After Latest De-Classified Documents Dump Exposing Obama's Failed Coup Attempt & Wray Hiding Docs, Anyone Who Still Denies Is Mentally Ill...Period!

"DNI chief John Ratcliffe on Thursday declassified documents that revealed the FBI’s so-called ‘defensive briefing’ given to Donald Trump and General Flynn in August of 2016 was actually part of the ‘insurance policy’ to take out Trump and his campaign.

The FBI was not giving Trump a defensive briefing on August 17, 2016, rather, they were spying on him and collecting information on his campaign.

The August 2016 briefing notes were filed under the FBI Russia probe “Crossfire Hurricane,” and the FBI probe into GEN Flynn dubbed “Crossfire Razor.”

At the heart of it, Joe Pientka. You’re right. I write about it in my book. But interestingly the government has scrubbed him from all reports including the FBI report, the Department of Justice report, even the FISA Court report. And the FBI has removed him from their website and sequestered him to San Francisco’s field office refusing to make him available, not withstanding any repeated demands to Congress. That’s the cover-up by the existing FBI director Christopher Wray. And the other part of this equation is that the documents today – they’re exculpatory.

They tend to prove Trump’s innocence and yet the FBI and Christopher Wray have concealed these documents along with the intel community for the better part of four years. "

The longer time goes on, the more official reports and other evidence is released to the public, the less 'shadow' the criminal TRAITORS have to hide in...In fact, there is no more 'shadow' to hide in.

FACT: Barak Obama was the most criminal President in US history - the evidence proves it.

FACT: Obama's administration was the most criminal in US history - it is indisputable based on the evidence that exists.

FACT: FBI Director Chris Wray is a criminal traitor, a POS just like Mueller and Comey, who has been groomed within the FBI to take over and not miss a beat if needed to step in. He has done that. He had worked faithfully in the best interest of the FBI, to protect the agency and its people from repercussions for exposed crimes to include treason, which the FBI is guilty of.

The evidence is all there. Wray has had and has hidden evidence for 4 years.
- the EVIDENCE proves he has committed Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and even TREASON.

At this point, with the 'bleeding out' of evidence of the attempted political coup attempt by Obama, his administration, the complicit media, and the ON-GOING attempts to still cover-up something that has been fully exposed now CAN NOT BE DENIED by anyone SANE!

ANY continued DENIAL...ANY continued DEFENSE of these TRAITORS....ANY continued claims that THIS EVER HAPPENED can ONLY be attributed to MENTAL ILLNESS!

The FBI is the most corrupt, dishonest, disloyal organization on the planet.

They've become the Secret Police for every country and bad actor wanting to destroy America starting with Joe Biden and his American Taliban political Party.

If Trump loses, buy all the ammo you can
"DNI chief John Ratcliffe on Thursday declassified documents that revealed the FBI’s so-called ‘defensive briefing’ given to Donald Trump and General Flynn in August of 2016 was actually part of the ‘insurance policy’ to take out Trump and his campaign.

The FBI was not giving Trump a defensive briefing on August 17, 2016, rather, they were spying on him and collecting information on his campaign.

The August 2016 briefing notes were filed under the FBI Russia probe “Crossfire Hurricane,” and the FBI probe into GEN Flynn dubbed “Crossfire Razor.”

At the heart of it, Joe Pientka. You’re right. I write about it in my book. But interestingly the government has scrubbed him from all reports including the FBI report, the Department of Justice report, even the FISA Court report. And the FBI has removed him from their website and sequestered him to San Francisco’s field office refusing to make him available, not withstanding any repeated demands to Congress. That’s the cover-up by the existing FBI director Christopher Wray. And the other part of this equation is that the documents today – they’re exculpatory.

They tend to prove Trump’s innocence and yet the FBI and Christopher Wray have concealed these documents along with the intel community for the better part of four years. "

The longer time goes on, the more official reports and other evidence is released to the public, the less 'shadow' the criminal TRAITORS have to hide in...In fact, there is no more 'shadow' to hide in.

FACT: Barak Obama was the most criminal President in US history - the evidence proves it.

