AGW: atmospheric physics

As to the radiation, I may not have correctly phrased what I think.
How could you, since you are not thinking?

The second law says that heat won't move from a cool object to a warm object. relatively speaking, a red star is a cooler object than a blue star so heat won't move from the red star to the blue star if the second law of thermodynamics can be believed. My take on that is that radiation from the cooler source simply doesn't move in the direction of the warmer source just like a marble placed on an incline won't roll up. Maybe the red star does radiate in the direction of the blue star but doesn't ever get there since the cooler object can not transfer heat or energy to the warmer object. I find simply not radiating along those particular vectors easier to explain that the energy starting out in that direction and not making it to the blue star.

In any even, energy can't move from the red star to the blue that happens exactly doesn't require explanation....
TOTAL entropy · · ·TOTAL entropy !!!! · · you absurd ignoramus!!

Thank you, SSDD, for one of the most masterly examples of idiotic pseudo-science that I have seen coming from a global heating Denialist!!
While they were wondering what kind of psycho would do such a thing I was reminded of your friend "Numan" who said if he knew how he would like to create a bio-weapon that could sterilize most people who he considers beneath his "erudite" demi-God status.
And you dare to complain that people lie about you, when you tell such lies about me and about other people. You pathetic hypocrite.

Let's pick the nearest red star, Betelgeuse which is "only" about 640 light years from us and the nearest star our sun which is far from being a "blue star". Yet even the sun's outer mantle is almost all hydrogen in a plasma state. That means there are no electrons in a ground state that could possibly absorb any photons from a cooler red star.
"In a plasma state" means the gas is ionized; "in a ground state" means the gas is not ionized!! Which is it, you incoherent nincompoop!!!?

I know that for a fact because I did a lot of atomic absorption spectroscopy....
Heaven defend us from conceited technicians who imagine that they understand physics!! I am reminded of Mickey Mouse as the sorcerer's apprentice!! What an intellectual shambles!!

You're assuming ground state absorption is the only way for photons to be absorbed....

However we know it happens because ... conservation of energy. The energy of the photons has to go somewhere. It can't just vanish.
Oh, thank you, Mamooth, for some words of sense amidst the reams of rubbish these global heating Denialists spew forth!!

Yes, plasma consists of free, electically charged ions -- which means that they easily absorb energy from electromagnetic waves -- much more easily than if they were bound in electically neutral atoms!! That is what happens in a radio antenna, where electrons, because of Fermi-Dirac quantum mechanical effects, are free to absorb radio waves which are much, much longer than the electron particle size!! The tiny electrons absorb the energy by moving back-and-forth along relatively long distances in the antenna!!

The same thing happens in the plasma of a star! If the radio wave were not absorbed and then scattered by some particle -- then it would absurdly and magically pass through the entire mass and bulk of the star, for all the world like a neutrino passing through 40 light-years of lead!!

The most charitable interpretation I can imagine is that our frozen arctoid-brain Denialist has some confused and garbled memory of the Compton Scattering Effect which he mis-remembers from an introductory freshman physics class. Basically, an electron absorbing a photon experiences elastic re-coil and scatters a photon of a longer wave-length. That obviously must be so, since by re-coiling, the electron has taken energy away from whatever light-wave is scattered.

Must I belabor the point that, since the electron has absorbed energy in the scattering transaction, the material of which it is a part is therefore "hotter"?

Perhaps it will help the mentally challenged if I quote the final sentence of the Encyclopaedia Britannica article on the "Compton effect."

The increase in wavelength, or Compton shift, does not depend on the wavelength of the incident photon.
[emphasis added]
LOL, numan the self proclaimed genius, and his ward the boy wonder mammooth, both seem to believe in two- way energy flow. And by extrapolation believe in perfect machines and unlimited energy gain from a finite source..

Why don't you guys put these theories in action and end the planets energy problems?
I never had the chance to be on the other side of a fusion reactor while somebody on the other side turns on an IR source and measure how much IR is coming through the plasma in addition to the emission of the plasma.

I have. These fusion reactors are called "stars".

If one star is behind another relative to earth, the light from it doesn't go through the other star. Not on any frequency band.

So, by direct observation, we know with 100% certainty that all of the radiation of the one star is absorbed by the other star, and does not pass through.

Hence we also know with 100% certainty that a cooler object can radiate heat to a warmer object.

If you disagree, please explain why a star isn't transparent in the IR band to a star behind it.

What happened to the neutrino's?
While they were wondering what kind of psycho would do such a thing I was reminded of your friend "Numan" who said if he knew how he would like to create a bio-weapon that could sterilize most people who he considers beneath his "erudite" demi-God status.
And you dare to complain that people lie about you, when you tell such lies about me and about other people. You pathetic hypocrite.

