After Latest De-Classified Documents Dump Exposing Obama's Failed Coup Attempt & Wray Hiding Docs, Anyone Who Still Denies Is Mentally Ill...Period!

When, oh when, will people realize that the Honorable Barack Obama is untouchable.

So no matter what he did or didn't do is of absolutely no practical importance. Let's move on!

We will soon have a new Vice President who will also be untouchable. No one, and I mean "no one," would dare accuse her of any sort of impropriety.

The United States of America is a-changing, and anyone who doesn't like it has a choice: accept it or leave.
Precisely how the cultural marxists took over China. You are right though.

It is people like you that will bend over and open up your butt cheeks and probably offer lube.

I am not going quietly. You do what you want. Then again I am the only one on this site that has had family members executed by marxists.

My deepest sympathies to you on the murder of your family members.

The Reds that took over in Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, etc. were vicious and slaughtered millions without pity.

In a few months, I am afraid that a majority of Americans (assuming that the election is reasonably honest) are going to vote for a frail old man who doesn't know what is happening but who will turn over effect control to the likes of those people who have been capitulating to and fawning over very bad people.

Best wishes.
Watch the testimony of a KGB defector who explained what stalin meant by useful idiots. One, who they are and two what is done to them when the marxists take over power.

Who the useful idiots are....

The left wing professors and civil rights leaders etc etc. Their ONLY PURPOSE is to destabilize a free market government.


When the marxists take over power as a result of destabilization and propaganda, they are now in the way and their greatest threat.


Cause the power and system they thought would be distributed evenly quickly becomes the exact opposite of what they proclaimed their entire lives.


They will quickly join the counter revolution movement which would be all but nonexistent when the power is seized by the marxists.


Those useful idiots who will learn rapidly how wrong and disillusioned they were will be the first to be lined up on a wall.

Just before they are executed I hope they remember Dante,

"No greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy."


The bullet to the head.

Yes, that's the term.

When I saw those foolish young people marching in the streets a few weeks ago and currently raising hell in Portland, I should have thought of "useful idiots."

My only hope is I get to meet up with a traitor like JoeB.

We should be preparing ourselves to go down in flames rather than with quiet little whimpers like we are.

Let's hope that there will be an adult in the Dem Establishment that stands up and says, "OK, the fun & games are over. Knock off all this nonsense. We are going to govern this country in a sensible, rational, and peaceful manner."

FATE often surprises us. Usually in a negative manner. But sometimes in a positive manner.

So maybe there is a patriot waiting in the wings for his/her call from Fate to get us back on the road to sanity.

There is no "adult." This is a Communist revolution, one which has been meticulously planned and executed since 1960. They will NEVER stop. We either defeat the democrats or America ends forever.

When Biden loses in November, the violence we see from the democrats will explode. The deep state has the Federal government paralyzed. The military is going to split along mostly racial lines. That means the majority of the fighting will be urban. The democrats will rule the cities and foray out to rape and pillage. Suburbia and rural areas will be held by the Americans. At some point the Americans will have to defeat the democrats in the cities. While democrats don't know weapons, urban environments give them cover for IED's and other terrorist methods.

December will be full blown civil war. We CANNOT hope that the democrats will have an adult, they only want to keep us off balance long enough for China to take over.

I expect the Dems to win on November 3.

Yes, the crazies will run amok in the streets.

But I have a feeling that the big boys and girls of the Dem Establishment will pass the word to cool it, and the crazies can be bribed with some goodies (cash donations, appointments to lucrative government jobs , and promises to introduce sweeping "reforms").

The Dem bigwigs are smart cookies. They know from history how revolutions have gotten out of hand. That's why the Speaker kneeled in the Capitol. She was telling the crazies that the bigwigs (like her) had heard their pleas and would take action. (Don't forget: She and her husband have business interests to protect from the crazies.)

"We will hang the capitalists with the ropes they sell us." Lenin

That is why we didn't do business with the ussr or cuba etc. Cause the greatest enemy to capitalism are capitalists.

That means that we know human nature and that is greed. We are all susceptible to the power of big money and CAPITALISTS have been trying to form monopolies since the country’s founding.

Monopolies are enemies to the Constitution which are enemies to America and that is why Teddy broke them.

Now, that our CORPORATIONS behind our country have done business with China, and their tyrannical labor practices (for all intents and purposes slave labor) along with other marxist regimes like Vietnam etc and their slave labor, those words of Lenin are coming true.

