Again...Nazis were NOT pro-Christian. Read a freaking book.

mostly google. Also ----long ago I read the letters and notes that Magda left in the bunker. The fact that she poisoned her five baby daughters is an issue about which many people have written-----kinda ghoulish----she used cyanide. I find the story tragic.------she actually was a kind of tragic figure----both she and josef were SOCIALLY ambitious which
was the real basis for their attachment to uncle adolf. I thing ASSAD's wife suffers from the
same derangement
Amidst your wandering prose you say long ago you read some letters. That's not really evidence. It's starting to look like you just say whatever comes into your addled head.

it has been obvious for quite some time that you deny your heritage and its filth
... It was an anti Axis enterprise by the ALLIED countries attacked by the FASCIST Axis which included Germany, Japan and even ROMAN CATHOLIC ITALY

So the good antichristian allies fought in world war 2 against the evil christian fascists in Germany, Italy and Japan?

you are posting as if you are afflicted with a cognitive disorder or you are just an antagonistic bastard. My
statement was that the ALLIES------England, the USA,
etc etc---fought the forces of fascism ---the AXIS countries----Germany, Italy, Japan-----because the "allies" had been attacked by the countries called the "AXIS" countries---------I did not characterize either the axis or the allied countries as engaging in an effort related to religion. The discussions in this thread included the issue of Christianity in Nazi Germany.
Some really stupid people actually claimed that anyone who identified himself as pro Nazi or pro hitler ----also declared himself "anti Christian"<<< a not true statement, Also ---there was no repudiation of Christianity by the Nazi party------there is a repudication of religion by the communist party. There was no official "anti Christian" program by the Nazi party---but there was an official program of anti Semitism. got it now-----feel free to ask questions

Hitler seen what the Jews did to Russia and said no way, the jews turned Russia into a godless country, full of bloodshed, Bolsheviks

"hitler seen" what? Now you decided that your hero adolf was "GODLY"??? oh ---ok YOUR "god" the "god" of filth. The overwhelming majority of Bolsheviks were shit----EASTERN ORTHODOX-------and some catholics from Ukraine----learn some history-----almost no jews but---islamo Nazi pigs search and search and CLAIM-----"he had a jewish great grandmother"----------see? I read your propaganda as a child--- Your murdering hero STALIN was such a good eastern ortho (almost catholic) that the priests were educating him for the ortho priesthood. He murdered MILLIONS in the name of the filth "god" you worship
... It was an anti Axis enterprise by the ALLIED countries attacked by the FASCIST Axis which included Germany, Japan and even ROMAN CATHOLIC ITALY

So the good antichristian allies fought in world war 2 against the evil christian fascists in Germany, Italy and Japan?

you are posting as if you are afflicted with a cognitive disorder or you are just an antagonistic bastard. My
statement was that the ALLIES------England, the USA,
etc etc---fought the forces of fascism ---the AXIS countries----Germany, Italy, Japan-----because the "allies" had been attacked by the countries called the "AXIS" countries---------I did not characterize either the axis or the allied countries as engaging in an effort related to religion. The discussions in this thread included the issue of Christianity in Nazi Germany.
Some really stupid people actually claimed that anyone who identified himself as pro Nazi or pro hitler ----also declared himself "anti Christian"<<< a not true statement, Also ---there was no repudiation of Christianity by the Nazi party------there is a repudication of religion by the communist party. There was no official "anti Christian" program by the Nazi party---but there was an official program of anti Semitism. got it now-----feel free to ask questions

Hitler seen what the Jews did to Russia and said no way, the jews turned Russia into a godless country, full of bloodshed, Bolsheviks

"hitler seen" what? Now you decided that your hero adolf was "GODLY"??? oh ---ok YOUR "god" the "god" of filth. The overwhelming majority of Bolsheviks were shit----EASTERN ORTHODOX-------and some catholics from Ukraine----learn some history-----almost no jews but---islamo Nazi pigs search and search and CLAIM-----"he had a jewish great grandmother"----------see? I read your propaganda as a child--- Your murdering hero STALIN was such a good eastern ortho (almost catholic) that the priests were educating him for the ortho priesthood. He murdered MILLIONS in the name of the filth "god" you worship

are you saying the Jews were godly in Persia???? Esther was like a Trojan horse, can't even fight fair.
What annoys me about these type of threads is they are attempts at revisionist history by some of our radical Christian posters

