AG Barr: Trump Doesn't Have the Temperament to be President.

Biden's popularity slides even further to 37% approval with Russian invasion of Ukraine : New poll shows Republicans with a 10-point advantage over Democrats heading into midterms​

  • Joe Biden's approval rating fell below 40% in a recent poll showing only 37% of Americans approve of his job as president and 55% disapprove
  • 61% of independent voters rate the president negatively, showing the growing negative influence of independent Americans on Biden's performance
  • The same poll released Sunday by ABC News/Washington Post shows, 50% of adults want Republicans to control Congress after the 2022 midterms
  • 40% of the 1,011 polled want Democrats to control Capitol Hill after this year
  • The polling comes as Biden continues to face criticism for not being tough enough on Russia after Putin waged a full-scale attack on Ukraine last week
Flash, do you know the vast majority of Americans look at you and those like you as a joke. A bunch of whack a doodles that cannot think for themselves and have fallen for Trump's con. Trump is probably laughing at you idiots behind closed doors.
ROFL! You're delusional about what Americans think.
5 years of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA BS from your side....and now Russia is no big deal.....lmao.

Your politicians whined like bitches for years......Called people like Gabby Russian agents..........Your party has no leg to stand on here.

Now it's no one's fault.......lmao
What exactly do you think is “my party”?! I see you abandoned the debate to rant about partisan hypocrisy that has nothing to do with me. Sounds like you’re throwing in the towel.
No, obviously. Cops can't shoot anyone unless their life is at stake, not simply because they aren't obeying police orders.
Correct. When you have a violent mob illegally charging the capital chanting that they want to kill politicians and your job is to protect those politicians and the mob breaks through your barrier as you yell for them to fall back… then yes a shooting is justified as the lives of those cops and the people they are there to protect are then at risk.

AG Barr: Trump Doesn't Have the Temperament to be President.​

ability to inspire,
and common sense.
No shit. Just like his former chief of staff, Secretary of State and two national security advisors all said.

But that's not going to sway the True Believers because cults gonna cult.

Former Attorney General William Barr writes in a new book that former President Donald Trump has “shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed,” and that it is time for Republicans to focus on rising new leaders in the party.​
The release of the former attorney general’s 600-page book, “One Damn Thing After Another,” is coming as Mr. Trump, who remains the GOP’s dominant figure, contemplates another presidential run. Mr. Barr writes that he was convinced that Mr. Trump could have won re-election in 2020 if he had “just exercised a modicum of self-restraint, moderating even a little of his pettiness.”​
“The election was not ‘stolen,’” Mr. Barr writes. “Trump lost it.” Mr. Barr urges conservatives to look to “an impressive array of younger candidates” who share Mr. Trump’s agenda but not his “erratic personal behavior.” He didn’t mention any of those candidates by name.

AG Barr doesn't have the balls nor the power any more to say shit after he screwed the pooch.
Putin's ongoing failure in Ukraine is showing the world what kind of power a Putin like despot actually has. That's not good for our traitorous dotard.
Putin is a thug, Trudeau is a thug, xiden is a thug. Thugs being thugs for two years. No government leader has the authority to say shit about what Putin is doing after treating their own citizens worse for two years. fk them all!!!!!
Learn the difference between "their" and "there", Einstein.
PPPPardon me. I am pleased that you corrected my spelling, because I know that you never make
unintended spelling errors, yes? Nice deflection, though.
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Oil went negative you moonbat..........most were wiped out.

And yes we need to drill our asses off and be energy dependent..............that lowers prices and screws Putin............Helps us.

But your side HATES OIL.
"My side" does not hate oil. "My side" hates pollution and a polluted environment for health reasons
and dependence on others for energy. "My side" considers what is best for the future of our children and not only what is best for you today only. Fracking does not reduce the price of energy.
Trump was a fine POTUS. He could be an asshole at times but he sure knew what he was doing.

Unlike the walking, talking disaster you voted for. I hope you like high gas prices, empty shelves at the grocery store and inflation on the rise cause that's what we've got under your incompetent boy Bidung.
No shit. Just like his former chief of staff, Secretary of State and two national security advisors all said.

But that's not going to sway the True Believers because cults gonna cult.

Former Attorney General William Barr writes in a new book that former President Donald Trump has “shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed,” and that it is time for Republicans to focus on rising new leaders in the party.​
The release of the former attorney general’s 600-page book, “One Damn Thing After Another,” is coming as Mr. Trump, who remains the GOP’s dominant figure, contemplates another presidential run. Mr. Barr writes that he was convinced that Mr. Trump could have won re-election in 2020 if he had “just exercised a modicum of self-restraint, moderating even a little of his pettiness.”​
“The election was not ‘stolen,’” Mr. Barr writes. “Trump lost it.” Mr. Barr urges conservatives to look to “an impressive array of younger candidates” who share Mr. Trump’s agenda but not his “erratic personal behavior.” He didn’t mention any of those candidates by name.

Seems like you need to bone up on your history. Trump was already president.

AG Barr: Trump Doesn't Have the Temperament to be President.​

ability to inspire,
and common sense.

You poor widdle woo-woo... as demented as your hero Biden.
"My side" does not hate oil. "My side" hates pollution and a polluted environment for health reasons
and dependence on others for energy. "My side" considers what is best for the future of our children and not only what is best for you today only. Fracking does not reduce the price of energy.
You export the pollution to China and Africa then pat yourself on the back saying clean. Nothing clean over there. They have lower EPA standards OR NONE at all. They strip mine Silica without a care in the world for their workers and turn the workers lungs to concrete

Its not clean when they do that to get you those panels. You just ignore the pillurion over there and say how great you are when its a LIE

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