Again...Nazis were NOT pro-Christian. Read a freaking book.

... I am very wall aware of the fact that the leader of third reich----aka third HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----was just as much a sociopath as was "saint" Constantine

There was always only one empire - the holy empire. We were never a nation. Other expressions for the holy empire are "the okzident" or "the West" or "Roman empire". The expression "Holy roman empire of german nation" means "Holy Roman empire of united nation". The holy empire (church and state were 2 different powers) died in 1806 when the german emperor in Vienna was not able to resist in the french dictator Napoleon. Both became new forms of emperors. Later Prussia and Austria were separated empires. The prussian king became german emperor in Versailles about 60 years after the death of the holy empire. Austria was now completly out - Prussia dominated everything. This german empire was only a prussian empire. Again a little while later the austrian multinational empire was destroyed completly in world war 2. Hitler was able to use the idea of "Großdeutschland" ("Great Germany") - Prussia, Austria and the rests of the german states - for his propaganda. That's what they called "third empire".

Question: Are you a Muslim?

It fascinates me that when islamo Nazis want to decide that JOOOOS DID IT-------all they need do is find one person in a group of 100 who had a jewish grandmother in order to fart forth------IT WAS DO JOOOOOS. ----but when a group of 100 persons born to catholic parents----baptized and endorsed by a gaggle of catholic priests---engage in objectionable actions-----"THEY WERE NOT REALLY CHRISTIANS"
They play the game that because of their actions, by definition, they could not have been Christians

Yet, they have no problem blaming all Muslims for the actions of the tyrannical few.
... I am very wall aware of the fact that the leader of third reich----aka third HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----was just as much a sociopath as was "saint" Constantine

There was always only one empire - the holy empire. We were never a nation. Other expressions for the holy empire are "the okzident" or "the West" or "Roman empire". The expression "Holy roman empire of german nation" means "Holy Roman empire of united nation". The holy empire (church and state were 2 different powers) died in 1806 when the german emperor in Vienna was not able to resist in the french dictator Napoleon. Both became new forms of emperors. Later Prussia and Austria were separated empires. The prussian king became german emperor in Versailles about 60 years after the death of the holy empire. Austria was now completly out - Prussia dominated everything. This german empire was only a prussian empire. Again a little while later the austrian multinational empire was destroyed completly in world war 2. Hitler was able to use the idea of "Großdeutschland" ("Great Germany") - Prussia, Austria and the rests of the german states - for his propaganda. That's what they called "third empire".

Question: Are you a Muslim?

I never posted that
... Please remove the stick from your ass

We are talking about Nazi Germany, not Germany today

You don't have any idea about anything what has to do with Germany or Germans otherwise you never had tried to say to me a sentence like "Please remove the stick from your ass". You disqualified yourselve.

My grandmother was German and came to the US in 1926. She actually saw HITLER screaming in the streets of Munich in the early 20s. Her entire family remained in Germany during the war. They were devout Catholics and had a daughter who was a nun. I have read translated letters written to my grandmother in the late thirties. They all bought in to the "Jewish problem"
... They were mainly Bolshevik Jews who killed millions , burned Christian churches and took over Russia. So what, lets show some things about why maybe Christians might now want to be taken over by Russia. Obviously your a jew or a Zionist who worships jews.

Let me say it in this way: I am the enemy of every enemy of enemies and I am the friend of everyones friends friend. What's the reason for your absurde antisemitism? Education?

... My grandmother was German and came to the US in 1926. She actually saw HITLER screaming in the streets of Munich in the early 20s. Her entire family remained in Germany during the war. They were devout Catholics and had a daughter who was a nun. I have read translated letters written to my grandmother in the late thirties. They all bought in to the "Jewish problem"

So your family members were Nazis. There was not a jewish problem in Germany before the Nazis created problems. Jews were Germans like all others. This was one reasons for the yellow star if David Jes had to wear in the streets. Statistics show by the way very clear that Hitler and the Nazis were in catholic regions often seen as untrustworthy people. Same in Berlin.

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... My grandmother was German and came to the US in 1926. She actually saw HITLER screaming in the streets of Munich in the early 20s. Her entire family remained in Germany during the war. They were devout Catholics and had a daughter who was a nun. I have read translated letters written to my grandmother in the late thirties. They all bought in to the "Jewish problem"

So your family members were Nazis. Ther was not any jewIsh problem on Germany before the Nazis created problems.

There was always a Jewish problem, the Nazis just exploited it
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... There was always a Jewish problem, the Nazis just explored it
Most people had absolutelly no idea who was a Jew or not. That's a reason why the Nazis had to use a marker - the yelllow star of David. Everyone who had a yellow star on his clothing was from the jewish race. This was the genetical difference between Jews and Germans. And the german government under the Nazis was the mechanism of selection. The Nazis were i-d-i-o-t-s !!!

