After Latest De-Classified Documents Dump Exposing Obama's Failed Coup Attempt & Wray Hiding Docs, Anyone Who Still Denies Is Mentally Ill...Period!

4th amendment, comrade. We love it over here.

Ah, so you demand that the democrats have no right to Trump's taxes or financial records?

I mean, you have READ the 4th, right Comrade?
Tax documents are government documents, so I think Congress gets to see government documents, which is all they’ve asked for.
a little dbl standard there bud,,,
Why? Government oversight means you get to see government documents.
by god youre a stupid fuck and a hypocrite,,,
Notice how often your argument resorts to just name calling?

That’s how you know you’re losing.
descibeing your behavior isnt name calling,,,
Maybe not in your fantasy land, but you are indeed name calling.

One thing we can both agree on, it’s not a coherent argument. See, the stupider you act, the easier it is to argue against you.
I see your not above a little name calling,,,that makes you a hypocrite,,,again,,,

why are you so scared about this biden thing???
Who is scared? I have facts on my side. You only have name calling and your fantasies.
face it you stink of fear,,,
I’m not the one lashing out with childish name calling instead of making an argument.
no,, youre the one thats lied and twisted the facts when you didnt flat out ignore them,,,,
Ha! Your facts are hardly real. You constantly make claims and then fail to produce any proof. Don’t blame me for not believing your unsubstantiated claims.

Still waiting for proof of the DoJ investigation, by the way.
gotta give you credit,,,even in the face of real facts you keep lying,,,
I know. You think your facts are real, but somehow you never are able to produce any evidence of them.

Like a kid in high school who pretends he has a really good looking girlfriend, but she’s always busy so we never get to meet her.
Tax documents are government documents, so I think Congress gets to see government documents, which is all they’ve asked for.


Tax documents are personal and private.

You have never read the 4th or any part of the Bill of Rights. You hit der tar baby.

You commies are such dumb motherfuckers.

Well I send my tax returns to the government, and I imagine you do too.

So yeah, they’re government documents.

How can you oversee the IRS without having access to tax returns.
Hell yeah there is. The FBI forensics team was able to track the data movement from the DNC servers to AWS servers in Arizona.

Tell me, how many 2 TB flash drives do you see laying around?

Bull fucking shit, lying commie scum.
be kind to him,,
I dont think he knows what a lie or truth is, just what he wants others to believe,,,
Well I send my tax returns to the government, and I imagine you do too.

So yeah, they’re government documents.

How can you oversee the IRS without having access to tax returns.

You're a dumbfuck who makes shit up as he goes.

Tax returns in themselves violate the 4th Amendment, hence the law was crafted to protect returns. It is illegal for ANYONE other than an authorized IRS processor or auditor to review a tax return.

Dumb commie.
Hell yeah there is. The FBI forensics team was able to track the data movement from the DNC servers to AWS servers in Arizona.

Tell me, how many 2 TB flash drives do you see laying around?

Bull fucking shit, lying commie scum.
be kind to him,,
I dont think he knows what a lie or truth is, just what he wants others to believe,,,
Look above. See how the other poster’s argument resorts to name calling?

That’s because they’re losing the argument.
4th amendment, comrade. We love it over here.

Ah, so you demand that the democrats have no right to Trump's taxes or financial records?

I mean, you have READ the 4th, right Comrade?
Tax documents are government documents, so I think Congress gets to see government documents, which is all they’ve asked for.
a little dbl standard there bud,,,
Why? Government oversight means you get to see government documents.
by god youre a stupid fuck and a hypocrite,,,
Notice how often your argument resorts to just name calling?

That’s how you know you’re losing.
descibeing your behavior isnt name calling,,,
Maybe not in your fantasy land, but you are indeed name calling.

One thing we can both agree on, it’s not a coherent argument. See, the stupider you act, the easier it is to argue against you.
I see your not above a little name calling,,,that makes you a hypocrite,,,again,,,

why are you so scared about this biden thing???
Who is scared? I have facts on my side. You only have name calling and your fantasies.
face it you stink of fear,,,
I’m not the one lashing out with childish name calling instead of making an argument.
no,, youre the one thats lied and twisted the facts when you didnt flat out ignore them,,,,
Ha! Your facts are hardly real. You constantly make claims and then fail to produce any proof. Don’t blame me for not believing your unsubstantiated claims.

Still waiting for proof of the DoJ investigation, by the way.
gotta give you credit,,,even in the face of real facts you keep lying,,,
Some things never change .


Hell yeah there is. The FBI forensics team was able to track the data movement from the DNC servers to AWS servers in Arizona.

Tell me, how many 2 TB flash drives do you see laying around?

Bull fucking shit, lying commie scum.
be kind to him,,
I dont think he knows what a lie or truth is, just what he wants others to believe,,,
Look above. See how the other poster’s argument resorts to name calling?

