AGW: atmospheric physics

why do you keep bringing up examples that obscure basic principles? when we are discussing radiation you put up examples of convection and conduction. when we are talking about blackbodies you bring up examples of non-blackbody emission. what is with you? are you purposely being dishonest or is your attention span so short that you cannot stay on topic? it pisses me off that you just want to lay down red herrings all the time.

After ~ a week that`s the best you can do?
Get pissed off ?
Instead of getting "pissed off" you should have given it some rational thought instead of basing your "conclusion" on your emotions.
I keep telling you that the "heat" energy equivalent of a photon is not heat unless it encounters a system that converts it into heat.
How many times do you have to be told that the only system that is able to do that is AN IDEAL BLACK BODY.
Name 1 square inch of the earth`s surface that qualifies as such and while you are at it point out a location where convection and conduction can be ruled out.
What`s the matter with you..what`s so "obscure" with that basic principle:
elastic collision is an encounter between two bodies in which the total kinetic energy of the two bodies after the encounter is equal to their total kinetic energy before the encounter. Elastic collisions occur only if there is no net conversion of kinetic energy into other forms. Averaged across the entire sample, molecular collisions can be regarded as essentially elastic as long as black-body photonsare not permitted to carry away energy from the system.
When you heat matter, the higher the temperature, the higher the kinetic energy and if more "black body photons" are permitted to carry away energy from the system, while you are heating it, the lower the temperature that can be achieved with a given amount of energy.

Was that sentence too long for your attention span ?
Take some Prozac and try read it without "getting pissed off" because you get confused if there are more than 3 words in a sentence.

If it finally dawned on you then there is no need to further explain, that the same applies if conduction and convection occurs at the same time.
That`s not a "red herring". It's a "red herring" flaunting an ideal black body radiation profile copied& pasted from Wkipedia, like you keep doing it, insisting that
the energy within this envelope is converted from radiation into heat as in increasing the temperature of an absorbing gas which in the real world is removing most of the "black body" heat via conduction and convection, not giving a rat`s ass how many
ppm CO2 that gas contains.
I gave you a whole bunch of examples and by now even a fifth grader would have understood these "
obscured basic principles"
that a heated object heats up air (or you hand if you get near it) almost at the same rate (in watts) as you feed heat to the object
with a heater as opposed to radiation even if you feed more watts as radiation into the system as you do by directly heating it.
The only time radiation heats an object at the same rate is with a purely theoretical black body while no work is performed.
Show me 1 square inch of planet earth`s surface that matches this condition.

I dont believe you are stupid so you must be acting dense on purpose. radiation is not conduction or convection. we also know radiation is much less efficient for transfering energy than conduction or convection. is that your 'amazing revelation' that you think I dont understand? maybe you are retarded, or at least getting senile.

you want a realistic example? let's compare radiant floor heating to forced air. radiant floor heating is much more comfortable but it is slow to warm up (or cool down) because it is comprised of a large heat sink that needs to be charged, then it heats the rest of the room by passive transfer. there is still conduction and convection but only by natural processes. there are no cold spots and there is a much smaller temperature gradient from the floor to the ceiling. on the other hand, forced air heating adds a bolus of hot air which quickly changes air temp but often leaves cold spots in areas where the forced convection doesnt reach, and the floor is always much cooler than the ceiling.

you are comparing large temperature differential, specific location transfers of heat by mostly conduction and convection with a little radiation whereas I am talking about a small temperature gradient, diffuse transfer of heat over large areas which reduces the action of conduction and convection, and increases the proportion of radiative transfer.

all of the SLoT 'truthers' are screwed up for the same reason. they confuse the two way flow of radiation from the surface to the atmosphere as something special but it is diffuse, small temperature gradient, low energy radiation that is not capable of doing work. sunlight is ordered, large temperature gradient, high energy radiation that is capable of doing work. none of them seemed to understand enough to comment on my thread about how small changes in solar output are much more likely to change areas of the climate system than the same nominal amount of change in the IR side of the equation because the IR does nothing besides hinder the outflow of surface IR to space. blocking IR escape can change the temperature of the heat sink by allowing it to absorb and hold more sunlight energy but not much else.

so, while it was amusing to me that you noticed my absence polarbear, I am not really interested in your stupid off topic red herrings that do nothing to clarify any issues. you dont even try to explain what they are supposed to be an example of.

