AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

Must be it.
Yep it's a conspiracy of the educated and intelligent all against you chumps LOL, right, conspiracy nut jobs? Only your bought off High School grad pundits know the truth! You're a disgrace....
Coming from people that cannot decide what sex you are. That's good, uneducated. Lol
This from a fucking idiot who thinks sexuality exists solely in one's genitals.
Actually it's called DNA dumbass.
Argue with psychologists psychiatrists and scientists, brainwashed functional moron.
It's a mental disease, they should get help. Not mutating their body.
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
What was that "lie".
Must be it.
Yep it's a conspiracy of the educated and intelligent all against you chumps LOL, right, conspiracy nut jobs? Only your bought off High School grad pundits know the truth! You're a disgrace....
Coming from people that cannot decide what sex you are. That's good, uneducated. Lol
This from a fucking idiot who thinks sexuality exists solely in one's genitals.
Actually it's called DNA dumbass.
You named your penis DNA Dumbass?
Lol, thanks for proving my point.
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
What was that "lie".

"I did not have sex with that woman"
This isn't true at all. Collision was rampant. Robert Mueller, a life long republican, decided it didn't rise to the level of criminal conspiracy. Surprise surprise.

Heavens, Crepitus... Mueller said no such thing. He never determined whether or not there was a conspiracy (to defraud the U.S. of A.). He said, he could not prove a conspiracy beyond reasonable doubt, and he also gave what were the causes of that failure, namely, deleted and encrypted communication, and overall lack of cooperation with the inquiry. That, to me, reads like, "Yeah, of course there was a conspiracy, but because of rampant obstruction and tampering with evidence, there is no proof to be had." Which is not exactly, but pretty close to, the opposite of what you falsely claimed Mueller said.
This "Barr report" will never even happen. There will be rumor and innuendo but never anything official. To steal a phrase often wrongly used by you conservitards "there is no "there" there".
So when Obama is in jail it just a fake video? Like kids in cages in 2014?

These RWNJ fantasies are hilarious!!

Tell us some more.
According the text messages they said OBAMA wanted to be kept informed.. time to pay the BARR TAB
Bill Barr is a piece of shit. He needs to decide if he is an American or a Trumpette. You can't be both.
Why did the FBI agents text To each other Obama wants to know?
What the fuck are you blabbing about now. What two agents?
This has already been done to death.

Move on, it's over.
Thank you for proving my point
There is no "point" as you say. If I follow your attempted distraction you have accomplished your goal.

We aren't going down that road, time to return to the thread topic.
Of course Barr is investigating it,, of course you don’t want him to lol hahahahahahahh
That's like having the get away driver conduct the investigation.
Obama is conducting the investigation?

One day you assfucks really need to man up & quit blaming Obama for Trump shit.
This isn't true at all. Collision was rampant. Robert Mueller, a life long republican, decided it didn't rise to the level of criminal conspiracy. Surprise surprise.

Heavens, Crepitus... Mueller said no such thing. He never determined whether or not there was a conspiracy (to defraud the U.S. of A.). He said, he could not prove a conspiracy beyond reasonable doubt, and he also gave what were the causes of that failure, namely, deleted and encrypted communication, and overall lack of cooperation with the inquiry. That, to me, reads like, "Yeah, of course there was a conspiracy, but because of rampant obstruction and tampering with evidence, there is no proof to be had." Which is not exactly, but pretty close to, the opposite of what you falsely claimed Mueller said.
He said he did not sufficient evidence of collusion. Key word is sufficient.

He did not say there was no evidence.
While Barr is over there -- I hope he finally is able to prove that Saddam Hussein was indeed involved in 9/11 ....#MAGA!

Hussein is deceased, who cares if he was involved or not. He faced the hangman for his crimes against humanity.

BTW, reports indicate that he was such a coward, he crapped himself during the proceedings.
Yet we invaded that country, lost thousands of American lives and trillions of dollars for what??

Easy for you to say after the fact, "who cares?"

I care....I care that folks like you can be so wrong over and over and over again and expect us to forget about it or say "who cares??"
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
Which is why Trump will never testify under oath to save his life.....

Because he lies on a level that makes Clinton look like a boy scout....
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
Which is why Trump will never testify under oath to save his life.....

Because he lies on a level that makes Clinton look like a boy scout....

I don't know about that.

Trump stated clearly and unambiguously that his humble home in New York was being surveilled.

He was proven right, even after every lib in the country said he was lying.
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
The whole thing was absolutely ridiculous, talk about a witch Hunt LOL, and gave Bill a lot more popularity and showed the GOP to be a bunch of scumbag assholes as always.....
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
The whole thing was absolutely ridiculous, talk about a witch Hunt LOL, and gave Bill a lot more popularity and showed the GOP to be a bunch of scumbag assholes as always.....

