AGW: atmospheric physics

Actually, my "attempts" to cure your ignorance are very "needed" but unfortunately almost certainly futile. You're just too retarded.

You just keep making my case thunder. If you were half as smart as you think you are, you would just stop trying....if you were half as smart, and secure as you think you are, you wouldn't need to keep trying to prove that you are the smartest guy in the room.

As to trying to cure ignorance...if you think that is what you are doing, then you are even more deeply flawed than I had thought. Since when is impotent name calling and incessant posting of less than credible material an attempt to cure anything? It all points back to you thunder and the fact that you are scared, insecure, and have deep feelings of inferiority.

Actually, I don't have any "problems" with calling retards 'retards'. After enduring the tight-ass moderation on some other forums, it is a great relief to come here and actually be able to tell you moronic denier cult nutjobs just how ignorant, brainwashed and outright retarded you all are for falling for the fossil fuel industry's self serving propaganda and lies.

Of course you do and they are glaringly obvious every time you post. People with no problems are able to communicate without unceasing name calling. You may tell yourself that you have some justifiable reason for the way you are, but you are just yanking your own chain. You are scared, intimidated, insecure, and feel inferior and inadeqaute. That is why you call names. It gives you a false feeling of superiority but I think on some level, you realize that it is nothing more than an eternally unsuccessful attempt to make yourself feel better about yourself. You know what they say about people who do the same thing over and over hoping for a different result don't you?

No...they don't. Take a look around the board thunder. You expend far more words with your impotent name calling and juvenile insult than any other poster on the board. In fact, there isn't anyone on this board who even comes close to you. Your issues stand out like a sore thumb whenever you post. Your style of posting screams out your insecurity and feelings of inadequacy. Your posts display an obviously abnormal psychology and the sad thing is that you a) are unable to see it and b) are at a loss to change it. You are locked into a pattern of atypical behavior that you simply can not break. When you call names thunder, it isn't abou the person whom you are calling a name, it is about you and your obvious attempts to make yourself feel better about yourself. It isn't working though, is it? You just keep feeling more and more inferior and therefore ramp up what you know to be a pointless behavior in an attempt to get something that you know it won't provide which causes even more frustration.

Actually, my "name calling" is an appropriate response to your stupidity and your foolish arrogance propped up by the Dunning-Kruger Effect,

Actually, no it isn't. Look around you if you have that capacity. There are appropriate responses to challenges to what others believe all over the board, and there is a certain amount of name calling but your responses are abnormal. You are very threatened by anyone who challenges the beliefs you hold so close and since you can't actually discuss the topic, you call names as a diverting tactic. Nothing about your posts are normal.

As to dunning kruger, the fact that you can't actually disucss the science in your own words tends to suggest that you are more likely to be a victim but to acknowledge that in the face of your obviously overwhelming sense of inferiority would just be to much to expect.

You are a textbook case of abnormal psychology and no one could successfully fake it to the degree that you do day after day month after month, year after year. You are the genuine article and it is sad that you can't acknowledge it to yourself.

One only need look at our exchanges to see that you got your ass whipped and your cultic myths debunked and you can't handle having your delusions destroyed. It is very humorously ironic to have a denier cultist like you talk about "rational", a mental state you are completely unfamiliar with.

Except that isn't what people see when they look at our posts. They see one person speaking rationally, trying to actually discuss the topic and one person screaming like a crazy person, calling names like a juvenile on a playground, using an abnormal amount of capital letters, and highlighted bold, oversized text. Clearly the actions of someone who is threatened and seeking some measure of security by engaging in a comforting routine which is, in fact, abberent behavior. I am not threatened by anyone on this board....I don't feel inferior....and can make my case in my own words which is what I do except when I post published peer reviewed materials to support my case. I don't need to call names because I see no threat to who I believe myself to be from anyone on this board. The fact that you attempt to attribute your own flawed personality traits to others suggests that perhaps you might see a bit of dunning kruger in yourself and that is just one more thing for you to feel inferior about and deny to the best of your failing ability.

I feel for you thunder. I really do. One can only wonder what events in your life have brought you to this point....literally hanging on by making impotent magical attacks against all those to whom you feel inferior.

One of the boys I raised has earned his PhD. in Psychiatry .
So I copied & pasted some lines from "Rolling Thunder" and e-mailed it to Vince`s blackberry.