1.) Where did I say that radiation is the same a conduction?
Don`t attribute your stupid statements to me !
You are the one that keeps using an ideal radiation profile that you copy from wiki which only applies for a system where there is no heat conduction and no work is performed.
Take a look at the title of this thread...!
"Atmospheric physics" (!)

Now that it finally did dawn on you how insignificant the radiative transfer from the ground to the atmosphere is as compared to heat conduction you try lecture me on heat flow in a room with forced air heating as opposed to room with a radiator....and where the cold spots are.

While I was showing you that an arc light heats another object quicker when it is shunted and acts primarily as a heater.

Only if you disallow all heat conduction... will the # of watts of the filament load be dissipated by radiative transfer.

It just does not dawn on you, does it ?

2.) After all heat conduction is disallowed that shunted arc light will heat another nearby object much quicker by RADIATIVE heat transfer in the IR range than it would do if the contact rods open and the arc light radiates way less IR but peaks the output at much shorter wavelength.

3.) Now try and heat something that is a less than ideal black body with that radiation profile...!!!

Good luck

4.) Even if heat conduction is disallowed, for ex. if that arc light were mounted on a satellite pointed at another close by object that object would be heated quicker when the radiation profile is shifted towards IR as opposed to emitting most of the energy as UV photons.

All the while the "back-radiation" concept you subscribe to along with the other naive Roy Spencer "yes Virginias" is using the entire energy profile of the second, the colder object to heat the radiator beyond it`s original temperature because there are a few photons at the high end spectrum coming back....which could only heat an ideal black body that performs no work.
Both objects in that stupid "thought experiment" you use as your gospel expand when they are being heated.

When heat expands an object it performed work

Not only have you been too stupid to grasp that, but you even went beyond and kept claiming with your copy&paste black body wiki radiation profile that there is the same radiative heat transfer from the source to the absorber even if the spectrum is shifted to the shorter wavelength.

And you still don`t understand the most basic thermodynamic principle that governs radiative heat transfer:

elastic collision is an encounter between two bodies in which the total kinetic energy of the two bodies after the encounter is equal to their total kinetic energy before the encounter. Elastic collisions occur only if there is no net conversion of kinetic energy into other forms. Averaged across the entire sample, molecular collisions can be regarded as essentially elastic as long as black-body photonsare not permitted to carry away energy from the system.
all of the SLoT 'truthers' are screwed up for the same reason. they confuse the two way flow of radiation from the surface to the atmosphere as something special but it is diffuse, small temperature gradient, low energy radiation that is not capable of doing work.
Did you ever hear of the "standard lapse rate"...???
Obviously not

IR does nothing besides hinder the outflow of surface IR to space. blocking IR escape can change the temperature of the heat sink by allowing it to absorb and hold more sunlight energy but not much else.
And according to you and all the rest of the AGW idiots a 120 km path length atmosphere "blocks" only outbound IR from the surface that how did you put it..:
"allowing it to absorb and hold more sunlight "
That's almost as funny as the "nuclear admiral`s" black objects don`t radiate faster or his volcano drilling project to prevent eruptions.

*As soon as a photon was emitted by a radiator that radiator just lost does not care what kind of detours that photon takes on its way out into space

*If you got air at 20 C then it emits the same frequency profile EMR with or without CO2.
* So how do you wind up with more photons with more CO2 ppm ?

Or did you discover in some sort of "thought experiment" that CO2 distorts Planck`s law ????

You like ideal black bodies ?
Okay then, let`s take an ideal black body at 4000 K and is so because it receives (incident) radiation from the 5000 K radiator

And place another one which is at 3000 K next to it.
You say the photons from the 3000 K b.b. are heating the 4000 K b.b.
which means that after it (the 4000 K) did it must emit more thermal radiation as before ( emit more, as in exceeding)
Max Planck says:
Planck's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Very strong incident radiation or other factors can disrupt thermodynamic equilibrium or local thermodynamic equilibrium. Local thermodynamic equilibrium in a gas means that molecular collisions far outweigh light emission and absorption in determining the distributions of states of molecular excitation.

