Chris Matthews heated questions as Warren refuses to answer about tax hikes..

We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.
I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.
Unfortunately, you are probably right. Insurance is considered "deep pockets" and everyone who could, starting with doctors and hospitals and medical equipment suppliers and drug companies, jumped on board and sucked them dry. Now we're in trouble but some people got rich. Welcome to America.

Everything you just listed was not addressed in Obamacare. In fact, Big Pharma was helped.
We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.
I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.
Unfortunately, you are probably right. Insurance is considered "deep pockets" and everyone who could, starting with doctors and hospitals and medical equipment suppliers and drug companies, jumped on board and sucked them dry. Now we're in trouble but some people got rich. Welcome to America.
We will do what the Progs are more in front of then the Repubs. Who also are thinking the same way. Health coverage will be limited in scope in the future in some way. Either certain financial limits or age limits or a combination of both and the sickest of all to have limited health care and those who depend on medicine to be given the pain pill. This is long overdue. We are a massively unhealthy society. The warnings have been there as you see the endless medical runs in the cities and the aging of our nation is sapping massive resources from the taxpayer. Frankly, mother nature will return as the stronger will survive. We will be better off for it. And it may affect me also.
We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.
I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.
Unfortunately, you are probably right. Insurance is considered "deep pockets" and everyone who could, starting with doctors and hospitals and medical equipment suppliers and drug companies, jumped on board and sucked them dry. Now we're in trouble but some people got rich. Welcome to America.
insurance to a point is "someone else paid for it" and unfortunately that is our culture.

when i was unemployed for a few years and needed medical help, i had to pay cash. thankfully it wasn't an issue for me but each and every time i paid cash, the bill was cut AT LEAST in half. reason why? don't have to deal with insurance who creates all the overhead for them.

it would be interesting to compare our insurance model with other countries that make you buy it. switzerland i believe is one. if they force you to buy insurance, do insurance companies have the same control over pricing there as they do here? there's a whole lot we'd need to understand before someone can say "well lets just do it like this country".

Chris Matthews digs in and does not allow Warren to get away with rhetorical sound bytes. Nevertheless she never answers the question despite Matthews grilling over and over.

I get what Warren is trying to say, that between what you pay in premiums annnnnd....wait for it.... what you pay after a tax increase... she claims the cost will be lower (consequently Obama promised the same and we all know how ell that worked out)

Matthews has a VERY legitimate question...Warren tries to spin it against Republicans, and Matthews aptly corrects her saying no it isn't.... IT IS A REAL QUESTION!!.... she refuses to answer.
And she won't. She knows the death blow to a Presidential candidate is "raise taxes" when you have a government that blows $billions a year and always-always inflates cost of everything it involves itself in.

Matthews has a VERY legitimate question...Warren tries to spin it against Republicans, and Matthews aptly corrects her saying no it isn't.... IT IS A REAL QUESTION!!.... she refuses to answer.
Possibly because the precise details haven't been determined yet; some middle class Americans will likely see a tax increase and others won't:

The Democratic Debate Over 'Medicare For All' And Middle-Class Taxes, Explained

"Tapper went on to ask other candidates to weigh in on the same question on taxes. Sanders envisions that those taxes would be replacing other health spending. The broader question here is how much people would end up spending in total on health care.

"The answer to that is hard to determine.

"The bill as laid out right now isn't very specific on how revenues would be raised, as the Kaiser Family Foundation's Larry Levitt told NPR.

"'What would happen to the middle class depends entirely on the details. Under the current Medicare for All proposals, middle-class people would have no premiums, deductibles or copays, and save a lot of money on health care,' he said. 'Whether they would pay more or less on net would depend on which taxes go up to pay for the plan.'"

So you agree with me then.
We cannot pass a bill, or even consider it until revenue/expenses are spelled out. Democrats are not - AT ALL- interested in doing that exercise because they know what they would see. You would see almost half the country getting free to almost free care while the middle class pays for it.

