Against Packing the Court

Should there be a constitutional amendment to limit the number of justices on the Supreme Court to 9

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  • I just want to pick out the part about a term for justices and not comment on the actual topic

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Democrats always start cheating as they start losing. They never do the honest thing of looking inside if there could be something wrong with what they are chewing. They are ideologically devoted communists, or at best can not condemn the communists.
Meanwhile back in reality...

Your own story says they have already removed them by now. Just saying.
As long as it is done to restore an ideological balance to the court that more closely matches that of the country I see no problem with it. Should we abide a partisan court that will hand down one unpopular ruling after another just to satisfy an ever shrinking conservative demographic? We should at least put the conservative court on notice that if they do another citizen's united decision that strikes directly at the heart of democracy or curtails in any way rights Americans currently have then steps will be taken.

Progressives only bitch about partisan courts when they aren't getting their way.

The only reason you don't like Citizen's United is because it added more players to the typical "outside money" game that is usually played by things like Unions, Thinktanks, and advocacy groups. Corporations didn't get special privileges, they just got what everyone else was able to do.

It's more than just money....remember what Citizens United was about...had the decision gone he other way, the government would have been able to keep movies and books from being released before an election.....

People forget what the case was really about...........

The case arose after Citizens United, a conservative non-profit organization, sought to air and advertise a film critical of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton shortly before the 2008 Democratic primary elections.

This would have been a violation of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, which prohibited any corporation or labor union from making an "electioneering communication" within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of an election, or making any expenditure advocating the election or defeat of a candidate at any time.

The funny thing is they are so gung ho to overturn Citizens United, meanwhile anyone talks about overturning Roe and then they start screaming about Stare decisis and precedent.
Here is an idea.......instead of packing the court.....add 9 more Justices and give them their own court so more Constitutional cases can be heard..........but do it after Trump wins so he can be the one to appoint the new justices....

I might make a thread on this...

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