After watching the two clown shows (debates) what odds do you give Trump for reelection?

What are Trumps odds of winning?

  • 100%

  • 90%

  • 80%

  • 70%

  • 60%

  • 50%

  • 40%

  • 30%

  • 20%

  • 10%

  • I hate Trump so much I would vote for Ted Bundy if it ment a Trump loss

Results are only viewable after voting.
Now if you need more we're through If you don't know this despicable piece of human crap doesn't belong belong in our WH I certainly can't convince you and BTW he believes Putin when putin says there was no interference??? He is one fn sick pos
When did Putin say there was no interference? I would certain believe Putin before I would believe Comey or Brennan or Clapper or you.
Now if you need more we're through If you don't know this despicable piece of human crap doesn't belong belong in our WH I certainly can't convince you and BTW he believes Putin when putin says there was no interference??? He is one fn sick pos
Does that make Obama a FUCKING SICK PIECE OF SHIT since he too interfered in the elections of other nations?

Serious question so STAY FOCUSED
Now if you need more we're through If you don't know this despicable piece of human crap doesn't belong belong in our WH I certainly can't convince you and BTW he believes Putin when putin says there was no interference??? He is one fn sick pos
Does that make Obama a FUCKING SICK PIECE OF SHIT since he too interfered in the elections of other nations?

Serious question so STAY FOCUSED
How old was Ivanka when she gave Trump this lap dance?

If this wasn't Trump you Tards would be all for it.

Was Ivanka giving lap dances to people besides her daddy too at that age? That explains the guy in the funny yellow sweater. He must be next in line.

You Tards are all for this sort of shit you are accusing Trump of any other time.

I wouldn't mind buttering her muffin, but it's kinda icky for her daddy to do it.

We can take some solace in the fact that it's less about incest than it is about HEY! LOOKA MEEE!!!
Actually I'm not sure which is more pathetic -- soft porn with one's own child, or using her as a tool for your pathetically arrested psycho hangups. I think the latter is far more problematic.

Either way, it's disgusting.
Now if you need more we're through If you don't know this despicable piece of human crap doesn't belong belong in our WH I certainly can't convince you and BTW he believes Putin when putin says there was no interference??? He is one fn sick pos
When did Putin say there was no interference? I would certain believe Putin before I would believe Comey or Brennan or Clapper or you.

Yeah we know. And you'd also believe a bloggerhead who posted wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin in December and called it the "Democratic convention" so we already know what your standards of veracity are --- nonexistent.
If this wasn't Trump you Tards would be all for it.

Was Ivanka giving lap dances to people besides her daddy too at that age? That explains the guy in the funny yellow sweater. He must be next in line.

You Tards are all for this sort of shit you are accusing Trump of any other time.

I wouldn't mind buttering her muffin, but it's kinda icky for her daddy to do it.

We can take some solace in the fact that it's less about incest than it is about HEY! LOOKA MEEE!!!
Actually I'm not sure which is more pathetic -- soft porn with one's own child, or using her as a tool for your pathetically arrested psycho hangups. I think the latter is far more problematic.

Either way, it's disgusting.

I'll lean to the latter because while grabbing your own daughter is a problem for her, being such an unethical con artist that you'll pimp anybody for your personal amusement right down to your own child, and then that con artist gets put in a position of power, that's a problem for everybody.
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?

about the same as last time. His victory was sealed by 3 states and less than 1% total of the votes in those states.

But he knows that an economic collapse would do him in, and that is why he is begging and threatening the Fed to lower the rate to stave off the inevitable till after Nov 2020
You apparently didn't watch the debate and you also apparently don't understand what happened in 2016.

In 2016 Democrats successfully demonized Trump to the point that a lot of people who actually used to love Trump as the host of Apprentice or as a business mogul voted for Hillary, and that is not even mentioning Hillary's faux patriotism that Democrats today don't even pretend to embrace.

Now we have a largely successful president Trump who is nothing like Democrats claimed he was and Democrats are going to full blown hard left policies that even millennials are not supporting.

Trump's support is a lot larger than the incompetent Republicans were in 2018, and Democrats will not have all of the voters that they had in 2016.

You could not be more stupid than to think that Democrats will win by supporting reparations and other clearly racist policies that Democrats have only openly supported in state and local elections up to now, recession or no recession.
Was Ivanka giving lap dances to people besides her daddy too at that age? That explains the guy in the funny yellow sweater. He must be next in line.

