Again...Nazis were NOT pro-Christian. Read a freaking book.

... Does nothing to absolve the German Christians who helped him

Who are you? A Nazi? You have less than no knowledge what you are speaking about - but you are convinced you are right.

MOST persons who supported ADOLF HITLER and the NAZI party-----in the 1930s were Christians

First: In the 192x and even in 193x it was possible for a german to be a Christian and a Nazi. This changed within the flow of time. Today it's completly impossible to be a Christian and a Nazi for everyone who is well informed about the deeds of the Nazis. To be a Nazi and a Christian excludes each other now. That's the logic of time. Nevertheless: Even in those days were the leading Nazis and the members of the SS not Christians. It's more astonishng that lots of leading Nazis were educated to be humanists.

-----lots of ardent Christians----church going types. ALL of the leaders and officials were Christians. Hitler's youth consisted OVERWHELMINGLY of Christians.
Not tell us again that there was a plan to commit
genocide on CHRISTIANS

Your belief in this illusion is strong - nevertheless wrong. Give me the name of one of the leading Nazis where you think - ¿on what reason? - that he's a Christian and I'll tell you what I'll find out in the german sources about this man.

"LEADING NAZIS"??? there were a lot more than
"LEADING NAZIS" who did consider themselves to
either be "Nazis"------or supported ADOLF HITLER
even thru the 1940s who CONSIDERED THEMSELVES TO BE CHRISTIANS. Father Charles Couglin considered himself to be Christian---
as did Charles Lindhberg-----the average Polish semi literate Peasant woman living in Warsaw------considered herself a good catholic -----and cheered shipments of jews to Auschwitz. I see no reason to
restrict the definition of Nazi or Nazi supporter or facilitator to the BIG SHOTS IN THE NAZI PARTY.
Do you confine the word COMMUNIST to persons
like STALIN?
What annoys me about these type of threads is they are attempts at revisionist history by some of our radical Christian posters

These same posters will post repeated threads about the crimes of Muslims and atheists and then try to create a thread......Christians have no responsibility for what happened in Nazi Germany

I do not believe that todays CHRISTIANS bear group
responsibility for the crimes of Christian Nazis or that
Christianity in its various permutatlons "DID IT" ----
Did someone say they do? Some Past Christian leaders and scholars------set the stage for Auschwitz just as the catholic church promoted the Inquisition----
for which the Baptist church down the block is
What annoys me about these type of threads is they are attempts at revisionist history by some of our radical Christian posters

These same posters will post repeated threads about the crimes of Muslims and atheists and then try to create a thread......Christians have no responsibility for what happened in Nazi Germany

The same posters who will condemn Muslims for the actions of their radical fringe and condemn all Muslims because "they do not do enough to stop terrorism" ignore the actions of Christian Germans
... Germany and the Nazis were Christians. Many considered themselves to be good Christians

It is obvious they were not

It's impossible that one person alone is so "stupid". You are using a propagandistic system or mabye your are brainwashed and you don't see whet the brainwashers did with you. But is your neverending propagandistic speech really important? Christians wan World War 2 against Hitler - completly independent where they lived and what was their nationality.

the fight against Germany by the allies had nothing
to do with religion-----your characterization of the
allies as a CHRISTIAN ENTERPRISE is very idiotic

So "you" fought against "us" because we were evil Christians and Americans and their allies were wonderful Antichristians? Serios question: Do you use drugs?

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... Germany and the Nazis were Christians. Many considered themselves to be good Christians

It is obvious they were not

It's impossible that one person alone is so "stupid". You are using a propagandistic system or mabye your are brainwashed and you don't see whet the brainwashers did with you. But is your neverending propagandistic speech really important? Christians wan World War 2 against Hitler - completly independent where they lived and what was their nationality.

the fight against Germany by the allies had nothing
to do with religion-----your characterization of the
allies as a CHRISTIAN ENTERPRISE is very idiotic

So it was an antichristain enterprise against Germany?

