After the last few weeks I too have made a decision

[But yes, Bush spent a lot of money. Do you not understand that Democrats spend a lot of money? It is your opinion, nothing more, that Bush would have been worse than Gore

No duh, what's your point? I said I think that and why. You disagreed, but you still don't directly address the point. You really think Gore would have gotten all that passed?

And Trump is still a better choice than Hillary.

It's looking more and more like Hillary will be indicted, and I've been skeptical all along she would be. But the rep of the FBI director as non-political and that they are calling her in as a principle, it's a big development. That and that she's such an institutional sell out and her corruption is going to make getting pretty much anything done impossible. Trump? Don't know. It's uncharted waters. But I'm not taking a chance voting for someone who tells me they oppose free market capitalism. I'll vote 3rd party if it's Trump
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

But! He's better than Hillary.

W was "better" than Gore, except, he got so much more than Gore would have and ended up way worse

Very unlikely. We would be way worse off had Gore been POTUS.

nothing would ever have done more damage than baby bush's presidency. pretending that isn't the case is delusional.

Typical left wing nutter response. You idiots think that because you say a thing, that thing is true. It isn't, go lie to someone else.

no. the fact that you think there is the slightest basis for thinking anyone could have been a worse president than bush is funny.

so like I said
Very unlikely. We would be way worse off had Gore been POTUS.

nothing would ever have done more damage than baby bush's presidency. pretending that isn't the case is delusional.

Typical left wing nutter response. You idiots think that because you say a thing, that thing is true. It isn't, go lie to someone else.

"Left wing nutter?" First of all, you've known me for a while, that's a bizarre statement. Second of all, even if I were, what "left wing nutter" says this that you challenged? Left wing nutters think this? WTF?

kaz: "W was 'better' than Gore, except, he got so much more than Gore would have and ended up way worse"

You seem to be very confused today. And you still can't address my point. Would Gore have gotten prescription drug welfare added to medicare, no child gets ahead, the so called transportation Xmas tree, the TSA, so called campaign finance reform? No way, Republicans would have blocked it

I would like to direct your attention to the person I posted to. It was Jillian, not you. Her post was directly before mine.

OK, thanks, I got confused since we were having the same conversation

you had a conversation?
But! He's better than Hillary.

W was "better" than Gore, except, he got so much more than Gore would have and ended up way worse

Very unlikely. We would be way worse off had Gore been POTUS.

nothing would ever have done more damage than baby bush's presidency. pretending that isn't the case is delusional.

Typical left wing nutter response. You idiots think that because you say a thing, that thing is true. It isn't, go lie to someone else.

no. the fact that you think there is the slightest basis for thinking anyone could have been a worse president than bush is funny.

so like I said

The inventor of the internet as President? That would have been the bomb!
nothing would ever have done more damage than baby bush's presidency. pretending that isn't the case is delusional.

Typical left wing nutter response. You idiots think that because you say a thing, that thing is true. It isn't, go lie to someone else.

"Left wing nutter?" First of all, you've known me for a while, that's a bizarre statement. Second of all, even if I were, what "left wing nutter" says this that you challenged? Left wing nutters think this? WTF?

kaz: "W was 'better' than Gore, except, he got so much more than Gore would have and ended up way worse"

You seem to be very confused today. And you still can't address my point. Would Gore have gotten prescription drug welfare added to medicare, no child gets ahead, the so called transportation Xmas tree, the TSA, so called campaign finance reform? No way, Republicans would have blocked it

I would like to direct your attention to the person I posted to. It was Jillian, not you. Her post was directly before mine.

OK, thanks, I got confused since we were having the same conversation

you had a conversation?

Rim Shot!
[But yes, Bush spent a lot of money. Do you not understand that Democrats spend a lot of money? It is your opinion, nothing more, that Bush would have been worse than Gore

No duh, what's your point? I said I think that and why. You disagreed, but you still don't directly address the point. You really think Gore would have gotten all that passed?

And Trump is still a better choice than Hillary.

It's looking more and more like Hillary will be indicted, and I've been skeptical all along she would be. But the rep of the FBI director as non-political and that they are calling her in as a principle, it's a big development. That and that she's such an institutional sell out and her corruption is going to make getting pretty much anything done impossible. Trump? Don't know. It's uncharted waters. But I'm not taking a chance voting for someone who tells me they oppose free market capitalism. I'll vote 3rd party if it's Trump

It wasn't clear what your point was. Gotten what passed?

