After watching the two clown shows (debates) what odds do you give Trump for reelection?

What are Trumps odds of winning?

  • 100%

  • 90%

  • 80%

  • 70%

  • 60%

  • 50%

  • 40%

  • 30%

  • 20%

  • 10%

  • I hate Trump so much I would vote for Ted Bundy if it ment a Trump loss

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ohh,,if only a 12 year old girl accidently walked across the stage,,,i wonder how biden would of reacted

How old was Ivanka when she gave Trump this lap dance?

Rump then told Ivanka, "you remind me of Stormy Daniels".
Speaking of that, how is your dem frontrunner, Michael Avenatti doing...

bwahahahaahaa....the left put him on a pedestal.....maybe Aventti and the Check that accused Trump of rape, but finds rape sexy should be the VP......

Rest assured, I wouldn't vote for your ass for anything but Public Health Hazard Number One. Or perhaps Number Two.
Oh so you would vote for Trump over my ass?

You voted for that ignorant ass. He's yours.
There will be two establishment candidates.

Wilbur Ross, Trump's Commerce Secretary is a Rothschild Man.

The Dems will have an establishment candidate nominated, someone connected to the cabal. The CFR and banking cabal choses who to brainwash the public into choosing.

Thus, there will be no real choice, both candidates will, in the end, support that same types of policies. Two candidates, 50/50 chance of election.

Voting doesn't matter, the elites will pick who they want.
Rump then told Ivanka, "you remind me of Stormy Daniels".
Speaking of that, how is your dem frontrunner, Michael Avenatti doing...

bwahahahaahaa....the left put him on a pedestal.....maybe Aventti and the Check that accused Trump of rape, but finds rape sexy should be the VP......

Rest assured, I wouldn't vote for your ass for anything but Public Health Hazard Number One. Or perhaps Number Two.
Oh so you would vote for Trump over my ass?

I would vote for a cholera sandwich wrapped in ocelot shit over your ass.
Apparently you believe this stuff makes you sound smart.

It might not necessarily make him look smart, but it makes you look pretty dumb.
YOU tell us, Trumpster.

The yield on the 10 Year Treasury has collapsed, down 37.9% since November 7.

Please explain.

Not holding my breath.
Why do you think I know about the inside goings on in the government? I can guess though that's likely caused by Trump hating liberals.
So you think the yield on the 10 Year Treasury is due to "the inside goings on in the government".

Holy crap. This is even worse than I thought.

This isn't even funny.
No liar, I clearly said it was probably due to Trump hating liberals.

Explain the process by which Trump hating liberals could cause the 10 year Treasury to collapse.
I started to ask that, and then stopped. Why bother?

He doesn't know any of this stuff. He just spouts off the regular pre-programmed talking points.

Don't be so tough on Mikey. He's really knowledgeable on dildos and blowjobs, but his efforts to expand to other subjects just isn't working out too good for him.
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?

about the same as last time. His victory was sealed by 3 states and less than 1% total of the votes in those states.

But he knows that an economic collapse would do him in, and that is why he is begging and threatening the Fed to lower the rate to stave off the inevitable till after Nov 2020

Only a pussy coward like Trump would BEG the goddamn Federal Reserve to lower interest rates when the economy is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo YUGE, as Trump says.

If the economy is as GREAT as Trump claims, then there is absolutely NO REASON to lower interest rates.

Trump is such a whiny ass little chicken shit.

I thought you Tards were for the working man?

Lower interest rates help everyone except those nasty old people with

401 K's and other investments...
Why do you think I know about the inside goings on in the government? I can guess though that's likely caused by Trump hating liberals.
So you think the yield on the 10 Year Treasury is due to "the inside goings on in the government".

Holy crap. This is even worse than I thought.

This isn't even funny.
No liar, I clearly said it was probably due to Trump hating liberals.

Explain the process by which Trump hating liberals could cause the 10 year Treasury to collapse.
I started to ask that, and then stopped. Why bother?

He doesn't know any of this stuff. He just spouts off the regular pre-programmed talking points.

Don't be so tough on Mikey. He's really knowledgeable on dildos and blowjobs, but his efforts to expand to other subjects just isn't working out too good for him.

This from a forum member called Bulldog....

Unlike politics, it sounds like she knows her stuff here.....
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?

I went with 20. Not based on the debates since I didn't watch either one, but based on 2016. In other words the chances of that freak perfect storm happening again are about 20. Same as they were then.

So you didn’t even watch the debates and chastised me about not wanting to learn anything from them. Newsflash: the debates were a total shit show. All candidates promising things they have no chance of delivering on.

Don't think you're special. I'll chastise anybody anywhere for not wanting to take the opportunity to learn something. In a heartbeat.
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?
so far we have seen 20 of them,,,and none of them have any charisma,,,they were all just as boring as Barry and Hillary,,,,it was like watching 10 senile turtles last night
Obama was anything but boring. His charisma & sense of humor were good.

His Policies and hatred of America were not humorous ! His lies to protect Hillary and the Benghazi Murders weren't either!
Trump still has to win some hostile states

Repeating in Penn, Wisconsin and Michigan will be difficult
ohh,,if only a 12 year old girl accidently walked across the stage,,,i wonder how biden would of reacted

How old was Ivanka when she gave Trump this lap dance?

If this wasn't Trump you Tards would be all for it.

Was Ivanka giving lap dances to people besides her daddy too at that age? That explains the guy in the funny yellow sweater. He must be next in line.
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?
Trump's base is titanium. Their devotion is unwavering, no matter what natch of Trump antics they have to rationalize.

The Democrat candidates are not seeking those voters. That's a fool's errand. The Democrats are looking for a candidate who can beat Trump. But more so, voters who voted for Trump in 2016, but voted for Obama in 2012 and/or 2008.

Trump's approval ratings never topped 48% yet never cratered lower than 35%. He has a very narrow range of support. Going into an election year in six months, Democrats are rolling out a slate of 20 people, some, granted, are too goofy to be elected, but the majority of the candidates are sober, sane, responsible people who must be publically vetted and acquainted with.

This is what democracy looks like. Polarization is the dynamic that must be overcome. Welcome the political process.

Talk about a fool’s errand...

You Tards think you can win with this shit.

Taking away half of all Americans existing health care plans.

Taking care of all the world’s poor that want to come here

for all the free shit you tards say you will give away for votes,

with no regard of taking care of our own, while you are going

to raise the real working classes taxes to pay for it all.

You are in for a long trip fool....
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?
so far we have seen 20 of them,,,and none of them have any charisma,,,they were all just as boring as Barry and Hillary,,,,it was like watching 10 senile turtles last night
Obama was anything but boring. His charisma & sense of humor were good.

His Policies and hatred of America were not humorous ! His lies to protect Hillary and the Benghazi Murders weren't either!
Has NOTHING to do with his sense of humor and charisma.
I couldn't stand the man but personally he was well liked.
So I guess that's an inkling of the Republican response to the debate, and it indicates to me that the Republican Party should give up elections. They are all becoming little Trumps. A little Trump is like a tweet.
ohh,,if only a 12 year old girl accidently walked across the stage,,,i wonder how biden would of reacted

How old was Ivanka when she gave Trump this lap dance?

If this wasn't Trump you Tards would be all for it.

Was Ivanka giving lap dances to people besides her daddy too at that age? That explains the guy in the funny yellow sweater. He must be next in line.

You Tards are all for this sort of shit you are accusing Trump of any other time.

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