It was an anti Axis enterprise by the ALLIED countries attacked by the FASCIST Axis which included Germany, Japan and even ROMAN CATHOLIC ITALY
What annoys me about these type of threads is they are attempts at revisionist history by some of our radical Christian posters

These same posters will post repeated threads about the crimes of Muslims and atheists and then try to create a thread......Christians have no responsibility for what happened in Nazi Germany

If you did not notice the politics of Germany after world war 2 until today then you are living with your very strange thoughts not on this planet. We made the very best politics of all nations for the peace in Europe and in the world since the whole mankind is existing, One reason: Our constitution is now full of christian ethics, because of the desaster what Hitler and his criminal gang caused. Germany never denied any responsibilty.

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What annoys me about these type of threads is they are attempts at revisionist history by some of our radical Christian posters

These same posters will post repeated threads about the crimes of Muslims and atheists and then try to create a thread......Christians have no responsibility for what happened in Nazi Germany

If you did not notice the politics of Germany after world war 2 until today then you are living with your very strange thoughts not on this planet. We made the very best politics of all nations for the peace in Europe and in the world since the whole mankind is existing, One reason: Our constitution is now full of christian ethics, because of the desaster what Hitler and his criminal gang caused. Germany never denied any responsibilty.

who is "we"??? what "constitution" and what
"Christian ethics"??? your post is jibberish
... It was an anti Axis enterprise by the ALLIED countries attacked by the FASCIST Axis which included Germany, Japan and even ROMAN CATHOLIC ITALY

So the good antichristian allies fought in world war 2 against the evil christian fascists in Germany, Italy and Japan?

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"...the Nazis saw the Church and Christianity as a threat to their policies. One-third of Germans were Catholics and two-thirds were Protestants. At the beginning they cooperated with the Nazis. They believed that the new government protected them from communism and maintained traditional morals and family values.
Links with the Catholic and Protestant Churches
"Hitler signed a concordat with the Pope in 1933. He promised full religious freedom for the Church and the Pope promised that he wouldn’t interfere in political matters.
"Then, the Nazis started to close Catholic churches. Many monasteries were shut down and the Catholic Youth Organisation was abolished (remember that the Nazis had created the Hitler Youth Movement).
"The Pope protested by issuing a letter in 1937, which was to be read in every Catholic Church. This didn’t have any impact at all.
"Around 400 priests were arrested and sent to the Dachau concentration camp."

BBC - GCSE Bitesize What effect did the Nazis racial and religious policy have on life in Germany
I'm so sick of progressive twits who start screaming "THE NAZIS WERE CHRISTIAN!" every time anyone points out how the DEPRAVITY of the Nazi party stemmed from it's PROGRESSIVE stance.

#1, even if they were, death camps are not a Christian tenet. They're a progressive one, though, and exist in some form or another in every single locale that allows progressivism to get a grip....

#2, the Nazis despised Christians.

You're welcome. Now go forth and try not to be such an ignoramus. The next time you feel compelled to squawk "Nazis were Christians" please stop you before you out yourself as a retard who isn't mature enough to talk with the grown ups.
From what I gather...the only people Hitler liked were blond haired German people who were Nazis.

I think he hated everyone that didn't fit that description, with much emphasis on Jews, and still quite a bit for Liberals, intellectuals, and commies

Sounds like a progressive to me. They think humanity (except for the humans that are just like them) should be wiped off the face of the earth, and they are perfectly willing to nominate your group for eradication.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to regret asking, but do you think Progressives in the US want to eradicate other groups not like them?

Yup. Ask Guano or any of the Joes what they think should happen to Christians.

Ask them what should happen to the babies and women of poor people (and not just in the US).

Ask them what they think should happen to people who are in comas, who are retarded, who are old.

That's right..they think they should all be offed.

And those are the policies that got the Nazis into trouble. The Nazis aren't hated for being a political group..they're considered vile monsters because they latched on to the Progressive movement and took it to it's logical (and beloved by Progressives) end.

