After listening to Hillary

Hillary was bringing up crazy Trump quotes I'd all but forgotten about. Brilliant. But more importantly, she accompanied them with substantive policy statements,

something Trump almost never does.

And will have to be able to do. lots can happen between now and november.
At this point I'm not inclined to vote for either one a loud mouth narcissist and a corrupt career political elitist are not my ideal choice for President.
come on hawk that corrupt crap is just republicans throwing more shit against the wall
No that is just the fact this is a woman who thinks the rules apply to everyone but her everyone needs to stop voting for sorry candidates just because of the letter next to their name.
Blacky The pos has had 3500 law suits going on the past 3 decades He uses the legal system to screw the gov't
At this point I'm not inclined to vote for either one a loud mouth narcissist and a corrupt career political elitist are not my ideal choice for President.
come on hawk that corrupt crap is just republicans throwing more shit against the wall
No that is just the fact this is a woman who thinks the rules apply to everyone but her everyone needs to stop voting for sorry candidates just because of the letter next to their name.
Blacky The pos has had 3500 law suits going on the past 3 decades He uses the legal system to screw the gov't
In case you missed it I already stated i'm not inclined to vote for either Trump or Hillary at this point If you want to ignore all of Hillarys baggage and scandals and vote for her just because she has a D next to her name that is your right and choice but don't ask or expect me to do the same for either her or Trump.
After listening to Hillary.... I want to poke knitting needles in my ears. That lying, screeching harpy.
Gentlemen yes ALL of you ,,you were listening to the next President of the USA

What's funny is that while Hilly is focusing on Trump
Bernie is close to stealing Cali from her....
The pos thats had 3500 law suits for and against him these last 3 decades is a GD POS and how anyone can vote for this garbage amazes me
At this point I'm not inclined to vote for either one a loud mouth narcissist and a corrupt career political elitist are not my ideal choice for President.
come on hawk that corrupt crap is just republicans throwing more shit against the wall
No that is just the fact this is a woman who thinks the rules apply to everyone but her everyone needs to stop voting for sorry candidates just because of the letter next to their name.
Blacky The pos has had 3500 law suits going on the past 3 decades He uses the legal system to screw the gov't
In case you missed it I already stated i'm not inclined to vote for either Trump or Hillary at this point If you want to ignore all of Hillarys baggage and scandals and vote for her just because she has a D next to her name that is your right and choice but don't ask or expect me to do the same for either her or Trump.
No,,while I respect your post the baggage hill has and all the scandals are mostly a load of crap flung by her arch enemies for 25 years the republicans
Clinton Eviscerates Trump In Speech
June 2, 2016By

Hillary Clinton lambasted Donald Trump’s foreign policy platform as “dangerously incoherent,” Reuters reports.

She attacked Trump for both his policies and his character, suggesting Trump might start a nuclear war simply because “someone got under his very thin skin.”

Vox: “This wasn’t the restrained, diplomatic Clinton we’ve seen for most of the campaign. This was full-on firebrand, full of righteous rage at the idea that someone like Donald Trump could possibly be president of the United States.”

Chuck Todd: “This speech and overall performance by Clinton is going to quiet the DC-based bed wetters for a bit. Her best campaign moment in months.”
Clinton Eviscerates Trump In Speech
June 2, 2016By

Hillary Clinton lambasted Donald Trump’s foreign policy platform as “dangerously incoherent,” Reuters reports.

She attacked Trump for both his policies and his character, suggesting Trump might start a nuclear war simply because “someone got under his very thin skin.”

Vox: “This wasn’t the restrained, diplomatic Clinton we’ve seen for most of the campaign. This was full-on firebrand, full of righteous rage at the idea that someone like Donald Trump could possibly be president of the United States.”

Chuck Todd: “This speech and overall performance by Clinton is going to quiet the DC-based bed wetters for a bit. Her best campaign moment in months.”

Woe to those who fail to recognize Hillary's proven foreign policy failures, her absolute incompetence as SofS. All I heard during that shrill, strident wail was the pot calling the kettle black. What makes her "righteous rage" any less important or significant than the righteous rage of HUGE numbers of the constituency who see her as the lying termagant she is?
At this point I'm not inclined to vote for either one a loud mouth narcissist and a corrupt career political elitist are not my ideal choice for President.
come on hawk that corrupt crap is just republicans throwing more shit against the wall
No that is just the fact this is a woman who thinks the rules apply to everyone but her everyone needs to stop voting for sorry candidates just because of the letter next to their name.
Blacky The pos has had 3500 law suits going on the past 3 decades He uses the legal system to screw the gov't
In case you missed it I already stated i'm not inclined to vote for either Trump or Hillary at this point If you want to ignore all of Hillarys baggage and scandals and vote for her just because she has a D next to her name that is your right and choice but don't ask or expect me to do the same for either her or Trump.
No,,while I respect your post the baggage hill has and all the scandals are mostly a load of crap flung by her arch enemies for 25 years the republicans
I'm not talking about Vince Foster and stuff from the Whitewater days her e-mail scandal alone should be enough to give people pause about her she has had to change her story on that many times. First it was there just personal stuff on her private server then we discovered there was classified information so her story became it wasn't marked classified at the time we then find out some of the information was born classified then we get someone removed the classified markings. According to the State Departements inspector Generals report Hillary violated agency polices which she has claimed she didn't it also states that Clinton and her top aides did not cooperate with the investigation which she claimed she did. The report says that there’s no evidence Clinton ever requested or received approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server which she has claimed she did. Had she requested permission, according to the IG report, she wouldn’t have received it. Now as I said vote as you wish but stuff like this would make me have second thoughs about any candidate no matter what party they belong to.
Clinton Eviscerates Trump In Speech
June 2, 2016By

Hillary Clinton lambasted Donald Trump’s foreign policy platform as “dangerously incoherent,” Reuters reports.

