After the last few weeks I too have made a decision

It is a tough time. I can empathize with the OP. I'm actually starting to consider Bernie Sanders. I'm tired of the endless war and violence. I don't agree with some of his stances, but he does seem to be genuine in seeking peace.

We desperately need peace and tranquility in this country. Time to end endless war and come home. Let's focus on our own country. We need a break. Sanders seems to be the only Candidate who would deliver on that.
First sensible post I've seen from you in over 3 years.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Is that one of those 'Backhanded Compliments?' Anyway, i do respect Sanders. It's time for a break from war and violence. The People are war-fatigued. Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

But at least Sanders would genuinely work for peace. The other Candidates will definitely lead us into more war. A couple of em could even trigger WWIII. So i'm seriously considering Sanders at this point. It may be his time.
I wrote you off shortly after your debut on this site for your bogus postings.

However, I had to address that one.

Pleasantly shocking to see such a post coming from the likes of you.

Sanders is the TRUTH!!

Sanders is a joke, the DNC only allows him to spew his garbage to make it look like there is some kind of contest going on.

Sanders scares the powers-that-be. I like that. I'm tired of all the wars and violence. I think most Americans are. He's the only Candidate who will truly seek peace, and at least attempt to end our Endless War foreign policy.

I have no doubt the other Candidates will drag us into more wars. We could very well end up with someone like Ted Cruz, who'll start WWIII because 'God told him to.' We need something different. Maybe it is time. for a Revolutionary like Sanders.
It is a tough time. I can empathize with the OP. I'm actually starting to consider Bernie Sanders. I'm tired of the endless war and violence. I don't agree with some of his stances, but he does seem to be genuine in seeking peace.

We desperately need peace and tranquility in this country. Time to end endless war and come home. Let's focus on our own country. We need a break. Sanders seems to be the only Candidate who would deliver on that.
First sensible post I've seen from you in over 3 years.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Is that one of those 'Backhanded Compliments?' Anyway, i do respect Sanders. It's time for a break from war and violence. The People are war-fatigued. Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

But at least Sanders would genuinely work for peace. The other Candidates will definitely lead us into more war. A couple of em could even trigger WWIII. So i'm seriously considering Sanders at this point. It may be his time.
I wrote you off shortly after your debut on this site for your bogus postings.

However, I had to address that one.

Pleasantly shocking to see such a post coming from the likes of you.

Sanders is the TRUTH!!

Sanders is a joke, the DNC only allows him to spew his garbage to make it look like there is some kind of contest going on.

Sanders scares the powers-that-be. I like that. I'm tired of all the wars and violence. I think most Americans are. He's the only Candidate who will truly seek peace, and at least attempt to end our Endless War foreign policy.

I have no doubt the other Candidates will drag us into more wars. We could very well end up with someone like Ted Cruz, who'll start WWIII because 'God told him to.' We need something different. Maybe it is time. for a Revolutionary like Sanders.

you have it completely backwards. Sanders would make us even weaker than we are today. A weak USA encourages those who hate us and our allies. War is much more likely under someone like Sanders.
First sensible post I've seen from you in over 3 years.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Is that one of those 'Backhanded Compliments?' Anyway, i do respect Sanders. It's time for a break from war and violence. The People are war-fatigued. Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

But at least Sanders would genuinely work for peace. The other Candidates will definitely lead us into more war. A couple of em could even trigger WWIII. So i'm seriously considering Sanders at this point. It may be his time.
I wrote you off shortly after your debut on this site for your bogus postings.

However, I had to address that one.

Pleasantly shocking to see such a post coming from the likes of you.

Sanders is the TRUTH!!

Sanders is a joke, the DNC only allows him to spew his garbage to make it look like there is some kind of contest going on.

Sanders scares the powers-that-be. I like that. I'm tired of all the wars and violence. I think most Americans are. He's the only Candidate who will truly seek peace, and at least attempt to end our Endless War foreign policy.

I have no doubt the other Candidates will drag us into more wars. We could very well end up with someone like Ted Cruz, who'll start WWIII because 'God told him to.' We need something different. Maybe it is time. for a Revolutionary like Sanders.

you have it completely backwards. Sanders would make us even weaker than we are today. A weak USA encourages those who hate us and our allies. War is much more likely under someone like Sanders.

The U.S. isn't weak today. It's by far the strongest nation on earth. So your premise is completely false. I'm just over the whole 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' thing. We need to actually give peace a chance. More war isn't gonna give us safety or peace. In fact, it's only creating more enemies and making us less safe. Our Founding Fathers never wanted us to be an Empire. And we are attempting to be one at this point.

We're engaging in Empire-building. Our Founding Fathers understood the dangers of trying to expand and maintain an Empire. They knew Empires can't last. Eventually you piss off enough people who will then seek to destroy it. It's the reason the Brits were expelled and we formed our own nation. They had enough of Empire oppression. We need a Reolutionary change in our foreign policy. And i feel Sanders is the only Candidate who would really seek that change.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

But! He's better than Hillary.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

But! He's better than Hillary.

