After border bill failure, ICE considers mass releases to close budget gap


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Sounds like Majorca’s dream come true. An excuse to release even more illegals onto the American public, with an excuse only an idiot would buy.

Luckily there’s plenty of idiots on the Internet to promote it.
Great job, Republicans. You now totally own this. Democrats tried, you said no.

So Republicans are going to get the kids out of cages?

Great job, Republicans!
Great job, Republicans. You now totally own this. Democrats tried, you said no.

Nope, this is on Biden and his posse. He should have actually had the border closed to illegal immigration with the Bill.
Instead he wanted something half assed where he could have just ignored the immigration Bill like he has
ignored the immigration laws already in place. Hell, he could have just used some EO's to close the borders
to illegal immigration if he really wanted the borders to actually be closed. But, that's not his agenda whatsoever.
Great job, Republicans. You now totally own this. Democrats tried, you said no.

Irony again.
Great job, Republicans. You now totally own this. Democrats tried, you said no.

You say that, as if up until the vote, the Democrats were fully taking responsibility for their own mess.

People are smart enough to see through this, the Biden administration punishing the voters with more illegals unleashed on them.

They should be tried for manslaughter for every American one of those illegals they release murders.give me your three or four consecutive 20 sentences would be about right.
Great job, Republicans. You now totally own this. Democrats tried, you said no.

They should bus them into republican states to force republicans to do something about the border
The guy who is still at his job because the impeachment doesn't matter? House republicans also just blocked the immigration bill while admitting they need illegal immigration to remain high.

Look at you standing up for the human trafficker. You're a good DemoKKKrat.
Look at you standing up for the human trafficker. You're a good DemoKKKrat.
The whole Biden administration are a bunch of war criminals. I won't defend any of them. But it's your people who are trying to keep what you call "human trafficking" high because it helps you in the polls.
ICE didn't consider this... Biden did... he is trying to threaten and bride the house... but the truth is those people will be released anyway... money or no money....
It is so strange to see the Democrats blaming the Republicans for the illegal immigration problem.

No, it’s not.

They’ve been blaming Republicans the whole time for “not getting serious about immigration reform.”

Now we see what their idea of immigration reform actually is. More illegals, no help whatsoever for legal immigrants, and of course, sending bags and bags of taxpayer dollars to foreign dictators.

Bringing all these illegals into the country is part one. The other shoe will drop when they try to legalize all of those legal so they can vote.

They did it before in the 80s, and the Republicans fell for the “compromise“ line. The Republicans and their constituents, the American people, got screwed. The Democrats got there, millions of new blue citizens, and did not raise a finger to secure the border as promised.
So, question for Democrats: if Joe Biden is required by law to give all these illegal aliens asylum hearings, even if they got caught running across the border, and Joe Biden would follow the new bill. If it becomes law, what will Joe Biden and Alejandro Majorca do when the 5001st Illegal alien runs across the border and demands asylum?

Will Biden/Mayorkas follow the new border law that y’all are so eager to pass, or would they follow the existing immigration law that he claims requires him to give all these asylum hearings?
Great job, Republicans. You now totally own this. Democrats tried, you said no.

As long as they release them into Mexico, I don't see a problem with that.

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