AGW: atmospheric physics

I hope that readers here have enough knowledge and/or imagination to realize how appalling this news is. Accelerating and irreversible warming in the Arctic means that that melting of the permafrost will release more and more carbon dioxide and methane, creating run-away global warming.

The future effects are well known: sea rise, flooding of sea coasts, climate disruptions unparalleled in human history, environmental disasters, massive stress to the biosphere and species extinctions, etc. The speed at which these processes will occur guarantees that homeostasis cannot be maintained. "Discontinuities" will occur which will destroy the present order (or disorder) of human society.

Moreover, global warming is hardly the only crisis facing us. The mainstream rhetoric about global warming, perhaps purposely, crowds many other environmental problems out of the mass consciousness: deforestation, destruction of aquifers, soil destruction, paving over with cities the most fertile areas of the planet, human over-population, resource depletion, suicidal over-harvesting of the oceans, and on and on.

Most of these problems were well understood in the 1960's. If humans really deserved their epithet of being "sapiens", at that time they would have conceived and implemented the "one family, one child" policy which China has pursued with only partial success.

Whatever the intelligence of individual humans may be, the intelligence of the species as a whole is infinitesimal. I know that in the 1960's I was ready to change my habits and strive to preserve what was of value in human society and the world as a whole. Obviously, my fellow hominid anthropoids were not.

Too bad -- our numbers were half of what they are today. We would have had a fighting chance then.

Don't fret, noman. Nobody WITH a brain buys your alarmist AGW Faither nonsense.


As usual, IlieMostly, you are soooo retarded that you get everything backwards. It is the ones like you who are WITHOUT a brain who deny the reality of anthropogenic global warming. The intelligent and educated people accept the science and the evidence and the testimony of the experts. It is only the brainwashed nutjobs like you and the other denier cultists who reject the science and mountains of evidence, and that is only because you are all such ignorant, uneducated, rightwingnut retards.
I hope that readers here have enough knowledge and/or imagination to realize how appalling this news is. Accelerating and irreversible warming in the Arctic means that that melting of the permafrost will release more and more carbon dioxide and methane, creating run-away global warming.

The future effects are well known: sea rise, flooding of sea coasts, climate disruptions unparalleled in human history, environmental disasters, massive stress to the biosphere and species extinctions, etc. The speed at which these processes will occur guarantees that homeostasis cannot be maintained. "Discontinuities" will occur which will destroy the present order (or disorder) of human society.

Moreover, global warming is hardly the only crisis facing us. The mainstream rhetoric about global warming, perhaps purposely, crowds many other environmental problems out of the mass consciousness: deforestation, destruction of aquifers, soil destruction, paving over with cities the most fertile areas of the planet, human over-population, resource depletion, suicidal over-harvesting of the oceans, and on and on.

Most of these problems were well understood in the 1960's. If humans really deserved their epithet of being "sapiens", at that time they would have conceived and implemented the "one family, one child" policy which China has pursued with only partial success.

Whatever the intelligence of individual humans may be, the intelligence of the species as a whole is infinitesimal. I know that in the 1960's I was ready to change my habits and strive to preserve what was of value in human society and the world as a whole. Obviously, my fellow hominid anthropoids were not.

Too bad -- our numbers were half of what they are today. We would have had a fighting chance then.

Don't fret, noman. Nobody WITH a brain buys your alarmist AGW Faither nonsense.


As usual, IlieMostly, you are soooo retarded that you get everything backwards. It is the ones like you who are WITHOUT a brain who deny the reality of anthropogenic global warming. The intelligent and educated people accept the science and the evidence and the testimony of the experts. It is only the brainwashed nutjobs like you and the other denier cultists who reject the science and mountains of evidence, and that is only because you are all such ignorant, uneducated, rightwingnut retards.

Since you are one of the brainless ones to whom I made reference, your stupid reply comes as no surprise.

We expect you mentally defective idiots to say such stupid shit.

