AGW: atmospheric physics

Really? Here are what real scientists are presenting.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

That's an interesting article for those open-minded enough to read it...

In the 19th century, scientists realized that gases in the atmosphere cause a "greenhouse effect" which affects the planet's temperature. These scientists were interested chiefly in the possibility that a lower level of carbon dioxide gas might explain the ice ages of the distant past. At the turn of the century, Svante Arrhenius calculated that emissions from human industry might someday bring a global warming. Other scientists dismissed his idea as faulty. In 1938, G.S. Callendar argued that the level of carbon dioxide was climbing and raising global temperature, but most scientists found his arguments implausible. It was almost by chance that a few researchers in the 1950s discovered that global warming truly was possible. In the early 1960s, C.D. Keeling measured the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: it was rising fast. Researchers began to take an interest, struggling to understand how the level of carbon dioxide had changed in the past, and how the level was influenced by chemical and biological forces. They found that the gas plays a crucial role in climate change, so that the rising level could gravely affect our future.

Westwall -

Please do not spam the thread with childish abuse. Either address the topic with relevant points, or leave the topic for others.

:lol::lol::lol: Yet more sock yapping I see. So tell me mr. "Finnish journalist" on American time.. Since when does correlation equal causation?

Dumb fuck. Not a correlation equals causation issue. The absorption spectrum of CO2 has been known since 1858. Stupes like you keeping repeating the rightwingnut mantra as if repeating lie often enough would make it a truth.
Bullshit. There is no proof whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion.

Really? Here are what real scientists are presenting.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

You keep posting that bit of religious dogma....I have read it, and read the information at its links...Where in all that do you believe there is proof that additional CO2 in the atmosphere causes warming? To date, there doesn't exist even the smallest bit of actual (as oppsed to the output of computer models) proof that our CO2 has any effect at all on the global climate and now that the earth has gone 15 years with no warming in spite of increased atmospheric CO2 which climate science is at a loss to explain, the possibility that man made CO2 is driving the climate is even more remote than the bullshit hypothesis claimed in the beginnning.

Oh my, SSDD pretending to actually know something. Once again, the absorption spectrum of CO2 has been well measured. And, from paleontology, we see several extinction periods which involved rapid changes in the GHG levels on earth. Rapid changes either up or down create havoc with the environment the plants and animals are adapted to.


One of the most pressing concerns for humans on Earth today is climate change, and what will happen in the future. Given that the climate is definitely warming, it is logical to ask two questions: First, have such changes happened before in the history of the Earth? And second, what is causing this change? In the next two lectures we will examine past climates (paleoclimates) and the forces that caused them to change. This information will set the stage for asking if the same forces that caused past changes are causing climate warming today, and for making predictions about what will happen in the future (upcoming lecture on climate models).

From abundant geological evidence, we know that only three hundred and fifty years ago the world was in the depths of a prolonged cold spell called the "Little Ice Age," which lingered for nearly 500 years. Twenty thousand years ago, in the middle of the last glacial period, large continental scale ice sheets covered much of North America, Northern Europe, and Northern Asia. Fifty million years ago, global temperatures were so high that there were no large ice sheets at all.

The speed at which climate can change has also recently become clear: Transitions between fundamentally different climates can occur within only decades. In order to understand these variations, we need to reconstruct them over a wide range of temporal and geographical scales. The importance of this task is underlined by the growing awareness of how profoundly human activity is affecting climate. As with so many other complex systems, the key to predicting the future lies in understanding the past

We need to ask several questions: What happened? Why did it happen? Has it happened before? Will is happen again? How do we know about it in the first place? Click the image to the right to explore the hypothesized changes in ice cover and vegetation.
That's an interesting article for those open-minded enough to read it...

