After watching the two clown shows (debates) what odds do you give Trump for reelection?

What are Trumps odds of winning?

  • 100%

  • 90%

  • 80%

  • 70%

  • 60%

  • 50%

  • 40%

  • 30%

  • 20%

  • 10%

  • I hate Trump so much I would vote for Ted Bundy if it ment a Trump loss

Results are only viewable after voting.
I'd make book at 60-40 in The Creature's favor.

Then again, that's an impression after a single round, and there's miles-to-go before we hit the end of the trail.

And, given that The Creature and his Big Mouth are his own worst enemy, well, it's far too early to give reliable odds.

A year-plus-change is an Eternity in American national politics.

My book is similarly at 70-30.
The yield on the 10 Year Treasury has collapsed, down 37.9% since November 7.
Please explain.

The rates are set at auction, and the more demand there is for the bonds, the lower the rate has to be to sell them.

Since ideally the same pool of cash is available for equities and bonds, this generally signals a lack of confidence in the economy and the markets, as investments are generally a better way of making money on ones cash than buying bonds.

But we live in a world awash with US dollars, and to put that money into equities only inflates their cost, and there is only so much business that the economy can sustain, so the cash makes its way to bonds and bills and drives their yields further into the ground.

When the Fed says they are raising rates, that means they are increasing the supply of bonds so that everyone can get their share and some be left over, driving the yields to the targeted percentage.
And ultimately the secondary market drags prices up and down after the fact.

I trust the bond market far more than the stock market.

I diversify between the two.

Stupid you?
I don't know what "stupid you?" means.

And, that's quite alright. I thought that you invested.
My mistake.....:abgg2q.jpg:
The yield on the 10 Year Treasury has collapsed, down 37.9% since November 7.
Please explain.

The rates are set at auction, and the more demand there is for the bonds, the lower the rate has to be to sell them.

Since ideally the same pool of cash is available for equities and bonds, this generally signals a lack of confidence in the economy and the markets, as investments are generally a better way of making money on ones cash than buying bonds.

But we live in a world awash with US dollars, and to put that money into equities only inflates their cost, and there is only so much business that the economy can sustain, so the cash makes its way to bonds and bills and drives their yields further into the ground.

When the Fed says they are raising rates, that means they are increasing the supply of bonds so that everyone can get their share and some be left over, driving the yields to the targeted percentage.
And ultimately the secondary market drags prices up and down after the fact.

I trust the bond market far more than the stock market.

I diversify between the two.

Stupid you?
I don't know what "stupid you?" means.

And, that's quite alright. I thought that you invested.
My mistake.....:abgg2q.jpg:
Well, it's my profession, so I'm still not sure what this is about.
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?
After watching the POS joke with Putin about the theft of our elections I'd say he SHOULD have no chance BUT I do know all those who kiss his ass will stick by him Some call those people dotards I call them fn traitors
I can't wait for the war you want to begin.
Me either I was a sharpshooter and haven't lost my touch
The rates are set at auction, and the more demand there is for the bonds, the lower the rate has to be to sell them.

Since ideally the same pool of cash is available for equities and bonds, this generally signals a lack of confidence in the economy and the markets, as investments are generally a better way of making money on ones cash than buying bonds.

But we live in a world awash with US dollars, and to put that money into equities only inflates their cost, and there is only so much business that the economy can sustain, so the cash makes its way to bonds and bills and drives their yields further into the ground.

When the Fed says they are raising rates, that means they are increasing the supply of bonds so that everyone can get their share and some be left over, driving the yields to the targeted percentage.
And ultimately the secondary market drags prices up and down after the fact.

I trust the bond market far more than the stock market.

I diversify between the two.

Stupid you?
I don't know what "stupid you?" means.

