After COVID-1984 the entirely German 'police' shall be fired and renewed, something new from the Merkel Mad 'state'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Orwell 1984?
Nope, Merkel Mad State, welcome to dystopia!
The terror of state against law abiding citizens, nothing against criminals.
After Merkel and her gang will sentenced by the tribunal the entirely German 'police' shall be completely renewed and most of 'officials' fired.
They support one of the most bloody and insane regime in the World History and shall share the fate of their progenitors, Hitler's SS murders-

The full story, below the translation:

Standing still currently costs a 50 euro fine, running away 150 euros. Our normal behavior in spring is criminalized. The criminal failure of politics in the procurement of vaccines is excused and glossed over.

No, no one could have imagined a pandemic of this magnitude. But I could not have imagined the state in which we currently live; more to the point, I would have thought it impossible.

Police officers who, on political instructions, hunt down blameless citizens and put their lives in danger because they have "hugged" or "high-fived" too much, helicopters that fly low over children from frozen lakes, endangering their lives in the process.

For the past year, massive curtailments of fundamental rights have been justified by "the science" - but the most important publicity campaign ever for vaccination science that can save us has been blown. Not a single politician has yet led by good vaccination example; instead, a dysfunctional "vaccination sequence" is invoked.

Munich: Control with folding rule in the English Garden! Police officers made sure that visitors at the Monopteros also kept a proper 1.50 meter distance to each other. Excessive or with a sense of proportion?

The cemeteries are full of grandparents whom we have not protected in their homes. Those who are currently dying are not dying from a disease to which we are powerless, but from the political mismanagement of the vaccine miracle.

Instead of creating perspectives for our country, we are governed with prohibitions. From bushes, policemen jump towards joggers without masks. This is the policy of the rabble-rousers that Chancellor Angela Merkel and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have wrought and are responsible for.

Never before in the history of the Federal Republic have we all experienced such a police presence on our streets. However, this presence is not primarily directed against crime. It is meant to deter us from violating the rules and views (not even proper laws) of the Chancellor. We citizens are spoken to with the severity and petulance of failing ideologues. We are supposed to forget about our Easter vacation, we are not supposed to dream about the beaches at the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, not about the mountains, if we don't want to listen, one could well become even stricter with us, but our questions about consequences for those politically responsible are unwanted.

We are currently experiencing in a painful way: There is no buffer zone between fundamental rights and arbitrariness. There is one or the other. What we had to witness on our streets this weekend was an arbitrary state that harasses people in order to whitewash its own failures. I have only one sentence to say about this, one very simple and very clear demand: We want to be a country again in which we are not governed over ourselves, but for ourselves!
And Xiden weeps in envy but can't think how to try it. Oh, wait, now he's forgotten why he was crying.

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