Let's pick the nearest red star, Betelgeuse which is "only" about 640 light years from us and the nearest star our sun which is far from being a "blue star". Yet even the sun's outer mantle is almost all hydrogen in a plasma state. That means there are no electrons in a ground state that could possibly absorb any photons from a cooler red star.
"In a plasma state" means the gas is ionized; "in a ground state" means the gas is not ionized!! Which is it, you incoherent nincompoop!!!?

Heaven defend us from conceited technicians who imagine that they understand physics!! I am reminded of Mickey Mouse as the sorcerer's apprentice!! What an intellectual shambles!!

You're assuming ground state absorption is the only way for photons to be absorbed....

However we know it happens because ... conservation of energy. The energy of the photons has to go somewhere. It can't just vanish.
Oh, thank you, Mamooth, for some words of sense amidst the reams of rubbish these global heating Denialists spew forth!!

Yes, plasma consists of free, electically charged ions -- which means that they easily absorb energy from electromagnetic waves -- much more easily than if they were bound in electically neutral atoms!! That is what happens in a radio antenna, where electrons, because of Fermi-Dirac quantum mechanical effects, are free to absorb radio waves which are much, much longer than the electron particle size!! The tiny electrons absorb the energy by moving back-and-forth along relatively long distances in the antenna!!

The same thing happens in the plasma of a star! If the radio wave were not absorbed and then scattered by some particle -- then it would absurdly and magically pass through the entire mass and bulk of the star, for all the world like a neutrino passing through 40 light-years of lead!!

The most charitable interpretation I can imagine is that our frozen arctoid-brain Denialist has some confused and garbled memory of the Compton Scattering Effect which he mis-remembers from an introductory freshman physics class. Basically, an electron absorbing a photon experiences elastic re-coil and scatters a photon of a longer wave-length. That obviously must be so, since by re-coiling, the electron has taken energy away from whatever light-wave is scattered.

Must I belabor the point that, since the electron has absorbed energy in the scattering transaction, the material of which it is a part is therefore "hotter"?

Perhaps it will help the mentally challenged if I quote the final sentence of the Encyclopaedia Britannica article on the "Compton effect."

The increase in wavelength, or Compton shift, does not depend on the wavelength of the incident photon.
[emphasis added]

What a farce, the sock heaping accolades on the fraud. How typical of libtard anti-science deniers.
What happened to the neutrino's?

They go through everything. If you'd like to congratulate yourself over that nitpick, feel free, but it doesn't change the big picture. Photons from the cooler star are absorbed by the hotter star. You can't handwave away conservation of energy just because it's politically inconvenient.
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radiative photons (think light), once created to shed energy from an excited bit of matter, exist until they interact with another bit of matter.

An electron is energy... as I understand, the smallest discrete bit of energy possible of electromagnetic radiation. Energy can't move from cool to warm or low energy to high energy. It remains to be proven whether or not a photon exists till it interacts with another bit of matter. For that matter, it remains to be proven wheither photons exist at all. You make a lot of statements as if they were fact, when in truth, they are not.
Hence we also know with 100% certainty that a cooler object can radiate heat to a warmer object.

So you are saying that the second law of thermodynamics is false?

By the way, insofar as the radiation of one star not passing through another...we know no such thing...and we don't know that a cool object can radiate heat to a warmer has never, nor will it ever be observed.
Thank you, SSDD, for one of the most masterly examples of idiotic pseudo-science that I have seen coming from a global heating Denialist!!

Who would have thought that the statement of the second law was are even further out there than most warmers.
LOL, numan the self proclaimed genius, and his ward the boy wonder mammooth, both seem to believe in two- way energy flow. And by extrapolation believe in perfect machines and unlimited energy gain from a finite source..

Why don't you guys put these theories in action and end the planets energy problems?

We should be able to power the planet with the backradiation from the atmosphere alone since climate science claims that it is more than twice the amount of energy coming in from the sun. Strange that you can't measure that enormous amount of backradiation at ambient temperature but have no problem measuring the lesser amount coming in from the sun. My bet is that you can't measure it because it isn't there.
What happened to the neutrino's?

They go through everything. If you'd like to congratulate yourself over that nitpick, feel free, but it doesn't change the big picture. Photons from the cooler star are absorbed by the hotter star. You can't handwave away conservation of energy just because it's politically inconvenient.

And you can't handwave away the second law of thermodynamics just because it interferes with your religious beliefs...and politically motivated agenda.
And you can't handwave away the second law of thermodynamics just because it interferes with your religious beliefs...and politically motivated agenda.

No I'm not. I'm just pointing out how laughably stupid your are in your whackaloon revision of the second law.

Now you, you seem to think the very stars themselves constantly flip on and off, just so you won't have to admit screwing up the science. Must be nice to have sentient stars as your buddies.
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What happened to the neutrino's?

They go through everything. If you'd like to congratulate yourself over that nitpick, feel free, but it doesn't change the big picture. Photons from the cooler star are absorbed by the hotter star. You can't handwave away conservation of energy just because it's politically inconvenient.

