AG Barr: I’ve Received No Satisfactory Response Behind the Spying on Trump

Well, we looked into it and found nothing. Satisfied?
Last Updated April 30, 2019

On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election” (Mueller Report) was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Donald Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified collusionbetween the Trump campaign and Russia, despite repeated denials from Trump and many of his senior advisers and close associates that there were any connections between the two campaigns.

A total of 251 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 37 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.

Beyond the many lies the Trump team told to the American people, Mueller himself repeatedly remarked on how far the Trump team was willing to go to hide their Russian contacts, stating, “the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference.”

Below is a comprehensive chronological list of the contacts that have been discovered to date and some of the many lies Trump’s campaign, transition team, and White House told to hide them.

Extensive reporting, subsequent admissions, and special counsel Mueller’s indictments and report have revealed at least 251 contacts between the Trump team and Russia-linked operatives, despite repeated denials. Among these contacts were 37 meetings (which include Skype calls), which are highlighted below.

  1. July 22, 2015: British publicist Rob Goldstone emailed Trump’s executive assistant Rhona Graff, stating that Russian pop star Emin Agalrov wanted to invite Trump to a birthday celebration in Moscow for his father, Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov. Goldstone also stated that Emin wanted Trump to “write a small message of congratulations to his father.” Graff was Trump’s executive assistant at the Trump Organization, and the Mueller report and press reporting made it clear that Graff handled Trump’s communications while he was a candidate.
  2. July 24, 2015: Graff emailed Goldstone, stating that she would let Trump know about the invitation but that it was “highly unlikely” that he would be able to visit Moscow. Graff also stated that Trump would like to send a “congratulatory note.”
  3. July 24, 2015: Goldstone emailed Graff, saying “I totally understand re Moscow—unless maybe he would welcome a meeting with President Putin which Emin would set up.”
  4. September 2015: Sometime during or after September 2015, Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen “[reached] out to gauge Russia’s interest” in a meeting between Trump and Putin. The sentencing memo for Cohen does not specify the means by which Cohen reached out or specifically to whom he reached out.
  5. September 2015: Felix Sater, a Russian-born Trump business partner, contacted Cohen “on behalf of I.C. Expert Investment Company (I.C. Expert), a Russian real-estate development corporation controlled by Andrei Vladimirovich Rozov.”
  6. September 22, 2015: Cohen forwarded materials related to the Trump Tower Moscow deal to Georgian business executive Giorgi Rtskhiladze. The Mueller report indicates that Cohen “communicated” with Rtskhiladze during the fall of 2015 about the Trump Tower Moscow deal. This report only contains contacts between Cohen and Rtskhiladze that are explicitly listed in the Mueller report. The two men may have had more communications, and the contacts listed in this report represent a conservative estimate. Rtskhiladze has since disputed Mueller’s characterization of him, claiming the report has “glaring inaccuracies.”

You Tards tried to FRAME TRUMP with this Bull Shit...

"The Chickens is coming home to Roost"

Barr is going to Burn your Ass with the TRUTH.....

Tic Toc Tard....
We can never believe the dishonesty and corruption of the GOP. What a bunch of scumbags and Liars what the hell... Not you dupes LOL

Hey Shit for brains....

You willing to put your money where your mouth is?

You Tards cheat at everything, just ask crazy bernie...

I will bet you I can name more cheating scandals you Tards

have been in than you can with Republicans...

I know you won’t bet because you know I’m right

and we both know you are full of shit.
Everything you know is crap. Bernie said she won fair and square, those were the rules. The funny thing is all your phony scandals have led to not a single indictment of anyone while half of trumps campaign is in prison now. You believe in a giant pile of ridiculous b******* character assassination and phony scandals. No evidence nobody cares in the real world dumbass, it is just disgraceful propaganda and you are an idiot. The whole world is aghast...

To call you an idiot would be a insult to all idiots...

All your Tard witch hunt could come up with is process crimes...

You are ignorant of the facts because you are a cnn watching Tard...
Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Hey you Dupe Dip Shit...

hillary paid for the FAKE dossier that was the basis for the FISA WARRANT...

The Russian collusion is all yours...