In the 19th century, scientists realized that gases in the atmosphere cause a "greenhouse effect" which affects the planet's temperature. These scientists were interested chiefly in the possibility that a lower level of carbon dioxide gas might explain the ice ages of the distant past. At the turn of the century, Svante Arrhenius calculated that emissions from human industry might someday bring a global warming. Other scientists dismissed his idea as faulty. In 1938, G.S. Callendar argued that the level of carbon dioxide was climbing and raising global temperature, but most scientists found his arguments implausible. It was almost by chance that a few researchers in the 1950s discovered that global warming truly was possible. In the early 1960s, C.D. Keeling measured the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: it was rising fast. Researchers began to take an interest, struggling to understand how the level of carbon dioxide had changed in the past, and how the level was influenced by chemical and biological forces. They found that the gas plays a crucial role in climate change, so that the rising level could gravely affect our future.

Westwall -

Please do not spam the thread with childish abuse. Either address the topic with relevant points, or leave the topic for others.

:lol::lol::lol: Yet more sock yapping I see. So tell me mr. "Finnish journalist" on American time.. Since when does correlation equal causation?

Dumb fuck. Not a correlation equals causation issue. The absorption spectrum of CO2 has been known since 1858. Stupes like you keeping repeating the rightwingnut mantra as if repeating lie often enough would make it a truth.

The irony of this post is thick.

I'm still waiting for that bird flu pandemic from 2 years ago to manifest, Roxi. :eusa_whistle:
The only time you're right is when you're wrong. :razz:
I find it amazing that all of these self proclaimed geniuses, numan, and socks, and trolling blunder and socks, and now this new sock, not one of them understand the concepts they are supporting here.

Let me see if I can simplify this for the mentally impaired geniuses... If you believe in the current theory of AGW, then you are also believing in perfect machines... Why don't you geniuses go and use these new concepts you are embracing to do something useful?

Why with a new CO2 infinite heat machine you could solve the energy problems overnight.. Go build one please... Yes you know how to harness this miraculous energy doubling effect known to exist in CO2, please make one.... What? You don't know how?

I'll help you.. First get a big glass tank we can put some CO2 in. Then place a mirror so the sun will reflect the light back through the tank. When it does it will heat the CO2. Then set up a 2nd mirror to reflect the same light back to the other mirror. The continuous light going back and forth through the CO2 gas will make it get hotter and hotter, you could place a tank of water in it and make steamtoturn a turbine or anything really...

Okay I gave you a start, now go!!

while I do not agree with Trenberth's energy budget, it is a reasonable place to start. it states that 161 W/m2 solar radiation is absorbed by the surface. it also has surface loss as 17 thermal, 80 evaporation and 396 radiation, for a total of 493. 493-161=332 w/m2 loss. so why isnt the surface cooling?


"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't,"
First, I haven't made any "strident" claims. I have more or less only repated the second law of thermodynamics over and over

and you've gotten it wrong every time.

Again, the second law is a description of statistics, not a force of nature.

Imagine I roll a 6-sided die a quadrillion times. I can write a "law of probability" stating that "1" will come up 1 out 6 times. But that "law" isn't forcing the die to do anything. It's just describing the statistical outcome.

In exactly the same way, the second law describes the statistics of systems, but doesn't force individual outcomes. Individual photons are quite free to carry energy from cold to hot. The second law doesn't constrain them in any way. The second law just points out that if you look at the entire system, the total sum of energy will have to flow from hot to cold.
were is the description of this mechanism that forbids emission of radiation, and under which circumstances does it take effect?

I never said anything about forbiding radiation. The second law says that energy won't spontaneously move from a cool object to a warm object. Short of the cool object simply not radiating in that direction, what other plausible explanation is there? We know that if we wire a 12 v batter to a 6 v battery, electricity only runs one way along the wire...we know that water only flows one way in a hose...we know that marbles roll down hill, we know that rocks fall when dropped....what is so different about radiation not spontaneously moving from a warm body to a cool one?
Dumb fuck. Not a correlation equals causation issue. The absorption spectrum of CO2 has been known since 1858. Stupes like you keeping repeating the rightwingnut mantra as if repeating lie often enough would make it a truth.

So what? It emits also. The fact that it absorbs and emits should tell a thinking person that CO2 would be a cooling mechanism as it offers radiation as a means of transporting heat out of the atmosphere as opposed to just convection and conduction. The amosphere would be warmer without CO2 since convection and conduction would be the only means of transporting heat out to space.
Oh my, SSDD pretending to actually know something. Once again, the absorption spectrum of CO2 has been well measured. And, from paleontology, we see several extinction periods which involved rapid changes in the GHG levels on earth.

