After the last few weeks I too have made a decision

If Trump wins this election it will be the Official take over of the US by the Kardashian Kanye West Honey BooBoo idiots. Atlas will shrug, nod, gagg and have a seizure.
Don't blame me for the mess this once great nation is in. I didn't vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, nor any of the other assholes. I didn't play their game. But, you can blame the uneducated airheads that did vote for Obama, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, etc..

If you've voted for any of them, then look in the mirror and blame the person you see. Also, I may not be the brightest bulb on the tree, but I'm way smarter than the assholes that vote for professional politicians. Take a look at daily headlines, look at illegal immigration, senseless deadly costly wars, the economy, our debt, loss of privacy, eminent domain laws, our foreign trade deals, our relationships with our allies, our militarized law enforcement agencies, taxation without fair, equal, and just representation, unfair and unjust tax laws and codes, our unjust judicial system, unaffordable healthcare, the number living at or below the poverty line, the number surviving off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks, the mistreatment and abuse of our Vets, the importing of labor, our dependency on foreign imports, our open borders and ports, and the fact that government debt is presently the only catalyst keeping us afloat.

The above is what happens when voters elect and re-elect professional politicians to serve in government.
Can someone define the term "professional politician?"

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A person that makes a career out of politics, and holds or has held a public office.
Senators that have served more than one term
Congresspersons that have served more than one term
A president that has served more than one term
A mayor that has served more than one term
A governor that has served more than one term

*** Anyone that serves in government, elected by the people, and has established public service as their career.

( Obama, Sanders, Joe Biden, Bush )
Why is someone who's been a politician for 30 years bad but someone who has been a policeman for 30 years is good?
Excellent question, thanks for asking it.
Both professional politicians and members of law enforcement are equally at the bottom of the scum sewer. Neither are anything except low-life pieces of shit. Professional politicians have sold us out, destroyed this once great nation, and did so for their own egos, benefit, and greed. On the other hand, cops are "egos" in uniforms, for the most part exempt from the penalties that you and I would suffer for the same crimes they commit, and they are protected by the same assholes that are classified as professional politicians.

Both are destructive to the social and economic well-being of this nation and her citizens. Both do great harm, and do so intentionally, and with great personal satisfaction..... FYI - "Good Cops", if there is such as thing, are very rare and almost invisible. Also, the question is, "if there are "good cops", why are they not cleaning up their own profession"? And, the same can be said of professional politicians.

The daily headlines verify the above statements.
Do you favor term limits for police?
NO, I do NOT favor "term limits" for members of law enforcement. But, I do favor holding members of law enforcement to the exact same standards and laws that you and I are held to, with no exceptions. I believe that murder, rape, theft, assault, brutality, molestation, perjury, and other crimes should be punished regardless of who commits them. I do NOT believe that cops should be given a free pass in our legal system under any circumstances, period.

The excuses, "I feared for my life", and "I feared for my safety" should never be accepted unless backed by hard rock solid concrete undeniable undisputable proof. The cold blooded murder of unarmed citizens should never be allowed, condoned, nor go unpunished. What would happen to you and I in a court of law if we murdered someone and tried those two excuses as a defense? What would happen to you and I in a court of law if we, along with 5 or 6 of our friends, ganged up on an unarmed hand cuffed person, brutally beat them, and laughed about it on camera?

Are bullshit quota tickets legalized theft?
It is a tough time. I can empathize with the OP. I'm actually starting to consider Bernie Sanders. I'm tired of the endless war and violence. I don't agree with some of his stances, but he does seem to be genuine in seeking peace.

We desperately need peace and tranquility in this country. Time to end endless war and come home. Let's focus on our own country. We need a break. Sanders seems to be the only Candidate who would deliver on that.
First sensible post I've seen from you in over 3 years.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Is that one of those 'Backhanded Compliments?' Anyway, i do respect Sanders. It's time for a break from war and violence. The People are war-fatigued. Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

But at least Sanders would genuinely work for peace. The other Candidates will definitely lead us into more war. A couple of em could even trigger WWIII. So i'm seriously considering Sanders at this point. It may be his time.
As a business owner I have been treading water during Obamas on the job training.
Oh, bullshit. Nothing Obama has done has affected your business in the slightest, other than saving the crashed economy. So sorry he didn't single-handedly clean up all of Bush's disasters fast enough for your satisfaction.