You cnn watching Tards are so Stupid.....
It's truly amazing, isn't it, just how much Mueller missed that these keyboard jockeys are finding in their spare time? If only he had just asked them, he could have saved so much effort.
Mueller said he laid out the facts and left it to Congress to decide. Little known facts never reported on Fox or Rush. That's how you get to be an idiot....
What he did is lie and commit perjury.
That's a new one. Pure right-wing idiocy.

Like I said....

You are ignorant because you are a cnn watching Tard....
I watch and listen and read them all, brainwashed functional moron.
Google Google News to find out what is going on in the world - Fox is included and everything else around the world who think you are crazy.....
You Tards tried to FRAME TRUMP with this Bull Shit...

"The Chickens is coming home to Roost"

Barr is going to Burn your Ass with the TRUTH.....

Tic Toc Tard....
We can never believe the dishonesty and corruption of the GOP. What a bunch of scumbags and Liars what the hell... Not you dupes LOL

Hey Shit for brains....

You willing to put your money where your mouth is?

You Tards cheat at everything, just ask crazy bernie...

I will bet you I can name more cheating scandals you Tards

have been in than you can with Republicans...

I know you won’t bet because you know I’m right

and we both know you are full of shit.
Everything you know is crap. Bernie said she won fair and square, those were the rules. The funny thing is all your phony scandals have led to not a single indictment of anyone while half of trumps campaign is in prison now. You believe in a giant pile of ridiculous b******* character assassination and phony scandals. No evidence nobody cares in the real world dumbass, it is just disgraceful propaganda and you are an idiot. The whole world is aghast...
A total phony Scandal no one indicted no bad smell at all, just those stupid super delegates that Hillary did not need and were stupid and no longer exist. The clintons know how to shoot themselves in the foot or Hillary anyway. Still she won fair and square just like Bernie says. And I voted for Bernie. Many Bernie supporters were ruined for Hillary by GOP propaganda. But Hillary certainly got screwed by the Russians our stupid media never-ending babbling, and of course James Comey... And her inability to show her character. after 25 years of people hating her and believing all kinds of garbage about her, I don't blame her that much.

Tell us you ignorant Tard....

Just what did the Russians do to Hillary?

This is always fun to see what these Dumb Ass Tards

spout when asked this question.....
Hey you ignorant Dick Brain Zealot....

Did hillary not pay for the FAKE RUSSIAN dossier to try and frame Trump?

Was the FISA WARRANT not illegally obtained?

Did the Tard lovebirds strzok and page not conspire to sabotage Trump?

Did the obozo banana republic deep state not spy on and undermine Trump?

I could go on and on but I know it’s a waste of time to reason with a TARD....

I am sure if the situation were reversed you would have a problem with it...

You TARDS are all so very full of SHIT...
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Hey you Dupe Dip Shit...

hillary paid for the FAKE dossier that was the basis for the FISA WARRANT...

The Russian collusion is all yours...

You cnn watching Tards are so Stupid.....
It's truly amazing, isn't it, just how much Mueller missed that these keyboard jockeys are finding in their spare time? If only he had just asked them, he could have saved so much effort.
Mueller said he laid out the facts and left it to Congress to decide. Little known facts never reported on Fox or Rush. That's how you get to be an idiot....
What he did is lie and commit perjury.
That's a new one. Pure right-wing idiocy.

Like I said....

You are ignorant because you are a cnn watching Tard....
I watch and listen and read them all, brainwashed functional moron.

I like your new handle.....

It suits you to a tee...……...

From here on out I will refer to you as "brainwashed functional moron"
No crime BUT if you can't gain any insight into this pos's mind you're not trying. His stupidity is an open book
Then where were you with slick Willie? You sound like a hypocrite . No honor for you eh fk?
First off, Clinton makes trump look like a first grader educationally speaking, and I didn't hate Bill like republicans did I even voted for gwb in 2000 My last Republican vote

You are such a Tard...….
LOL SAYIT agrees with you That means I'm smarter than all repubs here ,smarter than lawyers,generals,doctors

You're a Tard....

That makes you dumber than a day old turd......
You are one sick ass kisser
Yep Trump campaign people meeting Russians 180 times, not writing anything down, and lying about it is not suspicious at all LOL. No reason to look into that LOL.

