a Congressional deal to save his ass from indictment and prosecution he was forced to apologize to Congress.

- CIA director John Brennan apologizes for search of Senate committee’s computers

Brennan declared under oath before Congress he knew nothing of the Trump Dossier, but official records were presented to Brennan showing Brennan briefed members of Congress on the unverified document, recommending a Special Counsel be appointed based on the information in the document.

"Brennan contacted Reid on Aug. 25, 2016, to brief him on the state of Russia’s interference in the presidential campaign. Brennan briefed other members of the so-called Gang of Eight, but Reid is the only who took direct action. Two days after the briefing, Reid wrote a letter to then-FBI Director James Comey asserting that “evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign continues to mount."


"Former CIA Director John Brennan’s insistence that the salacious and unverified Steele dossier was not part of the official Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian interference in the 2016 election is being contradicted by two top former officials.

Recently retired National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers stated in a classified letter to Congress that the Clinton campaign-funded memos did factor into
the ICA. And James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence under President Obama, conceded in a recent CNN interview that the assessment was based on “some of the substantive content of the dossier.” Without elaborating, he maintained that “we were able to corroborate” certain allegations."

- BRENNAN IN HOT WATER=> Two Top Officials Contradict Ex-CIA Director's SWORN Denial of Reliance on Dossier

Brennan hand-picked FBI Trump-Hating Agent Strzok, proven to have committed Obstruction / Conspiracy / sedition, as part of his team that went after Trump. Strzok helped Brennan write the Intel Community Assessment ... AFTER NIA Director Clapper limited viewing of their Intel Community report to only 3 agencies in an attempt to ensure their desired conclusion (that there was illegal collusion going on) was reached:

Fred Fleitz, 19 year CIA Analyst:
"Fleitz suggests that the Obama administration limited the number of players involved in the analysis to skew the results. He believes the process was “manipulated” to reach a “predetermined political conclusion” that the incoming Republican president was compromised by the Russians.

I’ve never viewed the ICA as credible

Based on the manipulated conclusion - based partly on the Dossier, which Brennan says played no impact, the ICA was Strzok...and became a big piece in illegally getting the warrants to spy on the Trump team / campaign.

Brennan claimed the Dossier was never a part of the foundation for the justification of opening the investigation or getting the warrants....BUT National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers "stated in a classified letter to Congress that a two-page summary of the dossier — described as “the Christopher Steele information” — was “added” as an “appendix to the ICA draft,” and that consideration of that appendix was “part of the overall ICA review/approval process.”

- BRENNAN IN HOT WATER=> Two Top Officials Contradict Ex-CIA Director's SWORN Denial of Reliance on Dossier

Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan has repeatedly lied - perjured himself - under oath in front of Congress, much like his co-conspirator in the treasonous Conspiracy against this President.

He has betrayed his country, lied to the American people, punished the heroes of Benghazi for speaking up and telling the truth, engaged in Espionage by illegally spying on US Senators and USSC Justices, violated the Constitutional Rights of American citizens by illegally spying on them, and engaged in Conspiracy, sedition, Perjury and even arguably treason.

Again, John Brennan should have been fired, indicted, and sent to jail years ago when it was proven he illegally spied on US Senators and the USSC. Having his security clearance revoked is the very minimum that should have happened to him long ago....

And this Communist-voting, perjurous, treasonous 'DOMESTIC ENEMY' has ridiculously claimed that taking away his security clearance equates to stripping him of his Right of Free Speech (while he showed no problem violating others' Rights) and is now claiming he is considering suing the President for taking away his security clearance.

The deal the GOP made with the Democrats to keep Brennan out of prison for spying on the US Senate and USSC should now be considered null and void based on Brennan's continued treasonous actions.

The WH and GOP (and Sessions) should immediately respond to Brennan's actions by immediately indicting him for multiple counts of Perjury, illegal spying / Espionage, Conspiracy, and sedition (By claiming the President committed treason...before backing down and admitting he did NOT)!
In the face of documented evidence, snowflakes turn to Memes instead of facts and evidence. SSDD!

So is truth truth and are facts facts?? Take a stab at it Easy .. should be a piece of cake for an intellectual giant such as yourself! :)
In the face of documented evidence, snowflakes turn to Memes instead of facts and evidence. SSDD!

So is truth truth and are facts facts?? Take a stab at it Easy .. should be a piece of cake for an intellectual giant such as yourself! :)

It doesn't take an abundance of intelligence to understand what Giuliani means...which unfortunately leaves you and 90% of every other snowflake out.

The Democrats and Mueller have tried to tell the SHEEP what the 'TRUTH' is....except after 2+ years Mueller can't find any evidence to support his / their 'TRUTH'.

He has no evidence.

Not one of the indictments of Trump associates has anything to do with Russian Interference / Collusion.

MEANWHILE the only evidence of crimes committed regarding the Russian Interference / Collusion points to DEMOCRATS.

There is no 'TRUTH' coming from Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Holder, Obama, Hillary, or even Mueller.
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.
In the face of documented evidence, snowflakes turn to Memes instead of facts and evidence. SSDD!

So is truth truth and are facts facts?? Take a stab at it Easy .. should be a piece of cake for an intellectual giant such as yourself! :)

It doesn't take an abundance of intelligence to understand what Giuliani means...which unfortunately leaves you and 90% of every other snowflake out.

The Democrats and Mueller have tried to tell the SHEEP what the 'TRUTH' is....except after 2+ years Mueller can't find any evidence to support his / their 'TRUTH'.

He has no evidence.

Not one of the indictments of Trump associates has anything to do with Russian Interference / Collusion.

MEANWHILE the only evidence of crimes committed regarding the Russian Interference / Collusion points to DEMOCRATS.

There is no 'TRUTH' coming from Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Holder, Obama, Hillary, or even Mueller.

To my recollection, neither Mueller nor the Democrats have attempted to tell what the TRUTH is

Mueller is quietly going about his job building a case. Until he has the whole story, he is not reporting anything

It is Crooked Donnie who is on the attack and in full denial. Like most criminals when the case is being built around them
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.
There has been an honor code built around security clearances. They have been nonpartisan

Based on Trumps abuse of his powers, it looks like we need to remove this function from the political spectrum and put it with an independent agency
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.
There has been an honor code built around security clearances. They have been nonpartisan

Based on Trumps abuse of his powers, it looks like we need to remove this function from the political spectrum and put it with an independent agency

LMAO you just check the other thread where your hero Obama the Great revokes security clearances.
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.
There has been an honor code built around security clearances. They have been nonpartisan

Based on Trumps abuse of his powers, it looks like we need to remove this function from the political spectrum and put it with an independent agency
I agree, although it's a shame it needs to be done at all. The agency that grants the clearance should be the one to revoke it, don't you think? That is how it has always been done, sensibly.

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