One thing I'm sure of and that is the Hillary won't be indicted. I'm not so sure that Trump will eventually be the GOP candidate.
W was "better" than Gore, except, he got so much more than Gore would have and ended up way worse

Very unlikely. We would be way worse off had Gore been POTUS.

nothing would ever have done more damage than baby bush's presidency. pretending that isn't the case is delusional.

Typical left wing nutter response. You idiots think that because you say a thing, that thing is true. It isn't, go lie to someone else.

no. the fact that you think there is the slightest basis for thinking anyone could have been a worse president than bush is funny.

so like I said

The inventor of the internet as President? That would have been the bomb!

he never said that. he said he was responsible... which he was since he led that charge in the senate. but clearly you wouldn't know that.

baby bush... sub literate .... crashed our economy... destabilized the entire mid east.

yeah, anything would have been better.

again, no one expects you to either understand or be honest.
W was "better" than Gore, except, he got so much more than Gore would have and ended up way worse

Very unlikely. We would be way worse off had Gore been POTUS.

What about addressing my point as to why I said that he would have ended up better?

Your "point" was vague, in fact you offered up nothing at all. Of course there is nothing to offer up. Gore wasn't POTUS so anything anyone says is based on nothing but opinion.

I assumed you had a long term memory and remember W's spending orgy. Then again you don't remember that I'm a libertarian, I'm not only not a liberal, I'm worse than you are to liberals

You are confused.

But yes, Bush spent a lot of money. Do you not understand that Democrats spend a lot of money? It is your opinion, nothing more, that Bush would have been worse than Gore.

And Trump is still a better choice than Hillary.

thin skinned

yeah, no.

you are aware that only half of your own party agrees that he's acceptable.

but then again, I don't hate my country or my government.
[But yes, Bush spent a lot of money. Do you not understand that Democrats spend a lot of money? It is your opinion, nothing more, that Bush would have been worse than Gore

No duh, what's your point? I said I think that and why. You disagreed, but you still don't directly address the point. You really think Gore would have gotten all that passed?

And Trump is still a better choice than Hillary.

It's looking more and more like Hillary will be indicted, and I've been skeptical all along she would be. But the rep of the FBI director as non-political and that they are calling her in as a principle, it's a big development. That and that she's such an institutional sell out and her corruption is going to make getting pretty much anything done impossible. Trump? Don't know. It's uncharted waters. But I'm not taking a chance voting for someone who tells me they oppose free market capitalism. I'll vote 3rd party if it's Trump

It wasn't clear what your point was. Gotten what passed?

One thing I'm sure of and that is the Hillary won't be indicted. I'm not so sure that Trump will eventually be the GOP candidate.

I already listed a bunch of them. Adding prescription drug welfare benefit to the Medicare welfare program, the TSA, no child gets ahead, $250 billion in Xmas tree special interest spending in the so called "transportation" bill, the so called campaign finance reform that allowed Congress to regulate free speech going into elections.

Really, you aren't familiar with W's spending orgy? That doesn't even count the trillions spent in the middle east
Very unlikely. We would be way worse off had Gore been POTUS.

nothing would ever have done more damage than baby bush's presidency. pretending that isn't the case is delusional.

Typical left wing nutter response. You idiots think that because you say a thing, that thing is true. It isn't, go lie to someone else.

no. the fact that you think there is the slightest basis for thinking anyone could have been a worse president than bush is funny.

so like I said

The inventor of the internet as President? That would have been the bomb!

he never said that. he said he was responsible... which he was since he led that charge in the senate. but clearly you wouldn't know that.

baby bush... sub literate .... crashed our economy... destabilized the entire mid east.

yeah, anything would have been better.

again, no one expects you to either understand or be honest.

Sorry toots, Gore did say he invented it. The quote is all over the internet. You can't word parse your way out of it. Gore is one of the Democrat Dan Quayle's when it comes to stupid quotes. Kerry and Hillary being two of the others.

I like how you chastise me for agreeing that W was worse. Still a stupid bitch I see
[But yes, Bush spent a lot of money. Do you not understand that Democrats spend a lot of money? It is your opinion, nothing more, that Bush would have been worse than Gore

No duh, what's your point? I said I think that and why. You disagreed, but you still don't directly address the point. You really think Gore would have gotten all that passed?

And Trump is still a better choice than Hillary.

It's looking more and more like Hillary will be indicted, and I've been skeptical all along she would be. But the rep of the FBI director as non-political and that they are calling her in as a principle, it's a big development. That and that she's such an institutional sell out and her corruption is going to make getting pretty much anything done impossible. Trump? Don't know. It's uncharted waters. But I'm not taking a chance voting for someone who tells me they oppose free market capitalism. I'll vote 3rd party if it's Trump

It wasn't clear what your point was. Gotten what passed?