Hey you Dupe Dip Shit...

hillary paid for the FAKE dossier that was the basis for the FISA WARRANT...

The Russian collusion is all yours...

You cnn watching Tards are so Stupid.....
Mueller said he laid out the facts and left it to Congress to decide. Little known facts never reported on Fox or Rush. That's how you get to be an idiot....
What he did is lie and commit perjury.
That's a new one. Pure right-wing idiocy.

Like I said....

You are ignorant because you are a cnn watching Tard....
I watch and listen and read them all, brainwashed functional moron.
Google Google News to find out what is going on in the world - Fox is included and everything else around the world who think you are crazy.....

You responded to yourself Dumb Ass....

You Tards are a Riot...
Then where were you with slick Willie? You sound like a hypocrite . No honor for you eh fk?
First off, Clinton makes trump look like a first grader educationally speaking, and I didn't hate Bill like republicans did I even voted for gwb in 2000 My last Republican vote

You are such a Tard...….
LOL SAYIT agrees with you That means I'm smarter than all repubs here ,smarter than lawyers,generals,doctors

You're a Tard....

That makes you dumber than a day old turd......
You are one sick ass kisser

That's bull shit but in real life you are a Tard...

It has got to suck to be you....
First off, Clinton makes trump look like a first grader educationally speaking, and I didn't hate Bill like republicans did I even voted for gwb in 2000 My last Republican vote

You are such a Tard...….
LOL SAYIT agrees with you That means I'm smarter than all repubs here ,smarter than lawyers,generals,doctors

You're a Tard....

That makes you dumber than a day old turd......
You are one sick ass kisser

That's bull shit but in real life you are a Tard...

It has got to suck to be you....
Actually I'm doing pretty damn well Healthy ..wonderful wife great children all doing great Nice home on LI a condo on the beach in Ft Lauderdale and a few bucks to spend........I'd wish the same for you if I didn't detest everything you write You must really be a POS in person
You are such a Tard...….
LOL SAYIT agrees with you That means I'm smarter than all repubs here ,smarter than lawyers,generals,doctors

You're a Tard....

That makes you dumber than a day old turd......
You are one sick ass kisser

That's bull shit but in real life you are a Tard...

It has got to suck to be you....
Actually I'm doing pretty damn well Healthy ..wonderful wife great children all doing great Nice home on LI a condo on the beach in Ft Lauderdale and a few bucks to spend........I'd wish the same for you if I didn't detest everything you write You must really be a POS in person
He's not a liberal.
LOL SAYIT agrees with you That means I'm smarter than all repubs here ,smarter than lawyers,generals,doctors

You're a Tard....

That makes you dumber than a day old turd......
You are one sick ass kisser

That's bull shit but in real life you are a Tard...

It has got to suck to be you....
Actually I'm doing pretty damn well Healthy ..wonderful wife great children all doing great Nice home on LI a condo on the beach in Ft Lauderdale and a few bucks to spend........I'd wish the same for you if I didn't detest everything you write You must really be a POS in person
He's not a liberal.
Thanks I;d never guess He's a redneck swine maybe in your group?
You're a Tard....

That makes you dumber than a day old turd......
You are one sick ass kisser

That's bull shit but in real life you are a Tard...

It has got to suck to be you....
Actually I'm doing pretty damn well Healthy ..wonderful wife great children all doing great Nice home on LI a condo on the beach in Ft Lauderdale and a few bucks to spend........I'd wish the same for you if I didn't detest everything you write You must really be a POS in person
He's not a liberal.
Thanks I;d never guess He's a redneck swine maybe in your group?
Our group is the only group that matters. You will be transmuted into the sewers.
You are such a Tard...….
LOL SAYIT agrees with you That means I'm smarter than all repubs here ,smarter than lawyers,generals,doctors

You're a Tard....

That makes you dumber than a day old turd......
You are one sick ass kisser

That's bull shit but in real life you are a Tard...

