AG Eric Holder tells states to ignore laws they think are unconstitutional!!!

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Dont care what yours was. Answer mine.

What part of I don't suffer fools lightly don't you understand?

The part where you keep asking me to answer a question for you. If you dont suffer fools, and you believe me to be one, why are you asking me for help fool?

Not help, you ca't help yourself much less help me. So based on your big mouth utterances I'll take your answer as a yes, my ag can use discretion and advise my Govenor to ignore obamacare. It would be damn good advice too. Thanks for playing!
What part of I don't suffer fools lightly don't you understand?

The part where you keep asking me to answer a question for you. If you dont suffer fools, and you believe me to be one, why are you asking me for help fool?

Not help, you ca't help yourself much less help me. So based on your big mouth utterances I'll take your answer as a yes, my ag can use discretion and advise my Govenor to ignore obamacare. It would be damn good advice too. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for admitting my question caused the same amount of havoc in your mind as Godzilla attacking Japan. No where does it say in the AG's oath that they just have to blindly defend all state laws.
The part where you keep asking me to answer a question for you. If you dont suffer fools, and you believe me to be one, why are you asking me for help fool?

Not help, you ca't help yourself much less help me. So based on your big mouth utterances I'll take your answer as a yes, my ag can use discretion and advise my Govenor to ignore obamacare. It would be damn good advice too. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for admitting my question caused the same amount of havoc in your mind as Godzilla attacking Japan. No where does it say in the AG's oath that they just have to blindly defend all state laws.
You are just the newest stupid person I've encountered in liberal laager la land. No where in the oath does it expressly say or even imply that he has the right to disregard or ignore the law of the land. In fact in the oath he swears to uphold and defend the law. Your responses lend all readers to believe that you are unteachable, you just spout what other lefties as stupid as you are spew. You aren't worth the time of day.
Not help, you ca't help yourself much less help me. So based on your big mouth utterances I'll take your answer as a yes, my ag can use discretion and advise my Govenor to ignore obamacare. It would be damn good advice too. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for admitting my question caused the same amount of havoc in your mind as Godzilla attacking Japan. No where does it say in the AG's oath that they just have to blindly defend all state laws.
You are just the newest stupid person I've encountered in liberal laager la land. No where in the oath does it expressly say or even imply that he has the right to disregard or ignore the law of the land. In fact in the oath he swears to uphold and defend the law. Your responses lend all readers to believe that you are unteachable, you just spout what other lefties as stupid as you are spew. You aren't worth the time of day.

In other words your inability to point out where it specifically says he cannot use his discretion is lacking and specified nowhere in the oath. You further admit that in the oath it first says to support the constitution of the United States and then the states constitution. Thanks for clearing that up.
Thanks for admitting my question caused the same amount of havoc in your mind as Godzilla attacking Japan. No where does it say in the AG's oath that they just have to blindly defend all state laws.
You are just the newest stupid person I've encountered in liberal laager la land. No where in the oath does it expressly say or even imply that he has the right to disregard or ignore the law of the land. In fact in the oath he swears to uphold and defend the law. Your responses lend all readers to believe that you are unteachable, you just spout what other lefties as stupid as you are spew. You aren't worth the time of day.

In other words your inability to point out where it specifically says he cannot use his discretion is lacking and specified nowhere in the oath. You further admit that in the oath it first says to support the constitution of the United States and then the states constitution. Thanks for clearing that up.

Where does it specifically say he can use discretion dumbass? That is the question. The answer is it doesn't. He took an oath to defend and uphold the law. Period. If he disagrespes with a law he must go through due process. But you're as dumb as a box of rocks. That much we know about you.
The minute some AG personally finds the Civil Rights Act unconstitutional, holder will change his mind.
You are just the newest stupid person I've encountered in liberal laager la land. No where in the oath does it expressly say or even imply that he has the right to disregard or ignore the law of the land. In fact in the oath he swears to uphold and defend the law. Your responses lend all readers to believe that you are unteachable, you just spout what other lefties as stupid as you are spew. You aren't worth the time of day.

In other words your inability to point out where it specifically says he cannot use his discretion is lacking and specified nowhere in the oath. You further admit that in the oath it first says to support the constitution of the United States and then the states constitution. Thanks for clearing that up.