W was "better" than Gore, except, he got so much more than Gore would have and ended up way worse
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

But! He's better than Hillary.

W was "better" than Gore, except, he got so much more than Gore would have and ended up way worse

Very unlikely. We would be way worse off had Gore been POTUS.
It is a tough time. I can empathize with the OP. I'm actually starting to consider Bernie Sanders. I'm tired of the endless war and violence. I don't agree with some of his stances, but he does seem to be genuine in seeking peace.

We desperately need peace and tranquility in this country. Time to end endless war and come home. Let's focus on our own country. We need a break. Sanders seems to be the only Candidate who would deliver on that.
First sensible post I've seen from you in over 3 years.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Is that one of those 'Backhanded Compliments?' Anyway, i do respect Sanders. It's time for a break from war and violence. The People are war-fatigued. Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

But at least Sanders would genuinely work for peace. The other Candidates will definitely lead us into more war. A couple of em could even trigger WWIII. So i'm seriously considering Sanders at this point. It may be his time.
I wrote you off shortly after your debut on this site for your bogus postings.

However, I had to address that one.

Pleasantly shocking to see such a post coming from the likes of you.

Sanders is the TRUTH!!

Sanders is a joke, the DNC only allows him to spew his garbage to make it look like there is some kind of contest going on.

Sanders scares the powers-that-be. I like that. I'm tired of all the wars and violence. I think most Americans are. He's the only Candidate who will truly seek peace, and at least attempt to end our Endless War foreign policy.

I have no doubt the other Candidates will drag us into more wars. We could very well end up with someone like Ted Cruz, who'll start WWIII because 'God told him to.' We need something different. Maybe it is time. for a Revolutionary like Sanders.

You abandon Trump because he supports Israel. I suggest you give half your income to someone who is unemployed, just to be on the same page as crazy Bernie. Bernie loved the Soviet empire. but he believes in "no war"? ..LOL.... You Ron Paul people are loons big time:slap:
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:

better than the alternative.... by a mile

I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

But! He's better than Hillary.

W was "better" than Gore, except, he got so much more than Gore would have and ended up way worse

Very unlikely. We would be way worse off had Gore been POTUS.

nothing would ever have done more damage than baby bush's presidency. pretending that isn't the case is delusional.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:

better than the alternative.... by a mile


Hopefully Hillary will be indicted like she should be.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:

better than the alternative.... by a mile


Hopefully Hillary will be indicted like she should be.
For what? :rolleyes:
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:

better than the alternative.... by a mile


Hopefully Hillary will be indicted like she should be.
For what? :rolleyes:

Corruption and mishandling classified information. 150 FBI agents are working on the case:cool:
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:

better than the alternative.... by a mile


Hopefully Hillary will be indicted like she should be.
For what? :rolleyes:

Corruption and mishandling classified information. 150 FBI agents are working on the case:cool:

see, it's impossible to have an honest discussion about these things when your basic premise is false.

here is truth: at the time the emails were received and/or opened by the secretary of state, they were not classified. classification occurred subsequently.... which even colin powell says is absurd.

or should the future president be psychic and know that these items which are not at the time classified will be classified by some bureaucrat at a later date?.
especially a bureaucrat with an agenda to over-classify retroactively just to fit a narrative...
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:

better than the alternative.... by a mile


Hopefully Hillary will be indicted like she should be.
For what? :rolleyes:

Corruption and mishandling classified information. 150 FBI agents are working on the case:cool:
what ''corruption''?
Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:

better than the alternative.... by a mile


Hopefully Hillary will be indicted like she should be.
For what? :rolleyes:

Corruption and mishandling classified information. 150 FBI agents are working on the case:cool:
what ''corruption''?

Clinton foundation, pay to play, quid pro quo...The Clintons are scum ...alll of them
Corruption and mishandling classified information. 150 FBI agents are working on the case:cool:

only to clear this non-issue up pronto and put it behind her, once and for all... :thup:

"the number of agents is likely the result of the FBI’s desire to bring this investigation to some sort of conclusion long before the November election. ... the investigation is moving into its final stages"

There are 147 FBI agents involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation

Both stories make clear that, according to legal experts, Clinton is very unlikely to be punished for her exclusive use of a private email server during her time at State since the practice was not forbidden.

It’s been shown in the year-plus of investigations into her server that there were a number of items on Clinton’s server that were classified after the fact, but there is no evidence to make her initial statement untrue.
Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:

better than the alternative.... by a mile


Hopefully Hillary will be indicted like she should be.
For what? :rolleyes:

Corruption and mishandling classified information. 150 FBI agents are working on the case:cool:

see, it's impossible to have an honest discussion about these things when your basic premise is false.

here is truth: at the time the emails were received and/or opened by the secretary of state, they were not classified. classification occurred subsequently.... which even colin powell says is absurd.

or should the future president be psychic and know that these items which are not at the time classified will be classified by some bureaucrat at a later date?.

We all should have a private server stashed away in a closet somewhere...Colin Powell doesn't mean a damn thing to me. Even if he said that, he doesn't know the details of the investigation...Neither do you

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