So you agree with me then.
We cannot pass a bill, or even consider it until revenue/expenses are spelled out. Democrats are not - AT ALL- interested in doing that exercise because they know what they would see. You would see almost half the country getting free to almost free care while the middle class pays for it.
How are you defining "middle class" and why do you think they would have to pay for Medicare for All?

Who is really middle class in America? This chart shows just how much family size matters

Medicare for All could be paid for by raising taxes on billionaires and corporations.

"After a back-and-forth over how to pay for the plan, CNN moderator Jake Tapper pointedly asked Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has sponsored Sanders' plan: 'Would you raise taxes on the middle class to pay for Medicare for All — offset, obviously, by the elimination of insurance premiums — yes or no?'

"'Costs will go up for billionaires and go up for corporations,' Warren said. 'For middle-class families, costs — total costs — will go down.'"

The Democratic Debate Over 'Medicare For All' And Middle-Class Taxes, Explained
We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.
I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.
Unfortunately, you are probably right. Insurance is considered "deep pockets" and everyone who could, starting with doctors and hospitals and medical equipment suppliers and drug companies, jumped on board and sucked them dry. Now we're in trouble but some people got rich. Welcome to America.
Socialist entitlement program mentality, someone else will pay for it. That’s socialism for you
We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.
I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.
Unfortunately, you are probably right. Insurance is considered "deep pockets" and everyone who could, starting with doctors and hospitals and medical equipment suppliers and drug companies, jumped on board and sucked them dry. Now we're in trouble but some people got rich. Welcome to America.
insurance to a point is "someone else paid for it" and unfortunately that is our culture.

when i was unemployed for a few years and needed medical help, i had to pay cash. thankfully it wasn't an issue for me but each and every time i paid cash, the bill was cut AT LEAST in half. reason why? don't have to deal with insurance who creates all the overhead for them.

it would be interesting to compare our insurance model with other countries that make you buy it. switzerland i believe is one. if they force you to buy insurance, do insurance companies have the same control over pricing there as they do here? there's a whole lot we'd need to understand before someone can say "well lets just do it like this country".
when i was unemployed for a few years and needed medical help, i had to pay cash. thankfully it wasn't an issue for me but each and every time i paid cash, the bill was cut AT LEAST in half. reason why? don't have to deal with insurance who creates all the overhead for them
I had a similar experience 20 years ago when a $2300 bill for cancer screening was reduced to $850 by paying cash; imho, the profit motive is misapplied when it comes to health care.

Why Single Payer Public Run Healthcare is the People’s Choice
We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.
I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.
Unfortunately, you are probably right. Insurance is considered "deep pockets" and everyone who could, starting with doctors and hospitals and medical equipment suppliers and drug companies, jumped on board and sucked them dry. Now we're in trouble but some people got rich. Welcome to America.
The doors to our open borders swing both ways. Don’t hesitate to use one of them when you can’t take living in America any longer. Or preferably beforehand.
We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.
I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.
Unfortunately, you are probably right. Insurance is considered "deep pockets" and everyone who could, starting with doctors and hospitals and medical equipment suppliers and drug companies, jumped on board and sucked them dry. Now we're in trouble but some people got rich. Welcome to America.
Socialist entitlement program mentality, someone else will pay for it. That’s socialism for you
Socialist entitlement program mentality, someone else will pay for it. That’s socialism for you
Rich people applaud your ignorance

No More Emperors on Twitter
We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.

Overall those on Medicare can afford for their care. There is waste, fraud and corruption in the system. Unfortunately it's in all systems today. Does it all need addressed? Absolutely.

I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

Every single first world country has a system that while not perfect costs far less than ours does. That is the point of bringing up other countries.

A prescription costs many times less in Canada than it does here.

You don't get away with that.
As actually (and surprisingly) one Democrat candidate brought up - Americans are fat and unhealthy. Just under 70% of healthcare costs can be attributed to high fat/salt/sugar diets. We could cut the costs of healthcare dramatically if we ate better.
No other nation eats the sugar laden/processed foods that we eat.
THAT is why our costs are so high.

Canada and the United States are not as different as they may seem, at least in the food realm. We have most of the things they have and vice versa and the foods we eat are pretty similar. Even in terms of international cuisine, both countries boast a wide variety of food from all over thanks to robust immigrant populations.

