After watching the two clown shows (debates) what odds do you give Trump for reelection?

What are Trumps odds of winning?

  • 100%

  • 90%

  • 80%

  • 70%

  • 60%

  • 50%

  • 40%

  • 30%

  • 20%

  • 10%

  • I hate Trump so much I would vote for Ted Bundy if it ment a Trump loss

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""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him

He was being KIND.
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him
You sound like you could be dangerous. Get help.
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?
Problem is, there are too many willing to vote for anyone who isnt Trump. It all comes down to getting our voters out. I do think these crazies COULD win. We all know how stupid the average American is.
We did see in our last presidential election
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him
You sound like you could be dangerous. Get help.
I'm far from dangerous and need no help Help for what ?? Being patriotic and calling it like I see it ,,a disgusting POS in our WH? Morons who line up behind this racist AH ?
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him

He was being KIND.
Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him

He was being KIND.
Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now
Hey eddy, would you mind QUOTING his words for the class today? A little honesty from the tard element would be nice. And what do you have against lady parts anyway?
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him

He was being KIND.
Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now
Hey eddy, would you mind QUOTING his words for the class today? A little honesty from the tard element would be nice. And what do you have against lady parts anyway?
Didn't you see quote marks?? And nothing against ladies parts when it's MUTUAL Trump is a degenerate swine and yet you stick up for him . Why?
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him
You sound like you could be dangerous. Get help.
I'm far from dangerous and need no help Help for what ?? Being patriotic and calling it like I see it ,,a disgusting POS in our WH? Morons who line up behind this racist AH ?
You're about as patriotic as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him

He was being KIND.
Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now
You haven't QUOTED him.

When you have the balls to do that, we can have an actual CONVERSATION.
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him
You sound like you could be dangerous. Get help.
I'm far from dangerous and need no help Help for what ?? Being patriotic and calling it like I see it ,,a disgusting POS in our WH? Morons who line up behind this racist AH ?
You're about as patriotic as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
And you as ass kissing as Barr and Graham just 2 of the shit head trump people Trump is a criminal and 1000 prosecutors say if he wasn't president he'd be thrown in jail Who to believe ,,them or you death,or jcc??
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him
You sound like you could be dangerous. Get help.
I'm far from dangerous and need no help Help for what ?? Being patriotic and calling it like I see it ,,a disgusting POS in our WH? Morons who line up behind this racist AH ?
You're about as patriotic as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
And you as ass kissing as Barr and Graham just 2 of the shit head trump people Trump is a criminal and 1000 prosecutors say if he wasn't president he'd be thrown in jail Who to believe ,,them or you death,or jcc??
Lie, lie, lie. Everything you post is a lie.
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him

He was being KIND.
Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now
You haven't QUOTED him.

When you have the balls to do that, we can have an actual CONVERSATION.
5 days ago - President Trump said Monday that writer E. Jean Carroll was “totally lying” when ... “I'll say it with great respect: Number one, she's not my type.
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him

He was being KIND.
Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now
You haven't QUOTED him.

When you have the balls to do that, we can have an actual CONVERSATION.
5 days ago - President Trump said Monday that writer E. Jean Carroll was “totally lying” when ... “I'll say it with great respect: Number one, she's not my type.
That's NOT the quote from your president the class was looking for.

Now QUOTE the words that pertain to THIS accusation or STFU!

Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now
""Don't you know who I am "" ""She's not my type??" This POS trump has been getting away with foul play his whole life and these republican mental midgets here on this board who support this AH are no better than him

He was being KIND.
Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now
You haven't QUOTED him.

When you have the balls to do that, we can have an actual CONVERSATION.
5 days ago - President Trump said Monday that writer E. Jean Carroll was “totally lying” when ... “I'll say it with great respect: Number one, she's not my type.
That's NOT the quote from your president the class was looking for.

Now QUOTE the words that pertain to THIS accusation or STFU!

Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now

Search Results
Web results
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia

On October 7, 2016, during the 2016 United States presidential election, The Washington Post .... You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. ... He is talking about grabbing a woman's genitals without her consent. ... clearly constitute sexual assault," as indicated in Trump's statement "I don't ...
The 24 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct ...

Jun 21, 2019 - "People that are willing to say, 'Oh, I was with Donald Trumpin 1980, I was .... her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?" .... You know, this one that came out recently, 'He grabbedme and he ...
Now if you need more we're through If you don't know this despicable piece of human crap doesn't belong belong in our WH I certainly can't convince you and BTW he believes Putin when putin says there was no interference??? He is one fn sick pos
He was being KIND.
Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now
You haven't QUOTED him.

When you have the balls to do that, we can have an actual CONVERSATION.
5 days ago - President Trump said Monday that writer E. Jean Carroll was “totally lying” when ... “I'll say it with great respect: Number one, she's not my type.
That's NOT the quote from your president the class was looking for.

Now QUOTE the words that pertain to THIS accusation or STFU!

Did all the women thank him for grabbing their pussies? If he did that to my loved ones we would have Hill as President now

Search Results
Web results
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia

Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia
On October 7, 2016, during the 2016 United States presidential election, The Washington Post .... You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. ... He is talking about grabbing a woman's genitals without her consent. ... clearly constitute sexual assault," as indicated in Trump's statement "I don't ...
The 24 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct ...

Jun 21, 2019 - "People that are willing to say, 'Oh, I was with Donald Trumpin 1980, I was .... her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?" .... You know, this one that came out recently, 'He grabbedme and he ...
Sorry, still haven't quoted his words. Lots of parsed fluff.

I'm not going to keep checking back. You're just not honest, and I'm not going to bother.

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