And, that's quite alright. I thought that you invested.
My mistake.....:abgg2q.jpg:
Well, it's my profession, so I'm still not sure what this is about.
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?
After watching the POS joke with Putin about the theft of our elections I'd say he SHOULD have no chance BUT I do know all those who kiss his ass will stick by him Some call those people dotards I call them fn traitors
I can't wait for the war you want to begin.
Me either I was a sharpshooter and haven't lost my touch
Not me, I'm person good at hiding and ambushing scum.
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?
After watching the POS joke with Putin about the theft of our elections I'd say he SHOULD have no chance BUT I do know all those who kiss his ass will stick by him Some call those people dotards I call them fn traitors
I can't wait for the war you want to begin.
Me either I was a sharpshooter and haven't lost my touch
Not me, I'm person good at hiding and ambushing scum.
If I could get 5 or 6 of you necks I'd call that a good days work
Baring an economic collapse I dont see how anyone with a brain could vote for ANY of the buffoons we saw on stage the last couple days.

What say you?
After watching the POS joke with Putin about the theft of our elections I'd say he SHOULD have no chance BUT I do know all those who kiss his ass will stick by him Some call those people dotards I call them fn traitors
I can't wait for the war you want to begin.
Me either I was a sharpshooter and haven't lost my touch
Not me, I'm person good at hiding and ambushing scum.
If I could get 5 or 6 of you necks I'd call that a good days work

You need to cut back on those 'Alpha-Male' pills!
Come on Kidd ,this is just fn around Who cares if we have a prick in our WH as long as he's your Prick?
The rates are set at auction, and the more demand there is for the bonds, the lower the rate has to be to sell them.

Since ideally the same pool of cash is available for equities and bonds, this generally signals a lack of confidence in the economy and the markets, as investments are generally a better way of making money on ones cash than buying bonds.

But we live in a world awash with US dollars, and to put that money into equities only inflates their cost, and there is only so much business that the economy can sustain, so the cash makes its way to bonds and bills and drives their yields further into the ground.

When the Fed says they are raising rates, that means they are increasing the supply of bonds so that everyone can get their share and some be left over, driving the yields to the targeted percentage.
And ultimately the secondary market drags prices up and down after the fact.

I trust the bond market far more than the stock market.

I diversify between the two.

Stupid you?
I don't know what "stupid you?" means.

And, that's quite alright. I thought that you invested.
My mistake.....:abgg2q.jpg:
Well, it's my profession, so I'm still not sure what this is about.

you are not a Trump worshiper so people like B Kidd have to insult you whenever possible. I think it is in the contract they sign when they sell their souls to the party
And ultimately the secondary market drags prices up and down after the fact.

I trust the bond market far more than the stock market.

I diversify between the two.

Stupid you?
I don't know what "stupid you?" means.

And, that's quite alright. I thought that you invested.
My mistake.....:abgg2q.jpg:
Well, it's my profession, so I'm still not sure what this is about.

you are not a Trump worshiper so people like B Kidd have to insult you whenever possible. I think it is in the contract they sign when they sell their souls to the party

And I signed in my blood, since the Democrat Party went far left Stalinist insane to the point that they weaponized our Intel structure in order to overthrow a legally elected US President!
I can't wait for the Repub debate, lets see so far its Donald Trump and Bill Weld

That right Bill Weld

A full hour of ??????

Still the summit last night was kind of awkward between Trump and Putin

Is the Bromance over ????
If the bromance is over with Putin, then without Russian help it like a snow ball in hell chance of a repeat
I watched the late night comedy shows, and the round up, the polls of what the pundits said about the debates, and how they manipulated on how the establishment gave their preferred candidates the most time.

These CFR networks are tilting the debates toward the candidates they prefer. The whole thing is a sham.

Trump has already told you folks how nasty and under handed all these corporate run entities are. . . . none of you are thinking for yourselves.

Andrew Yang says mic was cut during Democratic debate, but NBC denies muting him
Andrew Yang says mic was cut during Democratic debate, but NBC denies muting him

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