Actually, I don't have any "problems" with calling retards 'retards'. After enduring the tight-ass moderation on some other forums, it is a great relief to come here and actually be able to tell you moronic denier cult nutjobs just how ignorant, brainwashed and outright retarded you all are

Actually, my "name calling" is an appropriate response to your stupidity

A few minutes later he answered me and told me to Google for "Coprolalia"

Coprolalia definition - Mental Health Disorders on
Definition of Coprolalia

Coprolalia: The excessive and uncontrollable use of foul or obscene language, including words related to feces (bowel waste).
Coprolalia is a typical symptom of Tourette syndrome, a condition that has its onset in childhood and is characterized by compulsive arm movements, facial tics, grunting, groaning and shouting. Aside from coprolalia, there is often echolalia, the involuntary parrot-like repetition (echoing) of a word or sentence just spoken by another person. Persons with Tourette syndrome do not usually curse out of anger or displeasure but out of uncontrollable compulsion. They cannot help themselves. (The disease is also called Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.)

Coprolalia can upon occasion also be a symptom of schizophrenia, a severe psychiatric disorder of thought in which the sufferer loses touch with reality, withdraws from social activity and exhibits bizarre behavior. The schizophrenic may curse for no apparent reason. (There is no known relationship between Tourette syndrome and schizophrenia.)
Vince pointed also out that "After enduring the tight-ass moderation on some other forums, it is a great relief to come here and actually be able to tell you moronic ..." is indicative that this person has a compulsion to do so and unless such a person has a way to vent they usually go full blown schizo and are highly likely to commit a violent act...
SSDD it is futile trying to have a sane adult discussion with a psycho like that. I put him on my ignore list middle last year when he started posting here 24/7 and I would not be too surprised if "Saigon" is his alter ego.
SSDD it is futile trying to have a sane adult discussion with a psycho like that. I put him on my ignore list middle last year when he started posting here 24/7 and I would not be too surprised if "Saigon" is his alter ego.

I don't expect to have a sane adult discussion with him since he simply isn't capable of having that sort of discussion with people who disagree with him. He can't handle any challenge to his belief system. He is terribly insecure and is threatened and intimidated by anyone who questions that belief.

Any challenge is immediately answered by a magical attack on his part against the percieved threat without regard to whether or not he has any "history" with the person who has challenged him. It doesn't matter whether it is someone who has been questioning him for months or years or a first time poster on the board who doesn't know him from Adam. He must lash out at anyone who dares question his belief regarding AGW because his belief is who he believes he is and his attacks always take the same useless, impotent form.

He is seeking to feel better about himself but his out of control style only further provokes those who he is lashing out against to question him further which denies him the ego massage he is seeking by launching the attack in the first place. It is a vicious circle. He wants to feel better about himelf and attempts to get that feeling by a means that is doomed to failure which frustrates him further. Because of his feelings ofinadequacy and inferiority, he can't imagine a means of feeling good about himself in the face of disagreement that doesn't include attacking his antagonists so he keeps repeating a behavior that is always going to fail to deliver the one thing he wants more than anything else.

Siagon isn't his alter ego. I seriously doubt that thunder could maintain an alter ego for any length of time. He lacks the self control necessary to compartmentalize which is essential if one wishes to successfully maintain an alter for whatever reason. If he did attempt an alter ego, it would exhibit the deep emotional problems steming from the ever present problem of his perceived inferiority as he displays himself. His alter couldn't help but call names and hurl insult because he views that as the only way to put himself on an equal footing with antagonists.

Siagon's posts exhibit classic feelings of superiority while thunder's exhibit nothing but feelings of inferiority. They are two different people. Someone as troubled as thunder couldn't successfully pull off siagon's obvious belief that he is superior to everyone. Siagon views himself as elite and as such his confidence remains largely uneffected by challenges to his beliefs while thunder is threatened and intimidated by any challenge to his. Psychologically they are just to far apart to be the same person.
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I put him on my ignore list middle last year

If you mean me, that's not quite true, is it?

I put you in ignore a few weeks ago after you started posting threats and trying to post my personal details here.


If you want to be taken seriously, then posting long-winded rants about every poster who humiliates you is NOT the way to do it. Stop using politicians as sources, start reading excellent science when you have promised to do so and start posting with integrity - that will work.
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Actually, my "attempts" to cure your ignorance are very "needed" but unfortunately almost certainly futile. You're just too retarded.

If you were half as smart as you think you are, you would just stop trying....