Nitpick? I think it's a siginificant error on your part. Don't you?
And you can't handwave away the second law of thermodynamics just because it interferes with your religious beliefs...and politically motivated agenda.

No I'm not. I'm just pointing out how laughably stupid your are in your whackaloon revision of the second law.

Now you, you see to think the very stars themselves constantly flip on and off, just so you won't have to admit screwing up the science. Must be nice to have sentient stars as your buddies.

Poor little liar, caught lying yet again. Just go away and come back as a different sock.

This one is filthy.
No I'm not. I'm just pointing out how laughably stupid your are in your whackaloon revision of the second law.

What revision?

Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Exactly what have I said that revises that law in any way? Be specific.

Now you, you see to think the very stars themselves constantly flip on and off, just so you won't have to admit screwing up the science. Must be nice to have sentient stars as your buddies.

You don't think stars are subject to the second law? Interesting.
What happened to the neutrino's?

They go through everything. If you'd like to congratulate yourself over that nitpick, feel free, but it doesn't change the big picture. Photons from the cooler star are absorbed by the hotter star. You can't handwave away conservation of energy just because it's politically inconvenient.

Nitpick? I think it's a siginificant error on your part. Don't you?

Just like this "explanation"...:
Originally Posted by mamooth
Alas, poor PolarBear fails to comprehend that Photobucket compresses the images you upload to it. The file is 3 meg on my computer, 100k on Photobucket. That is to say, Photobucket creates an entirely new file from the one you send it, and puts an entirely new header on it.
Meanwhile every photobucket picture on their picture gallery has a header like this:
Picture Gallery Photos, Picture Gallery Pictures, Picture Gallery Images

FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 ÿØÿà JF
49 46 00 01 02 00 00 01 IF
00 01 00 00 FF E0 00 08 ÿà
4F 63 61 64 30 30 FF DB Ocad00ÿÛ
00 84 00 08 06 06 07 08 „
07 08 08 08 08 09 09 08

JPG - On first line : "JFIF"
JPG - From camera with EXIF data : On first line "Exif", two blocks, then "II

And here is the picture that sack of shit posted:
3C 21 44 4F 43 54 59 50 <!DOCTYP
45 20 48 54 4D 4C 3E 0A E HTML>
3C 68 74 6D 6C 20 63 6C <html cl
61 73 73 3D 22 69 73 5F ass="is_
6D 6F 7A 20 69 73 5F 77 moz is_w
69 6E 20 6E 6F 2D 6A 73 in no-js
22 20 78 6D 6C 6E 73 3D " xmlns=

22 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F "http://

ripped from a web page that was written with the XML HTML editor.
Nor has it been compressed to 100 k:
The file is 3 meg on my computer, 100k on Photobucket
Its 786432 bytes
It does`n even have the right aspect ratio for that most cell phone cameras use.
PolarBear, keep all of your stalking me on the one thread that you've already trashed, the "Human Footprint" thread. You don't get to trash this thread too. I will not engage it here, you are breaking forum rules by spamming it, and I will report you for spamming if you keep it up. I've already reported Westwall for negging me twice in 6 hours. If you children can't behave, you're going to get a timeout.

Now Westwall, why do you think not talking about neutrinos is a problem? Energy-wise, they're an insignificant part of solar output, and since they don't interact with matter, they have zilch to do with the second law, thermodynamics or global warming. It appeared to be just a "gotcha" you tried to pull to distract people from how bizarre your version of the second law is.

You see, if your version of the second law requires that all thermodynamics and stellar physics over the past 50 years be declared null and void, then it's a good bet that your version of the second law is maybe just not quite right.

But heck, maybe it's true. Maybe the best and brightest minds of humanity are all wrong, and only a few bitter right-wing-fringe cranks know the real truth. Hey, it could happen. Really.
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PolarBear, keep all of your stalking me on the one thread that you've already trashed, the "Human Footprint" thread. You don't get to trash this thread too. I will not engage it here, you are breaking forum rules by spamming it, and I will report you for spamming if you keep it up. I've already reported Westwall for negging me twice in 6 hours. If you children can't behave, you're going to get a timeout.

Now Westwall, why do you think not talking about neutrinos is a problem? Energy-wise, they're an insignificant part of solar output, and since they don't interact with matter, they have zilch to do with the second law, thermodynamics or global warming. It appeared to be just a "gotcha" you tried to pull to distract people from how bizarre your version of the second law is.

You see, if your version of the second law requires that all thermodynamics and stellar physics over the past 50 years be declared null and void, then it's a good bet that your version of the second law is maybe just not quite right.

But heck, maybe it's true. Maybe the best and brightest minds of humanity are all wrong, and only a few bitter right-wing-fringe cranks know the real truth. Hey, it could happen. Really.

Then don't bring it up here any longer.. Freaking crybaby.. What a little whiny punk..

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