The 9 biggest differences between Canadian and American diets

How the U.S. Pays 3 Times More for Drugs

How the U.S. Pays 3 Times More for Drugs

The United States, which leaves pricing to market competition, has higher drug prices than other countries where governments directly or indirectly control medicine costs.
We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.
I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.

Wall Street will be having none of that.
Taxing the middle class so that Illegals get free is that not a winning strategy??

I've asked this over and over and yet no one will answer.

Illegals work processing our food and preparing it. We aren't going to do anything about that so should we not want to make sure they are not spreading diseases while doing this?
We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.
I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.

Wall Street will be having none of that.
Taxing the middle class so that Illegals get free is that not a winning strategy??

I've asked this over and over and yet no one will answer.

Illegals work processing our food and preparing it. We aren't going to do anything about that so should we not want to make sure they are not spreading diseases while doing this?

That's why we have a LEGAL IMMIGRATION system.

I first suggested relocating ALL illegals to San Franshitzco and Trump picked up on it.

Chris Matthews digs in and does not allow Warren to get away with rhetorical sound bytes. Nevertheless she never answers the question despite Matthews grilling over and over.

I get what Warren is trying to say, that between what you pay in premiums annnnnd....wait for it.... what you pay after a tax increase... she claims the cost will be lower (consequently Obama promised the same and we all know how ell that worked out)

Matthews has a VERY legitimate question...Warren tries to spin it against Republicans, and Matthews aptly corrects her saying no it isn't.... IT IS A REAL QUESTION!!.... she refuses to answer.
And she won't. She knows the death blow to a Presidential candidate is "raise taxes" when you have a government that blows $billions a year and always-always inflates cost of everything it involves itself in.

Matthews has a VERY legitimate question...Warren tries to spin it against Republicans, and Matthews aptly corrects her saying no it isn't.... IT IS A REAL QUESTION!!.... she refuses to answer.
Possibly because the precise details haven't been determined yet; some middle class Americans will likely see a tax increase and others won't:

The Democratic Debate Over 'Medicare For All' And Middle-Class Taxes, Explained

"Tapper went on to ask other candidates to weigh in on the same question on taxes. Sanders envisions that those taxes would be replacing other health spending. The broader question here is how much people would end up spending in total on health care.

"The answer to that is hard to determine.

"The bill as laid out right now isn't very specific on how revenues would be raised, as the Kaiser Family Foundation's Larry Levitt told NPR.

"'What would happen to the middle class depends entirely on the details. Under the current Medicare for All proposals, middle-class people would have no premiums, deductibles or copays, and save a lot of money on health care,' he said. 'Whether they would pay more or less on net would depend on which taxes go up to pay for the plan.'"

So you agree with me then.
We cannot pass a bill, or even consider it until revenue/expenses are spelled out. Democrats are not - AT ALL- interested in doing that exercise because they know what they would see. You would see almost half the country getting free to almost free care while the middle class pays for it.

So you agree with me then.
We cannot pass a bill, or even consider it until revenue/expenses are spelled out. Democrats are not - AT ALL- interested in doing that exercise because they know what they would see. You would see almost half the country getting free to almost free care while the middle class pays for it.
How are you defining "middle class" and why do you think they would have to pay for Medicare for All?

Who is really middle class in America? This chart shows just how much family size matters

Medicare for All could be paid for by raising taxes on billionaires and corporations.

"After a back-and-forth over how to pay for the plan, CNN moderator Jake Tapper pointedly asked Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has sponsored Sanders' plan: 'Would you raise taxes on the middle class to pay for Medicare for All — offset, obviously, by the elimination of insurance premiums — yes or no?'

"'Costs will go up for billionaires and go up for corporations,' Warren said. 'For middle-class families, costs — total costs — will go down.'"