That's actually a pretty good suggestion. You are indeed quite hopeless. So OK, I give up on you. I'll still be coming 'round occasionally to debunk your lies and misinformation and poke fun at your cultic insanity, of course, but that will be for the benefit of anyone else reading your drivel who might conceivably be fooled by it. As for you though, you can stew in your own ignorant juices until your tushie turns mushy.
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I put him on my ignore list middle last year

Try reading for comprehension.

If you want to be taken seriously, then posting long-winded rants about every poster who humiliates you is NOT the way to do it. Stop using politicians as sources, start reading excellent science when you have promised to do so and start posting with integrity - that will work.

Of course we both know that thunder humiliates no one but himself. People like you, who believe themselves to be elite need people like thunder around and stroke them at every opportunity. People like him do the scut work for people like you. You take advantage of people like thunder and their intense feelings of inferiority to do the name calling, and low insult that you see yourself as above. You then come around, give them a pat on the head (as you did in this post) tell him every thing will be ok and play the high and mighty by pretending to admonish me for pointing out his flaws.

As to being taken seriously, of course I am being taken seriously by the only person on the board those posts are meant to be taken seriously by. Observe. It won't be long before thunder comes around and makes a serious attempt to act reasonable and politely (as politely as is possible for him) tucks tail and runs. I have gotten to close and he can't afford to antagonize me further.
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That's actually a pretty good suggestion. You are indeed quite hopeless. So OK, I give up on you. I'll still be coming 'round occasionally to debunk your lies and misinformation and poke fun at your cultic insanity, of course, but that will be for the benefit of anyone else reading your drivel who might conceivably be fooled by it. As for you though, you can stew in your own ignorant juices until your tushie turns mushy.

Verry good.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: I mean it. Spoken like a rational human being. I note than you went to another thread and, again, spoke like a rational person. I doubt that you got much satisfaction out of it because speaking like that only puts you and your opponent in the relative position of equals and since, inside, you don't feel equal, that wont be good enough for long. You will be back to the name calling soon because you can't really do anything else. It was good to see you try though and if you continue to try like that and perhaps seek a little help, you might just find that speaking to others as equals actually moves a conversation forward.
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That's actually a pretty good suggestion. You are indeed quite hopeless. So OK, I give up on you. I'll still be coming 'round occasionally to debunk your lies and misinformation and poke fun at your cultic insanity, of course, but that will be for the benefit of anyone else reading your drivel who might conceivably be fooled by it. As for you though, you can stew in your own ignorant juices until your tushie turns mushy.

Verry good. I mean it. Spoken like a rational human being.
How on Earth would you know anything about being 'rational', you poor deluded retard? You have yet to demonstrate any rationality in any of your posts.

I note than you went to another thread and, again, spoke like a rational person. I doubt that you got much satisfaction out of it because speaking like that only puts you and your opponent in the relative position of equals and since, inside, you don't feel equal, that wont be good enough for long. You will be back to the name calling soon because you can't really do anything else. It was good to see you try though and if you continue to try like that and perhaps seek a little help, you might just find that speaking to others as equals actually moves a conversation forward.

It's really a shame that you are soooo insane and so clueless about the fact that you are insane.

You repeatedly post the same debunked denier cult drivel and I refute your lies with sound science from reputable sources, and all of your pseudo-science and self deluding pop-psych garbage won't change that basic fact.
Fart appears to be in the midst of a crisis.

Complete meltdown imminent.

Hey troll, you've made it quite clear that your pathetic excuse for a brain "melted down" a long time ago. Too bad you never post anything but meaningless drivel.
How on Earth would you know anything about being 'rational', you poor deluded retard? You have yet to demonstrate any rationality in any of your posts.

Like I said, speaking like a rational human being wouldn't satisfy your need so you would be back to hurling insult and calling names in short order. You are abnormal thunder and have proved that rationality is, at present, beyond your grasp.
Fart appears to be in the midst of a crisis.

Complete meltdown imminent.


Every minute of every day is a crisis for people who feel threatened by everyone as a result of thier deeply percieved impression of being inferior. His incessant name calling and insult are a melt down and he is always in that state. Sad, but that is just the way it goes for some.
Fart appears to be in the midst of a crisis.

Complete meltdown imminent.

