Ahhh, New York

People have short memories. NYC was mostly abhorrent up until Giuliani was elected mayor.
Mayor Bloomberg bammed soda
People have short memories. NYC was mostly abhorrent up until Giuliani was elected mayor.

Mayor Bloomberg banned soda pop in NYC

No he didn’t
I dr
NYC weekly shootings are only up 127% over last year. So what the heck, defund the police, what could possibly go wrong.

Weekly NYC Shootings Soar 127% Over Last Year, NYPD Data Shows
Shootings up, New York Democrats down. There is always a silver lining.

After all, this was THEIR idea!
Not a pentode, Ground Control to Major Tom.
NYC weekly shootings are only up 127% over last year. So what the heck, defund the police, what could possibly go wrong.

Weekly NYC Shootings Soar 127% Over Last Year, NYPD Data Shows

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my lil cousin who is not so little wont wears his uniform out on the street as little as possible ..

He the guy who drags you out of the court room after the judge sentences you to 20 years and the black family screams DeShawn dindunuffin

He's in Manhattan but lives upstate
My brother will never leave
Brighton is russian mob safe anyway

My cousin in Archie bunker queens up off Northern is leaving soon
NYC weekly shootings are only up 127% over last year. So what the heck, defund the police, what could possibly go wrong.

Weekly NYC Shootings Soar 127% Over Last Year, NYPD Data Shows
Marxism has killed millions more than any single ideology in human history.

So what is the surprise here? The Left breeds death and destruction.

This, exactly. Time and time and time again history has illustrated so clearly any idiot can "see" the mountains of human skulls radical leftism in all its forms as piled up. Every last radical leftist run government in the history of mankind has resorted to democide, most often sooner rather than eventually. No matter, many young Americans still believe they'll "get it right, this time". If Twitter and Facebook and other social media platforms are gonna censor any speech, it should be the speech of radical leftists.
NYC weekly shootings are only up 127% over last year. So what the heck, defund the police, what could possibly go wrong.

Weekly NYC Shootings Soar 127% Over Last Year, NYPD Data Shows
Marxism has killed millions more than any single ideology in human history.

So what is the surprise here? The Left breeds death and destruction.

That's true, although I'm not sure leftists feel it's Marxism, they feel it's more of a social cause.
BLM says it is Marxism, at least, they claim to be Marxists and say they were trained by them.
That's awesome isn't it? BLM freely admits they are Marxists but all the Wokesters pretend they aren't.

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