Bill Clinton should have just ponied up the money he owed Paula Corbin Jones for Sex Harassment, like a man would.
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
Paula Jones hates her GOP handlers more than bill now LOL.... Another put up paid job like all of these phony scandals....
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
The whole thing was absolutely ridiculous, talk about a witch Hunt LOL, and gave Bill a lot more popularity and showed the GOP to be a bunch of scumbag assholes as always.....

Bill Clinton should have just ponied up the money he owed Paula Corbin Jones for Sex Harassment, like a man would.
he did, and 3/4 of it at least went to her GOP handlers and scumbag lawyers who put her up to it....
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
The whole thing was absolutely ridiculous, talk about a witch Hunt LOL, and gave Bill a lot more popularity and showed the GOP to be a bunch of scumbag assholes as always.....

Bill Clinton should have just ponied up the money he owed Paula Corbin Jones for Sex Harassment, like a man would.
he did, and 3/4 of it at least went to her GOP handlers and scumbag lawyers who put her up to it....

If Bill Clinton would have just cut a check instead of fighting against his lawful debts, Ms. Jones wouldn't have had to hire expensive lawyers who needed paid.

If he feels bad about how Jones was treated, he should just cut her a check now. After all, he's the one who did the sex harassment. It wasn't Bob Dole who whipped it out in front of Jones.
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
Which is why Trump will never testify under oath to save his life.....

Because he lies on a level that makes Clinton look like a boy scout....

I don't know about that.

Trump stated clearly and unambiguously that his humble home in New York was being surveilled.

He was proven right, even after every lib in the country said he was lying.
His humble Home being a residential skyscraper where Manafort had an office, brainwashed functional moron.
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution defines the basis for impeachment as an act of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Anything less than that is not an impeachable offense. Were it otherwise, those who authored that esteemed document would have so stated.
Like a consensual BJ, brainwashed functional moron? And lying about it like a gentleman? what a pile of crap you people are, absolutely pathetic....

Clinton's problem were his lies about his act with Ms. Lewinsky, not the act itself.

He lied during a deposition in the Paula Jones case where he was LYING to avoid paying for his sexual harassment.

It was a million dollar lie on the part of Clinton, just his greed and his desire to avoid his obligations to pay Jones for sex harassment
Which is why Trump will never testify under oath to save his life.....

Because he lies on a level that makes Clinton look like a boy scout....

I don't know about that.

Trump stated clearly and unambiguously that his humble home in New York was being surveilled.

He was proven right, even after every lib in the country said he was lying.
His humble Home being a residential skyscraper where Manafort had an office, brainwashed functional moron.

Trump's home address of 725 5th Ave., New York City, is common knowledge. Trump doesn't live in a secret location, unlike Pocahontas. I looked on her supposed tax returns on her campaign website. She blacked out her home address. Why keep it a secret? If the rich Bostonian broad lives in a mansion and is disconnected with the people, we have the right to know. On the other hand, if she is honest, and actually does live in a teepee, the people have a right to know that as well.
The Russians didn’t flip any votes you dolt.

Big tech social media companies influence our elections more than any foreign power. Even more than the Chinese that have bought and paid for the Democrats and RINOs.
every Republican and Democrat on the intelligence committees agree the Russians hacked all those emails everyone talked about for a year even though they were garbage and they're irrelevant. All your misinformation and fake news has to be stamped out...

Hillary’s hacked emails weren’t election booths or polling stations, moron.

To dolts like you, finding out the truth about Hillary’s illegal email server and her corruption are “election interference”. Maybe don’t do the crime, if you don’t like being made a fool of for breaking the law?
The emails the Russians hacked changed the election. End of story read that until you get it, super duper. Nothing illegal about her server. And the emails were totally spun out of all reality. DNC staffers who had no power babbling about bologna. Her cheating in the primary turns out to be just the DNC regulations for that year, decided upon much earlier. If Bernie had beaten her in the votes, he would have got the nomination.

“Nothing illegal about her server”. Uh-huh.
It was completely illegal, and she obstructed justice by wiping it. Comey even said she broke the law, but was too stupid to know it, that is after Loretta Lynch’s little talking to by BJ on the tarmac. But at least the American public learned of her illegal activities and voted accordingly. Funny how having a more informed public is seen as “undermining an election” to fascists like you.
Not only was it not illegal, it wasn't even against the rules oh, and by the way it seems to be the only server that the Russians did not hack, brainwashed functional moron. everything you know is garbage character assassination and misinformation.... She was the Secretary of State and there is no evidence she ever did anything wrong, just garbage propaganda. You and your party are a pathetic disgrace.... You start out with Hillary being a criminal covering up God knows what. No evidence no nothing.

Okay, it’s quite obvious you live in your own little fantasy land, where males can just become women by saying so, and Hillary’s illegal server was perfectly legal just because you say so.

This shows that most of these lefties are actually mentally ill.

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