Every minute of every day is a crisis for people who feel threatened by everyone as a result of thier(sic) deeply percieved(sic) impression of being inferior. His incessant name calling and insult are a melt down and he is always in that state. Sad, but that is just the way it goes for some. clueless retards who can't spell are still in denial about the fact that they really are indeed very predictable.....and so much an attempt to distract attention from the fact that their denier cult myths and misinformation are constantly getting debunked and destroyed by the scientific facts......
Fart appears to be in the midst of a crisis.

Complete meltdown imminent.

Every minute of every day is a crisis for people who feel threatened by everyone as a result of thier(sic) deeply percieved(sic) impression of being inferior. His incessant name calling and insult are a melt down and he is always in that state. Sad, but that is just the way it goes for some. clueless retards who can't spell are still in denial about the fact that they really are indeed very predictable.....and so much an attempt to distract attention from the fact that their denier cult myths and misinformation are constantly getting debunked and destroyed by the scientific facts......

I can spell. You are Fart. F - A - R - T.

You are a fable driven AGW proponent. You are a denier of reality.

Your cult is thick as thieves.

Hey, Rolling Fart. Did you know that there were ICE AGES and lengthy WARMING PERIODS that preceded human industry?

It would appear that man generated CO2 simply does not drive the Earth's climate to anywhere NEAR the degree you AGW faith based mystics want to believe.

That big hot bright yellow orb in the sky, however, appears to have a whole lot to do with it.
Every minute of every day is a crisis for people who feel threatened by everyone as a result of thier(sic) deeply percieved(sic) impression of being inferior. His incessant name calling and insult are a melt down and he is always in that state. Sad, but that is just the way it goes for some. clueless retards who can't spell are still in denial about the fact that they really are indeed very predictable.....and so much an attempt to distract attention from the fact that their denier cult myths and misinformation are constantly getting debunked and destroyed by the scientific facts......

I can spell. You are Fart. F - A - R - T.

You are a fable driven AGW proponent. You are a denier of reality.

Your cult is thick as thieves.

Hey, Rolling Fart. Did you know that there were ICE AGES and lengthy WARMING PERIODS that preceded human industry?

It would appear that man generated CO2 simply does not drive the Earth's climate to anywhere NEAR the degree you AGW faith based mystics want to believe.

That big hot bright yellow orb in the sky, however, appears to have a whole lot to do with it.

More braindead clueless nonsense from an idiot. Repeating your cult's myths won't make them real. clueless retards who can't spell are still in denial about the fact that they really are indeed very predictable.....and so much an attempt to distract attention from the fact that their denier cult myths and misinformation are constantly getting debunked and destroyed by the scientific facts......

I can spell. You are Fart. F - A - R - T.

You are a fable driven AGW proponent. You are a denier of reality.

Your cult is thick as thieves.

Hey, Rolling Fart. Did you know that there were ICE AGES and lengthy WARMING PERIODS that preceded human industry?

It would appear that man generated CO2 simply does not drive the Earth's climate to anywhere NEAR the degree you AGW faith based mystics want to believe.

That big hot bright yellow orb in the sky, however, appears to have a whole lot to do with it.

More braindead clueless nonsense from an idiot. Repeating your cult's myths won't make them real.

Denying reality will not make your cult's bullshit any less dishonest.
I can spell. You are Fart. F - A - R - T.

You are a fable driven AGW proponent. You are a denier of reality.

Your cult is thick as thieves.

Hey, Rolling Fart. Did you know that there were ICE AGES and lengthy WARMING PERIODS that preceded human industry?

It would appear that man generated CO2 simply does not drive the Earth's climate to anywhere NEAR the degree you AGW faith based mystics want to believe.

That big hot bright yellow orb in the sky, however, appears to have a whole lot to do with it.

More braindead clueless nonsense from an idiot. Repeating your cult's myths won't make them real.

Denying reality will not make your cult's bullshit any less dishonest.