She attacked Trump for both his policies and his character, suggesting Trump might start a nuclear war simply because “someone got under his very thin skin.”

Vox: “This wasn’t the restrained, diplomatic Clinton we’ve seen for most of the campaign. This was full-on firebrand, full of righteous rage at the idea that someone like Donald Trump could possibly be president of the United States.”

Chuck Todd: “This speech and overall performance by Clinton is going to quiet the DC-based bed wetters for a bit. Her best campaign moment in months.”

The unmitigated gall of that women is stunning. When Trumps foreign policy includes shit like this, let me know..
come on hawk that corrupt crap is just republicans throwing more shit against the wall
No that is just the fact this is a woman who thinks the rules apply to everyone but her everyone needs to stop voting for sorry candidates just because of the letter next to their name.
Blacky The pos has had 3500 law suits going on the past 3 decades He uses the legal system to screw the gov't
In case you missed it I already stated i'm not inclined to vote for either Trump or Hillary at this point If you want to ignore all of Hillarys baggage and scandals and vote for her just because she has a D next to her name that is your right and choice but don't ask or expect me to do the same for either her or Trump.
No,,while I respect your post the baggage hill has and all the scandals are mostly a load of crap flung by her arch enemies for 25 years the republicans
I'm not talking about Vince Foster and stuff from the Whitewater days her e-mail scandal alone should be enough to give people pause about her she has had to change her story on that many times. First it was there just personal stuff on her private server then we discovered there was classified information so her story became it wasn't marked classified at the time we then find out some of the information was born classified then we get someone removed the classified markings. According to the State Departements inspector Generals report Hillary violated agency polices which she has claimed she didn't it also states that Clinton and her top aides did not cooperate with the investigation which she claimed she did. The report says that there’s no evidence Clinton ever requested or received approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server which she has claimed she did. Had she requested permission, according to the IG report, she wouldn’t have received it. Now as I said vote as you wish but stuff like this would make me have second thoughs about any candidate no matter what party they belong to.

My good man/woman-------------> Hillary indicted is all up to the Obama White House, period. This is the Dems out if she can't open space between herself and Trump. They can't just throw her overboard, just like they couldn't Obama, she is a phony minority, but a minority in politically correct speak under the new Socialist/Marxist rules.

Last I seen sometime this week, Hillary was ahead by 4 points, which was within the margin of error. Now polls this far out usually mean nothing, and I am the 1st one to usually say that, but in this case, they do mean something, because the poll numbers in the near doubt BEFORE the convention, are going to decide IF Hillary gets indicted or not, unless she were to agree to just step down, which we all know she won't! If she can't get over a 7 or 8 point lead which is outside the margin of error, the Democrats aren't going to take that chance, when they have Biden who would win by every poll, by 15 to 18 points.

Now don't think I am saying the Dems want Hilly to fail. To be honest, they don't want the headache of trying in public to screw Bernie, so the best way for it to go, is have Hilly pull away from Trump, and let it all go away. I have a feeling that may not happen-)
Clinton Eviscerates Trump In Speech
June 2, 2016By

Hillary Clinton lambasted Donald Trump’s foreign policy platform as “dangerously incoherent,” Reuters reports.

She attacked Trump for both his policies and his character, suggesting Trump might start a nuclear war simply because “someone got under his very thin skin.”

Vox: “This wasn’t the restrained, diplomatic Clinton we’ve seen for most of the campaign. This was full-on firebrand, full of righteous rage at the idea that someone like Donald Trump could possibly be president of the United States.”

Chuck Todd: “This speech and overall performance by Clinton is going to quiet the DC-based bed wetters for a bit. Her best campaign moment in months.”

The unmitigated gall of that women is stunning. When Trumps foreign policy includes shit like this, let me know..

Trump suggested torturing and killing innocent people because they are related to a terrorist.

So yes! Trump foreign policy includes shit like that plus worst!! Do you even listen to the man?
Clinton Eviscerates Trump In Speech
June 2, 2016By

Hillary Clinton lambasted Donald Trump’s foreign policy platform as “dangerously incoherent,” Reuters reports.

She attacked Trump for both his policies and his character, suggesting Trump might start a nuclear war simply because “someone got under his very thin skin.”

Vox: “This wasn’t the restrained, diplomatic Clinton we’ve seen for most of the campaign. This was full-on firebrand, full of righteous rage at the idea that someone like Donald Trump could possibly be president of the United States.”

Chuck Todd: “This speech and overall performance by Clinton is going to quiet the DC-based bed wetters for a bit. Her best campaign moment in months.”

The unmitigated gall of that women is stunning. When Trumps foreign policy includes shit like this, let me know..

Trump suggested torturing and killing innocent people because they are related to a terrorist.

So yes! Trump foreign policy includes shit like that plus worst!! Do you even listen to the man?

Liberals appear to have absolutely no compunction about ISIS and other such (muslim) groups doing just that. Where's the outcry about how muslims treat women and gays?
The unmitigated gall of that women is stunning. When Trumps foreign policy includes shit like this, let me know..

do not be infantile ...Reagan got 243 Marines slaughtered in one night ...and to this day he is St Ronald Re:badgrin:agan

He didn't get them killed because he didn't want to avoid political embarrassment by sending someone to rescue them.
He didn't get them killed because he didn't want to avoid political embarrassment by sending someone to rescue them.

he wanted to show how tough he was ...he wanted to be Trump Macho LOl

By the way 8 Investigations of Benghazi and NOt one thing LOL Eight ...

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