I think what kaz is trying to tell you is that Bush had a GOP Congress, and Gore would have had a GOP Congress. So which one was more likely to get the programs and spending he wanted from Congress?

Bush, obviously.
  • Thanks
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I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Is it time to lose this two party system? It is sad when one candidate is so impossible to vote for.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Is it time to lose this two party system?
Multi-party countries aren't any better off.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

I have spent the past few weeks regretting my decision to vote for him. Most likely for the rest of my life if he wins. But I sure as hell wouldn't have voted for Cruz. However, I will most certainly not sit idly by while our country is handed over to Hillary Clinton either. If that happens, conservatism as we know it will die.

Also, I have come to the realization that giving up is not the wisest choice. Why defend conservative values if we're simply going to sit back and watch as they are trampled underfoot under a Hillary Clinton presidency?

What's worse than an uninformed or ignorant electorate? A well versed and aware segment of the electorate sitting back and doing nothing.

For more context, reference a similar quote by Edmund Burke.
Last edited:
I have spent the past few weeks regretting my decision to vote for him. Most likely for the rest of my life if he wins. But I sure as hell wouldn't have voted for Cruz. However, I will most certainly not sit idly by while our country is handed over to Hillary Clinton either. If that happens, conservatism as we know it will die.
Conservatism died 16 years ago.

What you have known for the past 16 years is pseudo-conservatism. Batshit insanity, hypocrisy, bigotry, and lies. Trump is just the guy who came along and knocked over the structure which had its core completely eaten away. He's chowing down on the maggots.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.
You wouldn't vote for Trump anyway. Your entire post is pretty much worthless.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Trump only attacks people on that level after they attack him in such a manner. The Cruz PAC ran an ad with Trump's wife, he had every right to be pissed.

Fighting back against liars isn't "bullying". Normally the GOP nominates someone that will just roll over and never attack the lying lefties. We saw that with McCain and Romney, neither one would do negative ads, look where it got them. Trump isn't going to play that game. He's going to call out the left's bullshit.
Conservatism died 16 years ago. What you have known for the past 16 years is pseudo-conservatism. Batshit insanity, hypocrisy, bigotry, and lies.

So, is this the reason why you consistently take liberal positions on this forum? I sense that this was all the justification you needed to take liberal positions while impugning on other conservatives for their "pseudo-conservatism."

I'm running into more and more types like you, trying to remake conservatism in your own image, or lack thereof.
Last edited:
Very unlikely. We would be way worse off had Gore been POTUS.

What about addressing my point as to why I said that he would have ended up better?

Your "point" was vague, in fact you offered up nothing at all. Of course there is nothing to offer up. Gore wasn't POTUS so anything anyone says is based on nothing but opinion.

I assumed you had a long term memory and remember W's spending orgy. Then again you don't remember that I'm a libertarian, I'm not only not a liberal, I'm worse than you are to liberals

You are confused.

But yes, Bush spent a lot of money. Do you not understand that Democrats spend a lot of money? It is your opinion, nothing more, that Bush would have been worse than Gore.

And Trump is still a better choice than Hillary.

thin skinned

yeah, no.

you are aware that only half of your own party agrees that he's acceptable.

but then again, I don't hate my country or my government.

Didn't I tell you to bother someone else with those lies? Yeah I did. Dismissed.
[But yes, Bush spent a lot of money. Do you not understand that Democrats spend a lot of money? It is your opinion, nothing more, that Bush would have been worse than Gore

No duh, what's your point? I said I think that and why. You disagreed, but you still don't directly address the point. You really think Gore would have gotten all that passed?

And Trump is still a better choice than Hillary.

It's looking more and more like Hillary will be indicted, and I've been skeptical all along she would be. But the rep of the FBI director as non-political and that they are calling her in as a principle, it's a big development. That and that she's such an institutional sell out and her corruption is going to make getting pretty much anything done impossible. Trump? Don't know. It's uncharted waters. But I'm not taking a chance voting for someone who tells me they oppose free market capitalism. I'll vote 3rd party if it's Trump

It wasn't clear what your point was. Gotten what passed?

I think what kaz is trying to tell you is that Bush had a GOP Congress, and Gore would have had a GOP Congress. So which one was more likely to get the programs and spending he wanted from Congress?

Bush, obviously.

Ok fine but that doesn't mean that we would have been better off. Gore would have just had to adjust his spending to fit what the GOP wanted. Both of those parties spend, it's foolish to think that either would have spent less.

I was thinking in general "better off". Gore would have been a disaster.

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