I mock your Faith. AGW Faithers tend to be really tragically stupid goobers, like you.
Here is a youtube link to a talk by Bill McKibben, the author of the well-known book, The End of Nature.

[ame=]Earth's Tipping Point[/ame]

Interesting tidbits:

The oceans of the Earth, by the end of thils century, will be at least six feet higher than they are today. Most of the coastal cities of the planet will be New Orleans, and New Orleans will be Atlantis.

There has been some very robust research at NASA that when the concentration of CO2 reaches 350 parts-per-million, We will begin to enter the regime of irreversible, run-away global warming. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at present 400 parts-per-million.

Many regions of the Earth are in a regime of permanent drought. Australia has been in a severe drought for several years. The Australian Meteorological Service says officially that it is no longer a drought: it is the New Normal.

The Southwest of the USA is in Australia's predicament. Drought is the New Normal. Say goodbye to all the golf-courses around Phoenix, Arizona. Indeed, say goodbye to Phoenix! It is unlikely that Lake Powell on the Colorado River will ever be full again. Say goodbye to Los Angeles, at least as a large city. Definitely say goodbye to Las Vegas.

It would be nice to think that future ages will be impressed by the ruins of Las Vegas, like the ruins of Palmyra. However, the city is made of such shoddy materials, it will be merely a hump of debris in the desert, like Ur of the Chaldees.

My name is "The Godfather, Mafioso of mafiosi!"
Look on my works, Ye Mighty, and despair!

[with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley]
Don't fret, noman. Nobody WITH a brain buys your alarmist AGW Faither nonsense.


As usual, IlieMostly, you are soooo retarded that you get everything backwards. It is the ones like you who are WITHOUT a brain who deny the reality of anthropogenic global warming. The intelligent and educated people accept the science and the evidence and the testimony of the experts. It is only the brainwashed nutjobs like you and the other denier cultists who reject the science and mountains of evidence, and that is only because you are all such ignorant, uneducated, rightwingnut retards.

Since you are one of the brainless ones to whom I made reference, your stupid reply comes as no surprise.

We expect you mentally defective idiots to say such stupid shit.

I mock your Faith. AGW Faithers tend to be really tragically stupid goobers, like you.

No surprise, you got everything backwards again.

But then, we expect you mentally defective idiots in the cult of AGW denial to say such stupid shit.

I mock your faith in the fossil fuel industry propaganda, you retarded denier cultist. AGW denier cultists tend to be really tragically stupid goobers, like you.
As usual, IlieMostly, you are soooo retarded that you get everything backwards. It is the ones like you who are WITHOUT a brain who deny the reality of anthropogenic global warming. The intelligent and educated people accept the science and the evidence and the testimony of the experts. It is only the brainwashed nutjobs like you and the other denier cultists who reject the science and mountains of evidence, and that is only because you are all such ignorant, uneducated, rightwingnut retards.

Since you are one of the brainless ones to whom I made reference, your stupid reply comes as no surprise.

We expect you mentally defective idiots to say such stupid shit.

I mock your Faith. AGW Faithers tend to be really tragically stupid goobers, like you.

No surprise, you got everything backwards again.

But then, we expect you mentally defective idiots in the cult of AGW denial to say such stupid shit.

I mock your faith in the fossil fuel industry propaganda, you retarded denier cultist. AGW denier cultists tend to be really tragically stupid goobers, like you.

^ naturally a brain dead mindless Faither would fuck up like that, again and repeatedly.

Since you are one of the brainless ones to whom I made reference, your stupid reply comes as no surprise.

We expect you mentally defective idiots to say such stupid shit.

I mock your Faith. AGW Faithers tend to be really tragically stupid goobers, like you.

No surprise, you got everything backwards again.

But then, we expect you mentally defective idiots in the cult of AGW denial to say such stupid shit.

I mock your faith in the fossil fuel industry propaganda, you retarded denier cultist. AGW denier cultists tend to be really tragically stupid goobers, like you.

^ naturally a brain dead mindless Faither would fuck up like that, again and repeatedly.