The Democratic Debate Over 'Medicare For All' And Middle-Class Taxes, Explained

Wow, lets undo the tax rates responsible for bringing back a vast number of decent paying jobs and once again watch as those jobs dry up and are sent back overseas.
The very idea of taxing billionaires, millionaires and corporations more will have them go into protectionist mode, or move overseas and take away jobs from the very people that would support these ideas, much less everyone else.
We need a healthcare fix.
The current system absolutely sucks now. It was great for my family when I was raising my children, but today the deductibles along with the premiums have sky the same time cost for most care has declined. No one has a simple answer for that.
I thank God i am not raising a family now with $5000 plus deductible. At that time in my life that would have been a lot to swallow.
BUT....Medicare for all is a government program. And the simple fact is government programs - in this country - repeatedly RAISE cost not lower them.
I am sick of hearing Bernie drone on about Canada...we are not Canada. Our population is nothing like Canada, our entire economic system is different on every level. It is a comparison that is irrelevant.
And that is why Warren won't answer the question. If she won...she knows damn well whatever she says will come back and haunt her. So she just spins and dodges.

The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.

Wall Street will be having none of that.
Taxing the middle class so that Illegals get free is that not a winning strategy??

I've asked this over and over and yet no one will answer.

Illegals work processing our food and preparing it. We aren't going to do anything about that so should we not want to make sure they are not spreading diseases while doing this?

That's why we have a LEGAL IMMIGRATION system.

I first suggested relocating ALL illegals to San Franshitzco and Trump picked up on it.

Like everyone else you avoid the question and the realities. My question stands. You can avoid it again if you like.
The answer to fixing health care costs is to stop using insurance to pay for it with the exception of emergency care and to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, but nobody wants to hear that.

Wall Street will be having none of that.
Taxing the middle class so that Illegals get free is that not a winning strategy??

I've asked this over and over and yet no one will answer.

Illegals work processing our food and preparing it. We aren't going to do anything about that so should we not want to make sure they are not spreading diseases while doing this?

That's why we have a LEGAL IMMIGRATION system.

I first suggested relocating ALL illegals to San Franshitzco and Trump picked up on it.

Like everyone else you avoid the question and the realities. My question stands. You can avoid it again if you like.

Wall Street will be having none of that.
Taxing the middle class so that Illegals get free is that not a winning strategy??

I've asked this over and over and yet no one will answer.

Illegals work processing our food and preparing it. We aren't going to do anything about that so should we not want to make sure they are not spreading diseases while doing this?

That's why we have a LEGAL IMMIGRATION system.

I first suggested relocating ALL illegals to San Franshitzco and Trump picked up on it.

Like everyone else you avoid the question and the realities. My question stands. You can avoid it again if you like.


So where is the problem? We already tax people to provide health care for those here illegally. Explain to me the issue then?

Are you upset that we have to subsidize businesses that break our laws? So am I.
Taxing the middle class so that Illegals get free is that not a winning strategy??

I've asked this over and over and yet no one will answer.

Illegals work processing our food and preparing it. We aren't going to do anything about that so should we not want to make sure they are not spreading diseases while doing this?

That's why we have a LEGAL IMMIGRATION system.

I first suggested relocating ALL illegals to San Franshitzco and Trump picked up on it.

Like everyone else you avoid the question and the realities. My question stands. You can avoid it again if you like.


So where is the problem? We already tax people to provide health care for those here illegally. Explain to me the issue then?

Are you upset that we have to subsidize businesses that break our laws? So am I.
So your "solution" is to add cost to the already badly broken system?
I've asked this over and over and yet no one will answer.

Illegals work processing our food and preparing it. We aren't going to do anything about that so should we not want to make sure they are not spreading diseases while doing this?

That's why we have a LEGAL IMMIGRATION system.

I first suggested relocating ALL illegals to San Franshitzco and Trump picked up on it.

Like everyone else you avoid the question and the realities. My question stands. You can avoid it again if you like.


So where is the problem? We already tax people to provide health care for those here illegally. Explain to me the issue then?

Are you upset that we have to subsidize businesses that break our laws? So am I.
So your "solution" is to add cost to the already badly broken system?

Here is the way it works. I ask a question, it gets answered and then a follow up question can be asked of me.

Don't expect others to answer your question when you avoid theirs.

Now, if you want to address my question, I would be happy to answer yours.

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