You Tards are all for this sort of shit you are accusing Trump of any other time.

I wouldn't mind buttering her muffin, but it's kinda icky for her daddy to do it.

We can take some solace in the fact that it's less about incest than it is about HEY! LOOKA MEEE!!!
Actually I'm not sure which is more pathetic -- soft porn with one's own child, or using her as a tool for your pathetically arrested psycho hangups. I think the latter is far more problematic.

Either way, it's disgusting.

I'll lean to the latter because while grabbing your own daughter is a problem for her, being such an unethical con artist that you'll pimp anybody for your personal amusement right down to your own child, and then that con artist gets put in a position of power, that's a problem for everybody.
You Tards are all for this sort of shit you are accusing Trump of any other time.

I wouldn't mind buttering her muffin, but it's kinda icky for her daddy to do it.

We can take some solace in the fact that it's less about incest than it is about HEY! LOOKA MEEE!!!
Actually I'm not sure which is more pathetic -- soft porn with one's own child, or using her as a tool for your pathetically arrested psycho hangups. I think the latter is far more problematic.

Either way, it's disgusting.

I'll lean to the latter because while grabbing your own daughter is a problem for her, being such an unethical con artist that you'll pimp anybody for your personal amusement right down to your own child, and then that con artist gets put in a position of power, that's a problem for everybody.
He is so much more than a con man ,,a degenerate a molester a racist a crook with teams of lawyers
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?

about the same as last time. His victory was sealed by 3 states and less than 1% total of the votes in those states.

But he knows that an economic collapse would do him in, and that is why he is begging and threatening the Fed to lower the rate to stave off the inevitable till after Nov 2020
You apparently didn't watch the debate and you also apparently don't understand what happened in 2016.

In 2016 Democrats successfully demonized Trump to the point that a lot of people who actually used to love Trump as the host of Apprentice or as a business mogul voted for Hillary, and that is not even mentioning Hillary's faux patriotism that Democrats today don't even pretend to embrace.

Now we have a largely successful president Trump who is nothing like Democrats claimed he was and Democrats are going to full blown hard left policies that even millennials are not supporting.

Trump's support is a lot larger than the incompetent Republicans were in 2018, and Democrats will not have all of the voters that they had in 2016.

You could not be more stupid than to think that Democrats will win by supporting reparations and other clearly racist policies that Democrats have only openly supported in state and local elections up to now, recession or no recession.

Oh poster please. Rump demonized himself. It started with "they're rapists" and was fueled by "beat the crap out of 'em".
"Democrats" didn't do that. "Republicans" didn't do that. RUMP DID THAT.

>> “But you mark my words,” he added, his voice growing sharper. “There will be prominent people in American politics who will spend years explaining to people how they fell into this.”

Mr. Rubio began the day with a news conference condemning Mr. Trump for inciting supporters who have punched and beaten demonstrators.

“This is a frightening, grotesque and disturbing development in American politics... we are being ripped apart as a country, ... No matter what our political differences may be, who wants to live in a country where everybody hates each other?” << --- Rump: a "Third World Strongman"
Last edited:
about the same as last time. His victory was sealed by 3 states and less than 1% total of the votes in those states.
But he knows that an economic collapse would do him in, and that is why he is begging and threatening the Fed to lower the rate to stave off the inevitable till after Nov 2020
Yep and yep.

That will be the excuse if the economy slows - it was all the Fed's fault!


And while we're on this, I wonder if it has occurred to any Trumpsters that the economy must be weakening for Trump to be so testy about this.

Probably not. Most of them only know what they're told within their information vacuum.
CNN and MSNBC literally told you to say this shit and you are too dumb to understand how your posts sound when put into that context.
CNN and MSNBC literally told you to say this shit and you are too dumb to understand how your posts sound when put into that context.
This is my profession.

So, show me how smart you are.
  • Why have yields on the 10-year Treasury collapsed by 40% in just seven months?
  • Why has the Fed signaled a willingness to DROP interest rates to deal with weakness?
  • Why was Trump angry at the Fed when they didn't DROP rates?
Tell me. And since talk radio doesn't cover this stuff, you'll need to come up with actual independent thoughts.