{Remark..but you say that none of that has any effect on emission and absorption...and that I was changing the topic
Fuck you are just as dumb as "numan" and his mob}

No physical body can emit thermal radiation that exceeds that of a black body, since if it were in equilibrium with a radiation field, it would be emitting more energy than was incident upon it.
Poor Max never envisioned that Marihuana would be widely used and that there would be idiots like Roy Spencer who would say that a 4000 K black body with a 3000 K neighbor can exceed the thermal radiation of a 4000 K black body that was heated by the incident radiation of a 5000 K body...while the only radiation source feeding the whole system was the 5000 K body ...first the lone 4000 K and then the 4000K + another 3000 K .
Or are you trying to tell me that our heat does not just come from the sun, but that the earth and the "greenhouse gas" atmosphere are "extra heat sources" that somehow add up to more than what the sun delivered...(or than the 5000 K source in the example)

I might as well try discuss physics and chemistry with the "brilliant numan" who can oxidize limestone with oxides in the earth`s crust and generate enough CO2 to get a 120 psi atmosphere.

Discussing physics with you is like trying to teach somebody who can`t chew gum while walking to fly a multi-engine aircraft by instruments.
You would never be able to make sense what 6 different instruments are telling you and not know the difference if the airplane just rolled out of a steep turn or is loosing altitude...because you are not able able to process more than one thing at the same time and defend your inability by claiming that the VSI has nothing to to with the turn coordinator, just like you have been doing it with every example I showed you so far.
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Well, that was incoherent. It's definitely not worth the mental effort to try to decode such raving.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, there are satellites currently mapping the polar ice cover by passively looking at the microwave radiation emitted by the ice, which is of a different frequency than microwave radiation emitted by land or water. Convenient, because even a cloudy atmosphere is transparent to most of the microwave band, unlike the UV, visible, IR and radio bands.

So, the ice is radiating in the microwave band. And that energy goes into space. And hits a satellite. When it's out of earth's shadow, that satellite is hotter than the ice. But it still absorbs the microwaves, and thus heats up a bit more. Which apparently violates the retard version of the second law, which should thus give people a clue that such a version of the second law is indeed retarded.
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ZOMG!! record tornadoes!! This AGW stuff is for...what? Record low tornadoes.... that's not what the models predicted

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Frank -

What does the latest IIPC report say about tornadoes?

I know that you don't know - but I suggest you find out. There is a thread on a leaked IIPC report that has something on this. Read it, and then you'll be able to come back and apologise for your ignorance.

I don't understand what you think you achieve by ridiculing theories that you have made up. First the Sahara and then this! This bullshit about tornadoes does not come from the IIPC or Al Gore or anywhere else - it's purely and simply something that you have heard somewhere and misunderstood.

I just don't know how you can stand presenting ideas here everyday that any eleven-year-old could explain to you. Everyone of your comments is simply, obviously founded in lack of knowledge. Do you think it makes you look smart?
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Frank -

What does the latest IIPC report say about tornadoes?

I know that you don't know - but I suggest you find out. There is a thread on a leaked IIPC report that has something on this. Read it, and then you'll be able to come back and apologise for your ignorance.

I don't understand what you think you achieve by ridiculing theories that you have made up. First the Sahara and then this! This bullshit about tornadoes does not come from the IIPC or Al Gore or anywhere else - it's purely and simply something that you have heard somewhere and misunderstood.

I just don't know how you can stand presenting ideas here everyday that any eleven-year-old could explain to you. Everyone of your comments is simply, obviously founded in lack of knowledge. Do you think it makes you look smart?

Oh dear. Lots of tornado's = that means lack of tornado's = NO AGW.

Sounds good to me!

"In a NOAA blog post tornado expert Harold Brooks notes that during the 12-month period from May 2012-April 2013 there were just 197 tornadoes rated EF1 or stronger. This is, Brooks says, apparently a record low for U.S. tornadoes in a 12-month period.

Here’s a time-series showing the change evolution of the number of EF1 and stronger tornadoes since 1954 is below."

Tornado spike in 2011 attributed to climate change. So what to make of this year?s tornado drought? | SciGuy | a blog
We're now .41 ppm away from 400ppm. Do you think we get it within the next couple of weeks.

Who cares. We'll be at 500ppm in a few years.....and the world will continue on just fine....better in fact as the plants will be doing fantastic!
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Westwall -

What does the latest IIPC report say about tornadoes?

Assuming that you have already read here that the IIPC has suhgested that there is no linl between climate change and tornadoes - why are you pretending otherwise?
Westwall -

What does the latest IIPC report say about tornadoes?

Assuming that you have already read here that the IIPC has suhgested that there is no linl between climate change and tornadoes - why are you pretending otherwise?