Unequivocal nonsense ... bred in the cesspool of ignorance.
Go easy on Grandpa. He hasn't been well.
Life is good right now. My ex wife hasn't wiggled back into my life yet. But thanks for your concern
I'm personally disengaged in this mess. I don't like Trump, but if the people elect him, he should be the victor. I have more disdain for the Republican party for rigging the election to give it it to another person, possibly one that has not gone through the rigors of a campaign.

I hope the Republican party destroys itself and another party emerges that would honor the commitments of the delegates. For that reason, I may vote for Trump to help destroy the GOP brand.
The problem with you regressives, is you don't understand the way the court is supposed to function. Judges are there to apply the law or Constitution in the narrowest way possible to decide a case. Once they start looking for a way beyond that to make something fit, the way Roberts did with the ACA, they cease to be a judge and become an advocate. Advocacy is the job of the attorneys arguing the case not the judges.

Which is why you have to break a law to change it. I have no problem with a judge who hears a new and compelling argument against a certain law and strikes it down. The Constitution made the judiciary an equal member to the other two and it's not there to carry Congress' water. If a judge sees light between a law and common sense it's his duty to do something about it.
I'm personally disengaged in this mess. I don't like Trump, but if the people elect him, he should be the victor. I have more disdain for the Republican party for rigging the election to give it it to another person, possibly one that has not gone through the rigors of a campaign.

I hope the Republican party destroys itself and another party emerges that would honor the commitments of the delegates. For that reason, I may vote for Trump to help destroy the GOP brand.

both parties are corrupt and need to be destroyed. The dems are the more corrupt of the two and have done the most damage to the country in recent years.

they all hate Trump because he threatens their power and control. The establishment in both parties are in an unholy alliance with the media to control the country and ignore the will of the people. It needs to end if we are to survive.

Dont tell me Trump gives you some differing impression than that, lllllolll!!

Unlike ?Trump The Clintons have been in politics, working their crony deals, their whole life
Bro....Trump has been funneling money into politics since before I was BORN.
How many wealthy people have NOT funneled money into politics? Have any idea?
The Clinton's have made all their money from their crony deals. At least Trump has ran a business, employing, 10s of thousands of people. The only people the Clintons have employed are friends and political allies...they're scum

Total garbage. Their money comes from speaking fees and books they have both authored.

Money comes from investments paid to the Cintons from people who expect to be repaid .It also comes from a fraudulent foundation, of which 80% of the donations go to employing Clinton's crony friends and supporting their lavish living
Unlike ?Trump The Clintons have been in politics, working their crony deals, their whole life
Bro....Trump has been funneling money into politics since before I was BORN.
How many wealthy people have NOT funneled money into politics? Have any idea?
The Clinton's have made all their money from their crony deals. At least Trump has ran a business, employing, 10s of thousands of people. The only people the Clintons have employed are friends and political allies...they're scum

Total garbage. Their money comes from speaking fees and books they have both authored.

Money comes from investments paid to the Cintons from people who expect to be repaid .It also comes from a fraudulent foundation, of which 80% of the donations go to employing Clinton's crony friends and supporting their lavish living
You've been defending every single thing that Israel does for so long, lying has become second nature to you.
Bro....Trump has been funneling money into politics since before I was BORN.
How many wealthy people have NOT funneled money into politics? Have any idea?
The Clinton's have made all their money from their crony deals. At least Trump has ran a business, employing, 10s of thousands of people. The only people the Clintons have employed are friends and political allies...they're scum

Total garbage. Their money comes from speaking fees and books they have both authored.

Money comes from investments paid to the Cintons from people who expect to be repaid .It also comes from a fraudulent foundation, of which 80% of the donations go to employing Clinton's crony friends and supporting their lavish living
You've been defending every single thing that Israel does for so long, lying has become second nature to you.
I've been complaining about Israel..........I think they should have pushed all of them back into Jordan in previous Wars.......but that is just me.
Bro....Trump has been funneling money into politics since before I was BORN.
How many wealthy people have NOT funneled money into politics? Have any idea?
The Clinton's have made all their money from their crony deals. At least Trump has ran a business, employing, 10s of thousands of people. The only people the Clintons have employed are friends and political allies...they're scum

Total garbage. Their money comes from speaking fees and books they have both authored.

Money comes from investments paid to the Cintons from people who expect to be repaid .It also comes from a fraudulent foundation, of which 80% of the donations go to employing Clinton's crony friends and supporting their lavish living
You've been defending every single thing that Israel does for so long, lying has become second nature to you.