FACT: Obama's administration was the most criminal in US history - it is indisputable based on the evidence that exists.

FACT: FBI Director Chris Wray is a criminal traitor, a POS just like Mueller and Comey, who has been groomed within the FBI to take over and not miss a beat if needed to step in. He has done that. He had worked faithfully in the best interest of the FBI, to protect the agency and its people from repercussions for exposed crimes to include treason, which the FBI is guilty of.

The evidence is all there. Wray has had and has hidden evidence for 4 years.
- the EVIDENCE proves he has committed Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and even TREASON.

At this point, with the 'bleeding out' of evidence of the attempted political coup attempt by Obama, his administration, the complicit media, and the ON-GOING attempts to still cover-up something that has been fully exposed now CAN NOT BE DENIED by anyone SANE!

ANY continued DENIAL...ANY continued DEFENSE of these TRAITORS....ANY continued claims that THIS EVER HAPPENED can ONLY be attributed to MENTAL ILLNESS!

The FBI is the most corrupt, dishonest, disloyal organization on the planet.

They've become the Secret Police for every country and bad actor wanting to destroy America starting with Joe Biden and his American Taliban political Party.

If Trump loses, buy all the ammo you can

Don't wait.

Buy guns

Buy ammo

You ARE going to need it.
I read the ruling. Did you? It has nothing to do with 4th amendment. It’s a separation of powers argument, a narrow ruling that only applies to the president.

Congress must show just cause to violate the 4th amendment rights of individuals and intrude on the most intimate details of their lives via a tax return. The court ruled that a fishing expedition to search for dirt to use against a political opponent fails to meet that requirement.

Try again, sploogy.

You didn’t read the decision, kiddo. The 4th amendment is not an issue in the decision because the documents are already in the hands of the government.

Show me the text of the decision that relates to the 4th amendment if you think that’s relevant.
The real scandal.

The FBI allowed all these baseless accusations about Mrs. Clinton not using the right Email address go around for months while they kept Trump and Company's playing footsie with the Russians under wraps until after the election.
Show us any charges against Trump and his associates playing footsie with Russia. Oh, you can’t. Because they weren’t.
Charges, some related charges.... we're made, like Stone's....

But who needs charges, when you have Trump associates playing footsie all over the place with the Russian operatives....?
Give up on the Russian collusion, moron.

It did not happen. You look silly.
I said displaying footsie, and they were.

History has shown they were.

No matter how you trumpets blindly spread the lies of The Deceiver n Chief, like butter on bread when hot out of the oven.... you've been brainwashed, and had....or willingly bamboozled!???

The point is that the Trump campaign was up to its eyeballs with their Russian conections with all of their hundreds of contacts and calls with them, sharing inside Trump polling With them, trying to set up back door communications with the Russians, working Moscow Trump tower deals, meetings in Trump Tower with them, trying to get heads up on newly stolen email releases, etc etc etc etc all with the Russian operatives trying to illegally interfere in our supposedly sovereign election process.

ALL THE WHILE candidate and president, Trump, lied through his teeth, and was telling the public, he had no connections with Russia, nor did anyone in his campaign. WHY LIE, if it all was so innocent?

So, no matter your claims of his campaign's innocence, complete exoneration, they never talked, or contacted, or met with or chatted with, or played footsie with, or blah blah blah blah with any of the Russian operatives, truthsayers like me, will never, ever, stop telling it like it is.... I'm neither afraid of Trump, nor in need of his love and you...

Facts, are facts.... there was tons of footsie playing, between the Trump campaign and the Russians, during his campaign, and Trump lied about it.

Illegal or just unethical, or unAmerican, matters not, to me.... any of them, is unacceptable, to me!!!
No collusion.

Time for you to accept reality for once in your pathetic life.
Well I send my tax returns to the government, and I imagine you do too.

So yeah, they’re government documents.

How can you oversee the IRS without having access to tax returns.

You're a dumbfuck who makes shit up as he goes.

Tax returns in themselves violate the 4th Amendment, hence the law was crafted to protect returns. It is illegal for ANYONE other than an authorized IRS processor or auditor to review a tax return.

