AGW: atmospheric physics

Admiral the wannabe warrior with a googled dd214, and ever growing claims of his "navy nuke" career, is also an internet physicist...

Amazing! Dude are you even capable of honesty? LOL
I see you dodged the question again mamooth....

Given that I had directly answered the question before you asked it, why are you telling such a stupid lie?

What would falsify AGW for you?

"For example, if the heat flow balance of the earth suddenly reversed so that more heat went out than in, that would falsify AGW theory."

Amazing. Simply amazing. If more heat went out than came in the Earth would be a giant ice cube. Your level of ignorance is astonishing.... simply astonishing.:cuckoo:
So the fact that the hypothesis is unable to make any accurate predictions means nothing to you?

You mean the 30 years of accurate temperature predictions? The correct predictions of the heat balance, the polar amplification, the stratospheric cooling and tropospheric warming, the squeezing down of the outward IR radiation in the CO2 bands?

That's why AGW science has such credibility, because it's been making falsifiable predictions for decades, and seeing those predictions come true over and over.

In contrast, your crank science specializes in avoiding predictions of any sort. That's why your side has no credibility.

What about the 50 years before, that invalidate all of your claims? How about THOSE measurements?
Amazing. Simply amazing. If more heat went out than came in the Earth would be a giant ice cube. Your level of ignorance is astonishing.... simply astonishing.

More heat comes in than goes out now, and the earth is not molten. So there seems to be a teentsy problem with your logic.

See it you can figure out what it is. Without my help. Go on, you can do it. Just try.
Gslack, when you start responding to your own posts, that's a sign you might not be well. Just sayin'. You might want to take a break. PolarBear too.

That's funny seeing as how I quoted your posts for two posts, then just made a post to you without a quote... You know a quick reply like you just did...

Comprehension just isn't your bag is it...
Amazing. Simply amazing. If more heat went out than came in the Earth would be a giant ice cube. Your level of ignorance is astonishing.... simply astonishing.

More heat comes in than goes out now, and the earth is not molten. So there seems to be a teentsy problem with your logic.

See it you can figure out what it is. Without my help. Go on, you can do it. Just try.

Were that true the Earth would be an oven.
What about the 50 years before, that invalidate all of your claims? How about THOSE measurements?

Um, you mean the years before high CO2 levels when temps tracked solar output?

Could you explain how that invalidates the claims of AGW science?

Actually the temperatures correlate exactly (even today) for 1,500 years with SOLAR activity. Funny how that isn't true of CO2 content and temps. Thirty years of failed predictions now. Psychics are better than you at predicting things.
Actually the temperatures correlate exactly (even today) for 1,500 years with SOLAR activity.

Bullshit. Temps started tracking the opposite way of solar irradiance around 1980.

Were that true the Earth would be an oven.

Groan. Okay, you can't do it without my help.

More money comes into my bank account than leaves each month. Yet I am not a millionaire. According to your astonishingly stupid logic, that can't be possible. I _must_ become a millionaire instantly if my balance is even slightly positive.

So, a fine demonstration of the lack of common sense found in most denialists.
Were that true the Earth would be an oven.

Groan. Okay, I can't do it without your help.

More stupidity comes out of my mouth than I can explain[/B]. Yet I think I am a genius. According to my astonishingly stupid logic, I am brilliant. I _must_ be retarded or something.

So, a fine demonstration of my lack of common sense because I'm an alarmists.

There fixed it.. it's better now.. more honest...You're welcome!

Figure that one out.
If the "Nuclear Admiral" switches the subject because it got too hot for her paws and you bring it up again then you are either "quoting yourself", "stalking" or "snapping at heels".
If you ignore that bitch, then you are either "running away scared", are "defeated" or like me "MIA".
I just seen this when I got back from town...
I`ll just copy and paste it in problem it only takes a few mouse clicks:

It's so sad. You two could have just swallowed your pride at the start and said "Mamooth, you're right about the science, thanks for pointing that out." I mean, being a grownup, I admit error all the time. You have to be some kind of emotional toddler to refuse to admit an error.

Alas, that's y'all. You went full metal retard, and set out on your quest for eternal vengeance. And now you've dug way too deep down into the stupid hole to ever climb out. You've lied yourselves into a corner, and your only option is to keep lying harder. And I get to sit back and laugh at it. Life is good.

By the way, the other vets here don't think I'm lying. Would you two like to raise the stupid stakes and declare other vets on the board are lying on my behalf now? If you are, you should head over and tell them. I just want to see how far you're going to ride the stupid train for the sake of this vendetta.

Now, since PolarBear is MIA, he's clearly not taking the bet either. So my work is done there, he's a chicken liar as well. As I promised him, new image available for viewing, with the pennies PolarBear demanded. I'll link to photobucket instead of wasting space here, since it's been seen before. TTFN.