That’s because they’re losing the argument.
at some point when a person like you lies so much theres nothing left but name calling
Well I send my tax returns to the government, and I imagine you do too.

So yeah, they’re government documents.

How can you oversee the IRS without having access to tax returns.

You're a dumbfuck who makes shit up as he goes.

Tax returns in themselves violate the 4th Amendment, hence the law was crafted to protect returns. It is illegal for ANYONE other than an authorized IRS processor or auditor to review a tax return.

Dumb commie.

Do yourself a favor and read your own link before calling me dumb. If you had read it, you would have seen this:

In some limited instances, such as court subpoenas or valid requests from legislative oversight committees, a taxpayer's returns and related information may be disclosed to specified parties without the taxpayer's consent. These exceptions to tax return confidentiality law include:
  • Committees of Congress - The heads of the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (or other committees as authorized by their respective body of Congress) may request disclosure of taxpayer information in a closed executive session.
Hell yeah there is. The FBI forensics team was able to track the data movement from the DNC servers to AWS servers in Arizona.

Tell me, how many 2 TB flash drives do you see laying around?

Bull fucking shit, lying commie scum.
be kind to him,,
I dont think he knows what a lie or truth is, just what he wants others to believe,,,
Look above. See how the other poster’s argument resorts to name calling?

That’s because they’re losing the argument.
at some point when a person like you lies so much theres nothing left but name calling
If I lied, prove me wrong. Since you can’t, it’s just name calling.

You’re losing.
Well I send my tax returns to the government, and I imagine you do too.

So yeah, they’re government documents.

How can you oversee the IRS without having access to tax returns.

You're a dumbfuck who makes shit up as he goes.

Tax returns in themselves violate the 4th Amendment, hence the law was crafted to protect returns. It is illegal for ANYONE other than an authorized IRS processor or auditor to review a tax return.

Dumb commie.

Do yourself a favor and read your own link before calling me dumb. If you had read it, you would have seen this:

In some limited instances, such as court subpoenas or valid requests from legislative oversight committees, a taxpayer's returns and related information may be disclosed to specified parties without the taxpayer's consent. These exceptions to tax return confidentiality law include:
  • Committees of Congress - The heads of the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (or other committees as authorized by their respective body of Congress) may request disclosure of taxpayer information in a closed executive session.
it says they can request it,,doesnt say they can just go get it and look at it or are entitled to it,,,
4th amendment, comrade. We love it over here.

Ah, so you demand that the democrats have no right to Trump's taxes or financial records?

I mean, you have READ the 4th, right Comrade?
Tax documents are government documents, so I think Congress gets to see government documents, which is all they’ve asked for.
a little dbl standard there bud,,,
Why? Government oversight means you get to see government documents.
by god youre a stupid fuck and a hypocrite,,,
Notice how often your argument resorts to just name calling?

That’s how you know you’re losing.
descibeing your behavior isnt name calling,,,
Maybe not in your fantasy land, but you are indeed name calling.

One thing we can both agree on, it’s not a coherent argument. See, the stupider you act, the easier it is to argue against you.
I see your not above a little name calling,,,that makes you a hypocrite,,,again,,,

why are you so scared about this biden thing???
Who is scared? I have facts on my side. You only have name calling and your fantasies.
face it you stink of fear,,,
I’m not the one lashing out with childish name calling instead of making an argument.
no,, youre the one thats lied and twisted the facts when you didnt flat out ignore them,,,,
Ha! Your facts are hardly real. You constantly make claims and then fail to produce any proof. Don’t blame me for not believing your unsubstantiated claims.

Still waiting for proof of the DoJ investigation, by the way.
gotta give you credit,,,even in the face of real facts you keep lying,,,
Some things never change .


Aw, sparky. At least your common traveler here has the guts to engage at all. He’s got a little more guts than you.
Hell yeah there is. The FBI forensics team was able to track the data movement from the DNC servers to AWS servers in Arizona.

Tell me, how many 2 TB flash drives do you see laying around?

Bull fucking shit, lying commie scum.
be kind to him,,
I dont think he knows what a lie or truth is, just what he wants others to believe,,,
Look above. See how the other poster’s argument resorts to name calling?

That’s because they’re losing the argument.
at some point when a person like you lies so much theres nothing left but name calling
If I lied, prove me wrong. Since you can’t, it’s just name calling.

You’re losing.
I have several times,,,
Well I send my tax returns to the government, and I imagine you do too.

So yeah, they’re government documents.

How can you oversee the IRS without having access to tax returns.

You're a dumbfuck who makes shit up as he goes.

Tax returns in themselves violate the 4th Amendment, hence the law was crafted to protect returns. It is illegal for ANYONE other than an authorized IRS processor or auditor to review a tax return.

Dumb commie.