Dumb commie.

Do yourself a favor and read your own link before calling me dumb. If you had read it, you would have seen this:

In some limited instances, such as court subpoenas or valid requests from legislative oversight committees, a taxpayer's returns and related information may be disclosed to specified parties without the taxpayer's consent. These exceptions to tax return confidentiality law include:
  • Committees of Congress - The heads of the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (or other committees as authorized by their respective body of Congress) may request disclosure of taxpayer information in a closed executive session.
it says they can request it,,doesnt say they can just go get it and look at it or are entitled to it,,,
Wow. Weak sauce.

The law, section 6103 says they are entitled to.

(1)Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return orreturn information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to suchdisclosure.

Emphasis mine.
There is a reason you didn't provide a link to edited out the requirement that there be a legitimate legislative reason for requesting the tax returns.

If you think I edited out something, go ahead and post the language that you find relevant.
Already told you the requirement you left out, Dummy.
Well I send my tax returns to the government, and I imagine you do too.

So yeah, they’re government documents.

How can you oversee the IRS without having access to tax returns.

You're a dumbfuck who makes shit up as he goes.

Tax returns in themselves violate the 4th Amendment, hence the law was crafted to protect returns. It is illegal for ANYONE other than an authorized IRS processor or auditor to review a tax return.

Dumb commie.

Do yourself a favor and read your own link before calling me dumb. If you had read it, you would have seen this:

In some limited instances, such as court subpoenas or valid requests from legislative oversight committees, a taxpayer's returns and related information may be disclosed to specified parties without the taxpayer's consent. These exceptions to tax return confidentiality law include:
  • Committees of Congress - The heads of the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (or other committees as authorized by their respective body of Congress) may request disclosure of taxpayer information in a closed executive session.
it says they can request it,,doesnt say they can just go get it and look at it or are entitled to it,,,
Wow. Weak sauce.

The law, section 6103 says they are entitled to.

(1)Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return orreturn information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to suchdisclosure.

Emphasis mine.
There is a reason you didn't provide a link to edited out the requirement that there be a legitimate legislative reason for requesting the tax returns.

If you think I edited out something, go ahead and post the language that you find relevant.
The Supreme Court says you are wrong.

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled it would not speed up the release of President Trump’s long-sought tax returns and business records and that the matter would be sent back to the lower courts.

The House’s lawyers had asked the court to put into effect immediately its decision earlier this month that said Trump did not have an absolute right to refuse to comply with legitimate congressional subpoenas for documents.

The court ruled earlier that Congress did not have unlimited authority to get materials from a president because its demands must have a legitimate legislative purpose.

Well I send my tax returns to the government, and I imagine you do too.

So yeah, they’re government documents.

How can you oversee the IRS without having access to tax returns.

You're a dumbfuck who makes shit up as he goes.

Tax returns in themselves violate the 4th Amendment, hence the law was crafted to protect returns. It is illegal for ANYONE other than an authorized IRS processor or auditor to review a tax return.

Dumb commie.

Do yourself a favor and read your own link before calling me dumb. If you had read it, you would have seen this:

In some limited instances, such as court subpoenas or valid requests from legislative oversight committees, a taxpayer's returns and related information may be disclosed to specified parties without the taxpayer's consent. These exceptions to tax return confidentiality law include:
  • Committees of Congress - The heads of the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (or other committees as authorized by their respective body of Congress) may request disclosure of taxpayer information in a closed executive session.
it says they can request it,,doesnt say they can just go get it and look at it or are entitled to it,,,
Wow. Weak sauce.

The law, section 6103 says they are entitled to.

(1)Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return orreturn information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to suchdisclosure.

Emphasis mine.
There is a reason you didn't provide a link to edited out the requirement that there be a legitimate legislative reason for requesting the tax returns.

If you think I edited out something, go ahead and post the language that you find relevant.
Already told you the requirement you left out, Dummy.
Show me.
Well I send my tax returns to the government, and I imagine you do too.

So yeah, they’re government documents.

How can you oversee the IRS without having access to tax returns.