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... There was always a Jewish problem, the Nazis just explored it
Most people had absolutelly no idea who was a Jew or not. That's a reason why the Nazis had to use a marker - the yelllow star of David. Everyone who had a yellow star on his clothing was from the jewish race. This was the genetical difference between Jews and Germans.

Very true

That is why they needed the Christian population to help point them out and turn in their neighbors
... They were mainly Bolshevik Jews who killed millions , burned Christian churches and took over Russia. So what, lets show some things about why maybe Christians might now want to be taken over by Russia. Obviously your a jew or a Zionist who worships jews.

Let me say it in this way: I am the enemy of every enemy of enemies and I am the friend of everyones friends friend. What's the reason for your absurde antisemitism? Education?

I use to wonder why everyone's anti-Semitism, then I read history. Also the OT accounts does not show a people who love God, but use him to win their wars. Its their book , not mine and is built on a lie.
It fascinates me that when islamo Nazis want to decide that JOOOOS DID IT-------all they need do is find one person in a group of 100 who had a jewish grandmother in order to fart forth------IT WAS DO JOOOOOS. ----but when a group of 100 persons born to catholic parents----baptized and endorsed by a gaggle of catholic priests---engage in objectionable actions-----"THEY WERE NOT REALLY CHRISTIANS"
They play the game that because of their actions, by definition, they could not have been Christians

Yet, they have no problem blaming all Muslims for the actions of the tyrannical few.

your post makes no sense.------Can you cite
a case of any person "blaming all muslims for the actions of a few"?
It fascinates me that when islamo Nazis want to decide that JOOOOS DID IT-------all they need do is find one person in a group of 100 who had a jewish grandmother in order to fart forth------IT WAS DO JOOOOOS. ----but when a group of 100 persons born to catholic parents----baptized and endorsed by a gaggle of catholic priests---engage in objectionable actions-----"THEY WERE NOT REALLY CHRISTIANS"
They play the game that because of their actions, by definition, they could not have been Christians

Yet, they have no problem blaming all Muslims for the actions of the tyrannical few.

your post makes no sense.------Can you cite
a case of any person "blaming all muslims for the actions of a few"?

Not even going to bother proving the obvious. Have you lived in a cave the last decade?
... They were mainly Bolshevik Jews who killed millions , burned Christian churches and took over Russia. So what, lets show some things about why maybe Christians might now want to be taken over by Russia. Obviously your a jew or a Zionist who worships jews.

Let me say it in this way: I am the enemy of every enemy of enemies and I am the friend of everyones friends friend. What's the reason for your absurde antisemitism? Education?

I use to wonder why everyone's anti-Semitism, then I read history. Also the OT accounts does not show a people who love God, but use him to win their wars. Its their book , not mine and is built on a lie.

Penelope-----anyone can write that which you wrote about any group of people-----but only shit like you do. Lots of people are not anti semitic scum and baby molesters like you and the members of the dung heap from which you were spawned. What did you "read" in history----so far you have made it clear thru your posts that you never read a book in your life----the islamo Nazi shit you parrot comes in pamphlets
It fascinates me that when islamo Nazis want to decide that JOOOOS DID IT-------all they need do is find one person in a group of 100 who had a jewish grandmother in order to fart forth------IT WAS DO JOOOOOS. ----but when a group of 100 persons born to catholic parents----baptized and endorsed by a gaggle of catholic priests---engage in objectionable actions-----"THEY WERE NOT REALLY CHRISTIANS"
They play the game that because of their actions, by definition, they could not have been Christians

Yet, they have no problem blaming all Muslims for the actions of the tyrannical few.

your post makes no sense.------Can you cite
a case of any person "blaming all muslims for the actions of a few"?

Not even going to bother proving the obvious. Have you lived in a cave the last decade?

I have not only not lived in a cave for the last decade------I have interacted with muslims in the USA for the past 45 years-----and americans
who have also interacted with muslims. I have never encountered people who BLAMED ALL MUSLIMs for anything I HAVE encountered muslims who BLAMED--- ALL hindus, and ALL christians, and ALL jews.
In fact for the past more than 50 years----I have encountered lots of people and lots of writers who blamed ALL JOOOOOOOS for just about all the ills in the world
... They were mainly Bolshevik Jews who killed millions , burned Christian churches and took over Russia. So what, lets show some things about why maybe Christians might now want to be taken over by Russia. Obviously your a jew or a Zionist who worships jews.