Oh, IlieMostly, you're still totally clueless. I don't deny reality, I support the accurate scientific information and conclusions about the reality and dangers of AGW. I post peer-reviewed scientific studies that support those conclusions. You post your own ignorant opinions without any supporting evidence. If I'm in a cult, then it must include the entire world scientific community and many world leaders. You are the one in a cult, very similar to the Flat Earth Society. You reject the scientific consensus in favor of a bunch of crackpot nonsense and idiotic conspiracy theories. You post little tidbits about past climate changes and moronically assume that everyone else, including the climate scientists, are somehow ignorant about this or that it has any significance in relation to the current abrupt warming trend. You're apparently far too stupid to be capable of understanding that just because something happened before due to some natural causes, that doesn't mean that it can't happen now due to human intervention. The sun's influence has also been calculated and it is only having a minor affect on the Earth's rising temperature trend compared to the effect of the massive amounts of additional CO2 that mankind has pumped into the atmosphere. The amount of energy reaching the Earth from the sun went down over the last few decades but the warming continued, which shows that it isn't the sun that is driving this current warming trend. Scientists have determined that the cause of this current warming trend is that more heat is being trapped inside Earth's atmosphere by the 40% increase in CO2 that humans have caused. All of that is backed up by sound science and affirmed by the major scientific organizations in every major country. The drivel you and your fellow denier cultists post here, when it is not just purely hot air and stinking bullcrap, is either outright pseudo-science or else twisted and misinterpreted bits of real science that don't actually mean what you've been duped into believing they mean. Your beliefs and myths about this subject are very cult like and pretty much lunatic fringe, if not outright insane. Like most cultists, you are blind to the fact that most of the rest of the world, and pretty near all of the world scientific community, thinks you AGW deniers are crazy or duped. You deniers all keep your heads stuck in some kind of rightwingnut denier cult echo chamber, where FauxNews, Rush, Glenn, and numerous bloggers all tell you the same misinformation and lies and you imagine that it is 'common knowledge' when it is actually carefully crafted propaganda designed to confuse people about the urgency of the climate change crisis in order to delay or prevent any effective restrictions on carbon emissions. Which is the goal of the fossil fuel industry as they struggle to maintain their trillion dollar a year profit stream from locating, mining, extracting, refining, shipping and selling the stuff that is screwing up the climate. You and the other reality deniers are the 'useful idiot' foot soldiers in this politically/economically based propaganda campaign, but you are obviously too ignorant about real science and way too stupid to see how you are being bamboozled and manipulated. clueless retards who can't spell are still in denial about the fact that they really are indeed very predictable.....and so much an attempt to distract attention from the fact that their denier cult myths and misinformation are constantly getting debunked and destroyed by the scientific facts......

Because you wear your problems on your sleeve thunder, it is about as difficult to predict what you will do as it is to predict which way a rock will fall when dropped. You have about as little control over your actions as the rock has over which way it falls. The rock has a reasonable excuse for not being in control...what is yours?
I post peer-reviewed scientific studies that support those conclusions..

A quick review of your posts over any given 1 month period shows that you mostly don't, and those that you do are almost entirely based on the output of computer models that have been shown in peer reviewed research to have a miserable record.
I post peer-reviewed scientific studies that support those conclusions..

A quick review of your posts over any given 1 month period shows that you mostly don't, and those that you do are almost entirely based on the output of computer models that have been shown in peer reviewed research to have a miserable record.

Just more of SSooooDDuuuumb's delusions and cultic myths.

20-Year-Old Report Successfully Predicted Warming: Scientists
09 December 2012
Time has proven that even 22 years ago climate scientists understood the dynamics behind global warming well enough to accurately predict warming, says an analysis that compares predictions in 1990 with 20 years of temperature records. The predictions in question come from the first climate assessment report issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1990. The accuracy of the 1990 predictions is notable because scientists, 22 years ago, relied on much more simplistic computer models than those now used to simulate the future, said one of the researchers behind the current analysis, Dáithí Stone, now a research scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He worked on the analysis while at the University of Cape Town and University of Oxford.

What's more, two decades ago, scientists could not have anticipated a number of potentially climate-altering events. These included the volcanic eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991, which spewed sunlight-blocking particles into the atmosphere, as well as the collapse of industry in the Soviet Union or the economic growth of China, Stone and David Frame, of Victoria University Wellington in New Zealand, write in work published online today (Dec. 9) in the journal Nature Climate Change. But 22 years ago, scientists understood one crucial factor: "The prediction basically depended on how much carbon dioxide was already in the atmosphere, and that has been what's important," Stone said. What matters is the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution; short-term changes in emissions have relatively little effect on overall warming, Frame and Stone write.
The 1990 prediction did require an adjustment, since it did not take into account natural variability — which includes the chaotic nature of weather as well as longer-term natural patterns, such as the El Niño/La Niña cycle.

When Frame and Stone took natural variability into account, they found that the observed warming was consistent with the IPCC's best estimate for warming.


So, it may not have been a very good prediction, but when we tweaked it guess what? We got it to match our "best" predictions.

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