Talking to yourself again, I see, you poor deluded retard.
Here is a youtube link to a talk by Bill McKibben, the author of the well-known book, The End of Nature.

Earth's Tipping Point

Interesting tidbits:

The oceans of the Earth, by the end of thils century, will be at least six feet higher than they are today. Most of the coastal cities of the planet will be New Orleans, and New Orleans will be Atlantis.

There has been some very robust research at NASA that when the concentration of CO2 reaches 350 parts-per-million, We will begin to enter the regime of irreversible, run-away global warming. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at present 400 parts-per-million.

Many regions of the Earth are in a regime of permanent drought. Australia has been in a severe drought for several years. The Australian Meteorological Service says officially that it is no longer a drought: it is the New Normal.

The Southwest of the USA is in Australia's predicament. Drought is the New Normal. Say goodbye to all the golf-courses around Phoenix, Arizona. Indeed, say goodbye to Phoenix! It is unlikely that Lake Powell on the Colorado River will ever be full again. Say goodbye to Los Angeles, at least as a large city. Definitely say goodbye to Las Vegas.

It would be nice to think that future ages will be impressed by the ruins of Las Vegas, like the ruins of Palmyra. However, the city is made of such shoddy materials, it will be merely a hump of debris in the desert, like Ur of the Chaldees.

My name is "The Godfather, Mafioso of mafiosi!"
Look on my works, Ye Mighty, and despair!

[with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley]


Yeah, I've talked to Bill. The problem is what he says can't happen. At the most accelrated rate of glacial melt that has been recorded it would take over 10,000 years for the ocean levels to rise to the levels he claims we will see in 100. When somebody gets their facts so completely wrong, on something that is so easily checked, one should look at EVERYTHING they say with a very critical eye.

I suggest you look at every prediction made by the radical environmentalist fringe in the last 30 years.

Paul Ehrlich is my favorite, some of his claims have been that hundreds of thousands of Americans would starve to death along with millions of others in the 1970's, smog disasters would kill hundreds of thousands in New York and LA, He bet that England would cease to exist by the year 2000, and the one I found most idiotic that minerals would be scarce by 1985....etc. etc. etc.

The man is a world class failure. And yet, like McKibben you guys lap up everything they say with girlish groupie-like beating hearts and ignore the simple fact thet they've NEVER BEEN PROVEN CORRECT IN ANY PREDICTION THEY HAVE EVER MADE!

That is simply astonishing to me.
No surprise, you got everything backwards again.

But then, we expect you mentally defective idiots in the cult of AGW denial to say such stupid shit.

I mock your faith in the fossil fuel industry propaganda, you retarded denier cultist. AGW denier cultists tend to be really tragically stupid goobers, like you.

^ naturally a brain dead mindless Faither would fuck up like that, again and repeatedly.

Talking to yourself again, I see, you poor deluded retard.

No. I was talking to you, you sub-cretin brain dead AGW Faither nitwit.

I understand your mistake however. Nobody expects a complete simpleton like you to get anything right. And you never do.
^ naturally a brain dead mindless Faither would fuck up like that, again and repeatedly.

Talking to yourself again, I see, you poor deluded retard.

No. I was talking to you, you sub-cretin brain dead AGW Faither nitwit.

I understand your mistake however. Nobody expects a complete simpleton like you to get anything right. And you never do.
LOLOLOLOLOL....somehow though I manage to thoroughly debunk all of the braindead denier cult bullshit you post, you deluded imbecile. I have the entire world scientific community behind what I post and you have only the propaganda and lies of the fossil fuel industry.
^ naturally a brain dead mindless Faither would fuck up like that, again and repeatedly.

Talking to yourself again, I see, you poor deluded retard.

No. I was talking to you, you sub-cretin brain dead AGW Faither nitwit.

I understand your mistake however. Nobody expects a complete simpleton like you to get anything right. And you never do.

Don`t waste your time talking to that fence post. He`ll bury everything you say with his 24/7 on duty junk data garbage truck because he is obsessed with having the last word like a 5 year old problem child.
Try this thread...he has`nt discovered it yet:
Talking to yourself again, I see, you poor deluded retard.