We also see the emission spectra. You think absorption of IR actually means something...It doesn't. It absorbs and it emits. It doesn't hang on to any of the energy at all and we are unble to observe, or measure so called downdwelling radiation at ambient temperature.

And no, we don't see several extinction periods which involve rapid changes in so called GHG levels. That is pure speculation.

One of the most pressing concerns for humans on Earth today is climate change, and what will happen in the future.

Except that it isn't happening. Going on 20 years now even though CO2 continues to increas. No warming in direct contradiction to the hypothesis...Get your self a new hypothesis.
and you've gotten it wrong every time.

Again, the second law is a description of statistics, not a force of nature.

That isn't what the second law says. It is you who is making claims that it simply doesn't support. I repeat:

Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

If the second law is what you claim, why is the statment as it is? Why have a law that barely resembles the statement of the law? Can you actually prove by direct observation that energy flows in two directions with the net being in the direction of warm? No, of course you can't because it has never been observed.

That is one of the problems with post modern science. To much reliance on computer models with the assumption that the programmers of the models actually understand the physics they are putting into the programms and not enough actual experiment and observation.
First, I haven't made any "strident" claims. I have more or less only repated the second law of thermodynamics over and over

and you've gotten it wrong every time.

Again, the second law is a description of statistics, not a force of nature.

Imagine I roll a 6-sided die a quadrillion times. I can write a "law of probability" stating that "1" will come up 1 out 6 times. But that "law" isn't forcing the die to do anything. It's just describing the statistical outcome.

In exactly the same way, the second law describes the statistics of systems, but doesn't force individual outcomes. Individual photons are quite free to carry energy from cold to hot. The second law doesn't constrain them in any way. The second law just points out that if you look at the entire system, the total sum of energy will have to flow from hot to cold.

Let us get some clarification. Putting statistics aside: Is it the mamooth contention that the 2d Law of Thermodynamics says that SOMETIMES energy naturally flows from the cooler object to the warmer object?
Let us get some clarification. Putting statistics aside: Is it the mamooth contention that the 2d Law of Thermodynamics says that SOMETIMES energy naturally flows from the cooler object to the warmer object?

The second law is a statement made in absolute terms. There is no wiggle room there and anyone claiming any wiggle room whatsoever is claiming that the second law of thermodynamics is wrong. If there were wiggle room there, I believe the law would have been written as such...but then it wouldn't be a law, would it?

I can't think of any natural laws that have wiggle room built in. Can you?
I find it amazing that all of these self proclaimed geniuses, numan, and socks, and trolling blunder and socks, and now this new sock, not one of them understand the concepts they are supporting here.

Let me see if I can simplify this for the mentally impaired geniuses... If you believe in the current theory of AGW, then you are also believing in perfect machines... Why don't you geniuses go and use these new concepts you are embracing to do something useful?

Why with a new CO2 infinite heat machine you could solve the energy problems overnight.. Go build one please... Yes you know how to harness this miraculous energy doubling effect known to exist in CO2, please make one.... What? You don't know how?

I'll help you.. First get a big glass tank we can put some CO2 in. Then place a mirror so the sun will reflect the light back through the tank. When it does it will heat the CO2. Then set up a 2nd mirror to reflect the same light back to the other mirror. The continuous light going back and forth through the CO2 gas will make it get hotter and hotter, you could place a tank of water in it and make steamtoturn a turbine or anything really...

Okay I gave you a start, now go!!

you should let people who can think do the commenting. are you really as clueless as the gibberish you write down?

while I do not agree with Trenberth's energy budget, it is a reasonable place to start. it states that 161 W/m2 solar radiation is absorbed by the surface. it also has surface loss as 17 thermal, 80 evaporation and 396 radiation, for a total of 493. 493-161=332 w/m2 loss. so why isnt the surface cooling?

the other significant point is that solar radiation is shortwave and highly ordered. the IR radiation both from the surface and the atmosphere is disordered and incapable of doing work because there is no appreciable temperature differential.