These same posters will post repeated threads about the crimes of Muslims and atheists and then try to create a thread......Christians have no responsibility for what happened in Nazi Germany

If you did not notice the politics of Germany after world war 2 until today then you are living with your very strange thoughts not on this planet. We made the very best politics of all nations for the peace in Europe and in the world since the whole mankind is existing, One reason: Our constitution is now full of christian ethics, because of the desaster what Hitler and his criminal gang caused. Germany never denied any responsibilty.

Please remove the stick from your ass

We are talking about Nazi Germany, not Germany today
Hitler was about as Christian as Obama

Hitler was a faithful Catholic. See the history on history link WWI, WWII - the hidden cause revealed. The Jesuits, Dominicans / priests put on Nazi uniforms along with the faithful Catholics. They were all in service to the Pope. It was his war. Read up.

WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Once again Jeremiah your out in left field. The Jews were behind both wars.
You're quite deluded
The Red Cross has previously acknowledged that its efforts to help refugees were used by Nazis because administrators were overwhelmed,
Helping people escape Communist invaders is not a bad thing. Are you aware of the mass rape and murder committed by the Communists?

Katyn massacre

Operation Keelhaul

Harrowing Memoir German Woman Writes Ground-Breaking Account of WW2 Rape - SPIEGEL ONLINE

It could be argued that helping even bad people escape was the right thing to do. Everyone deserves a fair hearing, and Communist dictators didn't permit fair trials.

And no one helped Jews during the Nazi era as much as the Vatican.

Pope Pius XII Saved Thousands of Jews - Shalom Life

A Righteous Gentile Pope Pius XII and the Jews

Rabbi Says Pope Saved More Jews From Holocaust than Schindler CNS News

The Catholic Church openly made the calculation that it was better to mistakenly aid the guilty rather than allow the innocent to suffer. That is a far cry from the deliberate, knowing assistance of Nazis that dimwit, public school-educated, religiophobic leftists want to accuse them of now.
And there are no Christians who persecute other Christians? Maybe you should read a freaking history book.

Not really as a general rule, no. It's been many centuries since Christian sects really felt the need to do much more than bicker and snipe at each other. I think by the 1930s in Europe, it's safe to say that anyone professing Christianity and then imprisoning, torturing, and killing millions of Christians was most likely lying through his teeth for propaganda purposes, in order to lull people into a false sense of security and passivity.

Discernment is really a wonderful skill to learn.

Northern Ireland cooled down in the late 1990's. Rwandan genocide was mid-90's. Bosnia was early 90's. During the 80's there was Central America...

Nice try, asshole, but that's only going to work if you try it on someone as ignorant and uninformed as you are.
... Does nothing to absolve the German Christians who helped him

Who are you? A Nazi? You have less than no knowledge what you are speaking about - but you are convinced you are right.

MOST persons who supported ADOLF HITLER and the NAZI party-----in the 1930s were Christians-----lots of ardent Christians----church going types. ALL of the leaders and officials were Christians. Hitler's youth consisted OVERWHELMINGLY of Christians.
Not tell us again that there was a plan to commit
genocide on CHRISTIANS

Do you understand the word "politician"? It's a synonym for "liar". Whatever else Hitler was, he was a politician, and skilled at saying whatever he needed to in order to accomplish his goals.

The fact that his lies initially fooled a great many Christians has little to no bearing on what his actual intentions were.

Bottom line: leftists need to stop being so fucking gullible. I could say I'm the Queen of England, but you're going to want to check my head for a tiara before you believe me.
The Red Cross has previously acknowledged that its efforts to help refugees were used by Nazis because administrators were overwhelmed,
Helping people escape Communist invaders is not a bad thing. Are you aware of the mass rape and murder committed by the Communists?