No. I was talking to you, you sub-cretin brain dead AGW Faither nitwit.

I understand your mistake however. Nobody expects a complete simpleton like you to get anything right. And you never do.

Don`t waste your time talking to that fence post. He`ll bury everything you say with his 24/7 on duty junk data garbage truck because he is obsessed with having the last word like a 5 year old problem child.
Try this thread...he has`nt discovered it yet:

Fence Post...I quite LIKE that! Fits him to T as well!
At the most accelerated rate of glacial melt that has been recorded it would take over 10,000 years for the ocean levels to rise to the levels he claims we will see in 100.

Those outside the cult instantly see the big screwups in that statement, assuming melt rate won't keep increasing, and ignoring the thermal expansion of seawater.

When somebody gets their facts so completely wrong, on something that is so easily checked, one should look at EVERYTHING they say with a very critical eye.

Hence why no one takes Westwall seriously.

Science consists using the data to make a hypothesis, making predictions based on the hypothesis, and then seeing those predictions comes true. AGW science has been succeeding at that over and over for decades now, which is why it has so much credibility.

Denialists? In general, they're too cowardly to even make predictions. On the rare occasions they've tried, they've failed hard. They don't do science, they just scream at people, hence why they're considered a cult.
I hope that readers here have enough knowledge and/or imagination to realize how appalling this news is. Accelerating and irreversible warming in the Arctic means that that melting of the permafrost will release more and more carbon dioxide and methane, creating run-away global warming.

The future effects are well known: sea rise, flooding of sea coasts, climate disruptions unparalleled in human history, environmental disasters, massive stress to the biosphere and species extinctions, etc. The speed at which these processes will occur guarantees that homeostasis cannot be maintained. "Discontinuities" will occur which will destroy the present order (or disorder) of human society.

Moreover, global warming is hardly the only crisis facing us. The mainstream rhetoric about global warming, perhaps purposely, crowds many other environmental problems out of the mass consciousness: deforestation, destruction of aquifers, soil destruction, paving over with cities the most fertile areas of the planet, human over-population, resource depletion, suicidal over-harvesting of the oceans, and on and on.

Most of these problems were well understood in the 1960's. If humans really deserved their epithet of being "sapiens", at that time they would have conceived and implemented the "one family, one child" policy which China has pursued with only partial success.

Whatever the intelligence of individual humans may be, the intelligence of the species as a whole is infinitesimal. I know that in the 1960's I was ready to change my habits and strive to preserve what was of value in human society and the world as a whole. Obviously, my fellow hominid anthropoids were not.

Too bad -- our numbers were half of what they are today. We would have had a fighting chance then.

Aint it a bitch when you're the passenger on the bus that sees the train coming? And All of your superior intellect and sensibilities are not as useful as SHOUTING LOUDER?.. Must be a betting man to bring in so many dire consequences into one post.

Can you explain how the mental midget masses somehow just STUMBLED on a way to roll back the US CO2 emissions to 1990s levels WITHOUT your help and services? Without MASSIVE taxation or cutbacks in Yearly GDP. OR -- without your armed shocktroopers with guns enforcing a "one child policy"??

Just dumb luck I guess...
At the most accelerated rate of glacial melt that has been recorded it would take over 10,000 years for the ocean levels to rise to the levels he claims we will see in 100.

Those outside the cult instantly see the big screwups in that statement, assuming melt rate won't keep increasing, and ignoring the thermal expansion of seawater.

When somebody gets their facts so completely wrong, on something that is so easily checked, one should look at EVERYTHING they say with a very critical eye.

Hence why no one takes Westwall seriously.

Science consists using the data to make a hypothesis, making predictions based on the hypothesis, and then seeing those predictions comes true. AGW science has been succeeding at that over and over for decades now, which is why it has so much credibility.

Denialists? In general, they're too cowardly to even make predictions. On the rare occasions they've tried, they've failed hard. They don't do science, they just scream at people, hence why they're considered a cult.