CNN and MSNBC literally told you to say this shit and you are too dumb to understand how your posts sound when put into that context.
This is my profession.

So, show me how smart you are.
  • Why have yields on the 10-year Treasury collapsed by 40% in just seven months?
  • Why has the Fed signaled a willingness to DROP interest rates to deal with weakness?
  • Why was Trump angry at the Fed when they didn't DROP rates?
Tell me. And since talk radio doesn't cover this stuff, you'll need to come up with actual independent thoughts.

I'll be waiting patiently.

Get as detailed as you like.

Let's see what you know.
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?

about the same as last time. His victory was sealed by 3 states and less than 1% total of the votes in those states.

But he knows that an economic collapse would do him in, and that is why he is begging and threatening the Fed to lower the rate to stave off the inevitable till after Nov 2020
You apparently didn't watch the debate and you also apparently don't understand what happened in 2016.

In 2016 Democrats successfully demonized Trump to the point that a lot of people who actually used to love Trump as the host of Apprentice or as a business mogul voted for Hillary, and that is not even mentioning Hillary's faux patriotism that Democrats today don't even pretend to embrace.

Now we have a largely successful president Trump who is nothing like Democrats claimed he was and Democrats are going to full blown hard left policies that even millennials are not supporting.

Trump's support is a lot larger than the incompetent Republicans were in 2018, and Democrats will not have all of the voters that they had in 2016.

You could not be more stupid than to think that Democrats will win by supporting reparations and other clearly racist policies that Democrats have only openly supported in state and local elections up to now, recession or no recession.

Oh poster please. Rump demonized himself. It started with "they're rapists" and was fueled by "beat the crap out of 'em".
"Democrats" didn't do that. "Republicans" didn't do that. RUMP DID THAT.
Tell me idiot, who actually uses contractions when speaking?

Other than occasionally using "don't" in the place of "do not" no one uses contractions outside of writing.

You believe he said "they're" solely because the media told you he did when it doesn't even make grammatical sense, just like I know you believe he made fun of the reporter's supposed disability just like every other buck toothed idiot who worships the media.

And it says a lot when you think it is Trump that deserves scorn for calling for violence in a tongue and cheek fashion when Democrats have openly approved violence and even attempted murder by way of Antifa, Union thugs and even fucking MS13.
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?

about the same as last time. His victory was sealed by 3 states and less than 1% total of the votes in those states.

But he knows that an economic collapse would do him in, and that is why he is begging and threatening the Fed to lower the rate to stave off the inevitable till after Nov 2020
You apparently didn't watch the debate and you also apparently don't understand what happened in 2016.

In 2016 Democrats successfully demonized Trump to the point that a lot of people who actually used to love Trump as the host of Apprentice or as a business mogul voted for Hillary, and that is not even mentioning Hillary's faux patriotism that Democrats today don't even pretend to embrace.

Now we have a largely successful president Trump who is nothing like Democrats claimed he was and Democrats are going to full blown hard left policies that even millennials are not supporting.

Trump's support is a lot larger than the incompetent Republicans were in 2018, and Democrats will not have all of the voters that they had in 2016.

You could not be more stupid than to think that Democrats will win by supporting reparations and other clearly racist policies that Democrats have only openly supported in state and local elections up to now, recession or no recession.

Oh poster please. Rump demonized himself. It started with "they're rapists" and was fueled by "beat the crap out of 'em".
"Democrats" didn't do that. "Republicans" didn't do that. RUMP DID THAT.
Tell me idiot, who actually uses contractions when speaking?

Other than occasionally using "don't" in the place of "do not" no one uses contractions outside of writing.

You believe he said "they're" solely because the media told you he did when it doesn't even make grammatical sense, just like I know you believe he made fun of the reporter's supposed disability just like every other buck toothed idiot who worships the media.

And it says a lot when you think it is Trump that deserves scorn for calling for violence in a tongue and cheek fashion when Democrats have openly approved violence and even attempted murder by way of Antifa, Union thugs and even fucking MS13.


You actually think he was saying "their rapists" without a verb?

"Who uses contractions when speaking"? EVERYBODY.

Here is the only known exception:


But he's an andoid.

Maybe you should go back to Russian.

I'll get to the rest of your post-plop after I get my breath back from rolling on the floor laughing at it.
CNN and MSNBC literally told you to say this shit and you are too dumb to understand how your posts sound when put into that context.
This is my profession.