It's YOUR mantra. EVERYTHING is caused by AGW. According to you guys..... I'm now off to bed because I really live where I say mr. journalist from "Finland".:eusa_whistle:
Westwall -

Exactly the response I would have expected.

I just don't understand what you think you achieve by attackimg theories no one but you has ever suggested. It's inane, dishonest, and so incredibly self-defeating.
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Westwall -

What does the latest IIPC report say about tornadoes?

What the latest IPCC report says is is what all previous reports said that tell the true story regarding climate scinece. The IPCC is shifting the goalposts as fast as they possibly can in whatever direction they think will lend them the greatest credibility. All one need do is look at the previous IPCC reports to see that they, like all the rest of cliamte science have failed because their original hypothesis was terribly flawed.
What the latest IPCC report says is meaningless...

In other words - what the IIPC reports says is extremely difficult to fault. It is clearly conservative, is honest enough to correct the odd mistake, and makes claims that most of us know are true simply by looking out of the kitchen window.

As time has passed so the models have improved and predictions becoming increasingly accurate. I also think the IIPC has learned that if it is to err, it is better to err on the conservative than the alarmist side of things.

Do you think it is a coincidence that posters like Frank, Gslack, Skooks, Oddball and Westwall NEVER discuss scientific issues anymore?

They have all found that their arguments simply can't stand up to analysis, and no doubt you'll figure that at out at some point yourself.
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What the latest IPCC report says is meaningless...

In other words - what the IIPC reports says is extremely difficult to fault. It is clearly conservative, is honest enough to correct the odd mistake, and makes claims that most of us know are true simply by looking out of the kitchen window.

Do you think it is a coincidence that posters like Frank, Gslack, Skooks, Oddball and Westwall NEVER discuss scientific issues anymore?

No need to lie about us mr. finnish fraud... There are pages and pages of each one of us arguing this with you little trolls over the science. All you do is call everyone wrong defer to Ian or numan and then make up stories about your credentials while those two insult everyone who doesn't agree with them..

Science? HA! you trolls don't know a thing about it..Now go run and cry about me being back. Run along now, should be some crying or neg-repping you need to do under another account..
In other words - what the IIPC reports says is extremely difficult to fault.

No, what I mean is that they are meaningless. If I had meant something else, I would have said something else. How many times should a supposedly credible scientific organization be wrong before they become meaningless?

As time has passed so the models have improved and predictions becoming increasingly accurate. I also think the IIPC has learned that if it is to err, it is better to err on the conservative than the alarmist side of things.

No, the models have not improved...the data has simply been updated in an attempt to more accurately reflect the present...they still can't even hindcast and predict what has happened in the past because the physics are still wrong.

They have all found that their arguments simply can't stand up to analysis, and no doubt you'll figure that at out at some point yourself.

All I have found is that you are unable to discuss the science and like thunder and the rest are a cut and paste drone who actually understands very little of what you post.

And the reason you think the IIPC is meaningless is because you are increasingly unable to fault their work.

If you could fault their work, you'd be proclaiming their immense importance to modern science.

the data has simply been updated

How little you know!

Entirely new areas of research have been developed since the last report in 2007. New approaches, new directions of study, new methdologies, and entirely new projects. Things that did not exist at all in 2007.

The only reason you are not aware of this is because, as we know, you refuse to look at science when it is presented on this board.

And the reason you think the IIPC is meaningless is because you are increasingly unable to fault their work.

If you could fault their work, you'd be proclaiming their immense importance to modern science.

the data has simply been updated

How little you know!

Entirely new areas of research have been developed since the last report in 2007. New approaches, new directions of study, new methdologies, and entirely new projects. Things that did not exist at all in 2007.

The only reason you are not aware of this is because, as we know, you refuse to look at science when it is presented on this board.

Sure and unicorns are real!!!

Westwall -

What does the latest IIPC report say about tornadoes?

What the latest IPCC report says is is what all previous reports said that tell the true story regarding climate scinece. The IPCC is shifting the goalposts as fast as they possibly can in whatever direction they think will lend them the greatest credibility. All one need do is look at the previous IPCC reports to see that they, like all the rest of cliamte science have failed because their original hypothesis was terribly flawed.

That's your insane denier cult myth, SSoooDDuuumb, but it has no connection to reality.
What the latest IPCC report says is meaningless...

In other words - what the IIPC reports says is extremely difficult to fault. It is clearly conservative, is honest enough to correct the odd mistake, and makes claims that most of us know are true simply by looking out of the kitchen window.