Typical anti-science response from the religious kooks..... Here is a report in the good old Hufpo that deals with the Eemian period when temps were 14 degrees warmer than today and guess what the ice cap survived for THOUSANDS of years. They of course then blame the rise of seawater on the loss of Antarctic ice, but that has been growing for the last two years minimum....

Just like it would today...but that's cience and you clearly don't do science.

"The enormous sheets of ice that lie atop Greenland may not be as prone to catastrophic melting as many scientists thought, even if the planet continues to warm and temperatures remain high for hundreds of years. But while that may sound like good news, new evidence also suggests that parts of the even vaster ice sheets that lie atop Antarctica could be more unstable than once believed.

That’s the conclusion of scientists who have been drilling deep into the Greenland ice sheet since 2007, in a Danish-led project known as the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM). Their results, published Wednesday in a landmark paper in Nature, show that temperatures rose some 8°C (14.5°F) higher than they are today during the so-called Eemian period, a stretch of natural global warming that occurred between about 115,000 and 130,000 years ago."

Greenland's Ice Sheet More Stable Than Once Believed
I hope that readers here have enough knowledge and/or imagination to realize how appalling this news is. Accelerating and irreversible warming in the Arctic means that that melting of the permafrost will release more and more carbon dioxide and methane, creating run-away global warming.

The future effects are well known: sea rise, flooding of sea coasts, climate disruptions unparalleled in human history, environmental disasters, massive stress to the biosphere and species extinctions, etc. The speed at which these processes will occur guarantees that homeostasis cannot be maintained. "Discontinuities" will occur which will destroy the present order (or disorder) of human society.

Moreover, global warming is hardly the only crisis facing us. The mainstream rhetoric about global warming, perhaps purposely, crowds many other environmental problems out of the mass consciousness: deforestation, destruction of aquifers, soil destruction, paving over with cities the most fertile areas of the planet, human over-population, resource depletion, suicidal over-harvesting of the oceans, and on and on.

Most of these problems were well understood in the 1960's. If humans really deserved their epithet of being "sapiens", at that time they would have conceived and implemented the "one family, one child" policy which China has pursued with only partial success.

Whatever the intelligence of individual humans may be, the intelligence of the species as a whole is infinitesimal. I know that in the 1960's I was ready to change my habits and strive to preserve what was of value in human society and the world as a whole. Obviously, my fellow hominid anthropoids were not.

Too bad -- our numbers were half of what they are today. We would have had a fighting chance then.
Can you explain how the mental midget masses somehow just STUMBLED on a way to roll back the US CO2 emissions to 1990s levels WITHOUT your help and services? Without MASSIVE taxation or cutbacks in Yearly GDP. OR -- without your armed shocktroopers with guns enforcing a "one child policy"??

Just dumb luck I guess...

So you imagine that some group of people in America, the "mental midget masses", which I suppose would be you and your friends and those like you, have somehow caused this 8% decline in American carbon emissions? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....that's precious....
Of course the economists tend to point to other factors. One long term factor over the last couple of decades has been the transfer of a major part of the manufacturing base from the US to China and other places. In effect, America outsourced some of our pollution including CO2 emissions to other countries where it still goes into the common atmosphere we all share. Shorter term, the experts at the Federal Energy Information Administration say that this decline in CO2 emissions results from "a combination of three factors: a mild winter, reduced demand for gasoline and, most significant, a drop in coal-fired electricity generation because of historically low natural gas prices." A reduced demand for gasoline is mostly due to the bad economy and I guess you could say that some 'mental midgets' crashed the financial sector and created the depression, they aren't the same "mental midget masses" that you seem to think are responsible for lowering CO2 emissions. So, I'm curious, fecalton, just what was the method that you and the "mental midget masses" "just STUMBLED on" as "a way to roll back the US CO2 emissions to 1990s levels"??? Did the "masses" cause a "mild winter"? Did the "masses" crash the economy and reduce the demand for gas? Did the "masses" discover new natural gas deposits and develop new techniques for extracting the gas, thus causing a reduction in the use of coal fired power plants?