You're a dumbfuck who makes shit up as he goes.

Tax returns in themselves violate the 4th Amendment, hence the law was crafted to protect returns. It is illegal for ANYONE other than an authorized IRS processor or auditor to review a tax return.

Dumb commie.

Do yourself a favor and read your own link before calling me dumb. If you had read it, you would have seen this:

In some limited instances, such as court subpoenas or valid requests from legislative oversight committees, a taxpayer's returns and related information may be disclosed to specified parties without the taxpayer's consent. These exceptions to tax return confidentiality law include:
  • Committees of Congress - The heads of the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (or other committees as authorized by their respective body of Congress) may request disclosure of taxpayer information in a closed executive session.
it says they can request it,,doesnt say they can just go get it and look at it or are entitled to it,,,
Wow. Weak sauce.

The law, section 6103 says they are entitled to.

(1)Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return orreturn information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to suchdisclosure.

Emphasis mine.
There is a reason you didn't provide a link to edited out the requirement that there be a legitimate legislative reason for requesting the tax returns.

If you think I edited out something, go ahead and post the language that you find relevant.
The Supreme Court says you are wrong.

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled it would not speed up the release of President Trump’s long-sought tax returns and business records and that the matter would be sent back to the lower courts.

The House’s lawyers had asked the court to put into effect immediately its decision earlier this month that said Trump did not have an absolute right to refuse to comply with legitimate congressional subpoenas for documents.

The court ruled earlier that Congress did not have unlimited authority to get materials from a president because its demands must have a legitimate legislative purpose.

Yes. From the president because it’s a separation of powers issue, not a 4th amendment issue.

It doesn’t apply to anyone else.
"DNI chief John Ratcliffe on Thursday declassified documents that revealed the FBI’s so-called ‘defensive briefing’ given to Donald Trump and General Flynn in August of 2016 was actually part of the ‘insurance policy’ to take out Trump and his campaign.

The FBI was not giving Trump a defensive briefing on August 17, 2016, rather, they were spying on him and collecting information on his campaign.

The August 2016 briefing notes were filed under the FBI Russia probe “Crossfire Hurricane,” and the FBI probe into GEN Flynn dubbed “Crossfire Razor.”

At the heart of it, Joe Pientka. You’re right. I write about it in my book. But interestingly the government has scrubbed him from all reports including the FBI report, the Department of Justice report, even the FISA Court report. And the FBI has removed him from their website and sequestered him to San Francisco’s field office refusing to make him available, not withstanding any repeated demands to Congress. That’s the cover-up by the existing FBI director Christopher Wray. And the other part of this equation is that the documents today – they’re exculpatory.

They tend to prove Trump’s innocence and yet the FBI and Christopher Wray have concealed these documents along with the intel community for the better part of four years. "

The longer time goes on, the more official reports and other evidence is released to the public, the less 'shadow' the criminal TRAITORS have to hide in...In fact, there is no more 'shadow' to hide in.

FACT: Barak Obama was the most criminal President in US history - the evidence proves it.

FACT: Obama's administration was the most criminal in US history - it is indisputable based on the evidence that exists.

FACT: FBI Director Chris Wray is a criminal traitor, a POS just like Mueller and Comey, who has been groomed within the FBI to take over and not miss a beat if needed to step in. He has done that. He had worked faithfully in the best interest of the FBI, to protect the agency and its people from repercussions for exposed crimes to include treason, which the FBI is guilty of.

The evidence is all there. Wray has had and has hidden evidence for 4 years.
- the EVIDENCE proves he has committed Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and even TREASON.

At this point, with the 'bleeding out' of evidence of the attempted political coup attempt by Obama, his administration, the complicit media, and the ON-GOING attempts to still cover-up something that has been fully exposed now CAN NOT BE DENIED by anyone SANE!

ANY continued DENIAL...ANY continued DEFENSE of these TRAITORS....ANY continued claims that THIS EVER HAPPENED can ONLY be attributed to MENTAL ILLNESS!

Oh please. Ratliff has his tongue so far up tRumps ass that they're Frenching in reverse. Nothing he does or says is honest.