So then we can expect to see Ian's heat miracle device in stores soon? IF you believe in AGW theory this is exactly what you are supporting.

All of your "I'm so smart " BS, and you really haven't clue what it means. If you support the concept of backradiation as it's presented in AGW theory, then you certainly are supporting at least one type of perfect machine, why stop there?

You can pull trenberth out of your ass all day, doesn't change a thing. Quit trying to shout down discussion with false intellectual claims, we already know you're a BS artist prone to sock use...

"The law that entropy always increases holds, I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature. If someone points out to you that your pet theory of the universe is in disagreement with Maxwell's equations — then so much the worse for Maxwell's equations. If it is found to be contradicted by observation — well, these experimentalists do bungle things sometimes. But if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation."
—Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World (1927)
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I have to say, I am amazed that some posters are will trying to explain SSDD's mistake about back radiation to him, at least a week after I thought it became clear that he knew himself that his position was untenable.

On the one hand I admire the tenacity and patience some posters have - on the other hand I don't think debate offers much from the point neither side believe one point of view anymore!

I can't count how many posters from right across the spectrum of attitudes and politics have explained this point now, but it must be close to 10. Many of the explanations have been very, very good as well. I think the Science of Doom articles that both Ian and I posted were first-rate reading.

Maybe it's time for some new threads in the Environment section!

And yes, SSDD, I know you will continue to insist that you were right.
I have to say, I am amazed that some posters are will trying to explain SSDD's mistake about back radiation to him, at least a week after I thought it became clear that he knew himself that his position was untenable.

On the one hand I admire the tenacity and patience some posters have - on the other hand I don't think debate offers much from the point neither side believe one point of view anymore!

I can't count how many posters from right across the spectrum of attitudes and politics have explained this point now, but it must be close to 10. Many of the explanations have been very, very good as well. I think the Science of Doom articles that both Ian and I posted were first-rate reading.

Maybe it's time for some new threads in the Environment section!

And yes, SSDD, I know you will continue to insist that you were right.

And I am amazed by the sheer number Ian clones here..
First, I haven't made any "strident" claims. I have more or less only repated the second law of thermodynamics over and over

and you've gotten it wrong every time.

Again, the second law is a description of statistics, not a force of nature.

Imagine I roll a 6-sided die a quadrillion times. I can write a "law of probability" stating that "1" will come up 1 out 6 times. But that "law" isn't forcing the die to do anything. It's just describing the statistical outcome.

In exactly the same way, the second law describes the statistics of systems, but doesn't force individual outcomes. Individual photons are quite free to carry energy from cold to hot. The second law doesn't constrain them in any way. The second law just points out that if you look at the entire system, the total sum of energy will have to flow from hot to cold.

WTF????? WTF kind of convoluted circle think is that???

The newly added "net" to the law still doesn't change anything. If the "net flow" is still to the cooler from the hotter, than the energy flowing back would be insignificant to any realized warming, especially once we take into consideration the loss of energy in the transfer....

Admiral, you are still ignorant...
That's an interesting article for those open-minded enough to read it...

In the 19th century, scientists realized that gases in the atmosphere cause a "greenhouse effect" which affects the planet's temperature. These scientists were interested chiefly in the possibility that a lower level of carbon dioxide gas might explain the ice ages of the distant past. At the turn of the century, Svante Arrhenius calculated that emissions from human industry might someday bring a global warming. Other scientists dismissed his idea as faulty. In 1938, G.S. Callendar argued that the level of carbon dioxide was climbing and raising global temperature, but most scientists found his arguments implausible. It was almost by chance that a few researchers in the 1950s discovered that global warming truly was possible. In the early 1960s, C.D. Keeling measured the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: it was rising fast. Researchers began to take an interest, struggling to understand how the level of carbon dioxide had changed in the past, and how the level was influenced by chemical and biological forces. They found that the gas plays a crucial role in climate change, so that the rising level could gravely affect our future.

Westwall -

Please do not spam the thread with childish abuse. Either address the topic with relevant points, or leave the topic for others.

:lol::lol::lol: Yet more sock yapping I see. So tell me mr. "Finnish journalist" on American time.. Since when does correlation equal causation?