You've got Jew on the brain boy..Snap out of it:slap:
It is a tough time. I can empathize with the OP. I'm actually starting to consider Bernie Sanders. I'm tired of the endless war and violence. I don't agree with some of his stances, but he does seem to be genuine in seeking peace.

We desperately need peace and tranquility in this country. Time to end endless war and come home. Let's focus on our own country. We need a break. Sanders seems to be the only Candidate who would deliver on that.
First sensible post I've seen from you in over 3 years.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Is that one of those 'Backhanded Compliments?' Anyway, i do respect Sanders. It's time for a break from war and violence. The People are war-fatigued. Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

But at least Sanders would genuinely work for peace. The other Candidates will definitely lead us into more war. A couple of em could even trigger WWIII. So i'm seriously considering Sanders at this point. It may be his time.
I wrote you off shortly after your debut on this site for your bogus postings.

However, I had to address that one.

Pleasantly shocking to see such a post coming from the likes of you.

Sanders is the TRUTH!!
It is a tough time. I can empathize with the OP. I'm actually starting to consider Bernie Sanders. I'm tired of the endless war and violence. I don't agree with some of his stances, but he does seem to be genuine in seeking peace.

We desperately need peace and tranquility in this country. Time to end endless war and come home. Let's focus on our own country. We need a break. Sanders seems to be the only Candidate who would deliver on that.
First sensible post I've seen from you in over 3 years.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Is that one of those 'Backhanded Compliments?' Anyway, i do respect Sanders. It's time for a break from war and violence. The People are war-fatigued. Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

But at least Sanders would genuinely work for peace. The other Candidates will definitely lead us into more war. A couple of em could even trigger WWIII. So i'm seriously considering Sanders at this point. It may be his time.
I wrote you off shortly after your debut on this site for your bogus postings.

However, I had to address that one.

Pleasantly shocking to see such a post coming from the likes of you.

Sanders is the TRUTH!!

He's lost his mind along with the rest of you nutters,, and Blacks aren't supporting Sanders if so he'd wouldn't have any problem defeating the witch
It is a tough time. I can empathize with the OP. I'm actually starting to consider Bernie Sanders. I'm tired of the endless war and violence. I don't agree with some of his stances, but he does seem to be genuine in seeking peace.

We desperately need peace and tranquility in this country. Time to end endless war and come home. Let's focus on our own country. We need a break. Sanders seems to be the only Candidate who would deliver on that.
First sensible post I've seen from you in over 3 years.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Is that one of those 'Backhanded Compliments?' Anyway, i do respect Sanders. It's time for a break from war and violence. The People are war-fatigued. Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

But at least Sanders would genuinely work for peace. The other Candidates will definitely lead us into more war. A couple of em could even trigger WWIII. So i'm seriously considering Sanders at this point. It may be his time.
I wrote you off shortly after your debut on this site for your bogus postings.

However, I had to address that one.

Pleasantly shocking to see such a post coming from the likes of you.

Sanders is the TRUTH!!

Sanders is a joke, the DNC only allows him to spew his garbage to make it look like there is some kind of contest going on.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.
Do you need a tissue now? No one truly gives a shit. Why do people think they need to ANNOUNCE who they are voting for?

Um ... it's a political message board? I mean duh. The obvious eludes you. So ... why are you here then?
So EVERYONE has made a thread to announce who they are supporting? I figured my signature and statements made in related threads was enough....or the threads started asking EVERYONE who they are supporting...

Depends. If someone just starts a thread saying who they support with no reason, that's just spam and should be removed from the political forum. If they start a thread with a reason, then the reason is the topic of discussion.

Seriously, you need political message boards explained to you? What did you think political message boards are for? To exchange cookie recipes?
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.
Do you need a tissue now? No one truly gives a shit. Why do people think they need to ANNOUNCE who they are voting for?

Um ... it's a political message board? I mean duh. The obvious eludes you. So ... why are you here then?
So EVERYONE has made a thread to announce who they are supporting? I figured my signature and statements made in related threads was enough....or the threads started asking EVERYONE who they are supporting...
Why Hello fellow Gullible Stupid Voter..................Gosh......that just hurts doesn't it.
He has made a dozen pro candidate threads or more. Why? Not because he's being paid but because that's how he feels. Somehow my political feelings put forth are less valid than his.

I think he should get out of mommy's basement more often

Odium brings the pompous to ass

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