The democrats and most of the republicans are long bought and paid for. CAREER politicians who have survived more than two terms in Congress survived cause they are compromised. Or else they would have been gerrymandered out of office or by other means. That is how it is done.

We are all pretty much fools. There is essentially nothing we can do to stop what is going to happen. The book must be fulfilled and it is playing out before our eyes.
CrowdStrike is a US company, not a Ukrainian company. It is not necessary to directly examine the hardware to attribute the perpetrator of the hack.

So you admit that you LIED about the DOJ and intelligence services examining the server?

Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian company with a U.S. Presence.

Toyota is a Japanese company, despite selling cars in America.

Thanks for your link. Serious question, though. Did you read the article? Because it confirms I am right and that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Oh, and I never said the FBI examined the hardware.

So someone hacked your account?

Post #306
If you read my posts the same way you read the article, the actual problem is that you just make shit up.

I never said the FBI examined the hardware.

Post #306 liar.
He will just claim you can't read what he plainly posted.
CrowdStrike is a US company, not a Ukrainian company. It is not necessary to directly examine the hardware to attribute the perpetrator of the hack.

So you admit that you LIED about the DOJ and intelligence services examining the server?

Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian company with a U.S. Presence.

Toyota is a Japanese company, despite selling cars in America.

Thanks for your link. Serious question, though. Did you read the article? Because it confirms I am right and that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Oh, and I never said the FBI examined the hardware.

So someone hacked your account?

Post #306
If you read my posts the same way you read the article, the actual problem is that you just make shit up.

I never said the FBI examined the hardware.

Post #306 liar.

That post doesnt say anything about the FBI examining the hardware.

You’re just desperate now.

Nailed it!
CrowdStrike is a US company, not a Ukrainian company. It is not necessary to directly examine the hardware to attribute the perpetrator of the hack.

So you admit that you LIED about the DOJ and intelligence services examining the server?

Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian company with a U.S. Presence.

Toyota is a Japanese company, despite selling cars in America.

Thanks for your link. Serious question, though. Did you read the article? Because it confirms I am right and that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Oh, and I never said the FBI examined the hardware.

So someone hacked your account?

Post #306
If you read my posts the same way you read the article, the actual problem is that you just make shit up.

I never said the FBI examined the hardware.

Post #306 liar.
He will just claim you can't read what he plainly posted.

This is what I posted. As you can see, it does not say anything about the FBI examining the hardware.

By the DoJ and numerous US intelligence agencies.

Try again sparky.
CrowdStrike is a US company, not a Ukrainian company. It is not necessary to directly examine the hardware to attribute the perpetrator of the hack.

So you admit that you LIED about the DOJ and intelligence services examining the server?

Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian company with a U.S. Presence.

Toyota is a Japanese company, despite selling cars in America.

Thanks for your link. Serious question, though. Did you read the article? Because it confirms I am right and that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Oh, and I never said the FBI examined the hardware.

So someone hacked your account?

Post #306
If you read my posts the same way you read the article, the actual problem is that you just make shit up.

I never said the FBI examined the hardware.

Post #306 liar.
He will just claim you can't read what he plainly posted.

This is what I posted. As you can see, it does not say anything about the FBI examining the hardware.

By the DoJ and numerous US intelligence agencies.

Try again sparky.
Hey Dumbfuck, the FBI is the investigative arm of the DOJ.

Good Lord, if your IQ dropped 2 points you would be in the negative.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Limbaugh said none of those things, you lying douchebag.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Limbaugh said none of those things, you lying douchebag.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Limbaugh said none of those things, you lying douchebag.
No doubt this will be "fake news".
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
Your provided link is a fucking joke. It is easily the worst spin job ever attempted. Keep believing tbat the ROOOSKIES denied the leftard clown posse of the pedo Hildebeast, ya creepy pussbag.
Yet you can’t provide any actual critique of it. What did the link do wrong?

More if you want:
It's a spin job, nothing more or less. Fact 1: Without forensics to see what kind of code was used ( and it is very provable of a hack because firewalls show data of penetration attempts) coupled with the fact that no I.T complained of hacking or warned of a hack until the Wikileaks drop. You are a joke clinging to lies because the truth is too painful and embarrassing.

Hey Dale, as always, you're lying and I can prove it:

Here's an article from June 14th, 2016 saying the Russians hacked the DNC.