Do yourself a favor and read your own link before calling me dumb. If you had read it, you would have seen this:

In some limited instances, such as court subpoenas or valid requests from legislative oversight committees, a taxpayer's returns and related information may be disclosed to specified parties without the taxpayer's consent. These exceptions to tax return confidentiality law include:
  • Committees of Congress - The heads of the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (or other committees as authorized by their respective body of Congress) may request disclosure of taxpayer information in a closed executive session.
it says they can request it,,doesnt say they can just go get it and look at it or are entitled to it,,,
Wow. Weak sauce.

The law, section 6103 says they are entitled to.

(1)Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return orreturn information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to suchdisclosure.

Emphasis mine.
Hell yeah there is. The FBI forensics team was able to track the data movement from the DNC servers to AWS servers in Arizona.

Tell me, how many 2 TB flash drives do you see laying around?

Bull fucking shit, lying commie scum.
be kind to him,,
I dont think he knows what a lie or truth is, just what he wants others to believe,,,
Look above. See how the other poster’s argument resorts to name calling?

That’s because they’re losing the argument.
at some point when a person like you lies so much theres nothing left but name calling
If I lied, prove me wrong. Since you can’t, it’s just name calling.

You’re losing.
I have several times,,,
Negative, sparky. Not in reality.
"DNI chief John Ratcliffe on Thursday declassified documents that revealed the FBI’s so-called ‘defensive briefing’ given to Donald Trump and General Flynn in August of 2016 was actually part of the ‘insurance policy’ to take out Trump and his campaign.

The FBI was not giving Trump a defensive briefing on August 17, 2016, rather, they were spying on him and collecting information on his campaign.

The August 2016 briefing notes were filed under the FBI Russia probe “Crossfire Hurricane,” and the FBI probe into GEN Flynn dubbed “Crossfire Razor.”

At the heart of it, Joe Pientka. You’re right. I write about it in my book. But interestingly the government has scrubbed him from all reports including the FBI report, the Department of Justice report, even the FISA Court report. And the FBI has removed him from their website and sequestered him to San Francisco’s field office refusing to make him available, not withstanding any repeated demands to Congress. That’s the cover-up by the existing FBI director Christopher Wray. And the other part of this equation is that the documents today – they’re exculpatory.

They tend to prove Trump’s innocence and yet the FBI and Christopher Wray have concealed these documents along with the intel community for the better part of four years. "

The longer time goes on, the more official reports and other evidence is released to the public, the less 'shadow' the criminal TRAITORS have to hide in...In fact, there is no more 'shadow' to hide in.

FACT: Barak Obama was the most criminal President in US history - the evidence proves it.

FACT: Obama's administration was the most criminal in US history - it is indisputable based on the evidence that exists.

FACT: FBI Director Chris Wray is a criminal traitor, a POS just like Mueller and Comey, who has been groomed within the FBI to take over and not miss a beat if needed to step in. He has done that. He had worked faithfully in the best interest of the FBI, to protect the agency and its people from repercussions for exposed crimes to include treason, which the FBI is guilty of.

The evidence is all there. Wray has had and has hidden evidence for 4 years.
- the EVIDENCE proves he has committed Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and even TREASON.

At this point, with the 'bleeding out' of evidence of the attempted political coup attempt by Obama, his administration, the complicit media, and the ON-GOING attempts to still cover-up something that has been fully exposed now CAN NOT BE DENIED by anyone SANE!

ANY continued DENIAL...ANY continued DEFENSE of these TRAITORS....ANY continued claims that THIS EVER HAPPENED can ONLY be attributed to MENTAL ILLNESS!

Oh please. Ratliff has his tongue so far up tRumps ass that they're Frenching in reverse. Nothing he does or says is honest.

Thank you for self-identifying as a psychotic nutbag....

So, you willingly believe known liars but I'm the nut-bag.

Riiiight. Let's go with that.

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
Your provided link is a fucking joke. It is easily the worst spin job ever attempted. Keep believing tbat the ROOOSKIES denied the leftard clown posse of the pedo Hildebeast, ya creepy pussbag.
Yet you can’t provide any actual critique of it. What did the link do wrong?

More if you want:

i'm not going to take technical explanations from someone who fucks up the very acronym they're trying to refute.
Is that really the best you can do? They didn’t capitalize a letter so you disregard all of it?


More of the same point, with proper capitalization your majesty.

The essence of the error is that Binney assumes the transfer that he derived his speed from was the transfer from the DNC server to whatever decide it went to. That’s simply unfounded. We know basically nothing about the context of the transfer to which he’s referring.

For example, as Mueller points out, the files went from the DNC server to a AWS server in Arizona and then transferred to Russian servers. The Russia’s could have at any point in time downloaded the data from their server to a drive resulting in the exact metadata observed.
he did it several times. and i've seen you do more with less so don't throw weak at me.

there are so many ways the file transfer could have happened but in the end the only thing FOR SURE is we don't know FOR SURE now do we?

let look at people take stands, all knowing and shit. on things they couldn't possibly know; just feelz.

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