Again.Debbie Wasserman Refuses To Answer Questions On Fox News Sunday. "Useless Debbie"?

I don't even see the point of most of these "interviews". Politicians, politicos and partisans are there to push their agenda only.

The only variable is how much freedom the interviewer gives them to do so.

Does anyone actually believe what these people say?
:stupid: Many of us must of seen the embarrassing performance of "Dumbass Debbie VS Chris Wallace" earlier today. It seems that no matter what Chris asks of her,,she deflects way off into left field then talk about what a bunch of confused cockroaches and turkeys the Republicans are.
If you guys did see the interview, you could see that Chris Wallace was about to have a cow being Debbie wouldn't even get to the answer,,,,just kept wandering off onto the island of misfits of where she was born.
And she is in charge of the DNC? :poke:
She's the best they have. Sergeant Schultz indeed.
From what nonsense I've heard out of her in the past I can only imagine that a big contributor bought that DNC position for her. Certainly can't be on any sort of merit.
I heard she blew Bill Clinton.
Chris Wallace: Miss Wasserman, will you ever give me a straight answer, or can our 9 million viewers just assume you are a complete idiot with 7 gerbils living in your ass?
Something to do with sucking the chrome off a tow hitch, I'd think. Paper bags make ignoring the rest easy.
and republicans always give a direct answer to any questions asked on live TV,,,and they are the lunatics? meanwhile we have the real life creature from the black lagoon as the DNC chair. welcome to America!!!
Debbie Washmyhairinalightsocket is the poster child for party hack.

And she is one ugly bitch but at least she isn't trying for that "hey I'm a 14 year old boy" haircut!
Debbie Washmyhairinalightsocket is the poster child for party hack.

And she is one ugly bitch but at least she isn't trying for that "hey I'm a 14 year old boy" haircut!
they should put her face on one of the "Purina Monster Chow" products

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