And here's another article dated July 25th, 2016 about the first dump of DNC Emails by WikiLeaks:

So to say that "no one complained about the hacking until after the first email dump is UTTERLY FALSE.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Limbaugh said none of those things, you lying douchebag.

As always, you could have googled his claims and then you wouldn't look stupid when you're proven wrong. But you prefer exposing your intellectual deficiencies for all the world to see.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Limbaugh said none of those things, you lying douchebag.

As always, you could have googled his claims and then you wouldn't look stupid when you're proven wrong. But you prefer exposing your intellectual deficiencies for all the world to see.
The innerweb irony meter just exploded.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Well, you got one right. However, that was in Dec of 2019. What about the claim that "diabetes was no big deal?" When did he "brag" about his tobacco addition?
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Limbaugh said none of those things, you lying douchebag.

As always, you could have googled his claims and then you wouldn't look stupid when you're proven wrong. But you prefer exposing your intellectual deficiencies for all the world to see.
Spits the douchebag who gets almost everything wrong.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
Your provided link is a fucking joke. It is easily the worst spin job ever attempted. Keep believing tbat the ROOOSKIES denied the leftard clown posse of the pedo Hildebeast, ya creepy pussbag.
Yet you can’t provide any actual critique of it. What did the link do wrong?

More if you want:
It's a spin job, nothing more or less. Fact 1: Without forensics to see what kind of code was used ( and it is very provable of a hack because firewalls show data of penetration attempts) coupled with the fact that no I.T complained of hacking or warned of a hack until the Wikileaks drop. You are a joke clinging to lies because the truth is too painful and embarrassing.

Hey Dale, as always, you're lying and I can prove it:

Here's an article from June 14th, 2016 saying the Russians hacked the DNC.

And here's another article dated July 25th, 2016 about the first dump of DNC Emails by WikiLeaks:

So to say that "no one complained about the hacking until after the first email dump is UTTERLY FALSE.
Anonymous sources. Fake news.
"DNI chief John Ratcliffe on Thursday declassified documents that revealed the FBI’s so-called ‘defensive briefing’ given to Donald Trump and General Flynn in August of 2016 was actually part of the ‘insurance policy’ to take out Trump and his campaign.

The FBI was not giving Trump a defensive briefing on August 17, 2016, rather, they were spying on him and collecting information on his campaign.

The August 2016 briefing notes were filed under the FBI Russia probe “Crossfire Hurricane,” and the FBI probe into GEN Flynn dubbed “Crossfire Razor.”

At the heart of it, Joe Pientka. You’re right. I write about it in my book. But interestingly the government has scrubbed him from all reports including the FBI report, the Department of Justice report, even the FISA Court report. And the FBI has removed him from their website and sequestered him to San Francisco’s field office refusing to make him available, not withstanding any repeated demands to Congress. That’s the cover-up by the existing FBI director Christopher Wray. And the other part of this equation is that the documents today – they’re exculpatory.

They tend to prove Trump’s innocence and yet the FBI and Christopher Wray have concealed these documents along with the intel community for the better part of four years. "

The longer time goes on, the more official reports and other evidence is released to the public, the less 'shadow' the criminal TRAITORS have to hide in...In fact, there is no more 'shadow' to hide in.

FACT: Barak Obama was the most criminal President in US history - the evidence proves it.

FACT: Obama's administration was the most criminal in US history - it is indisputable based on the evidence that exists.

FACT: FBI Director Chris Wray is a criminal traitor, a POS just like Mueller and Comey, who has been groomed within the FBI to take over and not miss a beat if needed to step in. He has done that. He had worked faithfully in the best interest of the FBI, to protect the agency and its people from repercussions for exposed crimes to include treason, which the FBI is guilty of.

The evidence is all there. Wray has had and has hidden evidence for 4 years.
- the EVIDENCE proves he has committed Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and even TREASON.

At this point, with the 'bleeding out' of evidence of the attempted political coup attempt by Obama, his administration, the complicit media, and the ON-GOING attempts to still cover-up something that has been fully exposed now CAN NOT BE DENIED by anyone SANE!

ANY continued DENIAL...ANY continued DEFENSE of these TRAITORS....ANY continued claims that THIS EVER HAPPENED can ONLY be attributed to MENTAL ILLNESS!