It has got to suck to be you....
Actually I'm doing pretty damn well Healthy ..wonderful wife great children all doing great Nice home on LI a condo on the beach in Ft Lauderdale and a few bucks to spend........I'd wish the same for you if I didn't detest everything you write You must really be a POS in person

Back at you Tard.....
LOL SAYIT agrees with you That means I'm smarter than all repubs here ,smarter than lawyers,generals,doctors

You're a Tard....

That makes you dumber than a day old turd......
You are one sick ass kisser

That's bull shit but in real life you are a Tard...

It has got to suck to be you....
Actually I'm doing pretty damn well Healthy ..wonderful wife great children all doing great Nice home on LI a condo on the beach in Ft Lauderdale and a few bucks to spend........I'd wish the same for you if I didn't detest everything you write You must really be a POS in person

Back at you Tard.....
What is a Tard?
Well, I must say you're consistent in getting your favorite buzzwords into every post. Very propaganda like.

Now, as for Mueller's team, you've just established that you have a high opinion of their credibility. What do make of the efforts now underway by the leftwing propagandists who are trying to pretend they're finding all kinds of evidence proving all kinds of things Mueller didn't find?
What pretend? Meuller found lots He just didn't go far enough explaining what all the witnesses said... Info that would help bury Trump Why do you think Trump is telling all not to honor sanctions ??? Because all they have are words of praise??
Fake news. You liars just keep spewing your bullshit. If he had found anything he would have said so.

Well, I must say you're consistent in getting your favorite buzzwords into every post. Very propaganda like.

Now, as for Mueller's team, you've just established that you have a high opinion of their credibility. What do make of the efforts now underway by the leftwing propagandists who are trying to pretend they're finding all kinds of evidence proving all kinds of things Mueller didn't find?
What pretend? Meuller found lots He just didn't go far enough explaining what all the witnesses said... Info that would help bury Trump Why do you think Trump is telling all not to honor sanctions ??? Because all they have are words of praise??
Fake news. You liars just keep spewing your bullshit. If he had found anything he would have said so.
And that, brainwashed functional moron, is why we need to see the unredacted report and have the house go over it and interview the people involved. America deserves the truth. And for you brainwashed functional morons to see how pathetic your "news" media is.... If only we could get Trump to change the channel... It was pathetically easy for him to take over your party just by parroting the garbage...
All the redacted has is names, addresses, telephone numbers and data acquisition resources. Despite your sniveling protestations, you don’t get to see that.

This is their MO. Whatever piece they don't have but think they should assumes earth shattering importance and will be the one thing that finally gets rid of Trump.
1307 Smith St gets somebody killed or hurt so it’s blocked out blockheads
What pretend? Meuller found lots He just didn't go far enough explaining what all the witnesses said... Info that would help bury Trump Why do you think Trump is telling all not to honor sanctions ??? Because all they have are words of praise??
Fake news. You liars just keep spewing your bullshit. If he had found anything he would have said so.

What pretend? Meuller found lots He just didn't go far enough explaining what all the witnesses said... Info that would help bury Trump Why do you think Trump is telling all not to honor sanctions ??? Because all they have are words of praise??
Fake news. You liars just keep spewing your bullshit. If he had found anything he would have said so.
And that, brainwashed functional moron, is why we need to see the unredacted report and have the house go over it and interview the people involved. America deserves the truth. And for you brainwashed functional morons to see how pathetic your "news" media is.... If only we could get Trump to change the channel... It was pathetically easy for him to take over your party just by parroting the garbage...
All the redacted has is names, addresses, telephone numbers and data acquisition resources. Despite your sniveling protestations, you don’t get to see that.

This is their MO. Whatever piece they don't have but think they should assumes earth shattering importance and will be the one thing that finally gets rid of Trump.
1307 Smith St gets somebody killed or hurt so it’s blocked out blockheads
Trump has done all in his power as president to avoid truth being told He's lied fired had others lie for him and obstructed the justice he deserves
You're a Tard....

That makes you dumber than a day old turd......
You are one sick ass kisser

That's bull shit but in real life you are a Tard...

It has got to suck to be you....
Actually I'm doing pretty damn well Healthy ..wonderful wife great children all doing great Nice home on LI a condo on the beach in Ft Lauderdale and a few bucks to spend........I'd wish the same for you if I didn't detest everything you write You must really be a POS in person

Back at you Tard.....
What is a Tard?