Dumb fuck. Not a correlation equals causation issue. The absorption spectrum of CO2 has been known since 1858. Stupes like you keeping repeating the rightwingnut mantra as if repeating lie often enough would make it a truth.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:So has the fact that H2O vapor covers the exact same wavelength and absolutely dwarfs the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere....which is real science fraud boy...
I have to say, I am amazed that some posters are will trying to explain SSDD's mistake about back radiation to him, at least a week after I thought it became clear that he knew himself that his position was untenable.

The only thing untenable is taking a position that runs contrary to the second law of thermodynamics. Backradiation does exatly that.

If I might, I will repeat a quotation that has already been posted... made 86 years ago which is still as true today as on the day it was spoken.

"The law that entropy always increases holds, I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature. If someone points out to you that your pet theory of the universe is in disagreement with Maxwell's equations — then so much the worse for Maxwell's equations. If it is found to be contradicted by observation — well, these experimentalists do bungle things sometimes. But if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation."
—Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World (1927)

And yes, SSDD, I know you will continue to insist that you were right.

No. I only insist that the second law of thermodynamics is right.

Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.
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WTF????? WTF kind of convoluted circle think is that???

The newly added "net" to the law still doesn't change anything. If the "net flow" is still to the cooler from the hotter, than the energy flowing back would be insignificant to any realized warming, especially once we take into consideration the loss of energy in the transfer....

Admiral, you are still ignorant...

There is no two way net flow. There is one way gross flow. I would be very interested to see any observed and measured evidence of a two way net flow. It is the product of computer models running on a flawed set of physics. Hell, computers will say whatever they are told to say....just like warmists.
Let us get some clarification. Putting statistics aside: Is it the mamooth contention that the 2d Law of Thermodynamics says that SOMETIMES energy naturally flows from the cooler object to the warmer object?

The second law is a statement made in absolute terms. There is no wiggle room there and anyone claiming any wiggle room whatsoever is claiming that the second law of thermodynamics is wrong. If there were wiggle room there, I believe the law would have been written as such...but then it wouldn't be a law, would it?

I can't think of any natural laws that have wiggle room built in. Can you?

What does the law of gravity say about the "statistical probability" of dropping a hammer here on planet Earth and having it float up to my head instead of falling down to the ground? Let's ask mamooth!
I repeat:

Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow....
Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object....

The second law is a statement made in absolute terms. There is no wiggle room there and anyone claiming any wiggle room whatsoever is claiming that the second law of thermodynamics is wrong. If there were wiggle room there, I believe the law would have been written as such...but then it wouldn't be a law, would it?
I have had it up to here with SSDD's unutterably stupid pronouncements on the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics!

It is bad enough when someone is ignorant and stupid and wastes one's time; it is bad enough when someone crows with arrogant certitude about something he does not understand. But when someone is ignorant and an arrogant fool, it is doubly insupportable!!

The Second Law of Thermodynamics IS NOT an absolute law !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a statistical law --- it is a law of large numbers !!!!!!!!!

It is quite in accord with the 2nd Law that all the air in the room rush to a corner of the room in a blazing ball, leaving you to gasp away your life in a vacuum like a fish out of water !!!!

It is quite in accord with the 2nd Law that you should pour yourself a glass of water and suddenly have half the water turn into a block of ice, while the other half starts boiling !!!!

It is very unlikely that either of these things should happen -- unlikely beyond the ability of the average person to conceive, but there is a small probability that either will occur, and, given enough time, it is virtually certain that both will occur !!

This was proven rigorously in about 1890 by Henri Poincaré in the justly famous Poincaré Recurrence Theorem, which essentially says that in any closed dynamical system, any state of the system will recur infinitely often (within epsilon of its original state, of course) -- given enough time.

It is an urban legend among the cognoscenti that when Ludwig Boltzmann, the founder of modern thermodynamics, read Poincaré's proof, he went home and killed himself.

I am not saying that SSDD should imitate Boltzmann (after all, SSDD does not resemble the great man in any respect), but he should go to the privacy of his own home and give himself a couple of good, vigorous slaps in the face for being such an ignorant, obstinant conceited fool !!!

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