It's all a big fuss over very little. The US still pumped 1.34 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in just the first quarter of this year. Until the country gets serious about supporting and facilitating the switch-over to renewable, zero carbon emission energy sources, these emission figures will just rise again. Burning natural gas still puts vast quantities of CO2 in the air; it's just a bit lower quantity that burning coal would produce. Moreover the process of fracking seems to releasing large quantities of methane, which more than offsets any CO2 reductions from switching to natural gas.

A 20-Year Low in U.S. Carbon Emissions
The New York Times
Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in the United States from January through March were the lowest of any recorded for the first quarter of the year since 1992, the federal Energy Information Administration reports. The agency attributed the decline to a combination of three factors: a mild winter, reduced demand for gasoline and, most significant, a drop in coal-fired electricity generation because of historically low natural gas prices. Whether emissions will continue to drop or begin to rise again, however, remains to be seen, experts said Friday. Carbon dioxide emissions from energy consumption totaled 1.34 billion metric tons in the first quarter, down nearly 8 percent from a year earlier, the Energy Information Administration said. Although natural gas is a more efficient fossil fuel than coal, burning it still produces carbon dioxide emissions.

The extraction of large natural gas deposits in the Marcellus Shale has contributed to the rise of inexpensive natural gas, causing prices to decline in the last four years and making it a far cheaper option than burning coal. In 2005, coal accounted for half of all electricity generated in the country. But the embrace of natural gas, which now accounts for about 30 percent of electricity generation, has caused coal’s share to retreat to 34 percent, a 40-year low. Yet Michael Mann, a climate scientist who directs the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University, emphasized on Friday that, in addition to carbon dioxide emissions, natural gas wells contribute to other ills. When shale gas is taken from the earth, researchers suggest, “fugitive methane” – a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide — can escape into the atmosphere through fissures in the ground. “We may be reducing our CO2 emissions, but it is possible that we’re actually increasing the greenhouse gas problem with methane emissions”, he said. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, the means by which much of the shale gas is being acquired, also raises questions about potential environmental effects like groundwater contamination, critics say.
One of the most elegant explanations for the disagreement between qualified climate scientists on the issue of AGW is summarized as:

* * * * Science deals with facts, experiments and numerical representations of the natural world around us. Science does not deal with emotions, beliefs or politics, but rather strives to analyse matters dispassionately and in an objective way, such that in consideration of a given set of facts two different practitioners might come to the same interpretation; and, yes, I am aware of the irony of that statement in the present context.

Which brings us to the matter of Occam’s Razor and the null hypothesis. William of Occam (1285-1347) was an English Franciscan monk and philosopher to whom is attributed the saying ‘Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate’, which translates as ‘Plurality should not be posited without necessity.’ This is a succinct statement of the principle of simplicity, or parsimony, that was first developed by Aristotle and which has today come to underlie all scientific endeavour.

The phrase ‘Occam’s Razor’ is now generally used as shorthand to represent the fundamental scientific assumption of simplicity. To explain any given set of observations of the natural world, scientific method proceeds by erecting, first, the simplest possible explanation (hypothesis) that can explain the known facts. This simple explanation, termed the null hypothesis, then becomes the assumed interpretation until additional facts emerge that require modification of the initial hypothesis, or perhaps even invalidate it altogether.

Given the great natural variability exhibited by climate records, and the failure to date to compartmentalize or identify a human signal within them, the proper null hypothesis – because it is the simplest consistent with the known facts – is that global climate changes are presumed to be natural, unless and until specific evidence is forthcoming for human causation.

It is one of the more extraordinary facts about the IPCC that the research studies it favours mostly proceed using an (unjustified) inversion of the null hypothesis – namely that global climate changes are presumed to be due to human-related carbon dioxide emissions, unless and until specific evidence indicates otherwise.

Global Warming: Anthropogenic or Not? | Watts Up With That?