The Kenyan Marxist has done tremendous damage to our nation and our Constitution.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
Your provided link is a fucking joke. It is easily the worst spin job ever attempted. Keep believing tbat the ROOOSKIES denied the leftard clown posse of the pedo Hildebeast, ya creepy pussbag.
Yet you can’t provide any actual critique of it. What did the link do wrong?

More if you want:
It's a spin job, nothing more or less. Fact 1: Without forensics to see what kind of code was used ( and it is very provable of a hack because firewalls show data of penetration attempts) coupled with the fact that no I.T complained of hacking or warned of a hack until the Wikileaks drop. You are a joke clinging to lies because the truth is too painful and embarrassing.

Hey Dale, as always, you're lying and I can prove it:

Here's an article from June 14th, 2016 saying the Russians hacked the DNC.

And here's another article dated July 25th, 2016 about the first dump of DNC Emails by WikiLeaks:

So to say that "no one complained about the hacking until after the first email dump is UTTERLY FALSE.
Anonymous sources. Fake news.

You are just so fucking stupid. Dale's claim was that nobody even mentioned the Russian hacking until the first dump of WikiLeaks emails. The WAPO article talks about the DNC hacking in mid-June, and the WikiLeaks first dump was in late July.

When you have two public articles which establish the time line of the charges of Russian hacking and the first dump of emails, IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER WHERE THEY COME FROM OR WHETHER THEY'RE ACCURATE OR NOT, DALE SMITH LIED ABOUT THE TIME LINE FINGER BOI.

It's hard to believe you've managed survived this long.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
It started with Limbaugh, as usual.

Limbaugh was right about the years long Russia drama being nonsense. How did the rest of the media do on that point? That is one example of many. You don't like conservative media because they are telling the truth.
I remember Limbaugh saying diabetes was no big deal. COVID is the common cold. The guy who famously bragged of his tobacco addition without caring about the consequence dying of lung cancer.

If that’s who you want to stick with, be my guest. I hope you’re not taking medical advice from him.
Limbaugh said none of those things, you lying douchebag.

As always, you could have googled his claims and then you wouldn't look stupid when you're proven wrong. But you prefer exposing your intellectual deficiencies for all the world to see.
Spits the douchebag who gets almost everything wrong.
What is he spitting out? :auiqs.jpg:
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.

Why did house democrats fire the Awn brothers?

The coup language is beyond a doubt the dumbest thing about this whole fake scandal.
you're right, RUSSIA was in fact a fake scandal pushed on us by people mad they lost.
Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton advisors, launched an internet troll campaign and all to help Trump win the election.

And nothing you or any internet conspiracy theorist says changes that.

So we should vote for the party that uses "password"...and the DNC didn't seem concerned with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Awan brothers who not only stole large sums of money but also classified information.
The party did not use password and Awan brothers did not steal classified information.

Multiple right wing lies and conspiracies in one post. Congrats.
LOVE the old leftard defense of "Uh-Uhhh!"

Funny how you leftards sniff at the term "conspiracy" while pushing the lie that the DNC server was hacked by the ROOSKIES when William Binney, a a former 2nd in command of the NSA proved that the amount of data downloaded from a foreign country (as was claimed) would have taken many days and in small data streams and any decent I.T and firewall system would have seen the security breach. Leftards like you also ignore the fact that none of the three letter alphabet agencies were allowed to do forensics on the server. Fuckwads like yourself simply pretend that the topic is never brought up. The security breach was an inside job BEHIND the firewall and Seth Rich was the one that downloaded them on a thumb drive. Now, go fuck yourself.....
I love it when people bring up Bill Binney. You want to talk about what he found? He made so many mistakes that half of his group posted a letter contradicting him. He claims to prove it wasn’t Russia based on transfer speeds. What he doesn’t do is demonstrate the transfer speed he was referring to occurred anywhere near the actual hack. He just assumed that’s the case with zero evidence. What he demonstrated is that the files were transferred at some time somewhere over a USB or similar direct connection. That’s it.

I expect exactly zero rebuttal from you because I’m guessing you don’t actually know anything other than his name and what you were told to believe.
I work with computers every day, asswipe. I have to laugh at your questioning of William Binney's expertise sans a link PLUS you have no explanation as to why the server was never turned over for evaluation. What i love best about the Wikileaks dump is how disgusting pieces of shit like you were more concerned about the fact that the dirty dealings were revealed instead of being shocked as to what the contents were. So eat shit and die slowly and painfully, you parasitic waste of life.

