Again, NO VOTES were hacked

How many votes were influenced by the rigging of the DNC primary to favor Hillary?
However many, it was done by Americans, not by a foreign gov't. It also didn't break any US laws.

How do we know that it wasn't an American who gave the emails to WikiLeaks?

We haven't seen any concrete proof it was Russia. The way Democrats have been acting since the election if it was Putin who did influenced the election I want to thank him.


Tell me what is the smoking gun?

Assange has said it wasn't Russia. He is far more trust worthy than the people who say it was.
no votes were hacked = no voter fraud.

exactly what everyone with an IQ over 70 has been saying for years.


Oh, there was voter fraud.

I have actual evidence sitting on my desk right now.
How many votes were influenced by the rigging of the DNC primary to favor Hillary?
However many, it was done by Americans, not by a foreign gov't. It also didn't break any US laws.

How do we know that it wasn't an American who gave the emails to WikiLeaks?

We haven't seen any concrete proof it was Russia. The way Democrats have been acting since the election if it was Putin who did influenced the election I want to thank him.
If it was an American he is a criminal if it was Putin he was a foreign agent that attacked US democracy. I see the type of people you admire.
How many votes were influenced by the rigging of the DNC primary to favor Hillary?
However many, it was done by Americans, not by a foreign gov't. It also didn't break any US laws.

How do we know that it wasn't an American who gave the emails to WikiLeaks?

We haven't seen any concrete proof it was Russia. The way Democrats have been acting since the election if it was Putin who did influenced the election I want to thank him.
If it was an American he is a criminal if it was Putin he was a foreign agent that attacked US democracy. I see the type of people you admire.

First I don't admire Putin. The Democrats have acted so bad about losing the election if Putin did do something he helped America.

Second the Democrats handled the hack or leak poorly. They should have turned the server over to the FBI and not a private company. Because of that we can never know.

It would be like if someone broke into your house and called a friend to collect evidence etc and then you went to the police. If the cops do anything at that point any lawyer could get the client off.

The point is the DNC tainted everything and we should stop any investigation because nothing can really be attained by it now.
no votes were hacked = no voter fraud.

exactly what everyone with an IQ over 70 has been saying for years.


To borrow from a newly coined phrase. The russians committed voter fraud by proxy.
Democrats handled the hack or leak poorly. They should have turned the server over to the FBI and not a private company. Because of that we can never know.

It would be like if someone broke into your house and called a friend to collect evidence etc and then you went to the police. If the cops do anything at that point any lawyer could get the client off.

The point is the DNC tainted everything and we should stop any investigation because nothing can really be attained by it now.
And if girls didn't dress provocatively there would be no rapes so it is the victim's fault and nothing more is needed.
Democrats handled the hack or leak poorly. They should have turned the server over to the FBI and not a private company. Because of that we can never know.

It would be like if someone broke into your house and called a friend to collect evidence etc and then you went to the police. If the cops do anything at that point any lawyer could get the client off.

The point is the DNC tainted everything and we should stop any investigation because nothing can really be attained by it now.
And if girls didn't dress provocatively there would be no rapes so it is the victim's fault and nothing more is needed.

More accurate is if a girl gets raped takes a shower then has sex willingly with another guy the cops can't do much for her.
None Zero. There are no Russians, never were
Dems wanted to distract from their own very real and dirty deeds and try and explain their emotionally inexplicable loss so blame it on a 3rd party who is not there-the Russians
None Zero. There are no Russians, never were
Dems wanted to distract from their own very real and dirty deeds and try and explain their emotionally inexplicable loss so blame it on a 3rd party who is not there-the Russians

That's what facebook and twitter said before admitting taking hundred of thousands in russian political ads.
can you prove russia meddled?
Facebook gave the proof to Mueller and congress.

$100k and 400 fake accounts. maybe..

So we're no longer arguing russia didn't meddle, it's been proven they did, , but you now switched to how much they meddled.
facebook ads don't prove a thing.

but if it keeps you warm at night and allows internet debate victories, have at it.
can you prove russia meddled?
Facebook gave the proof to Mueller and congress.

$100k and 400 fake accounts. maybe..

So we're no longer arguing russia didn't meddle, it's been proven they did, , but you now switched to how much they meddled.

Does that mean we are no longer arguing if Russia hacked the DNC?

An unfortunate reality of life is governments meddle in our politics and we do the same to other countries.

Buying ads on Facebook is not even in the same planet as what the DNC is accusing Russia of.
once again for the "slow and stupid" emo partisan HACKS:


"We will never know whether the Russian intervention was determinative in such a close election. Indeed, it is unknowable in a campaign to which so many small changes could have dictated a different result. More importantly, and for the purposes of our investigation, it simply does not matter."

"The Russian active measures campaign may have begun as early as 2015, when Russian intelligence services launched a series of spear fishing attacks designed to penetrate the computers of a broad array of Washington based Democratic and Republican party organizations, think tanks and other entities. This continued at least through the winter of 2016.

While at first the hacking may have been intended solely for the collection of foreign intelligence. In mid-2016 the Russians weapon eyes the stolen data and used platforms established by the Intel services, such as D.C. leaks in existing third-party channels like WikiLeaks to dump the documents. The stolen documents were almost uniformly damaging to the candidate Putin despised, Hillary Clinton. And by forcing her campaign to constantly respond to the daily drip of disclosures, the releases greatly benefited Donald Trump's campaign.

None of these facts is seriously in question. And they're reflected in the consensus conclusion of our intelligence agencies.

We will never know whether the Russian intervention was determinative in such a close election. Indeed, it is unknowable in a campaign to which so many small changes could have dictated a different result. More importantly, and for the purposes of our investigation, it simply does not matter.

What does matter is this, the Russians successfully meddled in our democracy and our intelligence agencies have concluded they will do so again. Ours is not the first democracy to be attacked by the Russians in this way. Russian intelligence has been simile interfering in the internal and political affairs of our European and other allies for decades.

SCHIFF: What is striking here is the degree to which the Russians were willing to undertake such an audacious and risky action against the most powerful nation on Earth. That ought to be a warning to us that if we thought that the Russians would not dare to so blatantly interfere in our affairs, we were wrong.

And if we do not do our very best to understand how the Russians accomplished this unprecedented attack on our democracy and what we need to do to protect ourselves in the future, we will only have ourselves to blame.

We know a lot about the Russian operation, about the way they amplified the damage their hacking and dumping of stolen documents was causing through the use of slick propaganda like R.T., the Kremlin's media arm. But there is a lot we don't know.

Most important, we do not yet know whether the Russians have the help of U.S. citizens including people associated with the Trump campaign. Many of the Trump's campaign personnel, including the president himself, have ties to Russia and Russian interests. This is of course no crime. On the other hand, if the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it aided or abetted the Russians, it would not only be a serious crime, it would also represent one of the most shocking betrayals of democracy in history."

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

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