Do you think it is a coincidence that posters like Frank, Gslack, Skooks, Oddball and Westwall NEVER discuss scientific issues anymore?

There are pages and pages of each one of us arguing this with you little trolls over the science....
....and getting your retarded butts kicked to the curb every time by the actual scientific facts, you poor deluded slackjawedidiot.
As time has passed so the models have improved and predictions becoming increasingly accurate. I also think the IIPC has learned that if it is to err, it is better to err on the conservative than the alarmist side of things.

No, the models have not improved...the data has simply been updated in an attempt to more accurately reflect the present...they still can't even hindcast and predict what has happened in the past because the physics are still wrong.

And this is why you're called an ignorant denier cult retard....

Climate Models: How Good Are They?
Published: JULY 18, 2007
The author of today's post, Lisa Moore, is a scientist in the Climate and Air Program.

People often confuse climate and weather. They wonder how scientists can reliably predict climate 50 years from now when they can't predict the weather a few weeks from now. The answer is that climate and weather are different, and it's easier to predict climate than weather. Weather is a short-term, local phenomenon. Climate is the average weather pattern of a region over many years. I may not be able to predict the weather in New York City on December 15, but I can predict with confidence that it will be colder than it is today, in mid-July. A climate model could make the same prediction without a single past temperature reading. Basic orbital mechanics tell us that the northern hemisphere is colder in winter than summer. As I explained in my previous post, a climate model is a mathematical description of the physics and chemistry of the climate system – for example, how heat is transferred from one place to another. The inputs to the model are things like solar radiation, volcanic eruptions, and human-produced greenhouse gas emissions. Based on these inputs and the laws of physics, the model predicts temperature, precipitation, and other aspects of climate.

Which brings me to how we know the models are credible. What if the model inputs were actual observations from a time period in the past where we have full climate measurements? If the model is any good, it should accurately "hindcast" what we know the climate conditions were. In fact, hindcasting is the technique scientists use to evaluate models. If a model can accurately hindcast, we can have some confidence in its forecasts of the future. In the graph below, the yellow lines show 58 temperature hindcasts from 14 different climate models. The thick red line is the average of all the hindcasts; the black line shows actual global temperature over the past century. Note how close the hindcast average is to actual temperatures. The models do a very good job of predicting 20th century climate.


Source: IPCC AR4 WG1 Figures [PPT file]
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as time has passed so the models have improved and predictions becoming increasingly accurate. I also think the iipc has learned that if it is to err, it is better to err on the conservative than the alarmist side of things.

no, the models have not improved...the data has simply been updated in an attempt to more accurately reflect the present...they still can't even hindcast and predict what has happened in the past because the physics are still wrong.

and this is why you're called an ignorant denier cult retard....

climate models: How good are they?
by lisa moore
published: July 18, 2007
the author of today's post, lisa moore, is a scientist in the climate and air program.

people often confuse climate and weather. They wonder how scientists can reliably predict climate 50 years from now when they can't predict the weather a few weeks from now. The answer is that climate and weather are different, and it's easier to predict climate than weather. Weather is a short-term, local phenomenon. Climate is the average weather pattern of a region over many years. I may not be able to predict the weather in new york city on december 15, but i can predict with confidence that it will be colder than it is today, in mid-july. A climate model could make the same prediction without a single past temperature reading. Basic orbital mechanics tell us that the northern hemisphere is colder in winter than summer. As i explained in my previous post, a climate model is a mathematical description of the physics and chemistry of the climate system – for example, how heat is transferred from one place to another. The inputs to the model are things like solar radiation, volcanic eruptions, and human-produced greenhouse gas emissions. Based on these inputs and the laws of physics, the model predicts temperature, precipitation, and other aspects of climate.

Which brings me to how we know the models are credible. What if the model inputs were actual observations from a time period in the past where we have full climate measurements? If the model is any good, it should accurately "hindcast" what we know the climate conditions were. In fact, hindcasting is the technique scientists use to evaluate models. If a model can accurately hindcast, we can have some confidence in its forecasts of the future. In the graph below, the yellow lines show 58 temperature hindcasts from 14 different climate models. The thick red line is the average of all the hindcasts; the black line shows actual global temperature over the past century. Note how close the hindcast average is to actual temperatures. The models do a very good job of predicting 20th century climate.


source: Ipcc ar4 wg1 figures [ppt file]

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