Who's Guano? If you're talking about guno, I'm sure he would beat up your straw man.
... It was an anti Axis enterprise by the ALLIED countries attacked by the FASCIST Axis which included Germany, Japan and even ROMAN CATHOLIC ITALY

So the good antichristian allies fought in world war 2 against the evil christian fascists in Germany, Italy and Japan?

you are posting as if you are afflicted with a cognitive disorder or you are just an antagonistic bastard. My
statement was that the ALLIES------England, the USA,
etc etc---fought the forces of fascism ---the AXIS countries----Germany, Italy, Japan-----because the "allies" had been attacked by the countries called the "AXIS" countries---------I did not characterize either the axis or the allied countries as engaging in an effort related to religion. The discussions in this thread included the issue of Christianity in Nazi Germany.
Some really stupid people actually claimed that anyone who identified himself as pro Nazi or pro hitler ----also declared himself "anti Christian"<<< a not true statement, Also ---there was no repudiation of Christianity by the Nazi party------there is a repudication of religion by the communist party. There was no official "anti Christian" program by the Nazi party---but there was an official program of anti Semitism. got it now-----feel free to ask questions

Oh, well, since Hitler said so, it MUST be true. A crazed, totalitarian dictator who starts world wars wouldn't LIE, would he?:slap:
So how do you know when he was lying or being truthful? Do you have a quote that says later on "I was just kidding about that earlier quote"? If you did then you would have a point.

The same way you know when anyone is lying: you look at their actions, and see if they agree with their words. Gosh, now that I think about it, the Bible even says something like that: You shall know them by their fruits. It's almost as if God expected people to falsely claim to be Christians, or something.
You fail. Christians have committed some of the worst atrocities known to man. That didnt make them not Christians.

Hitler was a faithful Catholic serving the Pope and Vatican in all he did - the truth is Catholicism is not a Christian faith - it is the antithesis of Christianity. The anti - Christ Roman Vatican was behind both WWI and WWII and you can be sure they are even now behind the plannings of WWIII which we are now headed for.

Gee the KKK comes to mind and it wasn't even war time.
... It was an anti Axis enterprise by the ALLIED countries attacked by the FASCIST Axis which included Germany, Japan and even ROMAN CATHOLIC ITALY

So the good antichristian allies fought in world war 2 against the evil christian fascists in Germany, Italy and Japan?

you are posting as if you are afflicted with a cognitive disorder or you are just an antagonistic bastard. My
statement was that the ALLIES------England, the USA,
etc etc---fought the forces of fascism ---the AXIS countries----Germany, Italy, Japan-----because the "allies" had been attacked by the countries called the "AXIS" countries---------I did not characterize either the axis or the allied countries as engaging in an effort related to religion. The discussions in this thread included the issue of Christianity in Nazi Germany.
Some really stupid people actually claimed that anyone who identified himself as pro Nazi or pro hitler ----also declared himself "anti Christian"<<< a not true statement, Also ---there was no repudiation of Christianity by the Nazi party------there is a repudication of religion by the communist party. There was no official "anti Christian" program by the Nazi party---but there was an official program of anti Semitism. got it now-----feel free to ask questions

Hitler seen what the Jews did to Russia and said no way, the jews turned Russia into a godless country, full of bloodshed, Bolsheviks
What annoys me about these type of threads is they are attempts at revisionist history by some of our radical Christian posters

These same posters will post repeated threads about the crimes of Muslims and atheists and then try to create a thread......Christians have no responsibility for what happened in Nazi Germany

If you did not notice the politics of Germany after world war 2 until today then you are living with your very strange thoughts not on this planet. We made the very best politics of all nations for the peace in Europe and in the world since the whole mankind is existing, One reason: Our constitution is now full of christian ethics, because of the desaster what Hitler and his criminal gang caused. Germany never denied any responsibilty.

who is "we"??? what "constitution" and what
"Christian ethics"??? your post is jibberish

We are "the Germans" in this context. The constitution is our "Grundgesetz". Maybe this theme is here now to complex. It needs some knowledge about the christian ethos and the german language.

