After "gun control" failures, Obama now pushing Manmade Global Warming hoax instead


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Nearly every Obama initiative has ended in failure (and often begun that way), in his efforts to get votes for Democrats. Now the latest one he is trying, is to fool people into thinking that man had anything to do with the climate change we are seeing, or can do anything to change it back.

This despite forty years of research that produced not the slightest proof of any effect by man on climate.

The liberals sure can pick 'em, can't they?


Obama runs wild in Alaska, drinks catkin tea for TV adventure show

Obama runs wild in Alaska, drinks catkin tea for TV adventure show

By Jill Serjeant
December 14, 2015

NEW YORK (Reuters) - They shared tea made out of catkins, ate wild salmon picked over by a bear, talked about being a dad and discussed climate change - all while snipers kept watch from the mountains and the official food taster looked on warily.

U.S. President Barack Obama's "Running Wild" Alaska episode with wilderness expert Bear Grylls airs on NBC television on Dec. 17, and Grylls said the short trip showed an intimate and fun side of Obama that has rarely been seen.

"He said it was one of the best days of his presidency," Grylls told reporters. "There were times along the route I had to pinch myself and think, actually, this is the president of America'."

The episode was filmed in September on a trek to Alaska's shrinking Exit Glacier that was aimed at drawing world attention to climate change.
Did you see the episode where Leonardo DiCaprio, Grylls, Obama, and a grizzly romp in a foursome?
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Sure can "pick 'em"?


Democrats who frequently poke their eyes out when trying to pick their little noses?

So funny that you fools can't hold more than one idea in your otherwise empty heads at a time.

555 CHILDREN, age 12 and younger, killed by guns in the three years since Sandy Hook. Bet the gun nut slime are celebrating that tonight and trying to figure out how to kill more in the next three years.

So funny that you fools can't hold more than one idea in your otherwise empty heads at a time.

555 CHILDREN, age 12 and younger, killed by guns in the three years since Sandy Hook. Bet the gun nut slime are celebrating that tonight and trying to figure out how to kill more in the next three years.

But what were those kids' zip codes?

So funny that you fools can't hold more than one idea in your otherwise empty heads at a time.

555 CHILDREN, age 12 and younger, killed by guns in the three years since Sandy Hook. Bet the gun nut slime are celebrating that tonight and trying to figure out how to kill more in the next three years.
And the number killed by cars is....?

(Hint: It's much, much higher,)

Obviously the liberals aren't interested in reducing the number of children killed. If they were, they'd go after the "biggest killer". But not a peep from them about it.

Instead they go after a tool that kills far fewer, and they do nothing but demand the same "solutions" over and over, that are already proven to not work.... but which take away the maximum rights of law-abiding people, while not reducing the number of kids killed at all.

The liberals are simply interested in fooling the maximum number of voters into thinking the liberals are doing something worthwhile, to get their votes. They have no interest in actually DOING something worthwhile.

It's sad that the liberals can't hold more than one idea in their otherwise empty heads at a time.
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Nearly every Obama initiative has ended in failure (and often begun that way), in his efforts to get votes for Democrats. Now the latest one he is trying, is to fool people into thinking that man had anything to do with the climate change we are seeing, or can do anything to change it back.

This despite forty years of research that produced not the slightest proof of any effect by man on climate.

The liberals sure can pick 'em, can't they?


Obama runs wild in Alaska, drinks catkin tea for TV adventure show

Obama runs wild in Alaska, drinks catkin tea for TV adventure show

By Jill Serjeant
December 14, 2015

NEW YORK (Reuters) - They shared tea made out of catkins, ate wild salmon picked over by a bear, talked about being a dad and discussed climate change - all while snipers kept watch from the mountains and the official food taster looked on warily.

U.S. President Barack Obama's "Running Wild" Alaska episode with wilderness expert Bear Grylls airs on NBC television on Dec. 17, and Grylls said the short trip showed an intimate and fun side of Obama that has rarely been seen.

"He said it was one of the best days of his presidency," Grylls told reporters. "There were times along the route I had to pinch myself and think, actually, this is the president of America'."

The episode was filmed in September on a trek to Alaska's shrinking Exit Glacier that was aimed at drawing world attention to climate change.
Of course. This kind of deflection has been a hallmark of the Obama regime.

So funny that you fools can't hold more than one idea in your otherwise empty heads at a time.

555 CHILDREN, age 12 and younger, killed by guns in the three years since Sandy Hook. Bet the gun nut slime are celebrating that tonight and trying to figure out how to kill more in the next three years.
What the fuck are you yammering about?..
You libs and your fucking statistics....You hide behind them to cover for your lack of logic and your inability to find solutions.

So funny that you fools can't hold more than one idea in your otherwise empty heads at a time.

555 CHILDREN, age 12 and younger, killed by guns in the three years since Sandy Hook. Bet the gun nut slime are celebrating that tonight and trying to figure out how to kill more in the next three years.
No laws would've stopped those killings, dumba$$

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