Where does it specifically say he can use discretion dumbass? That is the question. The answer is it doesn't. He took an oath to defend and uphold the law. Period. If he disagrespes with a law he must go through due process. But you're as dumb as a box of rocks. That much we know about you.

No. The question is what I asked you. Where does it specifically state in the oath that the AG cannot use discretion? You cannot show me that. On the other hand Holder has just specified that the AG's can use discretion. See how that works?

Here are the duties for the state of GA for example.

Providing opinions on legal questions concerning the State of Georgia or its agencies, which are binding on all state agencies and departments.

Where is your documentation to support your opinion willowtree?
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A prosecutor can use discretion and they do it every day. They feel that there isn't enough evidence, or they can't prove up a case. Prosecutorial discretion is not a vehicle to exercise because the AG doesn't like the law. If that were true you might well find that prosecutors who think the 1964 Civil Rights Act was unconstitutional would just stop prosecutions under that law. If we are to have the rule of law, the people have to trust that those charged with enforcing the law will do so. Otherwise we have basic lawlessness where people are justified in taking the law into their own hands, knowing that they cannot get justice in the courtroom.
A prosecutor can use discretion and they do it every day. They feel that there isn't enough evidence, or they can't prove up a case. Prosecutorial discretion is not a vehicle to exercise because the AG doesn't like the law. If that were true you might well find that prosecutors who think the 1964 Civil Rights Act was unconstitutional would just stop prosecutions under that law. If we are to have the rule of law, the people have to trust that those charged with enforcing the law will do so. Otherwise we have basic lawlessness where people are justified in taking the law into their own hands, knowing that they cannot get justice in the courtroom.

Go back and read Holders comments. He said to use discretion if the law was discriminatory. Since the Civil Rights Act is non discriminatory and AG would fail massively trying to explain how they perceived it as discriminatory law. You guys are fumbling all over yourselves trying to explain it away and its not working. Holder just gave the state AG's additional support in their inherent duties of using discretion.
In other words your inability to point out where it specifically says he cannot use his discretion is lacking and specified nowhere in the oath. You further admit that in the oath it first says to support the constitution of the United States and then the states constitution. Thanks for clearing that up.

Where does it specifically say he can use discretion dumbass? That is the question. The answer is it doesn't. He took an oath to defend and uphold the law. Period. If he disagrespes with a law he must go through due process. But you're as dumb as a box of rocks. That much we know about you.

No. The question is what I asked you. Where does it specifically state in the oath that the AG cannot use discretion? You cannot show me that. On the other hand Holder has just specified that the AG's can use discretion. See how that works?

Here are the duties for the state of GA for example.

Duties | AGO

Providing opinions on legal questions concerning the State of Georgia or its agencies, which are binding on all state agencies and departments.

Where is your documentation to support your opinion willowtree?

The documentation is in the oath they swear when they take the position. They swear to uphold and to defend the laws. They do not swear to use discretion.
Where does it specifically say he can use discretion dumbass? That is the question. The answer is it doesn't. He took an oath to defend and uphold the law. Period. If he disagrespes with a law he must go through due process. But you're as dumb as a box of rocks. That much we know about you.

No. The question is what I asked you. Where does it specifically state in the oath that the AG cannot use discretion? You cannot show me that. On the other hand Holder has just specified that the AG's can use discretion. See how that works?

Here are the duties for the state of GA for example.

Duties | AGO

Providing opinions on legal questions concerning the State of Georgia or its agencies, which are binding on all state agencies and departments.

Where is your documentation to support your opinion willowtree?

The documentation is in the oath they swear when they take the position. They swear to uphold and to defend the laws. They do not swear to use discretion.

But they do swear to uphold the laws in the constitution of the United States before the state constitution. The US constitution has laws that say discrimination is wrong. No matter what the state says is ok.
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No. The question is what I asked you. Where does it specifically state in the oath that the AG cannot use discretion? You cannot show me that. On the other hand Holder has just specified that the AG's can use discretion. See how that works?

Here are the duties for the state of GA for example.

Duties | AGO

Where is your documentation to support your opinion willowtree?

The documentation is in the oath they swear when they take the position. They swear to uphold and to defend the laws. They do not swear to use discretion.

But they do swear to uphold the laws in the constitution of the United States before the state constitution. The US constitution has laws that say discrimination is wrong. No matter what the state says is ok.

Then why isn't his stupid ass going after Californis, Colorado, Washington and Oregon? They are all breaking FEDERAL law?

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