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You know what is totally retarded......this idea that we can make lefties or righties in the US today look more like Nazis than the other.

It was all started by Jonah Goldberg's pseudo intellectual GOP strategy production disguised as a book..."Liberal Facists"

No party in America today resembles the Nazis because post WWI Germans were so very different in temperment than Americans are today. Americans today are not drawn to authority, and we're not beaten or bankrupt like Germany was in the 20's and 30's.

For all those who embrace the completely inaccurate comparison of socialism/communism with the left in the US, and Facists/Nazis with the have the infinitly more retarted notion Glenn Beck promotes that Commies and Nazis ae just like Liberals.

Ahhh!.....enough!........I don't know how to begin to unwind the compounded stupidity
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Uh-oh...koshergrl's argument was just refuted. What will the response be?

I will say, doesn't seem as if Hitler formed a Christian army...I wonder if that speech was Hitler appealing to Italy as an ally.

Of course, it was a political statement, calculated to justify actions of the Nazis, but I really doubt any sane person believes his motivation was to spread Christianity. After germany conquered territory, I dont think they were setting up churches or spreading the gospel. I would say quite the opposite is true. They werent going around forcing non Christians to accept their religion, Im sure it was the last thing on their minds
... Hitler seen what the Jews did to Russia and said no way, the jews turned Russia into a godless country, full of bloodshed, Bolsheviks

You are a shame for your country. If a Jew was not a bolshevik for the Nazis then he was a capitalist for the Nazis. Whatever a Jew was - he was dead if convinced Nazis were able to murder him.

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... Hitler seen what the Jews did to Russia and said no way, the jews turned Russia into a godless country, full of bloodshed, Bolsheviks

You are a shame for your country. If a Jew was not a bolshevik for the Nazis then he was a capitalist for the Nazis. Whatever a Jew was - he was dead if Nazis were able to murder him.

Oh brother, the Bolsheviks were Russian Jews. They are communist to today, over 1 million went to Israel from Russia since the 1990's. The Jews killed many a Russian and a German. They were not innocent as one wants people to believe. The wealthy ones got out of Germany just in time, how convenient. I'd trust a German any day over a Jew.

also Zionism was before Nazism (who a jew came up with that name) and Zionism is still going strong, tell me how Hitler killed the Jews. What the Jews did to Germany is awful.

Also look how they are trying to control the US today, well they do.
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What annoys me about these type of threads is they are attempts at revisionist history by some of our radical Christian posters

These same posters will post repeated threads about the crimes of Muslims and atheists and then try to create a thread......Christians have no responsibility for what happened in Nazi Germany

I do not believe that todays CHRISTIANS bear group
responsibility for the crimes of Christian Nazis or that
Christianity in its various permutatlons "DID IT" ----
Did someone say they do? Some Past Christian leaders and scholars------set the stage for Auschwitz just as the catholic church promoted the Inquisition----
for which the Baptist church down the block is

Oh yes and the little angel jews were so innocent. Dream on , the horrible story of Ester is over, maybe Hitler read it and said no way is that happening here.
Hitler was about as Christian as Obama

Hitler was a faithful Catholic. See the history on history link WWI, WWII - the hidden cause revealed. The Jesuits, Dominicans / priests put on Nazi uniforms along with the faithful Catholics. They were all in service to the Pope. It was his war. Read up.

WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Once again Jeremiah your out in left field. The Jews were behind both wars.
mostly google. Also ----long ago I read the letters and notes that Magda left in the bunker. The fact that she poisoned her five baby daughters is an issue about which many people have written-----kinda ghoulish----she used cyanide. I find the story tragic.------she actually was a kind of tragic figure----both she and josef were SOCIALLY ambitious which
was the real basis for their attachment to uncle adolf. I thing ASSAD's wife suffers from the
same derangement
Amidst your wandering prose you say long ago you read some letters. That's not really evidence. It's starting to look like you just say whatever comes into your addled head.

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