Katyn massacre

Operation Keelhaul

Harrowing Memoir German Woman Writes Ground-Breaking Account of WW2 Rape - SPIEGEL ONLINE

It could be argued that helping even bad people escape was the right thing to do. Everyone deserves a fair hearing, and Communist dictators didn't permit fair trials.

And no one helped Jews during the Nazi era as much as the Vatican.

Pope Pius XII Saved Thousands of Jews - Shalom Life

A Righteous Gentile Pope Pius XII and the Jews

Rabbi Says Pope Saved More Jews From Holocaust than Schindler CNS News

The Catholic Church openly made the calculation that it was better to mistakenly aid the guilty rather than allow the innocent to suffer. That is a far cry from the deliberate, knowing assistance of Nazis that dimwit, public school-educated, religiophobic leftists want to accuse them of now.
German Christians knowingly and enthusiastically participated in the persecution of the jews
... Does nothing to absolve the German Christians who helped him

Who are you? A Nazi? You have less than no knowledge what you are speaking about - but you are convinced you are right.

MOST persons who supported ADOLF HITLER and the NAZI party-----in the 1930s were Christians-----lots of ardent Christians----church going types. ALL of the leaders and officials were Christians. Hitler's youth consisted OVERWHELMINGLY of Christians.
Not tell us again that there was a plan to commit
genocide on CHRISTIANS

Do you understand the word "politician"? It's a synonym for "liar". Whatever else Hitler was, he was a politician, and skilled at saying whatever he needed to in order to accomplish his goals.

The fact that his lies initially fooled a great many Christians has little to no bearing on what his actual intentions were.

Bottom line: leftists need to stop being so fucking gullible. I could say I'm the Queen of England, but you're going to want to check my head for a tiara before you believe me.

I am very wall aware of the fact that the leader of third reich----aka third HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----was just as much a sociopath as was "saint" Constantine
The German Nazis were Christian and the German Christians were Nazis Greg Laden s Blog


On April 20, 1939, Archbishop Orsenigo celebrated Hitler's birthday. The celebrations, initiated by Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) became a tradition. Each April 20, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin was to send "warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the bishops and the dioceses in Germany" and added with "fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their altars."


Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in honor of Hitler.
Note Joseph Goebbels (far right) and Wilhelm Frick (second from right)

Nazi photos

Gee, I don't know what to say.
It fascinates me that when islamo Nazis want to decide that JOOOOS DID IT-------all they need do is find one person in a group of 100 who had a jewish grandmother in order to fart forth------IT WAS DO JOOOOOS. ----but when a group of 100 persons born to catholic parents----baptized and endorsed by a gaggle of catholic priests---engage in objectionable actions-----"THEY WERE NOT REALLY CHRISTIANS"
... It was an anti Axis enterprise by the ALLIED countries attacked by the FASCIST Axis which included Germany, Japan and even ROMAN CATHOLIC ITALY

So the good antichristian allies fought in world war 2 against the evil christian fascists in Germany, Italy and Japan?

you are posting as if you are afflicted with a cognitive disorder or you are just an antagonistic bastard. My
statement was that the ALLIES------England, the USA,
etc etc---fought the forces of fascism ---the AXIS countries----Germany, Italy, Japan-----because the "allies" had been attacked by the countries called the "AXIS" countries---------

Your view: The allies were the good heroic angels - their enemies were the bad cruel monsters. You are an allie. Such a form to think allows you for example to throw a bomb in the window of the living room of Mrs. Milller in Nuremberg in 194x.

discussions in this thread included the issue of Christianity in Nazi Germany.

Your view: The Christians are bad cruel monsters. The good antichristians fought against them.

Some really stupid people actually claimed that anyone who identified himself as pro Nazi or pro hitler ----also declared himself "anti Christian"<<< a not true statement,

That's true: No one who is a Nazi today is a able to be a Christian - except maybe someone is an extraordinary stupid person, who knows nearly nothing about the real history. To be a Nazi and to be a Christian excludes each other. Everyone who follows an ideology of hate is not in the spirit of god. Such a person should change this and open oneselve for the freedom of love.