Thank you for self-identifying as a psychotic nutbag....

So, you willingly believe known liars but I'm the nut-bag.

Riiiight. Let's go with that.


...again, denying / rejecting the massive amount of overwhelming undeniable evidence, yes you are a flaming mentally unstable snowflake troll...
"DNI chief John Ratcliffe on Thursday declassified documents that revealed the FBI’s so-called ‘defensive briefing’ given to Donald Trump and General Flynn in August of 2016 was actually part of the ‘insurance policy’ to take out Trump and his campaign.

The FBI was not giving Trump a defensive briefing on August 17, 2016, rather, they were spying on him and collecting information on his campaign.

The August 2016 briefing notes were filed under the FBI Russia probe “Crossfire Hurricane,” and the FBI probe into GEN Flynn dubbed “Crossfire Razor.”

At the heart of it, Joe Pientka. You’re right. I write about it in my book. But interestingly the government has scrubbed him from all reports including the FBI report, the Department of Justice report, even the FISA Court report. And the FBI has removed him from their website and sequestered him to San Francisco’s field office refusing to make him available, not withstanding any repeated demands to Congress. That’s the cover-up by the existing FBI director Christopher Wray. And the other part of this equation is that the documents today – they’re exculpatory.

They tend to prove Trump’s innocence and yet the FBI and Christopher Wray have concealed these documents along with the intel community for the better part of four years. "

The longer time goes on, the more official reports and other evidence is released to the public, the less 'shadow' the criminal TRAITORS have to hide in...In fact, there is no more 'shadow' to hide in.

FACT: Barak Obama was the most criminal President in US history - the evidence proves it.

FACT: Obama's administration was the most criminal in US history - it is indisputable based on the evidence that exists.

FACT: FBI Director Chris Wray is a criminal traitor, a POS just like Mueller and Comey, who has been groomed within the FBI to take over and not miss a beat if needed to step in. He has done that. He had worked faithfully in the best interest of the FBI, to protect the agency and its people from repercussions for exposed crimes to include treason, which the FBI is guilty of.

The evidence is all there. Wray has had and has hidden evidence for 4 years.
- the EVIDENCE proves he has committed Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and even TREASON.

At this point, with the 'bleeding out' of evidence of the attempted political coup attempt by Obama, his administration, the complicit media, and the ON-GOING attempts to still cover-up something that has been fully exposed now CAN NOT BE DENIED by anyone SANE!

ANY continued DENIAL...ANY continued DEFENSE of these TRAITORS....ANY continued claims that THIS EVER HAPPENED can ONLY be attributed to MENTAL ILLNESS!

Oh please. Ratliff has his tongue so far up tRumps ass that they're Frenching in reverse. Nothing he does or says is honest.

Thank you for self-identifying as a psychotic nutbag....

So, you willingly believe known liars but I'm the nut-bag.

Riiiight. Let's go with that.


...again, denying / rejecting the massive amount of overwhelming undeniable evidence, yes you are a flaming mentally unstable snowflake troll...
There is no evidence. Just a buncha made up nonsense couple with some out of context quotes.

They are lying to you.
By whom? Certainly not law enforcement.
By the DoJ and numerous US intelligence agencies.
Your still defending this lie? How many times must you be handed your ass? The OFFICIAL reports say that NO LINKAGE EXISTS BETWEEN THE TRUMP ORGANIZATION AND RUSSIA".
You really can’t follow a conversation, can you. Your comment is a total non sequitor.

And you're a shameless fucking liar.

First off, the Weissman report failed to establish any link between any US person and the Russian government - which is absurd since we know that the Clinton/Obama cabal purchased the dirty dossier from the Kremlin. But Wiessman and the Inquisition were VERY careful to ONLY investigate the Trump team.

Page 98-99 make is perfectly clear that the claim of collusion or conspiracy were a hoax from the start.

FURTHER, you flat out fucking lie about the DNC servers - you are an honorless troll who openly lies in hopes getting away with it.

Are you Chinese government? Not that you would or ever do tell the truth..

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