It’s a person that leans to the left.....

I use Tard as a slanderous way demean democrats intelligence.

It’s kind on mean but it’s short for Retard...........

It’s a very descriptive way to describe left leaners...........
Fake news. You liars just keep spewing your bullshit. If he had found anything he would have said so.

Fake news. You liars just keep spewing your bullshit. If he had found anything he would have said so.
And that, brainwashed functional moron, is why we need to see the unredacted report and have the house go over it and interview the people involved. America deserves the truth. And for you brainwashed functional morons to see how pathetic your "news" media is.... If only we could get Trump to change the channel... It was pathetically easy for him to take over your party just by parroting the garbage...
All the redacted has is names, addresses, telephone numbers and data acquisition resources. Despite your sniveling protestations, you don’t get to see that.

This is their MO. Whatever piece they don't have but think they should assumes earth shattering importance and will be the one thing that finally gets rid of Trump.
1307 Smith St gets somebody killed or hurt so it’s blocked out blockheads
Trump has done all in his power as president to avoid truth being told He's lied fired had others lie for him and obstructed the justice he deserves
In your biased opinion.
H'e s a deep state apparatchik. His party affiliation is irrelevant.
He is an incredibly respected Republican, brainwashed functional moron. Sorry about the law and the Constitution dip s***.
He's respected only by Dim douchebag and establishment neverTrumpers.
And every respected media newspaper and law enforcement in the entire world, dumbass dupe. The only people you respect are ignoramus GOP dupes and the demagogues who brainwashed them. Poor America poor world.....
please be specific and name these respected sites.

there are so few i don't want to miss one.
Google Google news or Yahoo news and you'll find the only media in the entire world that agree with you idiots and scumbags is Fox noise Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc and other Rupert Murdoch outlets. Absolutely no actual journalists or law enforcement.
LOL, try Newsmax or one American News, OAN. You know fking nothing. Go fkn figure
He is an incredibly respected Republican, brainwashed functional moron. Sorry about the law and the Constitution dip s***.
He's respected only by Dim douchebag and establishment neverTrumpers.
And every respected media newspaper and law enforcement in the entire world, dumbass dupe. The only people you respect are ignoramus GOP dupes and the demagogues who brainwashed them. Poor America poor world.....
please be specific and name these respected sites.

there are so few i don't want to miss one.
Google Google news or Yahoo news and you'll find the only media in the entire world that agree with you idiots and scumbags is Fox noise Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc and other Rupert Murdoch outlets. Absolutely no actual journalists or law enforcement.
LOL, try Newsmax or one American News, OAN. You know fking nothing. Go fkn figure
garbage propaganda, from Wikipedia what was that
Originally launched with the intention of targeting a conservative and center-rightaudience,[3][4] OAN states a goal of delivering credible national and international news coverage throughout the day while its prime time political talk shows illustrate a conservative perspective.[5][6][7] The channel is pro-Trump.[8] The channel has also been noted for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[9][10]

AdAway boy, way to make sure you never hear from journalists or reality....
He's respected only by Dim douchebag and establishment neverTrumpers.
And every respected media newspaper and law enforcement in the entire world, dumbass dupe. The only people you respect are ignoramus GOP dupes and the demagogues who brainwashed them. Poor America poor world.....
please be specific and name these respected sites.

there are so few i don't want to miss one.
Google Google news or Yahoo news and you'll find the only media in the entire world that agree with you idiots and scumbags is Fox noise Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc and other Rupert Murdoch outlets. Absolutely no actual journalists or law enforcement.
LOL, try Newsmax or one American News, OAN. You know fking nothing. Go fkn figure
garbage propaganda, from Wikipedia what was that
Originally launched with the intention of targeting a conservative and center-rightaudience,[3][4] OAN states a goal of delivering credible national and international news coverage throughout the day while its prime time political talk shows illustrate a conservative perspective.[5][6][7] The channel is pro-Trump.[8] The channel has also been noted for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[9][10]

AdAway boy, way to make sure you never hear from journalists or reality....
You’re pwned bubba. Drop mic

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