Also ---there was no repudiation of Christianity by the Nazi party------there is a repudication of religion by the communist party.

There's a difference. The communist party - same structure like the Nazi party - is antichristian. Very short: there's no freedom of relgion in such brainwashing organisations. This means nothing about a concrete person. Someone is able to be a left winger and to follow the message of love. But convinced antichristains and convinced followers of an ideology of hate are not able to be Christians.

There was no official "anti Christian" program by the Nazi party---
"Official" was nothing under Hitler. It was a dictetotship. They did not even make new laws - they ignored laws. The destruction of the jewish church (=the catholic church) was - as far as I heard - planed after the final victory of the Nazis. It's by the way astonishing how easy it is to destroy the weak christian religion - how the Communists in the former GDR showed. One effect: Lots of Nazis there.

but there was an official program of anti Semitism. got it now-----feel free to ask questions

Let me confuse you a little more: Hitler had no real reason to hate Jews. So what about if Hitler was not an antisemite? What was in this case the advantage for him and his propagandistic politics? Every tyrant needs alway someone who is guilty for the own cruel deeds. The Jews were only some people (1:200), who lived in very little groups and families all over the country. The german Jews were representatives of the bad Capitalist in NY and the bad Boslsheviks in Moscow - and everytime when the Nazis arrested and murdered some Jews (bolshevics=capitalists=internationalists and so on and so on) they warned with this deed everyone else "You're next!".

"Zuerst holten sie die Kommunisten;
ich schwieg, denn ich war kein Kommunist.
Dann holten sie die Juden;
ich schwieg, denn ich war kein Jude.
Dann holten sie die Gewerkschaftsmitglieder unter den Arbeitern;
ich schwieg, denn ich war kein Gewerkschafter.
Danach holten sie die Katholiken;
ich schwieg, denn ich war Protestant.
Schließlich holten sie mich,
und da war keiner mehr, der für mich hätte sprechen können.

Martin Niemöller

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... Hitler seen what the Jews did to Russia and said no way, the jews turned Russia into a godless country, full of bloodshed, Bolsheviks

You are a shame for your country. If a Jew was not a bolshevik for the Nazis then he was a capitalist for the Nazis. Whatever a Jew was - he was dead if Nazis were able to murder him.

Oh brother, the Bolsheviks were Russian Jews.

Between Jews and me is no place for a piece of empty thoughts. In Russia lived poor Jews and some took part in the russian revolution a hundred years ago. So what?

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... Once again Jeremiah your out in left field. The Jews were behind both wars.

Everyone in Europe knew intuitive that a great war will come. This had nothing to do with Jews. Today the people are not any longer able to imagine how many cultures were erased from world war 1. The lost richdom is immeasurable. It was the war of the machine minds against the human mind - a war of machines against tearing people. After world war 1 grew this desert of madness into an ocean of hate and mad men answered with their mad minds. Hieroshima was a the end of this madness. Today we are living in new forms of madness. So ... what about to try to become sane?

... Please remove the stick from your ass

We are talking about Nazi Germany, not Germany today

You don't have any idea about anything what has to do with Germany or Germans otherwise you never had tried to say to me a sentence like "Please remove the stick from your ass". You disqualified yourselve.

... Hitler seen what the Jews did to Russia and said no way, the jews turned Russia into a godless country, full of bloodshed, Bolsheviks

You are a shame for your country. If a Jew was not a bolshevik for the Nazis then he was a capitalist for the Nazis. Whatever a Jew was - he was dead if Nazis were able to murder him.

Oh brother, the Bolsheviks were Russian Jews.

Between Jews and me is no place for a piece of empty thoughts. In Russia lived poor Jews and some took part in the russian revolution a hundred years ago. So what?

They were mainly Bolshevik Jews who killed millions , burned Christian churches and took over Russia. So what, lets show some things about why maybe Christians might now want to be taken over by Russia. Obviously your a jew or a Zionist who worships jews.

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