So, show me how smart you are.
  • Why have yields on the 10-year Treasury collapsed by 40% in just seven months?
  • Why has the Fed signaled a willingness to DROP interest rates to deal with weakness?
  • Why was Trump angry at the Fed when they didn't DROP rates?
Tell me. And since talk radio doesn't cover this stuff, you'll need to come up with actual independent thoughts.

I'll be waiting patiently.

Get as detailed as you like.

Let's see what you know.
I can't wait Watching with great anticipation lol
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?

about the same as last time. His victory was sealed by 3 states and less than 1% total of the votes in those states.

But he knows that an economic collapse would do him in, and that is why he is begging and threatening the Fed to lower the rate to stave off the inevitable till after Nov 2020
You apparently didn't watch the debate and you also apparently don't understand what happened in 2016.

In 2016 Democrats successfully demonized Trump to the point that a lot of people who actually used to love Trump as the host of Apprentice or as a business mogul voted for Hillary, and that is not even mentioning Hillary's faux patriotism that Democrats today don't even pretend to embrace.

Now we have a largely successful president Trump who is nothing like Democrats claimed he was and Democrats are going to full blown hard left policies that even millennials are not supporting.

Trump's support is a lot larger than the incompetent Republicans were in 2018, and Democrats will not have all of the voters that they had in 2016.

You could not be more stupid than to think that Democrats will win by supporting reparations and other clearly racist policies that Democrats have only openly supported in state and local elections up to now, recession or no recession.

Oh poster please. Rump demonized himself. It started with "they're rapists" and was fueled by "beat the crap out of 'em".
"Democrats" didn't do that. "Republicans" didn't do that. RUMP DID THAT.

>> “But you mark my words,” he added, his voice growing sharper. “There will be prominent people in American politics who will spend years explaining to people how they fell into this.”

Mr. Rubio began the day with a news conference condemning Mr. Trump for inciting supporters who have punched and beaten demonstrators.

“This is a frightening, grotesque and disturbing development in American politics... we are being ripped apart as a country, ... No matter what our political differences may be, who wants to live in a country where everybody hates each other?” << --- Rump: a "Third World Strongman"
Trump never said that exactly.
CNN and MSNBC literally told you to say this shit and you are too dumb to understand how your posts sound when put into that context.
This is my profession.

So, show me how smart you are.
  • Why have yields on the 10-year Treasury collapsed by 40% in just seven months?
  • Why has the Fed signaled a willingness to DROP interest rates to deal with weakness?
  • Why was Trump angry at the Fed when they didn't DROP rates?
Tell me. And since talk radio doesn't cover this stuff, you'll need to come up with actual independent thoughts.

I'll be waiting patiently.

Get as detailed as you like.

Let's see what you know.
I can't wait Watching with great anticipation lol
I've been running a little experiment with the Trumpsters over the last few days, asking them questions on the economy that would require them to have actual knowledge to answer.

Four or five of them so far. And so far, all of them have avoided the questions and kept up with the insults.

Many of these people are purely ignorant. And a combination of this kind of ignorance and arrogance is more than a little disturbing.
CNN and MSNBC literally told you to say this shit and you are too dumb to understand how your posts sound when put into that context.
This is my profession.

So, show me how smart you are.
  • Why have yields on the 10-year Treasury collapsed by 40% in just seven months?
  • Why has the Fed signaled a willingness to DROP interest rates to deal with weakness?
  • Why was Trump angry at the Fed when they didn't DROP rates?
Tell me. And since talk radio doesn't cover this stuff, you'll need to come up with actual independent thoughts.

I'll be waiting patiently.

Get as detailed as you like.

Let's see what you know.
I can't wait Watching with great anticipation lol
I've been running a little experiment with the Trumpsters over the last few days, asking them questions on the economy that would require them to have actual knowledge to answer.

Four or five of them so far. And so far, all of them have avoided the questions and kept up with the insults.

Many of these people are purely ignorant. And a combination of this kind of ignorance and arrogance is more than a little disturbing.
After explaining why I refuse to debate you or answer your questions you lie again. Here you go, once again! Ten years or so ago i realized it was a total waste of time to have any kind of reasonable debate with you people. It is not possible, and I refuse to play your game.

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