That Thing PolarBear Wanted Photo by mamooth1 | Photobucket


No I`m not "MIA". I have 3 grandchildren to take care know, stuff like feeding them breakfast, drive them to school, after they overslept the bus-pickup time, talk to their teachers a bit. Then drive to Portage. Get my mail and groceries etc etc.
Now I`m back home and clicked on the USMSB bookmark and seen IanC`s post in the "numan footprint" thread...wondering why on earth IanC would post far as I have observed IanC likes the technical stuff and not personal insult slugging matches.
Then I seen that link and clicked on it.
It took only as long as it takes for 4 puffs on my cigar to debunk the "Nuclear Admiral`s" latest scam..:
And now this:
3C 21 44 4F 43 54 59 50 <!DOCTYP
45 20 48 54 4D 4C 3E 0A E HTML>
3C 68 74 6D 6C 20 63 6C <html cl
61 73 73 3D 22 69 73 5F ass="is_
6D 6F 7A 20 69 73 5F 77 moz is_w
69 6E 20 6E 6F 2D 6A 73 in no-js
22 20 78 6D 6C 6E 73 3D " xmlns=

20 54 68 69 73 20 50 68 This Ph
6F 74 6F 20 77 61 73 20 oto was
75 70 6C 6F 61 64 65 64 uploaded
20 62 79 20 6D 61 6D 6F by mamo
6F 74 68 31 2E 20 46 69 oth1.
Picture URLink element was :
and was 99.6 KB
It`s been replaced with :
and is 98.1 KB
and has a new digital fingerprint:
FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 ÿØÿà JF
49 46 00 01 01 00 00 01 IF
00 01 00 00 FF FE 00 3E ÿþ >
43 52 45 41 54 4F 52 3A CREATOR:
20 67 64 2D 6A 70 65 67 gd-jpeg
20 76 31 2E 30 20 28 75 v1.0 (u
73 69 6E 67 20 49 4A 47 sing IJG
20 4A 50 45 47 20 76 36 JPEG v6
32 29 2C 20 64 65 66 61 2), defa
75 6C 74 20 71 75 61 6C ult qual
69 74 79 0A FF DB 00 43 ity ÿÛ C

Which is an easy thing to do. All you had to do is take the phony DD214 that you downloaded , make it part
of a photo slide collection and then it comes out with this digitial finger print:
Creator :
05 3F FF FE 00 3E 43 52 ?ÿþ >CR
45 41 54 4F 52 3A 20 67 EATOR: g
64 2D 6A 70 65 67 20 76 d-jpeg v31 2E 30 20 28 75 73 69 1.0 (usi
6E 67 20 49 4A 47 20 4A ng IJG J
50 45 47 20 76 36 32 29 PEG v62)
2C 20 64 65 66 61 75 6C , defaul
74 20 71 75 61 6C 69 74 t qualit
79 0A FF DB 00 43 00 08 y ÿÛ C
Just like this one:
CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), default quality
Which fucked you up again, because you did not know how to get rid of it AGAIN

And there is something else you forgot to do when you switched that picture that you said you took with your cellphone and then put 4 coins on it you forgot to manipulate these little band aids that you used to cover your ID in the "old picture" so that they were not within a thousandth of an inch in exactly the same positions as with the new photo session over a week later when you put the coins
in the picture...and without disturbing them put them on the Indianapolis Star.


You even managed to get the exact same curl on that "authentic document" over a weak later.

Btw. That "clever" picture switch left a lot more trails than you think.
Now, given that PolarBear has engaged me on other threads, he's clearly gone chickenshit on my wager again, so I've proven that point. So I may as well post my DD214. It's a little fuzzy, being I only have a cell phone and no scanner, but it's all readable.
Before you deleted that one which was too obviously a phony which had a forum link:
was 99.6 KB
And after you washed it and uploaded it again it`s now "authentic"???:
and is 98.1 KB

And you figure nobody would notice ?
Actually the temperatures correlate exactly (even today) for 1,500 years with SOLAR activity.

Bullshit. Temps started tracking the opposite way of solar irradiance around 1980.


It's not the TOTAL solar irradiance that is critical. It is the TYPE of solar radiation that is being emitted. UV penetrates several meters into the oceans and heats them. IR is only capable of penetrating microns deep, thus it is impossible for IR to heat the oceans.

It is the UV radiation that warmed the planet...that is now diminished and guess what.... the temps are dropping.
Were that true the Earth would be an oven.

Groan. Okay, you can't do it without my help.

More money comes into my bank account than leaves each month. Yet I am not a millionaire. According to your astonishingly stupid logic, that can't be possible. I _must_ become a millionaire instantly if my balance is even slightly positive.

So, a fine demonstration of the lack of common sense found in most denialists.

Nice analogy. If you wait long enough, yes you WILL be a millionaire. Below is a simple description of the rule of 72....You can use it to figure out how long it will take you to become a millionair at various rates of return.

Of course if you are very conservative it takes a lot longer.

Using the Rule of 72 to Estimate Investment Returns - Find Out How Long it Takes to Double Your Money
It's not the TOTAL solar irradiance that is critical. It is the TYPE of solar radiation that is being emitted. UV penetrates several meters into the oceans and heats them. IR is only capable of penetrating microns deep, thus it is impossible for IR to heat the oceans.

Considering that the thermal capacity of the oceans is orders of magnitude greater than that of the atmosphere, it is the oceans that heat the atmosphere.....only an idiot would think otherwise......the sort of idiot that might think that the second law of thermodynamics is wrong for instance.
Figure that one out.
If the "Nuclear Admiral" switches the

Reported for spamming. Enough is enough. He's posting this same stalky crap across multiple threads.

I actually suggested yesterday that Westwall check the board policy on stalking, as I've noticed he is starting to follow posters around the board posting gibberish and abuse everywhere.

Reporting is probably the best option - along with neg repping.
Figure that one out.
If the "Nuclear Admiral" switches the

Reported for spamming. Enough is enough. He's posting this same stalky crap across multiple threads.

I actually suggested yesterday that Westwall check the board policy on stalking, as I've noticed he is starting to follow posters around the board posting gibberish and abuse everywhere.

Reporting is probably the best option - along with neg repping.

By all means neg away. You might notice that mine hurt more. As for your stalking allegation, nice try but I am responding to your posts in a totally appropriate manner. But feel free to whine to the moderators, I am sure they will pat you on the head like any 5 year old.

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