Most people work with computers every day. This is 2020, kiddo. We live on computers. Bill Binney is not an expert on cybersecurity and made critical mistakes in his analysis.

The server wasn’t turned over because servers aren’t ever turned over. The evidence isn’t the hardware, it’s the data. Big organizations who are hacked don’t rip out their servers and ship them to Quantico. They pull the data off for forensic purposes, then scrub them and get them back up and running.
Your provided link is a fucking joke. It is easily the worst spin job ever attempted. Keep believing tbat the ROOOSKIES denied the leftard clown posse of the pedo Hildebeast, ya creepy pussbag.
Yet you can’t provide any actual critique of it. What did the link do wrong?

More if you want:
It's a spin job, nothing more or less. Fact 1: Without forensics to see what kind of code was used ( and it is very provable of a hack because firewalls show data of penetration attempts) coupled with the fact that no I.T complained of hacking or warned of a hack until the Wikileaks drop. You are a joke clinging to lies because the truth is too painful and embarrassing.

Hey Dale, as always, you're lying and I can prove it:

Here's an article from June 14th, 2016 saying the Russians hacked the DNC.

And here's another article dated July 25th, 2016 about the first dump of DNC Emails by WikiLeaks:

So to say that "no one complained about the hacking until after the first email dump is UTTERLY FALSE.
Anonymous sources. Fake news.

You are just so fucking stupid. Dale's claim was that nobody even mentioned the Russian hacking until the first dump of WikiLeaks emails. The WAPO article talks about the DNC hacking in mid-June, and the WikiLeaks first dump was in late July.

When you have two public articles which establish the time line of the charges of Russian hacking and the first dump of emails, IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER WHERE THEY COME FROM OR WHETHER THEY'RE ACCURATE OR NOT, DALE SMITH LIED ABOUT THE TIME LINE FINGER BOI.

It's hard to believe you've managed survived this long.
Your article is dated July 25, moron.
"DNI chief John Ratcliffe on Thursday declassified documents that revealed the FBI’s so-called ‘defensive briefing’ given to Donald Trump and General Flynn in August of 2016 was actually part of the ‘insurance policy’ to take out Trump and his campaign.

The FBI was not giving Trump a defensive briefing on August 17, 2016, rather, they were spying on him and collecting information on his campaign.

The August 2016 briefing notes were filed under the FBI Russia probe “Crossfire Hurricane,” and the FBI probe into GEN Flynn dubbed “Crossfire Razor.”

At the heart of it, Joe Pientka. You’re right. I write about it in my book. But interestingly the government has scrubbed him from all reports including the FBI report, the Department of Justice report, even the FISA Court report. And the FBI has removed him from their website and sequestered him to San Francisco’s field office refusing to make him available, not withstanding any repeated demands to Congress. That’s the cover-up by the existing FBI director Christopher Wray. And the other part of this equation is that the documents today – they’re exculpatory.

They tend to prove Trump’s innocence and yet the FBI and Christopher Wray have concealed these documents along with the intel community for the better part of four years. "

The longer time goes on, the more official reports and other evidence is released to the public, the less 'shadow' the criminal TRAITORS have to hide in...In fact, there is no more 'shadow' to hide in.

FACT: Barak Obama was the most criminal President in US history - the evidence proves it.

FACT: Obama's administration was the most criminal in US history - it is indisputable based on the evidence that exists.

FACT: FBI Director Chris Wray is a criminal traitor, a POS just like Mueller and Comey, who has been groomed within the FBI to take over and not miss a beat if needed to step in. He has done that. He had worked faithfully in the best interest of the FBI, to protect the agency and its people from repercussions for exposed crimes to include treason, which the FBI is guilty of.

The evidence is all there. Wray has had and has hidden evidence for 4 years.
- the EVIDENCE proves he has committed Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and even TREASON.

At this point, with the 'bleeding out' of evidence of the attempted political coup attempt by Obama, his administration, the complicit media, and the ON-GOING attempts to still cover-up something that has been fully exposed now CAN NOT BE DENIED by anyone SANE!

ANY continued DENIAL...ANY continued DEFENSE of these TRAITORS....ANY continued claims that THIS EVER HAPPENED can ONLY be attributed to MENTAL ILLNESS!

Obama was the lowest bastard in Presidential history.

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