Let me say it in this way: I am the enemy of every enemy of enemies and I am the friend of everyones friends friend. What's the reason for your absurde antisemitism? Education?

I use to wonder why everyone's anti-Semitism, then I read history. Also the OT accounts does not show a people who love God, but use him to win their wars. Its their book , not mine and is built on a lie.

Penelope-----anyone can write that which you wrote about any group of people-----but only shit like you do. Lots of people are not anti semitic scum and baby molesters like you and the members of the dung heap from which you were spawned. What did you "read" in history----so far you have made it clear thru your posts that you never read a book in your life----the islamo Nazi shit you parrot comes in pamphlets

Yes I'm all alone in my little group. thank you , I figured anti Semitism was something made up by the Jews for the Jews to get sympathy, and also anti semitic literature was also wrote by the jews as well, since I'm just a lonely looney tune.
... They were mainly Bolshevik Jews who killed millions , burned Christian churches and took over Russia. So what, lets show some things about why maybe Christians might now want to be taken over by Russia. Obviously your a jew or a Zionist who worships jews.

Let me say it in this way: I am the enemy of every enemy of enemies and I am the friend of everyones friends friend. What's the reason for your absurde antisemitism? Education?

I use to wonder why everyone's anti-Semitism, then I read history. Also the OT accounts does not show a people who love God, but use him to win their wars. Its their book , not mine and is built on a lie.

Penelope-----anyone can write that which you wrote about any group of people-----but only shit like you do. Lots of people are not anti semitic scum and baby molesters like you and the members of the dung heap from which you were spawned. What did you "read" in history----so far you have made it clear thru your posts that you never read a book in your life----the islamo Nazi shit you parrot comes in pamphlets

Yes I'm all alone in my little group. thank you , I figured anti Semitism was something made up by the Jews for the Jews to get sympathy, and also anti semitic literature was also wrote by the jews as well, since I'm just a lonely looney tune.

Interesting----so you know no history at all----and just sit home alone and invent it with a small group of your fellow illiterates. I doubt that any of your group ever met a jew.
----I have encountered people of your mind-set in methadone clinics-----and amongst new comers to the USA----from muslim lands where there are no jews. Interestingly enough----during the same period of time---new comers to the USA who are hindu---from parts of India that have no jews----had no such notions-----but newcomers from India who ARE muslims-----have them.
And there are no Christians who persecute other Christians? Maybe you should read a freaking history book.

Not really as a general rule, no. It's been many centuries since Christian sects really felt the need to do much more than bicker and snipe at each other. I think by the 1930s in Europe, it's safe to say that anyone professing Christianity and then imprisoning, torturing, and killing millions of Christians was most likely lying through his teeth for propaganda purposes, in order to lull people into a false sense of security and passivity.

Discernment is really a wonderful skill to learn.

Northern Ireland cooled down in the late 1990's. Rwandan genocide was mid-90's. Bosnia was early 90's. During the 80's there was Central America...

Nice try, asshole, but that's only going to work if you try it on someone as ignorant and uninformed as you are.

Facts are ignorance to you? That tells me a lot.
... They were mainly Bolshevik Jews who killed millions , burned Christian churches and took over Russia. So what, lets show some things about why maybe Christians might now want to be taken over by Russia. Obviously your a jew or a Zionist who worships jews.

Let me say it in this way: I am the enemy of every enemy of enemies and I am the friend of everyones friends friend. What's the reason for your absurde antisemitism? Education?

I use to wonder why everyone's anti-Semitism, then I read history. Also the OT accounts does not show a people who love God, but use him to win their wars. Its their book , not mine and is built on a lie.

Penelope-----anyone can write that which you wrote about any group of people-----but only shit like you do. Lots of people are not anti semitic scum and baby molesters like you and the members of the dung heap from which you were spawned. What did you "read" in history----so far you have made it clear thru your posts that you never read a book in your life----the islamo Nazi shit you parrot comes in pamphlets

Yes I'm all alone in my little group. thank you , I figured anti Semitism was something made up by the Jews for the Jews to get sympathy, and also anti semitic literature was also wrote by the jews as well, since I'm just a lonely looney tune.

I am fascinated Penelope-----since you sit at home with your own little group---how did you encounter anti Semitism or its literature.? Even more interesting---how did you conclude jews invented both the concept and wrote the literature? If jews write-----being literate, they do not write "was also wrote...." I
suggest that you read writings written by Jews so that you can learn a bit of English grammar. You do express yourself in writing as if your entire education consists
of anti-semitic literature or you picked up your
manner of expression in either a methadone
clinic or a brothel (or both)

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