After Not Finding Evidence Of Russian Collusion, Mueller Hires 17th Clinton Donor Lawyer In Probe

Not just evidence. There is so much incontrovertible proof, going all the way back to years and years before he ran for pino, continued through his campaign and after the election.

I read somewhere the phrase that 'Mueller is going for blood'.

Not just evidence. There is so much incontrovertible proof, going all the way back to years and years before he ran for pino, continued through his campaign and after the election.

I read somewhere the phrase that 'Mueller is going for blood'.

Yeah, keep us posted. :lmao:

You rubes crack me up.
Someone is going to jail for something before it's all over.

Aww, but who?

I was thinking that Manafort and Flynn will break their respective necks to get there first so they could avoid prison. Thing is though, one of the things that is well known ab bout trump is that he gets mad AND he gets even and he leaves nothing but scorched earth.

Everyone in that WH and in his fast growing pile of victims is wondering how many years they'll be tied up in court and whether they'll have pocket change left at the end of it.

Who is willing to chance that?
Dopes are claiming there is no evidence. Trump and his crew could confess and the dopey followers would still insist there is no evidence.
President (I know how that galls you snowflakes) Trump should invest a little time in visiting President Erdogan of Turkey. Excellent opportunity there to learn how to effectively deal with an attempted coup.
Someone is going to jail for something before it's all over.

Aww, but who?

I was thinking that Manafort and Flynn will break their respective necks to get there first so they could avoid prison. Thing is though, one of the things that is well known ab bout trump is that he gets mad AND he gets even and he leaves nothing but scorched earth.

Everyone in that WH and in his fast growing pile of victims is wondering how many years they'll be tied up in court and whether they'll have pocket change left at the end of it.

Who is willing to chance that?
There will probably be another scooter Libby.
Dopes are claiming there is no evidence. Trump and his crew could confess and the dopey followers would still insist there is no evidence.

One after another has gotten caught in their lies and had to choice but to admit their Russia connections. The question, as always is, why did ALL of them lie?

There's also proof that Russia interfered with our election. For some reason, the right is fine with that, just as they are with the trump shenanigans.

We already know he's guilty of obstruction of justice. He's been able to get out most of his crimes but he's never been up against the US govt before.
Mueller hires donors to the failed Clinton campaign. Big money donors. Donors and only donors who are all being paid. Or, as it would be better known, they are getting at least part of their money back.
Mueller hires donors to the failed Clinton campaign. Big money donors. Donors and only donors who are all being paid. Or, as it would be better known, they are getting at least part of their money back.
Heh heh. The latest addition served in Dubya's DOJ and gave a whopping $750 to Democratic presidential candidates. Two fifty to Hillary. Yeah she should be flogged. She also served as a nominee vetter late in Obamas tenure. Big money there tip.

Another prosecutor joins Trump-Russia probe
Dopes are claiming there is no evidence. Trump and his crew could confess and the dopey followers would still insist there is no evidence.

One after another has gotten caught in their lies and had to choice but to admit their Russia connections. The question, as always is, why did ALL of them lie?

There's also proof that Russia interfered with our election. For some reason, the right is fine with that, just as they are with the trump shenanigans.

We already know he's guilty of obstruction of justice. He's been able to get out most of his crimes but he's never been up against the US govt before.

he's never been up against the US govt before.

You mean other than than having his tax returns audited for the past 20 years? Mueller applied for Comey's job and Trump turned him down so Lurch is pissed.....but should be investigating the bats in his own belfry.
Mueller will never charge anyone with anything relating to Russian hacking because it leads back to Seth Rich getting murdered for downloadind the DNC e-mails and delivering them to wikileaks
Dopes are claiming there is no evidence. Trump and his crew could confess and the dopey followers would still insist there is no evidence.

One after another has gotten caught in their lies and had to choice but to admit their Russia connections. The question, as always is, why did ALL of them lie?

There's also proof that Russia interfered with our election. For some reason, the right is fine with that, just as they are with the trump shenanigans.

We already know he's guilty of obstruction of justice. He's been able to get out most of his crimes but he's never been up against the US govt before.
Like Mueller just had to admit......ooooooops
Mueller will never charge anyone with anything relating to Russian hacking because it leads back to Seth Rich getting murdered for downloadind the DNC e-mails and delivering them to wikileaks
And the JFK assassination and why Star Trek got canceled after only three seasons.
Lock him up....Lock him up

You think Pence will pardon Trump?

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