The frauds and charlatans who actually advance the AGW Faith are not at all scientific.

And they cover their inadequacies by pretending that the ones they label the "denialists" are the ones who are not properly "scientific." :cuckoo:

We see evidence of their canard throughout the numerous posts in threads like this by the AGW Faither hacks like Rolling Fart and his unpersuasive petty ilk.
Here is a youtube link to a talk by Bill McKibben, the author of the well-known book, The End of Nature.

Earth's Tipping Point

Interesting tidbits:

The oceans of the Earth, by the end of thils century, will be at least six feet higher than they are today. Most of the coastal cities of the planet will be New Orleans, and New Orleans will be Atlantis.

There has been some very robust research at NASA that when the concentration of CO2 reaches 350 parts-per-million, We will begin to enter the regime of irreversible, run-away global warming. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at present 400 parts-per-million.

Many regions of the Earth are in a regime of permanent drought. Australia has been in a severe drought for several years. The Australian Meteorological Service says officially that it is no longer a drought: it is the New Normal.

The Southwest of the USA is in Australia's predicament. Drought is the New Normal. Say goodbye to all the golf-courses around Phoenix, Arizona. Indeed, say goodbye to Phoenix! It is unlikely that Lake Powell on the Colorado River will ever be full again. Say goodbye to Los Angeles, at least as a large city. Definitely say goodbye to Las Vegas.

It would be nice to think that future ages will be impressed by the ruins of Las Vegas, like the ruins of Palmyra. However, the city is made of such shoddy materials, it will be merely a hump of debris in the desert, like Ur of the Chaldees.

My name is "The Godfather, Mafioso of mafiosi!"
Look on my works, Ye Mighty, and despair!

[with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley]

You've really avoided ALL discussion of ANY of these alarmist assertions you make on this forum.. As I've tried to engage your smug superior intellect several times.. But perhaps with this post -- you might want to take a breath and show us some back-up for the assertion that the oceans are gonna rise 6 ft by the end of this decade..

Then maybe we can discuss if it's time to have a "one child policy" to avoid drowning.

Mamooth (another of the "enlightened") just told me NO ONE on the warming side spouts alarmism. Particularly not the elite of illuminated like yourself.. :eek:
Given the great natural variability exhibited by climate records, and the failure to date to compartmentalize or identify a human signal within them, because it is the simplest consistent with the known facts is that global climate changes are presumed to be natural, unless and until specific evidence is forthcoming for human causation.

Totally wrong. Here are just two of the failures of the "It has to be natural!" theory.

1. It fails to explain why past natural cycles in the past all have an identifiable cause, but the current warming has no identifiable natural cause.

2. It fails to explain why we can directly observe the energy imbalance of the earth, caused by the outward IR flux squeezing down around the CO2 absorption bands.

Since it fails to explain the observed data, Occams' Razor says to reject the "Natural Cycle!" theory. And since AGW theory is the simplest theory that does explain all of the observed data, Occam's Razor says it is most likely to be correct.
Given the great natural variability exhibited by climate records, and the failure to date to compartmentalize or identify a human signal within them, because it is the simplest consistent with the known facts is that global climate changes are presumed to be natural, unless and until specific evidence is forthcoming for human causation.

Totally wrong. Here are just two of the failures of the "It has to be natural!" theory.

1. It fails to explain why past natural cycles in the past all have an identifiable cause, but the current warming has no identifiable natural cause.

2. It fails to explain why we can directly observe the energy imbalance of the earth, caused by the outward IR flux squeezing down around the CO2 absorption bands.

Since it fails to explain the observed data, Occams' Razor says to reject the "Natural Cycle!" theory. And since AGW theory is the simplest theory that does explain all of the observed data, Occam's Razor says it is most likely to be correct.

What "identifiable cause"? It's an instant PhD if you could prove what caused the HTM, MWP, RWP, And MWP again. My gosh but you really are one of the most deluded individuals ever on this board. You must be Gleick, only a true nimrod like him could post the absolute utter bullshit you post with a straight face.

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